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Oct 25, 2017
probably the same people who go on and on about mainstream critics being trash who shouldn't be listened to are the same ones who then go out of their way to harass a reviewer incessantly because they disagree about their dumb little show/movie.

soft as baby shit, the whole lot of them.
Oct 25, 2017
Two issues when it comes to this kind of work are: how crucial social media and personal brand management are. And how undervalued they tend to be at most sites and publications.

It is what it is. Typically I don't read a lot of the threads here to know how bad it is, but if it's a problem, going by what others say, it's something that can be addressed. It's not gonna stop those same people from continuing offsite.

Thanks, this is much more eloquent than I was.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Is there evidence of the hate mail? Like, I don't doubt there was anger, but was there a huge backlash as the thread title suggests? Cause I just did a Google search for 'ign loki review backlash' and this thread was the top result.

I'm not saying there wasn't a backlash, but maybe we can add some evidence of it to the op?
The writer's own social media?
Oct 25, 2017
Excuse me - I don't know why we have a different reviewer on the show now - I'm not looped in on that at all - but I really am not OK with this insinuation and I don't think other folks should be either. Always open to criticism when we get something wrong but I think that criticism should be based in fact and not dark accusations.

All Reviews - IGN

Check out IGN's expert reviews.

D+ Monsters at Work: 5/10
Netflix's Dynasty Warriors: 2/10
The Tomorrow War: 3/10
Loki Ep 4 Review: 5/10
Black Widow Review: 7/10
Godzilla Singular Point: 5/10
Atari VCS Review: 5/10

Those are from the last few days - you don't have to go digging through the archives to find them. And for the record the same critic that gave Ep 4 a 5/10 gave Eps 1-3 all individually 7/10s.

In my 10 years at IGN and my 5+ years writing for other outlets big and small I have NEVER witnessed or experienced any pressure to score anything in any way other than the score I felt it should be given.

Again, I have no insight into why Loki now has a different reviewer - but I'm uncomfortable that so many immediately jump to an extremely serious accusation of... corruption? A lack of editorial independence? It just.... isn't true. And no one seems to care that it isn't true. Everyone seems very content to just slide by comments like this.
Why is everyone just ignoring this post?
Oct 25, 2017
Excuse me - I don't know why we have a different reviewer on the show now - I'm not looped in on that at all - but I really am not OK with this insinuation and I don't think other folks should be either. Always open to criticism when we get something wrong but I think that criticism should be based in fact and not dark accusations.

All Reviews - IGN

Check out IGN's expert reviews.

D+ Monsters at Work: 5/10
Netflix's Dynasty Warriors: 2/10
The Tomorrow War: 3/10
Loki Ep 4 Review: 5/10
Black Widow Review: 7/10
Godzilla Singular Point: 5/10
Atari VCS Review: 5/10

Those are from the last few days - you don't have to go digging through the archives to find them. And for the record the same critic that gave Ep 4 a 5/10 gave Eps 1-3 all individually 7/10s.

In my 10 years at IGN and my 5+ years writing for other outlets big and small I have NEVER witnessed or experienced any pressure to score anything in any way other than the score I felt it should be given.

Again, I have no insight into why Loki now has a different reviewer - but I'm uncomfortable that so many immediately jump to an extremely serious accusation of... corruption? A lack of editorial independence? It just.... isn't true. And no one seems to care that it isn't true. Everyone seems very content to just slide by comments like this.
how the hell did The Tomorrow War get that high of a score? did the score come up against a problem and it looked off in the distance for 1 second and immediately solve it with the help of a random dark skinned black male?


Oct 27, 2017
.. but I'm uncomfortable that so many immediately jump to an extremely serious accusation of... corruption? A lack of editorial independence? It just.... isn't true. And no one seems to care that it isn't true. Everyone seems very content to just slide by comments like this.

You say that like you've never been on the internet in the last 15 years. People jump to extreme conclusions on a minutely basis based on little to no information. Facts or reason don't seem to matter to the masses anymore. All they care about is screeching, complaining, getting their ten cents in, and hand wringing until something happens or forget about it in 24 hours so they can move on to the next thing never once following up on what happened.


Nov 3, 2017
Fanboy can be fucking shitheads, Marvel Fanboys look like they are some of the worst.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That's messed up. People suck. I don't think I'd score any of the Loki episodes I've seen so far anything above 6.5. It's quite an uneven show, and I'm finding it hard to care about any of the characters or the plot, so I definitely where the reviewer is coming from.


