
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
lol what kind of absolute ding dong doesnt knwpo that cod isnt real lol the whipe pfosforus in the game isnt like real life because it isnt real life sounds like youre just trigerd i was in the army too first regiment second class lootinet you can look up my mos field 45 i was a specialst and if ur offened bty this ur a pussie bitch lol wow i cant believe videogames are bothering u sjw so much wow did you know that nukes r bad i bet udidn't u dumb bitch piece of shit haha always lookingn for somethingt to be offended about it's almost as if the author finds the use of WP as a killstreak in Call of Duty specifically distasteful because of the horrific things it does to your body i mean oops whaty am i saying lol hes a poop brain and smells like a but fart hahahahahaha
Hey man,
There's atleast 3 people on here who don't outright dismiss criticism, so I think you need to be a little more respectful to us GAMERS.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
I wish we could talk about this without dismissing every single concern about it with 'it's a war game' and 'what about nukes'.

This is absurd.

The amount of "It's Just A Game" responses I've seen on Twitter as if that's a valid dismissal of all the good points in the entire article has been infuriating.

Any entertainment medium can make you think, video games have an extra level of interactivity you can use to challenge the player. War crimes as killstreak rewards is not the "realism" Activision says MW is supposed to convey.


Nov 3, 2017
This reminds of what I read from Ursula LeGuin about why she didn't choose to present her fantasy world as just a world at war or something.
I guess it's also why I never could really connect with most games that try to be realistic about shooty shooty bang bang (and I'm even including Metal Gear here).
I can't help but think of the reality of what is depicted in the games from the games and that makes the games really THAT much less fun.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
It's just needless complaining about something that's entirely fake.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure the US Marines would be a place I'd go to for morality lessons given how they've carried out the dirty work of the US government for decades and also done a lot of other shady shit.

Also, and it's worth mentioning, 90% of video games are about killing. It's a tenet of virtually every video game. I'm not gonna be up in arms about different ways to kill pixels. It's of no real life consequence to me. Nothing is being glorified in CoD.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Unlike nukes, which I think most will agree are bad, white phosphorous isn't as much of a known quantity to the public. If you have a depiction of it in a game and people are just shrugging it off like it's nothing, it can lead to it being destigmatized by the public and possibly cause it's use to become more common.

That argument can be made for any violence in a video game, and video games' place in causing violence in society.


Oct 25, 2017
I think John said it not to command respect or from a position of authority, but as a 'I have lived this shit'
Yeah fair point. My bad I jumped the gun on that one, the US hero worship of their troops disgusts me.
True. I'm not asking for respect. And I wasn't a soldier.
You got it anyway for some great posts in a gun violence or whatever thread that we had on era a year or two back, I remember really liking them.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I wish we could talk about this without dismissing every single concern about it with 'it's a war game' and 'what about nukes'.

This is absurd.

For me it's more that this just feels like part and parcel of the series. Like, yeah, white phosphorus shouldn't be glorified or turned into an epic win. But these games are big budget military propaganda glorifying the military and violent warfare. Me personally, slightly more thoughtful and measured military propaganda that does not use white phosphorus as a gimmick would not really change much in the broader strokes for what the series represents.

Of course, people can play and enjoy whatever they want. I just see this as one more straw on the backbreaking load.


Alt account
Mar 23, 2019
Yes, the dismissiveness of this issue is awful. I've felt for a long time we need to have a talk about how video games portray violence - things don't improve without discussion, so it's disheartening to see people try to shut it down.

Is there more we can talk about violence in video games at this point? Like, where do we draw the line? Are we gonna ask or demand for more video games that'll preach about the immortality of violence?


Oct 26, 2017
Did. You. Read. The. Article.

So many posts in here from folks who seem to have not read the goddamn article.


Oct 28, 2017
Unlike nukes, which I think most will agree are bad, white phosphorous isn't as much of a known quantity to the public. If you have a depiction of it in a game and people are just shrugging it off like it's nothing, it can lead to it being destigmatized by the public and possibly cause it's use to become more common.
This needs to be quoted some, because it's a point that I think needs wider consideration by contributors here.


Oct 25, 2017

It's a war game get over it! Don't play it if you're offended!
It's not about being offended, it's about understanding what the person is saying in the article.
Oct 27, 2017
Is there more we can talk about violence in video games at this point? Like, where do we draw the line? Are we gonna ask or demand for more video games that'll preach about the immortality of violence?

Doom 2016 is way more violent than lots of games, and it gets away with it by the simple fact that the enemies are not human.

Its all about the content, context and message.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
This is a series that routinely uses landmines, claymores, IED's an all manner of debilitating explosive devices that have killed, crippled and orphaned waaaayyyyy more people than White Phosphorus ever will.

It's also a series that was praised for a mission featuring an AC-130 gunship, in an utter display of asymmetrical warfare, literally wiping out scores of human beings like they were ants with a magnifying glass.

