Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I'm in Massachusetts, which is only expanding rights and protections, but I'll send some words of encouragement along anyway. What's the best organization to donate to that will actually make a difference?
As some one also in Massachusetts that's not a get out of jail free card, it's the local level you have to look at. When the they cannot get the big roles they try to take up as many small roles as they can and push their bullshit through numbers and backdoors. For instance this last session Maga types tried getting on the Worcester school board, with the same anti-trans rhetoric we are discussing. Thankfully the city rejected them, but if they had gotten on there are many ways they could fuck with trans students (or any other) while completely circumventing the political route. So even here you have to stay ever vigilant because some of the states they have turned from blue to red that's the blue print, get so many people in administration roles you can push your agenda anyways, and it shifts the Overton window until the people one day are convinced they voted for it and it's what they wanted.
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The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
As some one also in Massachusetts that's not a get out of jail free card, it's the local level you have to look at. When the they cannot get the big roles they try to take up as many small roles as they can and push their bullshit through numbers and backdoors. For instance this last session Maga types tried getting on the Worcester school board, with the same anti-trans rhetoric we are discussing. Thankfully the city rejected them, but if they had gotten on there are many ways they could fuck with trans students (or any other) while completely circumventing the political route. So even here you have to stay ever vigilant because some of the states they have turned from blue to red that's the blue print, get so many people in administration roles you can push your agenda anyways, and it shifts the Overton window until the people one day are convinced they voted for it and it's what they wanted.
Yep. Even if you live in a mostly blue in election state, do whatever you can to keep it that way!

Here in my county which as I said earlier is normally purple, we had a few years back a guy trying to run for the school board they said "girls should be taught to only be like girls and boys should only be taught only how to be boys" along with wanting to require gender based uniforms and traditional values. Luckily he lost and didn't even make it out of the primaries, but there are always assholes even at the smallest levels.


Oct 27, 2017
318 views, 1 reply. If that doesn't say it all, then I don't know what does. I know the vast majority of you won't give a shit until it affects you personally, but if you think they're going to stop with us, you've got another thing coming. SILENCE = DEATH, just like it did back then, and your silence is resounding.
This is my issue with a lot of this rhetoric (and I see it for many issues all over the internet). You can't shame people into supporting any cause. All you're doing is further pushing people away. I thought the JK Rowling thread in the Gaming forum was a great example of how you educate a general population, dismiss criticism against your cause with evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan. But shaming people? That's the quickest way to kill engagement to your cause.


Oct 30, 2017
This is my issue with a lot of this rhetoric (and I see it for many issues all over the internet). You can't shame people into supporting any cause. All you're doing is further pushing people away. I thought the JK Rowling thread in the Gaming forum was a great example of how you educate a general population, dismiss criticism against your cause with evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan. But shaming people? That's the quickest way to kill engagement to your cause.
Fuck off with this.

If you're not doing enough, you're not doing enough. Don't get angry when presented with a mistake, learn from it and take action.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I hate the area I live in because it's pretty much a dead-zone when it comes to queer support, awareness, and any kind of protests or rallies, despite the state being one of the best for trans legislation (California). I'm barely getting by just trying to support my transition on my own right now with every single resource I need being out of my city, zero support networks IRL, can't even really be myself in my own home and at work, etc. Once I move out and can live with my gf, who's in an extremely pro-queer and trans area, I can be way more active and attend events together. I just hate how little strength I have right now, feeling like I'm being pulled from 20 directions at once.

This is my issue with a lot of this rhetoric (and I see it for many issues all over the internet). You can't shame people into supporting any cause. All you're doing is further pushing people away. I thought the JK Rowling thread in the Gaming forum was a great example of how you educate a general population, dismiss criticism against your cause with evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan. But shaming people? That's the quickest way to kill engagement to your cause.
We're on the 8th step of genocide because of inaction. Quit tone policing.


Oct 25, 2017
This is my issue with a lot of this rhetoric (and I see it for many issues all over the internet). You can't shame people into supporting any cause. All you're doing is further pushing people away. I thought the JK Rowling thread in the Gaming forum was a great example of how you educate a general population, dismiss criticism against your cause with evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan. But shaming people? That's the quickest way to kill engagement to your cause.
Tone policing trans people in a thread about trans people being genocided. Cool, cool...


