Mr. Shakedown

Oct 27, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Yeah I ditched FB last year, but...

I wish FB didn't own Whatsapp. It's completely replaced SMS here in the UK. I don't really understand how Whatsapp makes money, because it has no ads. I assume that my continued use of it is benefitting FB in some way though.

They probably keep all of the user numbers consolidated under the "Facebook Family™" so WhatsApp having a stranglehold on the UK massively bloats their numbers they advertise to investors.


Oct 26, 2017
Paris, France
Now is the time for me as well. I never did for the connector plugin with other sites. Stupid reason, google will support me with that.


Oct 25, 2017
I use FB for 2 of my businesses and I do not "friend" people who cause me anxiety or are assholes. I also use FB marketplace to buy and sell stuff and since buying and selling is how I make my living, I will not be leaving FB.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I've been using it for group chats, but it is trash. Discord works better, even, so I just need to pressure my friends to contact via that.


Oct 27, 2017
If you delete your account, facebook still knows who you are, still profiles you, still tracks you. You may no longer appear as John Hancock in search results but you're user ~11213421433243 in their system, you're already fingerprinted. The account you deleted is still reporting to the mothership, you need to kill their cookies, their partner cookies but your computer, your IP address, your browser profile, your battery still report enough information for facebook to make a calculated guess about who you are.

By all means delete your accounts, but you need to go a bit further to truly leave.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Until there are better alternatives i stay while disagreeing with their policy. Already use telegram though for whatsapp alternative but still use both services for different purpose.


Dec 5, 2017
agreed on everything but what's app. It's to importan, like legitimately used daily for friends and work. Facelol and insta I've been off for ages


Oct 25, 2017
I use Facebook to track, follow, and find out about local events, classes, and cultural happenings. It's even more vital now that local alt-weekly newspapers have died out.


Oct 27, 2017
It sucks but the people in this thread who say "just delete ____ app" are absurd and don't understand how ingrained said app is in our business and personal lives.


Oct 26, 2017
My Facebook page is a billboard. I feel like it has some value.



Oct 30, 2017
Yeah I ditched FB last year, but...

I wish FB didn't own Whatsapp. It's completely replaced SMS here in the UK. I don't really understand how Whatsapp makes money, because it has no ads. I assume that my continued use of it is benefitting FB in some way though.
Whatsapp makes money the same way any free website makes money.

You're the product, it's the service. You're being sold to advertisers.


Aug 29, 2018
I'm surprised there haven't been anti campaign movements against facebook where people would share sour experiences about whatever's being advertised on their feed as it comes ie You get an ad for Denny's so you make a Facebook post about the time they served your food half cooked. This would negate the value in advertising on Facebook, which could cause advertisers to pull out and destroy one of Facebook's primary revenue sources.
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May 29, 2018
Finally said "fuck it" and deactivated it after also turning off the integration with other apps. Nothing of value was lost and now I no longer have to listen to that pesky voice in the back of my head that tends to nag after a few months of inactivity to tell me "you haven't checked FB in a while" which I've been ignoring since January.

Will probably delete the damn thing in a few months but for now it's done and this gives me time to contact people via messenger to confirm phone numbers and email addresses. Feels good to be finally rid of it and the stupid social pressure to maintain a presence there for family.

Now to migrate off Gmail...


Oct 25, 2017
Not a option.

I use facebook to keep in touch with extended family who live outside the US and some inside the US as well but not in the area I live in. Along with people I've met throughout the years whether its at school, work, travel, etc.

Lol. Give people your alternative contact info. Done.

That isnt a option for me.

I dont give out my email or phone number to people I associate in social media whether they are extended family or not.

I dont even know 99% of the phone numbers/emails of the people I have on FB (and they dont know mine either) and I rather keep it that way.

The only people I share that info with is my spouse and my parents.

Also the argument of sending photos through email....what? Who does that?

Edit: So tired of getting "Good Morning" photos from relatives on whatsapp that I cut all contact with them through whatsapp just for that reason.
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Told everyone on Facebook I'm deleting my account in a couple days and to message me for contact info if you want to keep in touch.

Need to set up a fake account for my office since I help manage our page. Any best practices for this?

On my main account before I delete it, I'm going to delete all of it individually (all photos, activity, friends, etc) then randomize as much of it as possible. Change the name, friend request a thousand randos, like two thousand random pages, just to dirty up any data they retain.
Oct 25, 2017
Nah. I'd rather just annoy all my right wing followers and family all the latest news from the protests and watch them complain.

They're the ones that need to see it the most.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
Facebook is a lot like how AOL was in the 1990s.

Like FB, AOL was extremely over valued because it wrestled itself into a position of being the gatekeeper & homepage of the entire internet. Remember when it was AOL Time Warner? Dial-up, magazines, movies. The ancient era...