Napalm, Chemical Weapons, Nuclear Strikes. CoD has featured them all; with little to no fanfare or controversy stirred up with their inclusion. Why the fuck are we drawing the line at White Phosphorus all of the sudden? Edit: removed unnecessary criticism.

Majora's Mask

Oct 26, 2017
I completely agree with his article. The depiction of the weapon in this year's CoD is a fucking joke, which I guess is aligned with the whole series.


Oct 27, 2017
Unlike nukes, which I think most will agree are bad, white phosphorous isn't as much of a known quantity to the public. If you have a depiction of it in a game and people are just shrugging it off like it's nothing, it can lead to it being destigmatized by the public and possibly cause it's use to become more common.

So should it be portrayed as more cruel and brutal? On the other hand it seems like the game is also criticized for including realistic and horrific scenarios in the SP.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That's striking to me, because if they are then they're inaccurately projecting the message that this is fine, stop complaining about it when really the message should be, "Yes, I agree, and additionally..."
That is the argument I'm making, as are many other people. I agree that this depiction of white phosphorus is gross. I also think COD has been gross for a long time.
Oct 27, 2017
It is hillarious how people can cite a litany of fucked up shit that has been featured on CoD in the past and it not ring a bell on their heads.


Oct 28, 2017
That is the argument I'm making, as are many other people. I agree that this depiction of white phosphorus is gross. I also think COD has been gross for a long time.
I agree! But maybe toggle off ignored members for a moment, because there are also lots here who're trying to shut the conversation down entirely.


Oct 25, 2017
Uh, guys, the problem here that WP is a slow painful death. Atomic bombs instantly kill someone, so, yeah, WP is pretty awful.
nuclear weapons do much more than that there are plenty of people are at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that didn't get vaporize at the endpoint that's still die from severe burns and radiation sickness


Nov 4, 2017
Is there more we can talk about violence in video games at this point? Like, where do we draw the line? Are we gonna ask or demand for more video games that'll preach about the immortality of violence?

The media we consume affects and influences our opinions - just because it does not cause people to become violent, does not mean it doesn't influence our opinions or empathy on the real world around us or how we view violence. We absolutely critic other forms of media for how they depict violence, criticising a game for using a weapon in multiplayer designed for fun what is actually in real life an actual war crime is not an insane criticism or hyperbolic. It's basic criticism that any other media would have gotten and you wouidn't get this many people rushing to belittle it.


Oct 25, 2017
It's also a series that was praised for a mission featuring an AC-130 gunship, in an utter display of asymmetrical warfare, literally wiping out scores of human beings like they were ants with a magnifying glass.
This scene was specifically praised for its accuracy to real leaked footage from Iraq/Afghanistan and how the nonchalance of it all was effectively uncomfortable.
Oct 27, 2017
So should it be portrayed as more cruel and brutal? On the other hand it seems like the game is also criticized for including realistic and horrific scenarios in the SP.
The thing is even the campaign isn't sure to be realistic. It seems to be all about the edge and shock value.

They are taking inspiration from movies like American Sniper to create the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Is there more we can talk about violence in video games at this point? Like, where do we draw the line? Are we gonna ask or demand for more video games that'll preach about the immortality of violence?

The developers of MW have themselves said they're trying to go for a more realistic depiction of war in the new Call of Duty. Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and others are going to shoulder a heavier discussion because they use real weapons in real war scenarios. Notice there was less talk about whatever the fuck they were doing in Infinite Warfare because that was in space with spaceships and other more fantastical elements.

Saving Private Ryan has a different message than The Matrix, though both have violence they treat it very differently. If the developers are going to brag about "realism" in their game, they have to be open to these kinds of discussions when confronted with real life violence.

Deleted member 47092

User requested account closure
Aug 25, 2018
I wrote something on my own personal website on this.

I don't get the issue to be honest considering how other weapons are tolerated/a fuss not made about it.

There is not a suggestion at all that civilians are to feature in the multiplayer which immediately dismisses the points made about Spec-Ops. Spec-Ops scene was only poignant because it was used on civilians.

Would have loved the marine to talk about the use of WP in Fallujah considering he has intimate knowledge of what happened there.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
There's a relevant difference between nuclear weapons, a known and famous quantity that causes an instant death at close range and which is not in contemporary use, and the more murkily understood white phosphorous that inflicts unimaginable suffering before killing its primary targets and is currently controversially in use.

Great article and an appreciated point.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Ah, crap, I missed it. I think it speaks to how powerful I found this twitter thread to be that this article immediately triggered my memory about that thread.

That nuke scene stills gets me so fucking much...just watched it again and I'm so upset. :(

It's not because it's a war game that it should 100% have the horrible things that can happen at war. I think it's disrespectful of the past and downplays the atrocities that these weapons cause, especially in COD.

Spec Ops did it well though, it depicts the actual feedbacks from using those weapons enough to trouble the player and make him/her understand the gravity of those. While COD uses this shit as a reward for killstreaks, disgusting.