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus Christ guys, I'm an ally. I'm coming from an angle of seeing first hand how this type of rhetoric completely pushes away people who are on the fence or completely disengaged. I see it all the time from my privileged friends who haven't had to fight for gay rights, Black Lives Matter, women's rights etc. if you come at them with condemnation for them not already seeing your light, you just push them away. You have to meet them where they are and educate, patiently. It's frustrating because the situation is dire, but being brash and flippant about someone's disinterest doesn't win allies, ever.

Can we not have any nuance in this type of discussion here? It's either "you're an ally and you have to think and say exactly as we do" or it's "you're supporting a genocide," or "you're tone policing." Things are dire but we can't be shackled by such binary thinking. Criticism of rhetoric =/= dissent.

I provided an example of what I have also seen work well from this very community.

Edit - I'll leave what I said so people can follow the conversation. Re-reading this a few times has made me realize a bit better the sense of gas lighting this post gives off which was never my intention. It made me realize that I also sort of jumped into the discussion having grossly misread the temperature in the room. Apologies friends, let me learn from this.
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Oct 27, 2017
This is my issue with a lot of this rhetoric (and I see it for many issues all over the internet). You can't shame people into supporting any cause. All you're doing is further pushing people away. I thought the JK Rowling thread in the Gaming forum was a great example of how you educate a general population, dismiss criticism against your cause with evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan. But shaming people? That's the quickest way to kill engagement to your cause.
We are scared shitless and infuriated at the inaction of others in the face of our attempted genocide, sorry our decorum isn't on point. Is your ego so fragile that you will only act if flattered and spoonfed?

Also, no, there is no nuance, you are tone policing, it is attempted genocide.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Also very important to be there for the trans people in your life right now. I know this is obvious and should go without saying but I have so long close friends who are spiraling right now - be there. Lend them aid if they need it. Show up for them personally. Listen. Get angry and respond like OP.

This right here.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ guys, I'm an ally. I'm coming from an angle of seeing first hand how this type of rhetoric completely pushes away people who are on the fence or completely disengaged. I see it all the time from my privileged friends who haven't had to fight for gay rights, Black Lives Matter, women's rights etc. if you come at them with condemnation for them not already seeing your light, you just push them away. You have to meet them where they are and educate, patiently. It's frustrating because the situation is dire, but being brash and flippant about someone's disinterest doesn't win allies, ever.

Can we not have any nuance in this type of discussion here? It's either "you're an ally and you have to think and say exactly as we do" or it's "you're supporting a genocide," or "you're tone policing." Things are dire but we can't be shackled by such binary thinking. Criticism of rhetoric =/= dissent.

I provided an example of what I have also seen work well from this very community.
You don't say you're an ally, you be an ally.

Trans people being told to have to "meet in the middle" and make us educate is garbage.

You're straight up gaslighting by saying for us to be nuanced by calling what we say "rhetoric".



Oct 27, 2017
We are scared shitless and infuriated at the inaction of others in the face of our attempted genocide, sorry our decorum isn't on point. Is your ego so fragile that you will only act if flattered and spoonfed?

Also, no, there is no nuance, you are tone policing, it is attempted genocide, fuck you.
Alright, I'll keep voting and donating appropriately for your causes and do my part in my own community for trans rights, but I'll exit this thread.


Jun 22, 2020
Jesus Christ guys, I'm an ally. I'm coming from an angle of seeing first hand how this type of rhetoric completely pushes away people who are on the fence or completely disengaged. I see it all the time from my privileged friends who haven't had to fight for gay rights, Black Lives Matter, women's rights etc. if you come at them with condemnation for them not already seeing your light, you just push them away. You have to meet them where they are and educate, patiently. It's frustrating because the situation is dire, but being brash and flippant about someone's disinterest doesn't win allies, ever.

Can we not have any nuance in this type of discussion here? It's either "you're an ally and you have to think and say exactly as we do" or it's "you're supporting a genocide," or "you're tone policing." Things are dire but we can't be shackled by such binary thinking. Criticism of rhetoric =/= dissent.