Oct 16, 2018
You say that like you've never been on the internet in the last 15 years. People jump to extreme conclusions on a minutely basis based on little to no information. Facts or reason don't seem to matter to the masses anymore. All they care about is screeching, complaining, getting their ten cents in, and hand wringing until something happens or forget about it in 24 hours so they can move on to the next thing never once following up on what happened.
I'm personally not jumping to anything. I'm just mostly pointing out the problem with toxic people who live in a fantasy world, and think they are doing a just cause for mega corporations profiting off of them by harassing people who dare say something negative.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait really? What the fuck, Sid is a great writer and his reviews are entirely fair. This is some absolute steaming bullshit, even if it is just that he voluntarily left

His Road to Endgame series revisiting every movie leading up to endgame is some of the best writing about the MCU period


Apr 13, 2020
say whatever you want about DCEU fans but they've never harassed a critic to the point where they weren't even published. that's some totalitarian shit.

for all the jokes about "disney shills" or "marvel shills" -- how can anyone deny that Disney's obvious monopoly over the hollywood/movie industry is now affecting the movie reviews? I'm sorry but everyone should be looking at marvel property reviews with a grain of salt from now on.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I thought the review wasn't really at all representative of the episode, but I can't image ever getting worked up enough about such a thing to harass reviewer.


Oct 27, 2017
ESH. Read his review. He obviously is the annoying "want to be the smartest guy in the fucking room" and "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian" type. Fandoms on the other hand are comprised of shitheads who just get their buttons pushed by these guys being contrarian assholes and take it too far and this one is no exception.

The whole thing is just a hornet's nest of nope.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really understand why people waste their energy getting angry at another person's opinion of media. I don't really read reviews of individual TV episodes, but the times I do read reviews of films, etc it's only to see what other people's perspectives are, what points I might agree with, and what I might disagree with. It sure isn't to bolster my own view of a given media as the only correct one.


Oct 25, 2017
ESH. Read his review. He obviously is the annoying "want to be the smartest guy in the fucking room" and "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian" type. Fandoms on the other hand are comprised of shitheads who just get their buttons pushed by these guys being contrarian assholes and take it too far and this one is no exception.

The whole thing is just a hornet's nest of nope.
I really would recommend reading more of his work if that's your impression of him


Oct 25, 2017
ESH. Read his review. He obviously is the annoying "want to be the smartest guy in the fucking room" and "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian" type. Fandoms on the other hand are comprised of shitheads who just get their buttons pushed by these guys being contrarian assholes and take it too far and this one is no exception.

The whole thing is just a hornet's nest of nope.

The "both sides" attempt.

Pretty funny thread to read when gaming side has literal dumpster fire threads for big AAA games reviews.


Dec 29, 2017
I don't think it's necessarily right to draw conclusions here like IGN is forcing the reviewer off the show. We simply do not know. He could've also just been done with the harassment he received over being critical of a Marvel show on a major platform.

I think the real story here is the extraordinary shitty MCU fandom which harasses and berates everyone who is even mildly critical of the franchise. It's even very prevalent on this forum.

This. There are some MCU astroturfers in this very thread that are pretending to be all upset but routinely get upset if some one calls any of these movies and TV shows as trash.

One of the worst immature fanbase around.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I'm a side with the writer cause chances are it is the "nerdy" fandom in the wrong. Too many cases throughout these fandoms from Disney, Marvel, Blizzard, Star Wars, Riot, etc that just make you automatically believe the critic, developer, or writer.


Oct 25, 2017
That's messed up. People suck. I don't think I'd score any of the Loki episodes I've seen so far anything above 6.5. It's quite an uneven show, and I'm finding it hard to care about any of the characters or the plot, so I definitely where the reviewer is coming from.
Seriously, this show is just about watching Loki be Loki and having fun with that, its got no appeal to me beyond that, and feels so disconnected from the MCU it's just a filler story for now.


Oct 26, 2017
Metacritic. Makes it harder to fight pointless fanboy wars on which property is objectively better if someone is wrecking the Metacritic average.

But one review doesn't even scratch a metacritic score though would it? I mean; it would be easy to believe that. But something tells me its more than that. Toxic fanbases are literally everywhere on the internet, and I dont remember them being too nice before the aggregation sites were around either. BBS and Newsgroup discussions were absolute wastebins.


Nov 2, 2017
I thought episode 3 had bigger issues than the fourth. That said I am enjoying the show but all three of the marvel series have been slightly off in similar ways. You would think with a longer run time and no time constraint per episode things would be ironed out to Disney perfection.


Mar 10, 2020
Like a different reviewer per episode? That seems disjointed. If a season of a show is designed with a specific throughline, it makes more sense to have a reviewer stick with that step-by-step. Otherwise people can come in with wildly different takes on a singular train of thought, and questions or observations are left never followed up on.

