
Jun 28, 2018
This is the only Godzilla movie I've seen besides the original and the Legendary Pictures' reboot series. Great movie and this scene blew me away when I first saw it, especially seeing the PM's plane get scorched like that. It's hard to imagine an American movie being that bold and showing the President dying in a similar way.

Also when you hear the voice-over of the American pilots right when they're bombing Godzilla ("payback time"), one of them has a super thick Canadian accent. Very amusing.
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Oct 27, 2017
Adding to the chorus, this movie completely blew me away. So many little Eva vibes (Godzilla 1st gen has Angel eyes).

I just finished watching Godzilla: KOTM and it was terrible in comparison.


Oct 27, 2017
God that was an awesome scene. I remember watching in the limited theatrical release they did in the us and everyone in the theater was blown away.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
One of the best ever depictions of the wrath of a kaiju in media. I especially love how Godzilla has to work its way up to the full on atomic breath like someone would revving an engine to life or starting an acetylene torch and just the depiction of the destruction on such an insane an impersonal scale. Just staggering stuff and Anno still has it.

When watching the movie, it's interesting that it's the only Godzilla movie that feels closer to the themes and tone of the very horror/political-heavy 1954 film. The difference, is while the original movie was concieved as a metaphor of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in the 1940's, Shin Godzilla drew inspiration from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
it's the only good scene in the movie
You're getting lambasted in this thread, but honestly I'm inclined to agree. I'm a massive Godzilla fan, but I'm a fan of the stupid side of Godzilla. I genuinely liked every American film more than Shin.

I know how much of an atrocious take it might be, but I genuinely just find the political intrigue to be so flat and uninteresting. I am very shallow in my interests, I like when big dumb dinosaur do big dumb explosions and fights. It's all appealing to me because it's just dumb monster wrestling matches. Final Wars is my favorite Godzilla film for that very reason.

I know what I like, and I get that it's somewhat of an off kilter take in the general sense I suppose.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
i just didn't like that movie. im sorry

You're getting lambasted in this thread, but honestly I'm inclined to agree. I'm a massive Godzilla fan, but I'm a fan of the stupid side of Godzilla. I genuinely liked every American film more than Shin.

I know how much of an atrocious take it might be, but I genuinely just find the political intrigue to be so flat and uninteresting. I am very shallow in my interests, I like when big dumb dinosaur do big dumb explosions and fights. Final Wars is my favorite Godzilla film for that very reason.

i like the human scenes in the old movies the best - the ones where they do experiments and stuff to try and figure out the kaiju!


Oct 29, 2017
Fucking cool movie with the lamest possible implementation of a conceptually satisfying ending.

This movie, and even King of the Monsters, were just minor details away from being rock-solid genre hits.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
Seeing this in theaters was so insanely epic. One of my favorite details on rewatches is as Godzilla goes into Stasis instead of his tail laying flat on the ground it stays suspended in the air and completely elongated. Even unconscious Godzilla knows to never let that tail hit the ground
Oct 25, 2017
it's a top 3 godzilla movie

Remove this character and the movie is decent.
I wish someone would make a hybrid audio track where they replace all of her "english" dialogue with audio from the english dubbed version, and leave the rest of the japanese untouched
so that when she speaks english she could sound like a native speaker like she's supposed to


Oct 27, 2017
Feel like it gets better with each viewing.

Also love when the president learns that Godzilla has come ashore and this starts playing.

Oct 8, 2019
Its really incredible that despite several attempts Anno still hasnt reached "Shows Tomino made for 8 year olds" in terms of impact. Show some people actually dying



Oct 25, 2017
Whole scene is pretty awesome. I remember seeing him breathing fire and what all that was doing and then it focused into a beam with it just escalating. I always found the way the bottom half of his jaw splits up to be really unsettling, but then generally this version of Godzilla just came across like it was always in pain.

I overall very much enjoyed the movie barring a few things. I can get why people might not like this either from the depiction of Godzilla or the human plot, though largely I enjoyed both aspects of things. Still, it would be nice to get another film fiom Japan perhaps with Godzilla fighting another monster.