I provided an example of what I have also seen work well from this very community.

Maybe you go out and find the evidence and data across multiple sources and publications, and then present an actionable plan if you think that's the way things need to be done. Why is it on us to justify why we should not be killed?


Jun 22, 2020
I just wanna say also ty for this thread (and trans era in general) I only really lurk here but over the last couple of years this place has really improved regarding trans activism and I use threads all the time for articles and resources to send to people <3

We'll keep fighting and come out through this


Oct 25, 2017
When the son of the previous president and one of the leading people of GOP congress are openly calling for an extinction, it's beyond the point of meeting in the middle, and nuanced discussions.


Oct 27, 2017
Alright, I'll keep voting and donating appropriately for your causes and do my part in my own community for trans rights, but I'll exit this thread.
Sorry for saying fuck you before. It was needlessly rude of me, said out of anger. I do want there to be both places where trans people can bring allies and potential allies in, and where trans people can be open and honest about their feelings and reactions and fears without having to sugarcoat for an audience. I don't think either alone is enough, because both are necessary to getting through the terrible time we are in now and to getting to something less deadly.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for saying fuck you before. It was needlessly rude of me, said out of anger. I do want there to be both places where trans people can bring allies and potential allies in, and where trans people can be open and honest about their feelings and reactions and fears without having to sugarcoat for an audience. I don't think either alone is enough, because both are necessary to getting through the terrible time we are in now and to getting to something less deadly.
You shouldn't be apologizing, it was warranted. Again, you all came at me hard for a reason so let me learn from this. You are absolute right. I'm the sorry one.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
You shouldn't be apologizing, it was warranted. Again, you all came at me hard for a reason so let me learn from this. You are absolute right. I'm the sorry one.
Make things right by fighting with us. I don't want apologies I want action. Give me your arm, your time, make those calls, keep making those calls. Instead of correcting is actually fight, weather it works weather it doesn't it's action don't sit on the sidelines.

Give me your arm, give me your time, annoy powerful people with us. You called yourself an ally prove it to me and to the people you are an ally too. Talk doesn't make you ally, action does.

Shit is terrifying. I'm trying my best but it's hard.
I don't have easy answers but all of our lives are on the line, make those calls with us. Fight with us, you're my people and as my people I want you calling every day until they are so sick of hearing the same message they throw out the answering machine. I can't promise a win, or a better tomorrow, but I promise you you are in a community that cares for you and are going through the exact same fears. We're stronger together, we're together in this.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I ranted somewhere else about this earlier. There is no ideology. No TRA. There is no agenda. It's not a cause, it's not a's not a political debate. We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free thanks to being transgender especially those of us with Dysphoria (in my case literally life disrupting and destroying my quality of life and ability to hold romantic relationships) involves living openly about who we are and in a lot of cases medically transitioning.

When I say there is no TRA, I mean most of us don't want to be activists of any sort. Most would like to go stealth not for passing sake, and even though it helps not for safety. Mostly so we can just go on with our fucking lives without being reminded we are trans twenty four hours a day and able to just be people. As I like to say me being trans is probably the least most interesting thing about me, but due to the current world it's the only thing that matters to most people to the point they see me as an object not a person. And that includes allies and people on the same political side because while they are on the side of support, they still see us as objects or a cause to support, not actual people.

So you end up in a situation where we are forced to be activists against our will, and standing up to speak for ourselves because we are the only ones who will. Of course we are angry and yell and don't care about the high road or "how we come off" because we are a community that isn't a bunch of activists but we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide. So we are screaming and yelling for our survival with no true allies with a world that at best thinks of us as a political cause and worst trash to be eliminated and we are stuck at one percent of population with not enough numbers to affect anything forced to stand up and yell anyway because it's our literal lives and no one stands with us.

So yes we are mostly not activists that are scared, tired, have been treated inhumanely and just want to live our lives in peace, so yes it's not pretty, and if you cannot handle that or thinks it drives people away you were never an allie and they never were going to be.