And like when AOL fell from being the ISP of choice, it remained in a much smaller way for its one value - AIM - the chat app. And so deactivating Facebook was an easy decision; I'd hardly used it anymore and what I liked about it initially — its simplicity compared to the busy-ness of MySpace — had long been removed as a feature, many versions ago. Instead I'll just keep Facebook Messenger and I'll use it when I need to get in touch with my sister-in-law, for whatever reason. But there's no reason at all to scroll or use any other FB features. Why would you?


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Giving people your phone number is not a valid replacement wtf op.

It's the non direct communication that is the value of Facebook and Instagram. You can keep up with people's lives without constantly harassing them with messages and photos just by opening the app, scrolling for a minute, looking at their stories. There's a reason it's so popular.
Not to mention staying in the loop of local businesses that communicate via their social media pages.

Plus I need WhatsApp for work. Like 100% required.

Sorry OP but I think I'm going to keep them.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Deleting facebook over 6 years ago was the best decision I've made on the internet and getting rid of larger public internet spaces and social media has done nothing but good for my mental health.

Delete your Facebook. You can, and will, live better for it.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah. I'd rather just annoy all my right wing followers and family all the latest news from the protests and watch them complain.

They're the ones that need to see it the most.

my favorites are the one who say remove me if you don't believe blah blah blah.

How about you remove me cause I clearly am annoying you with all my Colin Kaepernick posts and will continue to do so.


Oct 27, 2017
Just remember you can download all your facebook data very conveniently right through their account settings. I tried it and it works. It even comes with nice HTML offline albums.
Oh, cool. This was my primary concern about deleting my account. I want to reclaim what's mine before I give them the heave-ho.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
My parents have unstable phones and I use Facebook messenger with them because it's a bit more consistent than their mobile networks. I generally need to keep in touch with them for my monthly infusions at the hospital. I also have friends and family to keep in touch with on there.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Deleted!!! Made sure to grab some friends numbers and have been chatting with folks I haven't talked to in ages.


Oct 28, 2017
It sucks because the martial art clubs im in for judo and karate are too poor ti afford a website and so share all class times and the like through FB.

I barely ever use FB as it is though.i havent posted a status update in 4 years.


Oct 25, 2017
My FB has been deleted for a long time. Finally going to delete Insta now though. Deleted the app long ago but not my profile. Literally the least I can do.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
why would you support facebook in 2020

because talking to people is hard? talking to people has been hard since talking was invented.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
i love the idea that these apps have actually made communicating with people easier or more convenient. like bitch send an e-mail if you care that much.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
I had two accounts, and I haven't used them in years. Can't remember what password I used, and I tried to change the password, but it then takes me through a "security check" and wants me to upload a photo id.

Fuck that.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Wish I could but I can't.

I have too many international friends and the only ways to remain in contact are WhatsApp and Facebook


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm not gonna do that. It's irreplaceable at this point for me. I participate too much in too many things.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017

Opt out on your terms

Facebook can track almost all your web activity and tie it to your Facebook identity. If that's too much for you, the Facebook Container extension isolates your identity into a separate container tab, making it harder for Facebook to track you on the web outside of Facebook.

I already have this, but I don't notice any difference? Is that normal?

Wish I could but I can't.

I have too many international friends and the only ways to remain in contact are WhatsApp and Facebook

Perhaps someone with skills can build something with similar function without all the baggage?


Oct 25, 2017
I have to use facebook to interface with some parts of my job. Fortunately due to covid that need is gone until things go back to normal (or get closer anyway). I wish I could delete the account but I'll continue to not use it as long as possible.

Deleted member 51306

User requested account closure
Dec 27, 2018
So my dad asked me today to help him delete his Facebook because of all the terrible things the company and it's founder have done but he can't figure out how to permanently delete it. The last time he tried he said he still got notifications. I've never had a social media account so I definitely don't know the ends and outs of it. Is there a good reference or YouTube video that clearly shows you how to actually delete it?


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
So my dad asked me today to help him delete his Facebook because of all the terrible things the company and it's founder have done but he can't figure out how to permanently delete it. The last time he tried he said he still got notifications. I've never had a social media account so I definitely don't know the ends and outs of it. Is there a good reference or YouTube video that clearly shows you how to actually delete it?
There's Facebook's own instructions.

Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account | Facebook Help Center

You can request to have your Facebook account permanently deleted.

It could be that last time, he deactivated his Facebook account but not his Messenger account (which is an option). They try to steer users to only temporarily disable their accounts. They also don't delete accounts right away, so if you accidentally log back in, the account reactivates.
Oct 27, 2017
i added a site blocker extension to my browser when i deleted my account -- sometimes you find yourself typing in "fa" *enter* without thinking when you're killing time on the internet, and i didn't want to accidentally log back in. it helps with your resolve too if you somehow find yourself missing just vacantly scrolling and feeling worse and worse