It does make me curious: What are considered the best human plots of these films? I've seen very few of the older ones (I plan to start fixing that soon if possible), but out of the three US ones (counting 98) I considered Shin the human plot I enjoyed the most (and perhaps the one I liked most). 98 Godzilla is just generally dumb, Godzilla 2014 was okay to a degree but only really when we were with Watanabe and Cranston's characters, and aside from Watanabe I was just annoyed by everyone in KotM.


Oct 25, 2017
Great movie that really captures the themes and nature of the original Godzilla movie

Man, after the year we just experienced with the political responses to the pandemic I bet this movie even hits hard watching it now
Oct 27, 2017
it's the only good scene in the movie


Remove this character and the movie is decent.
The one instance where I would have not only been perfectly fine, but preferred, them to have dubbed over her awful English. I don't understand why it was so bad. I know Japanese people who speak better English than her. I KNOW they could've gotten someone better

Its really incredible that despite several attempts Anno still hasnt reached "Shows Tomino made for 8 year olds" in terms of impact. Show some people actually dying
A ton of people died in this. One big turning point in the movie is when a lot of important people get killed. The fact you need to explicitly see their death is kinda weird
Oct 25, 2017
Its really incredible that despite several attempts Anno still hasnt reached "Shows Tomino made for 8 year olds" in terms of impact. Show some people actually dying

I wish i could say Anno knows better than to do a scene of a person dying screaming "NOOOO I DON'T WANNA DIE" while other people watch/observe and react in horror, but he has actually done that.
Oct 8, 2019
A ton of people died in this. One big turning point in the movie is when a lot of important people get killed. The fact you need to explicitly see their death is kinda weird

Maybe because it reminded me of this

I wish i could say Anno knows better than to do a scene of a person dying screaming "NOOOO I DON'T WANNA DIE" while other people watch/observe and react in horror, but he has actually done that.

You do know what Anime Evangelion has heavily inspired by right? Anno's mentor might have been Miyazaki but the guy Anno based his style around was Tomino.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
This movie is one of the worst cinema experiences I've ever had. Sure it had a couple of good scenes but the rest of the movie is a painful slog and the dialogue is basically as bad as I've ever seen in a movie. Just laughably bad stuff.

Much like KOTK a few good scenes don't make up for wading through all the trash.


Oct 30, 2017
The one instance where I would have not only been perfectly fine, but preferred, them to have dubbed over her awful English. I don't understand why it was so bad. I know Japanese people who speak better English than her. I KNOW they could've gotten someone better

the best thing about it is that for years before and after this movie she was the face of a huge marketing campaign for one of the biggest english schools in the country.


i like to think that she got the job on that basis and no-one bothered to check whether she could actually speak english.
Oct 25, 2017
Louisville, Kentucky
Hot take: while I enjoy Shin Godzilla a lot *as a film*, I have consistently had a hard time with the film's STRONGLY nationalist undertones, which is in stark opposition to the original film's director Ishiro Honda's political attitudes and the nature of the movies themselves.

The original Godzilla strongly avoids pointing fingers and frames Godzilla as an accidental creation of humanity. There's a debate in the film over whether or not revealing his accidental creation by American nuclear testing is worth disrupting the improving diplomatic relationships the nations of the world were building. Serizawa's fear that the Oxygen Destroyer would be misused was fear of human nature, not an incompetent or malicious government. Japan continued to be the center of the franchise but the human element is consistently presented in a sort of broadly humanist framing, where individual actions and actors speak more about the failings and virtues of the human race than of nations of the world.

Compare that to the sort of resentful nationalism of Shin Godzilla. It's a really hard thing to reconcile with the rest of the franchise, and while I don't think the movie is fascist or hard-right or anything I do think that the political realities the movie wants you to take for granted are just completely counter to the attitudes of the other films. It's always going to nag at me.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I agree with some of the takes in this thread, I didn't enjoy most of the movie as I thought it was somewhat a borefest for the better part of it, and the acting was mostly cringeworthy
This scene is great though.