We need action.Donating and voting is great, but we need bodies that are willing to stand up and also risk persecution and arrest, that will speak with us (not for us) that understand we are only one percent of the population and without cis allies willing to do actual work and scream along with us loud and constantly we are fucked, because we literally will never number enough to have voting or economic power.And it has to be loud and constant and uncomfortable or nothing changes. For all the talk about peaceful protests and the right way to do things (and I am not condoning violence) nothing ever changes unless the people being protested feel super uncomfortable and their lives are disrupted I'm pretty sure lunch counter sit ins did more than 100 marches, because it actually grinded business to a halt and stopped the flow of white people money. Same principle, it needs to bring consequences back on them and often, and that can be done legally and non-violently but only if you're willing to throw out decorum and high road bullshit. If your wrestling pigs your going to get muddy.

I don't know if this post is helpful or not but the thread and IceCrashRadio 's passion made me think of all this, which has actually been on my mind a lot, especially in the last few days with everything going on and the ramping up of rhetoric against us, mixed with the fact I have hit the point in transition there is no more hiding, even boy mode hoodies are failing to hide my breasts. And it doesn't matter even if I could hide I won't, I'm out and I am never going back and I will fight for that and even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit, because I love and care about my community, both in general worldwide and my personal friends many who I met right here and more than a few I have taken the transition journey with, they are my family now, and we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.
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Oct 25, 2017
I ranted somewhere else about this earlier. There is no ideology. No TRA. There is no agenda. It's not a cause, it's not a's not a political debate. We are real humans living our real human lives trying to live them to the best of our ability which to truly be happy and free thanks to being transgender especially those of us with Dysphoria (in my case literally life disrupting and destroying my quality of life and ability to hold romantic relationships) involves living openly about who we are and in a lot of cases medically transitioning.

When I say there is no TRA, I mean most of us don't want to be activists of any sort. Most would like to go stealth not for passing sake, and even though it helps not for safety. Mostly so we can just go on with our fucking lives without being reminded we are trans twenty four hours a day and able to just be people. As I like to say me being trans is probably the least most interesting thing about me, but due to the current world it's the only thing that matters to most people to the point they see me as an object not a person. And that includes allies and people on the same political side because while they are on the side of support, they still see us as objects or a cause to support, not actual people.

So you end up in a situation where we are forced to be activists against our will, and standing up to speak for ourselves because we are the only ones who will. Of course we are angry and yell and don't care about the high road or "how we come off" because we are a community that isn't a bunch of activists but we're forced to be, speaking up for ourselves while not being listened to and forcing ourselves in is the only way to be heard and we are also scared because we are on the eighth step of the ten recognized steps of genocide. So we are screaming and yelling for our survival with no true allies with a world that at best thinks of us as a political cause and worst trash to be eliminated and we are stuck at one percent of population with not enough numbers to affect anything forced to stand up and yell anyway because it's our literal lives and no one stands with us.

So yes we are mostly not activists that are scared, tired, treated I humanely and just want to live our lives in peace, so yes it's not pretty, and if you cannot handle that or thinks it drives people away you were never an Allie and they never were going to be.

We need action.Donating and voting is great, but we need bodies that are willing to stand up and also risk persecution and arrest, that will speak with us (not for us, that understand we are only one percent of the population and without cis Allie's willing to do actual work and scream along with us loud and constantly we are fucked, because we literally will never number enough to have voting or economic power.And it has to be loud and constant and uncomfortable or nothing changes. For all the talk about peaceful protests and the right way to do things (and I am not condoning violence) nothing ever changes unless the people being protested feel super uncomfortable and their lives are disrupted I'm pretty sure lunch counter sit ins did more than 100 marches, because it actually grinned business to halt and stopped teh flow of white people money. Same principle, it needs to bring consequences back on the and often, and that can be done legally and non-violently but only if you're willing to throw out decorum and high road bullshit. If your wrestling pigs your going to get muddy.

