
Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo barely acknowledges metroid as it is. If it doesnt do well who knows if we'll ever see another one. If it cant do well on the switch of all things it doesnt make sense to make another one.


Oct 27, 2017
This will be the best selling Metroid with the wait and hype it'll generate.
No because Nintendo need a first person shooter in their Nintendo First Party lineup

Unless it gets replaced by Mario Shooter
I mean, do they? Switch has a genuine shot of becoming the best-selling console of all time without a single entry in the biggest FPS franchise in history, and the general lack of FPSs on the platform hasn't been doing much to slow their stride in any appreciable way. Prime 4 in no way would do anything to move the needle on that trajectory.


Nov 5, 2017
Even if it bombs they will still try again at some point. There's a whole genre named after it, Metroid isn't going anywhere.
I don't think it's gonna hit that without some sort of multiplayer component
Prime 4 not hitting 5 million really wouldn't come down to the lack of a multiplayer component, as you have to get folks interested in playing the single player portion to begin with. They really need a completely different mindset for how they approach narratives in the series, since that's the thing driving a lot of folks away right now if they continue on with Samus being little more than an arm cannon and pitting her against yet another evil version of herself.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
Prime 4 selling poorly will kill the series 100%, that we're getting a Prime 4 (or a new console Metroid) at all is a miracle
Oct 27, 2017
It will do well
I can't think of any reason it won't be the most successful MP game unless it's a flat out bad game


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Also give me a Hunters mode in Prime 4 where all the characters from that game come back for multiplayer.

That shit rocked.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly can't see MP4 doing poorly. It'd take either coming out on the Switch successor which is somehow a Wii U level failure, or releasing exclusively for the Switch a year after the super popular new Nintendo system is out.
I can't see it not being the best selling game in the franchise. I'd put it at the 6-9 million range.
No Metroid game has sold even close to that much.


Jun 20, 2019
I do think people's expectations for Metroid Prime 4 are a bit too big. I think it'll be successful, but it would have to be another BOTW style scenario to be as big of a revival as some people think it'll be.

If the series can come back and sell as well as like Xenoblade, it'll be a win.
How big are people expecting it to be? lol


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, there's still a nonzero chance Mercury Steam is working on another Metroid game as we speak and Metroid as an IP is a lot more flexible and adaptable than a one-trick pony like F-Zero. Generally I think people overestimate the importance of sales history and underestimate the importance of just having strong concepts


Oct 30, 2017
It'd be a bad look if this isn't the best selling Metroid game of all time imo
Dec 2, 2020
I'm pretty sure that rumor was fake.

If so it's a LOT of money left on the table. I still think it's coming this year in Q3 in order to reintroduce the series to new fans.

But yeah if Prime 4 bombs it's the end of 3D Metroid because it's probably going to be the third most expensive Nintendo game ever made behind the two BotW games.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Hasn´t Retro been hiring people from Activision and Battlefield?
we should have learned from Tropical Freeze that doesn't mean much. before its reveal, we learned retro hired folks from Naughty Dog and Virgil games
Prime 4 not hitting 5 million really wouldn't come down to the lack of a multiplayer component, as you have to get folks interested in playing the single player portion to begin with. They really need a completely different mindset for how they approach narratives in the series, since that's the thing driving a lot of folks away right now if they continue on with Samus being little more than an arm cannon and pitting her against yet another evil version of herself.
yea, Tanabe has been pushing to grow the world of Metroid, which I feel it needs.
I'd take a Hunters mode.
NST on Hunters mode, Next Level on co-op, and Retro on single player. a dream metroid game

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Retro Studios making a Metroid Prime game in 2021+ on modern hardware with no impetus to design the mechanics and game world with a substantial casual gaming audience in mind

That shits gonna drop, score high ratings, and sell like no other Metroid game before it on Switch. Or more accurately, like the three before it combined. I ain't worried


Oct 25, 2017
Unless it sucks I don't see any reason why it wouldn't break 1 million. I see no way it sucks. It will be one of the best reviewed games the year it releases.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Prime 4 not hitting 5 million really wouldn't come down to the lack of a multiplayer component, as you have to get folks interested in playing the single player portion to begin with. They really need a completely different mindset for how they approach narratives in the series, since that's the thing driving a lot of folks away right now if they continue on with Samus being little more than an arm cannon and pitting her against yet another evil version of herself.

It's true and you should say it.

