
The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021
Ike Perlmutter, a major Disney stockholder who lent his shares to support a shakeup on the company's board, has now sold all of them and is moving on, according to a report in the WSJ.

When reached through a spokesperson, Perlmutter, who accumulated the holding when he sold Marvel to Disney in 2009 for more than $4 billion, didn't disavow this.
Perlmutter had supported Nelson Peltz in a first run at a Disney board seat in 2022 although the activist investor ultimately backed down as Disney began to restructure. But, saying he was ultimately unsatisfied by the turnaround efforts and worried about succession, Peltz started his campaign again, seeing it through the second time to a bitter proxy fight that he ultimately lost this spring.
The former Marvel executive was ultimately fired by Disney after Bob Iger returned as CEO. "Ike and Nelson were working together to try to encourage the board or convince the board to put Nelson on the board," Iger said then. "They have a relationship that dates back quite some time. We bought Marvel in 2009. I promised Ike the job that he would continue to run Marvel after that. Not forever, necessarily."
Perlmutter sold his entire position of 25.6 million shares in the months after that vote, said the WSJ, citing communications with an investment adviser seen by the publication. Specifically, he sold his stake between early April and mid-July at an average price of just under $115.

In a last dig, he told the publication it's because he doesn't have confidence in management, and that he might be a buyer again if it falls to $65-$75.

Ike Perlmutter Has Sold His Entire Disney Stake

Ike Perlmutter, a major Disney stockholder who lent his shares to support a shakeup on the company's board, has now sold all of them.


Nov 4, 2017

Ike Perlmutter Has Sold His Entire Disney Stake

Ike Perlmutter, a major Disney stockholder who lent his shares to support a shakeup on the company's board, has now sold all of them.

Ike Perlmutter, a major Disney stockholder who lent his shares to support a shakeup on the company's board, has now sold all of them and is moving on, according to a report in the WSJ.

He's out, for realsies this time.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
How was someone as vile as Perlmutter attached to Marvel in the first place?


Oct 25, 2017
sounds like he made out pretty well, thats nearly an "extra" $600m he made selling at $115 vs the current trading price of $91. Nothing really much to "celebrate" here, he bought Marvel on the cheap in the 90s and sold it for billions to Disney, he got $600m in Disney stock when he sold Marvel and he sold the last of that stock now so he has made BILLIONS off people like Stan Lee and others while they certainly didn't get nearly anywhere near the windfall he did:

Perlmutter sold his entire position of 25.6 million shares in the months after that vote, said the WSJ, citing communications with an investment adviser seen by the publication. Specifically, he sold his stake between early April and mid-July at an average price of just under $115.

In a parting dig, he told the publication it's because he doesn't have confidence in management, and that he might be a buyer again if it falls to $65-$75.

Disney stock is trading down about 3% today at $91.

Mr. Perlmutter's zeal for corporate frugality in service of profit is well known in the entertainment business. In one particularly vivid example, he used to pluck paper clips out of garbage cans at Marvel offices for reuse. People at Marvel still talk about the time he suggested serving potato chips at a movie premiere to save catering costs.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
My birthday month is turning into the mostly good news month shit I just jinxed it


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, so that last attempt with Peltz really was his last shot? Was expecting him to try it again on an annual basis.

Pretty surprised he's finally gone after all this time.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
That last L was too much. You know it burning him and those 2 other dudes.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm listening to the audiobook of MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios by Joanna Robinson and everything about Pearlmutter is just weird. I just got to the section about Iron Man 2 and his rationale for replacing Terrance Howard with Don Cheadle was allegedly "No one will notice because black people look alike"


Oct 28, 2017

Fina-fucking-lly! I've been saying for years that he should sod off, he managed to delay, with the hope of stopping, the production of both Black Panther and Captain Marvel. He was so petty during the time that Fox had the X-Men franchise as well, and now he's finally fucked off. Good riddance.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's good he gone but he made some good profit and say he willing to buy back shares if the price drop more.
So it seem all things working out for him .
Oct 25, 2017
sounds like he made out pretty well, thats nearly an "extra" $600m he made selling at $115 vs the current trading price of $91. Nothing really much to "celebrate" here, he bought Marvel on the cheap in the 90s and sold it for billions to Disney, he got $600m in Disney stock when he sold Marvel and he sold the last of that stock now so he has made BILLIONS off people like Stan Lee and others while they certainly didn't get nearly anywhere near the windfall he did
It's a situation like Kotick. Kotick would rather be CEO of Activision still, rather than pocketing that payout he got from MS. To you and me, getting that kind of money is beyond imagination, and the normal person would happily take it and fuck off forever. But these guys are aaaaall about their egos. They already had the money and power. Ike's fucking off because he's butthurt about his power play failing spectacularly, and the gut punch that came to his ego from that is what really matters to him, not more money he can never spend (which, to be clear, he also does want, but not at the expense of the prior - ego comes first, more money just serves the ego).


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So does this mean he's out of Marvel Comics as well? I'm not really sure how this works...


Disney Lays Off Ike Perlmutter, Chairman of Marvel Entertainment

The move, part of a cost-cutting campaign, followed Mr. Perlmutter’s unsuccessful effort to shake up Disney’s board.

He was officially fired last year.

I'm listening to the audiobook of MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios by Joanna Robinson and everything about Pearlmutter is just weird. I just got to the section about Iron Man 2 and his rationale for replacing Terrance Howard with Don Cheadle was allegedly "No one will notice because black people look alike"

Yeah and how he didn't want any female characters in Avengers. Black Widow almost didn't make it in. In the end she only got 1 toy (Maria Hill had none). And I remember from back then that Tshirts artwork had her edited out and featured only 5 Avengers lol. And kids and retailers ended up asking "where are the Black Widow merch?"

Off topic but the book is a great read and I'm still reading it slowly.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Don't care if he got out with a bunch of money. Just glad to see him gone.