If you mean multiple reviewers discussing a single show, that's rarely going to happen outside of a weekly staff podcast or something (and I know IGN used to have a TV/movies podcast, but I don't know if that's still a thing). You're unlikely to get multiple written reviews because it just doesn't make sense to dedicate 2 or 3 writers to cover a single show. Unless you did it like a correspondence article with back-and-forths or something, but again, that is still resources that can be spent having those writers covering other shows.
Yeah I kind of meant like that second suggestion multiple reviewers for one show and they give their own score. I could have sworn IGN did something like that for some of their games. I could be wrong tho haven't visited that site in years.


Oct 25, 2017
The Martin Scorsese debacle really showed the MCU fandom is no different than any other fandom in it's toxicity.

At the end of the day, it was a single director giving his single opinion on a billion dollar franchise. Why it caused so much friction here and elsewhere will always be weird to me.


Oct 31, 2017
Excuse me - I don't know why we have a different reviewer on the show now - I'm not looped in on that at all - but I really am not OK with this insinuation and I don't think other folks should be either. Always open to criticism when we get something wrong but I think that criticism should be based in fact and not dark accusations.

All Reviews - IGN

Check out IGN's expert reviews.

D+ Monsters at Work: 5/10
Netflix's Dynasty Warriors: 2/10
The Tomorrow War: 3/10
Loki Ep 4 Review: 5/10
Black Widow Review: 7/10
Godzilla Singular Point: 5/10
Atari VCS Review: 5/10

Those are from the last few days - you don't have to go digging through the archives to find them. And for the record the same critic that gave Ep 4 a 5/10 gave Eps 1-3 all individually 7/10s.

In my 10 years at IGN and my 5+ years writing for other outlets big and small I have NEVER witnessed or experienced any pressure to score anything in any way other than the score I felt it should be given.

Again, I have no insight into why Loki now has a different reviewer - but I'm uncomfortable that so many immediately jump to an extremely serious accusation of... corruption? A lack of editorial independence? It just.... isn't true. And no one seems to care that it isn't true. Everyone seems very content to just slide by comments like this.

It's sad how your post went unnoticed and got buried even with the threadmark. Era's mob mentality is setting a new low. Everyone is just jumping on the latest outrage bandwagon. No one wants to engage in any constructive conversation.


May 5, 2018
ESH. Read his review. He obviously is the annoying "want to be the smartest guy in the fucking room" and "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian" type. Fandoms on the other hand are comprised of shitheads who just get their buttons pushed by these guys being contrarian assholes and take it too far and this one is no exception.

The whole thing is just a hornet's nest of nope.

This ain't it, chief. Just because someone holds an opinion different to that of the majority doesn't automatically mean that they're being contrarian. It's a particularly bizarre accusation to make here considering he's pretty clear in his review why he felt the way that he did. You can disagree with the review if you want, but accusations of contrarianism and being pretentious are just petty.


Oct 25, 2017
This doesn't make sense. This other person interrupting the string of reviews, regardless of how good they were, is interrupting the precedent the previous reviewer set in terms of what to expect with IGN's reviews on Loki for the last 2 episodes for no reason lol

People wanting a different viewpoint couldn't have just gone to another site?


Oct 27, 2017
Reviewers at IGN got upset when harddrive made those jokes but it's clear it's the company culture.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why people care about a critic giving a mediocre review
I mean, check out some of the game reviews out there who dare to be critical of a tentpole franchise. People lose their shit because their favorite plastic box/phone/game or movie franchise/whatever has any amount of criticism put against it. It's wild.


Oct 25, 2017
I've skimmed through this entire thread wondering why ErrorJustin's post has gone largely ignored while people squabble around it, and it's one of the more bizarre things I've seen on this forum.


Oct 25, 2017
I've skimmed through this entire thread wondering why ErrorJustin's post has gone largely ignored while people squabble around it, and it's one of the more bizarre things I've seen on this forum.
Me too. The only thing I can think is that if they acknowledge him it doesn't back up their narrative.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Okay. I will say this... Being an asshole to a reviewer because you didn't like what they said is alway wrong. Leave rhe reviewer alone and harassment is always a bullshit play. Especially about something as unimportant as the Loki series.

At the same time, to call episode 4 "Jogging in Place" is madness on the level of people who call the first Saw movie "Gory torture porn"

There is clearly a bias at play and perhaps they don't need to be the lead reviewer of the product.

It is like people bringing up Siskel and Ebert reviews of slasher films. They hate the genre and would misrepresent it whenever they reviewed a movie.