I don't know if this post is helpful or not but the thread and IceCrashRadio 's passion made me think of all this, which has actually been on my mind a lot, especially in the last few days with everything going on and the ramping up of rhetoric against us, mixed with the fact I have hit the point in transition there is no more hiding, even boy mode hoodies are failing to hide my breasts. And it doesn't matter even if I could hide I won't, I'm out and I am never going back and I will fight for that and even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit, because I love and care about my community, both in general worldwide and my personal friends many who I met right here and more than a few I have taken the transition journey with, they are my family now, and we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.
Absolutely beautiful post, one of the best ever on this forum. I wish everyone could read this and actually take it in.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're in Canada, sign this petition. While the government came out and said "We already offer asylum on the basis of gender identity and sexuality.", however, with how it goes, and with other states offering asylum from one state to another, the likelyhood as it currently stands to be granted asylum is low. So hopefully this forces some hand in Canadian legislature to bypass that step, as more and more happens down there.

Petition e-4268 - Petitions

Also for fucks sakes, vote out the various conservative premiers, and do not let Pierre Poilievre become Prime Minister. 43% of people turned out to vote and Doug Ford retained Premiership, please make that number higher and get him and his corporate buddies out of here.
Thanks, I didn't know about this. I've signed and shared.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
My uncle died of AIDS in 1996. Before he passed, he was an activist with ACT UP. They didn't get results by coddling the people who hated them. They made noise, they got in people's faces, they made them notice, they ACTED UP. I won't be silent. I won't be a well behaved lady. I will not go back into the closet and I will never change.



The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I really hope I didn't inadvertently get referenced as one of the good ones. Also, bump.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Anyway, isn't this the time when some of you cisgender Americans lurking this topic and reading this post are awake? I sure as shit shouldn't be, but here I am. Where's your post tho? 👀

Oh shit, it really did go there didn't it?
Seemed to have. Which is kind of funny for anyone who's seen my more incendiary moments over the years.

Don't worry, you'll never be one of the good ones to me.

Aww ❤️


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019

I went to the link listed, but the page doesn't exist anymore (tell that to any you share this with peeps), but I looked up the bill itself on WA's state legislature website and directly sent a message to my representatives even though one of them helped sponsor the bill.

Please give this link to any other Washatonions you know :D

Sorry for the ping Alexiell, just making sure you get the link ^^


Dec 22, 2017
I always hate being pushy but the situation is getting desperate, hundreds of anti-trans/non-binary bills are introduced in the USA, Nazis openly marching with TERFs in Melbourne, Uganda outlawing being LGBT as a whole.

We're not pushy because we just for the fun of it but...

Because we're frightened to death, we're frightened for ourselves our friends worldwide, our kids, our future.

We're frightened because certain groups want to outlaw every aspect of our existence and they act more brazenly than normal because there's far too little outcry.

We're pushy not because we hate you but because WE NEED YOU!


Oct 30, 2017
Morning everyone! For the Canadians who've popped in the thread and signed the petition, thank you! However, just because we're in Canada doesn't mean we're magically immune to all this. Just last year we had the freedumb convoy occupy Ottawa for weeks while the police hung out with their buddies in the convoy. And during the Ontario election there was a coordinated effort to elect anti-trans people to school boards across the province, which thankfully failed because people put out resources that helped identify who should not be voted for with this.

So keep an eye out on local elections, provincial, and Federal as well. Vote with intent and not "I don't have a kid, I don't care who is on the school board."

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I don't know if this post is helpful or not but the thread and IceCrashRadio 's passion made me think of all this, which has actually been on my mind a lot, especially in the last few days with everything going on and the ramping up of rhetoric against us, mixed with the fact I have hit the point in transition there is no more hiding, even boy mode hoodies are failing to hide my breasts. And it doesn't matter even if I could hide I won't, I'm out and I am never going back and I will fight for that and even if I have to die even though don't want to I'll happily give my life through all this so in the future some other trans person doesn't have to through the same shit, because I love and care about my community, both in general worldwide and my personal friends many who I met right here and more than a few I have taken the transition journey with, they are my family now, and we deserve to be seen as human and live our human lives just like anyone else and that's a hill I would literally die on.
If our journey leads our ship to sink there's literally no one I'd rather have along side