I really hate this Godzilla's tail though, it looks so goofy


Oct 25, 2017
Loved that scene. Though the lizard form of Godzilla in that movie remains my favorite. Just so freaky looking.

That Engrish wannabe president is indeed cringeworthy.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
the best thing about it is that for years before and after this movie she was the face of a huge marketing campaign for one of the biggest english schools in the country.


i like to think that she got the job on that basis and no-one bothered to check whether she could actually speak english.
Oh wow that's amazing. lawl


Oct 28, 2017
the best thing about it is that for years before and after this movie she was the face of a huge marketing campaign for one of the biggest english schools in the country.


i like to think that she got the job on that basis and no-one bothered to check whether she could actually speak english.
lol...what happen when you're lying on the resume.
May 24, 2019
They hired a J-blogger Youtuber as her English coach. I'm not joking.
Sharmander - Wikipedia
Though maybe there was only so much she could do. It's not like she cast the actress.
I'd already been subbed to her and it was really weird to see that job announcement video.

edit: She also worked on that horrible Miike TerraFormars movie, and I think that was the end of that.
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Oct 25, 2017
Second best Godzilla movie of all time for me

1st Gojira 1954
2nd Shin Godzilla
3rd Godzilla vs Destoroyah

I love how is more focused on a real life scenario of a monster like that appearing on the real world, the politics (and incompetence of a part of them)

The military scenes, the SOUNDTRACK IS SO GOOD!, and holy sh*t Godzilla is scary as f*ck on his final form, also he is gross with all his blood coming out from him

I love this movie so much


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I love the cross section of godzilla fans where some people just want Final Wars level ham schlock and some want deeply thought out commentary slownburn shin style.

As a fan of both though I have to say the kotm human plot was too loud for how dumb of a divorce porn story it was.

Now give me Shin Gigan as a meta commentary on ethics in automation and runaway AI.


Nov 3, 2017
Best godzilla movie.

Great scene.

Hollywood needs to learn from the human bits in Shin Godzilla, because they're a billion times more interesting and relevant compared to the American human scenes I could not give less of a fuck about.


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
It's a cool movie but I wish I could watch it with subs in the UK. Also still can't decide if I like the creature design or not.


Oct 27, 2017
They need to spend less money bombing Godzilla and spend more money breaching dimensional barriers to summon Goku or Ultraman to save their asses.


Oct 25, 2017
Always hated how most of the stakes were to infrastructure, but most of the civilians are fine.

This thing goes too ham on the city for me to buy that with any level of credulity.


Oct 27, 2017
This just makes me want a live action Evangelion movie instead of wanting to watch Godzilla.


Aug 18, 2018
Hot take: while I enjoy Shin Godzilla a lot *as a film*, I have consistently had a hard time with the film's STRONGLY nationalist undertones, which is in stark opposition to the original film's director Ishiro Honda's political attitudes and the nature of the movies themselves.

The original Godzilla strongly avoids pointing fingers and frames Godzilla as an accidental creation of humanity. There's a debate in the film over whether or not revealing his accidental creation by American nuclear testing is worth disrupting the improving diplomatic relationships the nations of the world were building. Serizawa's fear that the Oxygen Destroyer would be misused was fear of human nature, not an incompetent or malicious government. Japan continued to be the center of the franchise but the human element is consistently presented in a sort of broadly humanist framing, where individual actions and actors speak more about the failings and virtues of the human race than of nations of the world.

Compare that to the sort of resentful nationalism of Shin Godzilla. It's a really hard thing to reconcile with the rest of the franchise, and while I don't think the movie is fascist or hard-right or anything I do think that the political realities the movie wants you to take for granted are just completely counter to the attitudes of the other films. It's always going to nag at me. much as I genuinely like the movie, this is a great summation of one the things about it that subconsciously kept me from totally getting on board with it.


Oct 29, 2017
I imagine watching this movie, and the fuck-uppery of the human bureaucracy against Godzilla, would ring differently during this pandemic...