Nov 6, 2017
Okay. I will say this... Being an asshole to a reviewer because you didn't like what they said is alway wrong. Leave rhe reviewer alone and harassment is always a bullshit play. Especially about something as unimportant as the Loki series.

At the same time, to call episode 4 "Jogging in Place" is madness on the level of people who call the first Saw movie "Gory torture porn"

There is clearly a bias at play and perhaps they don't need to be the lead reviewer of the product.

It is like people bringing up Siskel and Ebert reviews of slasher films. They hate the genre and would misrepresent it whenever they reviewed a movie.

Clearly a bias at play indeed.


Nov 20, 2018
Okay. I will say this... Being an asshole to a reviewer because you didn't like what they said is alway wrong. Leave rhe reviewer alone and harassment is always a bullshit play. Especially about something as unimportant as the Loki series.

At the same time, to call episode 4 "Jogging in Place" is madness on the level of people who call the first Saw movie "Gory torture porn"

There is clearly a bias at play and perhaps they don't need to be the lead reviewer of the product.

It is like people bringing up Siskel and Ebert reviews of slasher films. They hate the genre and would misrepresent it whenever they reviewed a movie.

Yep, this perfectly sums up my thoughts as well, but, obviously, this reviewer deserves absolutely no harassment. That being said, a reviewer does open themselves up to criticism when their opinions do not seem to be grounded in any sort of reality. I don't know how an objective person says that episode 4 jogs in place. A reviewer should not be overly biased, but if it seems clear that they had wildly different expectations for the series (which I think is the case here) then I'm not sure they can objectively review that series.

Also not sure about ErrorJustin's post being completely ignored by everyone here, but its almost as if its just to have a free for all over how "shit" IGN is and how much the MCU and its fandom suck.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay. I will say this... Being an asshole to a reviewer because you didn't like what they said is alway wrong. Leave rhe reviewer alone and harassment is always a bullshit play. Especially about something as unimportant as the Loki series.

At the same time, to call episode 4 "Jogging in Place" is madness on the level of people who call the first Saw movie "Gory torture porn"

There is clearly a bias at play and perhaps they don't need to be the lead reviewer of the product.

It is like people bringing up Siskel and Ebert reviews of slasher films. They hate the genre and would misrepresent it whenever they reviewed a movie.
There's no way for someone to be unbiased, though. You can't have objective reviews. But I'm wondering what bias are you suspecting?
Yep, this perfectly sums up my thoughts as well, but, obviously, this reviewer deserves absolutely no harassment. That being said, a reviewer does open themselves up to criticism when their opinions do not seem to be grounded in any sort of reality. I don't know how an objective person says that episode 4 jogs in place. A reviewer should not be overly biased, but if it seems clear that they had wildly different expectations for the series (which I think is the case here) then I'm not sure they can objectively review that series.
You really want objective reviews, then just read a plot synopsis. Tell me one example of an objective review.


Nov 20, 2018
You really want objective reviews, then just read a plot synopsis. Tell me one example of an objective review.

If I wanted to just read someone's opinion of a show there are countless posts online I can read. If you are a paid reviewer then I expect you to bring at least some objective standards to your review. I'm not saying large portions of it can't be subjective, obviously, but those subjective portions need to be grounded in at least some kind of objective reality. And here, I would argue it is objective that episode 4 does not "jog in place", regardless of it you actually like how the plot progresses.

Its like the equivalent of having a reviewer who only loves RPGs review the next Madden game. Sure, its subjective, but is it really going to have any kind of credibility? That's why professional reviews need to look at things a bit more objectively than the average person.

Porco Rosso

Oct 25, 2017
Marvel fans and IGN are both trash. Sad part is Loki is pretty good, and I'm sure everyone involved with the show is embarrassed by the fans as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay. I will say this... Being an asshole to a reviewer because you didn't like what they said is alway wrong. Leave rhe reviewer alone and harassment is always a bullshit play. Especially about something as unimportant as the Loki series.

At the same time, to call episode 4 "Jogging in Place" is madness on the level of people who call the first Saw movie "Gory torture porn"

There is clearly a bias at play and perhaps they don't need to be the lead reviewer of the product.

It is like people bringing up Siskel and Ebert reviews of slasher films. They hate the genre and would misrepresent it whenever they reviewed a movie.
Can we please not bring personal opinions about the media into question here. The reviewer has all the right to give any piece of media whether it be a game, movie or show whatever score they want and that is absolutely not the issue here. The issue is that this particular reviewer was forced out because of fan backlash which is unacceptable

Furthermore you said that it's unimportant so why go out of your way to say that the reviewer is wrong and has a bias.
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