Oct 27, 2017
Bonn, Germany
I'm fighting like hell, online and in real life, but there's only so much I can do as a cripple in Germany.
It's a fucking genocide.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I'm fighting like hell, online and in real life, but there's only so much I can do as a cripple in Germany.
It's a fucking genocide.
I know, that's the thing it's so easy to become defeated. My outlook isn't good, and I'm not about denying or pretending "it's easy we're gonna win". But every time you put yourself out there you're planting seeds. Don't view your efforts as singular view them as part of the collective to those who need your help in any form that looks like for what you can do


Oct 25, 2017
I wish there was some charity or something to help people gtfo of red states or something


Oct 27, 2017
Bonn, Germany
I know, that's the thing it's so easy to become defeated. My outlook isn't good, and I'm not about denying or pretending "it's easy we're gonna win". But every time you put yourself out there you're planting seeds. Don't view your efforts as singular view them as part of the collective to those who need your help in any form that looks like for what you can do
I know, and I'll never stop fighting for my trans brothers, sisters and enbys. Never!

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I know, and I'll never stop fighting for my trans brothers, sisters and enbys. Never!


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I'm in Florida and it's overwhelming to try and be any ally when the monsters are so casually assured they're the "good guys". I do what I can with emails and petitions and I wish could do more; I can't leave the house for medical reasons, but because my state's fascism demands a reaction and soon I try to keep this at the front of my mind to remind me to do as much as I can.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I'm in Florida and it's overwhelming to try and be any ally when the monsters are so casually assured they're the "good guys". I do what I can with emails and petitions and I wish could do more; I can't leave the house for medical reasons, but because my state's fascism demands a reaction and soon I try to keep this at the front of my mind to remind me to do as much as I can.
Every and any action is making you more of an ally than most people even consider doing. Pace yourself, I do my daily calls. We aren't alone in this we are simply adding up the points together
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heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
I wish there was some charity or something to help people gtfo of red states or something
Unfortunately, there isn't. We have to go old school anarchist with this and practice mutual aid. To put it simply, we have to help each other get out. This likely means supplying monetary aid, physically going to relocate people and opening your home to those in need. Those of you who know me on a personal level know I will put my money where my mouth is on this one. Donate, call, show up at your local politician's place of work and/or home and be a massive pain in the ass. And if you know a trans person who is trapped in one of these shithole states, do whatever you can to get them out.

I'm gonna increase my monthly donation to the Trevor Project and make my calls today at 8 AM. I'm calling on you, cis person reading this right now: join me. Together we can beat the fascists, but only together. Solidarity, love, freedom and QUEERNESS forever!
Nov 3, 2022
Just left a voicemail with my state Senator (Republican) urging them to oppose any and all anti-transgender legislation. One thing I made absolutely sure to include in my call is that I am a registered independent voter.


Oct 27, 2017
Things aren't as abysmal in Sweden, yet. Thinking stuff can't get this bad where you live is daft and naive. Bigots, fascists and whatnot are the same all across the globe. SD got 20% of the votes. Seems appropriate to be pro-active.

Sveriges regering

Regeringen styr Sverige och är drivande i arbetet med att förändra våra lagar, och påverkar på så vis utvecklingen i vårt samhälle. Sveriges regeri...
Yep. SD is focusing on racism as of now and it's going really well for them. If they get what they want in the long run where they can't blame everything on immigrants anymore, they will absolutely go after LGBTQIA people next. Some of their local politicians are already doing that.

If you are living in Sweden, make sure to never vote for anyone other than V/S/MP. Donate to RFSL and attend pride parades. Pester your municipal politicians if you live where SD has real power and want to ban pride flags and banning drag queens reading for children.
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Oct 27, 2017
Make things right by fighting with us. I don't want apologies I want action. Give me your arm, your time, make those calls, keep making those calls. Instead of correcting is actually fight, weather it works weather it doesn't it's action don't sit on the sidelines.

Give me your arm, give me your time, annoy powerful people with us. You called yourself an ally prove it to me and to the people you are an ally too. Talk doesn't make you ally, action does.
I got you, I left messages at both of my local state representatives offices (Texas here, so it's a battle. Thankfully one of my representatives is a Democrat). I'll call during lunch once their offices are open and hopefully I can get through and not just leave a message. I'm leaving a calendar reminder on my work calendar to make sure I do this on a cadence.