Which horror masterpiece would you like to see remade from PS1 era

  • Silent Hill

    Votes: 520 60.7%
  • Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis

    Votes: 336 39.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Makes no sense so ok. REmake was better than original RE tho
I haven't actually played either of those, so I can't say too much on them, but what I've seen of the RE2 Remake certainly shows a lot of the charm and soul was left out of it. The art direction is also terribly bland.

That's not true for video games. Game remakes are usually better than the original.
Eh, opinions. That depends on what you're looking for in a remake.

Except RE1 remake AND RE2 remake are both better than the originals.

I voted Silent Hill but everyone knows we will never get another decent Silent Hill unless by some miracle Konami sells the rights.
Again, opinions. It depends on what you're looking for in a game. RE7 and RE2 Remake both look super bland to me. RE2 Remake even more so than RE7. The older games have a more distinct look and charm to them, even though I don't really like them that much anyways.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how long we're gonna go before something is actually done with the SH IP. It's clear Konami has no interest in exploring the types of games that would resonate with a core audience, but I'm just wondering how long that will actually last. Are we gonna go another ten or fifteen years before new management steps in and tries to reinvigorate the old brands in a way that resonates or are the IPs going to be sold off piecemeal when the IAP/GaaS endeavors eventually flounder?

In my restless dreams, I see that Bluepoint remake.


Oct 28, 2017
Silent Hill easily

barely anyone even remembers RE3 prior to RE2make coming out.

That's exactly why I'd pick RE3 over Silent Hill. Never really got into RE3, but if the same team that made RE2make were to remake RE3 I'd buy it on launch day.

Meanwhile, Konami haven't exactly had the best track record with games in general lately, and Silent Hill specifically for the last 15 years.


Oct 30, 2017
As much as I'm looking forward to a RE3 Remake, there is just nothing like a Silent Hill anymore and that one deserves a remake way more.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
Realistically, RE3, especially after RE2make and knowing that there is still great talent at Capcom.

Unrealistically, also RE3.


Oct 26, 2017
Silent Hill would indeed be more interesting due to how much of the original game was tied to hardware limitations.

Though good luck finding a developer would be able to nail a remake of SH1.
Nov 21, 2017
It's tough cause I love Jill and I love persistent enemies, BUT I gotta go with Silent Hill. I also have to somewhat agree with OP that there is something very special about SH1 vs the sequels.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely RE3 since Capcom has shown they can do it really well.

Silent Hill is overdue compared to RE for a remake but Konami probably wouldn't do a good job.


Oct 30, 2017
Silent Hill already got shattered memories, so re3, the only one on the main series that is not hd yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Out of these two, Nemesis's gameplay hook is more interesting and that game is harder to return to, but I'm not passionate about either of them.
What I really want is a remake of Silent Hill 2, both because it's my favorite of these two series and because it's the one that could really use some major fixes to live up to its true potential.


Oct 26, 2017
I look forward to Revil 3 being remastered, since it's obvious it's happening and holy crap Jill with Claire's quality would be awesome.

Having said that, if I had to choose, I think Silent Hill would be the one I'd go with. A Kojima directed Silent Hill Remake, while we're here talking impossibles.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Silent Hill is the better game by faaaar. Plus that franshise is languishing in purgatory right now whereas Resi is stronger than ever. So for me it's a no-brainer.


Alt account
Feb 5, 2019
SH for me and not even close, I miss Silent Hill, loved the first 2 games. Plus RE is as relevant as it's been, SH is in hiding right now.
Oct 25, 2017
I never really got into RE3, and I love Silent Hill to death, but I actually think that's reason for me to prefer a remake of the former. Silent Hill, rough as it is around the edges, is a timeless classic of a very particular style, from a specific time and place, and I can't help but feel a remake couldn't do it justice. I have a great fondness for the RE series, but I feel ultimately they're thrill rides, not stories that stay with me. They're fantastic games, and I'm enjoying the hell out of the RE2 remake, but they don't carry the weight that SH1 and SH2 do, even though in terms of pure mechanics and video game craft they can't hold a candle to something like RE4.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 6, 2017
RE:R3make, I wouldn't trust Konami to do any kind of positive remake of Silent Hill at this point. Which sucks because Silent Hill deserves a solid remake :(