I don't want these games just to be about silently exploring caves by my lonesome anymore. Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are Very Good, but A. they're just two games and B. they're already the perfection expression of that particular kind of Metroid experience. We don't need a repeat.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
I just want more Metroid and F-Zero games. Put dating sim stuff in it if you have to. Whatever it takes.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Metroid Prime 4 is going to light the charts on fire. It's not going to pull Mario or Zelda numbers by any stretch of the imagination. Not even close. But I also think it'd had to fail really catastrophically badly for Nintendo to give it the full F-Zero treatment.
IDK man, highly rated first party games on Switch have been doing absurdly well in general IIRC, and even if Metroid isn't traditionally a high seller... It'll be a (presumably) critically acclaimed game on Switch, a 60fps shooter with dope visuals, unique asthetic, with Nintendo brand power behind it... I mean I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I think MP4 might have the potential to redefine Metroid's sales expectations moving forward

I could see it doing about as well as Luigis Mansion 3 and I know that's lot but a man can dream


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's got the potential to be the best selling Metroid game ever. Not only it'll get a "switch boost", it'll also be the first time since the original Prime that the game will put the focus back on being a game and not have to chase the Halo or Wii crowds.

If Retro and Nintendo play their cards right, this could even be Metroid's BotW.

But I sure hope they release some sort of trailer sooner or later.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I've pretty much accepted that this is the new metroid. It's at least Sony's version of the game.

Same. It almost feels like this was a Metroid pitch before it became what it is, because it's so damn Metroid once you strip away the roguelike elements.

Returnal is giving you Metroid vibes? I should prolly check it out

It IS Metroid with a randomizer. Once you play it you can easily imagine cutting and pasting Samus, her powerups, the Space Pirates, Chozos, and other Zebes shit into the game.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
Probably the end of Prime. I could see them moving towards a more traditional FPS game to try to bring Metroid back.

Otherwise I can see them doing smaller 2D titles.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying its not already?

F-Zero had 6 games total, with 3 being on the GBA. Metroid has had 14 games, not counting Prime 4, with two of those games being remakes, and the last one literally just a few years ago. F-Zero hasn't had a new game in close to two decades.

Not even remotely the same. Especially when Metroid Prime 4 is a huge budget game and has been in development for years. We wouldn't consider F-Zero asleep if it had a game like MP4 being made.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
If rumors are to be believed there are multiple Metroids in development, both prime 4 and and a new 2d entry plus the heavily rumored Prime Trilogy switch version. F zero never had that much support going on at once every


Oct 26, 2017
No Metroid game has sold even close to that much.
I'd certainly put it closer to the lower end, but I think it'll do well if they market it well enough, and it's as good as the other Prime games.
If they're only expecting it to do like 500k to 2 million again, I'm not really sure why they're putting so much into it over so long. At that point why not just port Trilogy and then make a DKC with K.Rool back in?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, do they? Switch has a genuine shot of becoming the best-selling console of all time without a single entry in the biggest FPS franchise in history, and the general lack of FPSs on the platform hasn't been doing much to slow their stride in any appreciable way. Prime 4 in no way would do anything to move the needle on that trajectory.
Nintendo seems to like covering the majority of game genres from their first party it seems so they don't need to rely on third parties, compared to Sony and Microsoft first party's I think Nintendo does cover the most genres
If there's one they haven't yet I'm sure in time they will either have a new IP or Mario and characters with that genre title

You're right that they don't need to, but seeing their choices I can see they want to keep Metroid just to cover the shooter side
Oct 28, 2017
I bet that your post sounds more clever than it is...inside your head.

You would be surprised what I think is clever in my head.



Sep 18, 2018
I imagine even if it bombs we'll get another one eventually. Metroid is pretty easy to try new things with and is really unique in their wheelhouse. F-Zero likely died because it didn't sell well enough to justify having both it and Mario Kart. I'd say the same thing happened with Advance Wars v Fire Emblem but I think Wars might have died before Awakening hit it big.


Oct 25, 2017
On Metroid: There is a proven market and proven demand for a sprawling singleplayer sci-fi action/adventure game. I suspect Nintendo will continue to try and make Metroid games at least once per generation. The (presumed) success of Starfield stands to re-ignite interest in this genre in a way that will interest Nintendo.

On F-Zero: Racing games are dead. Sci-fi racing games are deader than dead. There's no point in trying to make new titles in this series. Maybe it could work if they made it very casual-friendly like Mario Kart......but why make a sci-fi Mario Kart when you already are publishing normal Mario Kart?

Given how different the two franchises are in terms of marketability, I don't think Metroid will ever die out in the same way that F-Zero has.


Dec 25, 2017
It could be, however it has an adventage over series like F-Zero:

No, because it has a high ranking producer who pushes for it (Tanabe). That's all it really takes for a Nintendo franchise to remain active.

F-Zero has nobody inside Nintendo championing it and nobody outside Nintendo pitches anything for it, with Metroid that doesn't happen.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a weird hypothetical that's kind of hard to imagine. If the game truly bombs - e.g. 1-2 million sold after all these years of development, that'd be pretty awful

1. The investment into Retro Studios would be over, or at least they wouldn't be able to function with any level of autonomy. We're already at 6-7 years without a new release, and several more years to go.
2. Metroid games might still be developed because the IP is pretty unique among Nintendo titles, but we may just see 'safe', less ambitious 2D releases for a while.

That said, I just don't think there's a real chance of the above. I cannot see them cancelling the first version, pushing it to Retro, and still putting out a bad game.