Dec 12, 2017
The level of shitty grammar and poor wording in NeoGAF titles / discussion recently makes me wonder about all of you,


"If you want an excuse to call out sick of work, drink this Baskin Robbins Shake"

should be re-written as such:

"If you want an excuse to call in sick to work, drink this Baskin Robbins Shake"

The word usage is "in" and "to", not "out" and "of", get it right if you are going to speak English in a proper manner. There are thousands of these examples recently and I worry that you all are doing too many drugs and hitting record levels of stupidity.
I don't like dogpiling but I feel like this is necessary. Not everyone here is a native English speaker so keep your elitist pedantism to yourself.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I've had this happen after post-run binges.

Assuming a healthy individual (no diabetes, etc), the body's response is called reactive hypoglycemia.

The pancreas creates a lot of insulin to handle the blood sugar surge.
The adrenal system sees this as a trigger event and ups cortisol and epinephrine (fight or flight response). At that point you can have a short euphoria or awareness boost.

Some minutes later, the insuline response is so powerful that blood sugar becomes dangerously low (hypoglycemia).
Homeostatis is disrupted for some hours, you have all the symptoms of hypoglycemia and rebound from the acute stress response. If you really ate a lot of sugar it's possible the digestive system is over its processing limit, adding bloating to the general malaise as you pass half digested food in the digestive track.
Wow, how did you handle this? Is this the kind of thing you can just sleep off?
Dec 7, 2017
I just checked what 32oz is in ml and I was shocked. 946ml? Why would anyone ever want an almost 1 liter shake!? Craziness


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, how did you handle this? Is this the kind of thing you can just sleep off?
It's like an hangover: light-headedness, comatose, headache, twitching, palpitation, hunger. Nothing to do but rest for a while, sleep it off if you can.

You probably had a mild hypoglycemia/sugar crash already if you ever ate a large 100g sugar dessert or something. It just gets worse the more sugar you ingest at once.
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Oct 25, 2017
Wait those are that bad 😳

I get one like everyday on the way home from work and sometimes for lunch...


Oct 27, 2017
I mean nothing should be off-limits when you're dieting, just account for the calories and make sure you're still staying in your limits

So just drink this then don't eat anything for a day and a half ayy lmao