Oct 26, 2017
Silent Hill REmake after Konami sells the console rights to Capcom(they can keep the rights for pachinko for all I care) and Silent Hill Remake is developped on the RE engine.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread is evil because it just reminds everyone that we're never getting SH remake and quite possibly getting the RE3 one.


Dec 5, 2017
SH1 easily, SH1 is one of best games ever and deserves remake (fuck you Konami),
RE3 even if is good game is not even best RE game.

Saying that, nailing that atmosphere from SH1 would be very hard.


Jun 4, 2018
I would love both but since we just had RE2 i'd like Silent Hill better, but it's never gonna happen since Konami

Deleted member 1003

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Oct 25, 2017
I want Silent Hill, but I know Konami doesn't have the will or desire to put money into a remake.

I'll take RE3.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
It's a reimagination rather than a remake. The premise is the same in the sense that it's story about Harry searching for his daughter after a car crash. But the story itself and character personalities are different.
Where it starts getting fuzzy is that Resident Evil 2 Remake's characters are very, very different to their original versions, and there are significant story changes all over the place.

However, Shattered Memories is basically an unrelated Silent Hill game presented by Climax to Konami as a remake of Silent Hill because that was the only way to get the game greenlit. They pretended it was a remake of Silent Hill, and were careful not to show Konami anything that contradicted this. They also waited until some production staff changeover at Konami and used that opportunity to axe game design elements they didn't like, such as combat, while Konami was distracted and therefore not in a position to stop them.

The thing that troubles me about Silent Hill in general is that people say they want a Silent Hill remake, but I'm not sure people actually know what they want. Remember how much shit Metal Gear Survive copped for "poking zombies with a stick". Well, you spend huge chunks of Silent Hill blandly hitting monsters with a blunt object. Like, that's the incredibly thrilling core gameplay loop right there. A lot of people were willing to forgive the gameplay of Silent Hill at the time, and even when they got those not-great remasters. But if you make a shiny new Silent Hill remake and it looks a million dollars, there is gonna be a problem if it plays like an older Silent Hill game. "Oh, it's supposed to feel incredibly shitty to play because TENSION" isn't going to cut it with reviewers or even casual audiences in general.

A lot of people love PT, but it was even further removed from the old Silent Hill formula than Shattered Memories was. And we don't even know how Silent Hills was going to play. The Evil Within 2 is extremely Silent Hill-esque, and that game is quite divisive. Resident Evil and Silent Hill were always different, and RE is easier to turn into a kinda slick third person shooter with puzzles and looping level design. Turning Silent Hill into something universally acclaimed while preserving the things people liked about the original is a tall order, IMO.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I'd prefer Silent Hill, and the original trilogy, but then I'm conflicted because I don't want Konami to make money from it.


Aug 16, 2018
We already go RE2 Remake. I like SH1 a bit more than RE3 so thats to points for SH. It would be glorious on FOX engine


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, Silent Hill would be freaking amazing.
But I doubt they would be able to get that feeling that only SH can give.
Oct 27, 2017
Out of these two, probably Silent Hill, although I would definitely choose SH2 over its predecessor if given the choice.


Oct 26, 2017
I definitely don't want a remake of Silent Hill 2. It's my favorite game and one of the few games I'd consider to be perfect.

Just thinking about how they would try to recast the actors again makes my blood boil.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the Resident Evil series way more than Silent Hill. But we just got a Resident Evil Remake and the series is doing fine. Silent Hill on the other hand could really use a remake(or any new game) more right now. So I would go with Silent Hill. Also RE3 was not a favorite of mine so I could do without it if it meant Silent Hill could live again.