
Jan 11, 2018
No. I don't play PvP anyway and even if I did I still wouldn't.

- Superior input
- Better frames (60 at this point feels pretty bad in Destiny 2)
- No online payment


Nov 6, 2017
EDIT: Pretend I said unlimited framerates (your choice, 60/120/144 etc) in the title, the focus is much more on the cheating right now on PC regardless.

With the CRAZY amount of hacks and straight gross cheating in the PC arena right now, would you come back to the relatively safe waters of PSN/XBL if you had left for PC when it came out?

Cross save is already implemented, so it'd just be a matter of Bungie planning on moving with the next Gen on release...

Cheats are just the worst.

I don't play pvp nor gambit in Destiny 2, so I haven't noticed cheating in the game and can't say much about its' prevalence. Besides, I would miss M+K controls way too much. I loved Destiny on a controller, but I found it plays even better with M+K. Not too mention having to pay a subscription to play online, lol.

Bungie should come up with more anti cheating measures to keep things fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Of course, the only reason why I've been playing on PC lately is because I've been playing a shit ton of COD lately on console and just can't go back to Destiny and the 30fps mess it is(in my mind). So I have to play it on PC for a sense of what I consider normalcy.

But pvp on PC is a hot mess. I suck with keyboard and mouse and I don't want to play against people with a keyboard and mouse.

So absolutely yes I would play again on consoles.

But right now the game is in such a shit state content wise I don't think I'll be returning until that new console / 60 fps option is available anyway. Bungie only does worthwhile content updates in September anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
PC>Console, I like options (FoV, fps, etc) and the input method better. That being said, I think all of the talk about cheaters is slightly overblown right now; they are definitely a problem but I think people are also encountering a lot of people in crucible that literally don't do anything with their lives except for Destiny PvP so they're insane at the game. Bungo's SBMM has decided that because I have so many hours in the game that I need to be playing sweatfest Unbroken teams every game in every playlist even though my win percentage is near 40% and I haven't played in two season. It feels like everyone is insane, but there's no way that everybody is cheating; I think Bungie's matchmaking might be at fault, or the population of the Crucible at this point is skewed super-hardcore.


Jan 11, 2018
PC>Console, I like options (FoV, fps, etc) and the input method better. That being said, I think all of the talk about cheaters is slightly overblown right now; they are definitely a problem but I think people are also encountering a lot of people in crucible that literally don't do anything with their lives except for Destiny PvP so they're insane at the game. Bungo's SBMM has decided that because I have so many hours in the game that I need to be playing sweatfest Unbroken teams every game in every playlist even though my win percentage is near 40% and I haven't played in two season. It feels like everyone is insane, but there's no way that everybody is cheating; I think Bungie's matchmaking might be at fault, or the population of the Crucible at this point is skewed super-hardcore.

When you have shit like this...

Nobody should have to play against this.

Better anti cheat pls lol. This gave me a big scare XD―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――❈ Support my other platforms ❈❆ ❆❆ http://...

it's not overblown at all. It's hard to play any PvP, particularly Trials without being suspicious of the people you're playing unless it's blatant cheating like the video I posted above. Plenty of people can use aim bots without looking like they're blatantly cheating.
Oct 28, 2017
I never moved to pc to play Destiny, i just stoped playing it because of how accustomed to 60fps ive become even on console shooters. Im pretty sure Destiny is the only 30fps shooter ive played on console in many years. Maybe even this console generation? But yes i would totally jump back in.


Aug 23, 2018
It's had a decent influx from releasing free.
The question is how many of those will stick around


Oct 25, 2017
When you have shit like this...

Nobody should have to play against this.

Better anti cheat pls lol. This gave me a big scare XD―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――❈ Support my other platforms ❈❆ ❆❆ http://...

it's not overblown at all. It's hard to play any PvP, particularly Trials without being suspicious of the people you're playing unless it's blatant cheating like the video I posted above. Plenty of people can use aim bots without looking like they're blatantly cheating.

This is what I am talking about though, how many times have you seen cheating this blatant? I have hundreds of hours in crucible and I've seen something this blatant three times, one of those being weekend 2 of trials. It is by far the exception, not the norm, in my experience.

It's possible to use an aimbot without looking like they're blatantly cheating but it's also not easy to do that since they will be doing aim movement that doesn't seem possible. Destiny also enables a lot of things to happen that might make one call cheats when in reality the garbage networking and incredibly forgiving head hitboxes/bullet magnetism are to blame.

I'm not saying cheating isn't a problem, it is a huge one, but there is so much wrong with Destiny 2 PvP and I don't think that it is the predominant one. If you eliminated cheating by putting this game on a theoretical console that could do 60+fps with good FoV and M+K support but with everything else the same, the PvP would still be fundamentally broken and you'd still be going up against quite a few of those players you might suspect of cheating.


Oct 30, 2017
I already did.
I have a decent pc and yes the game looks/plays better but it's not fun at all.

I mostly play on X1X now or Pro when recording footage.


Oct 25, 2017
What is there even to do in D2 right now

Bungie seems to be struggling with supporting the game since breaking up with Activision.


Jan 11, 2018
This is what I am talking about though, how many times have you seen cheating this blatant? I have hundreds of hours in crucible and I've seen something this blatant three times, one of those being weekend 2 of trials. It is by far the exception, not the norm, in my experience.

It's possible to use an aimbot without looking like they're blatantly cheating but it's also not easy to do that since they will be doing aim movement that doesn't seem possible. Destiny also enables a lot of things to happen that might make one call cheats when in reality the garbage networking and incredibly forgiving head hitboxes/bullet magnetism are to blame.

I'm not saying cheating isn't a problem, it is a huge one, but there is so much wrong with Destiny 2 PvP and I don't think that it is the predominant one. If you eliminated cheating by putting this game on a theoretical console that could do 60+fps with good FoV and M+K support but with everything else the same, the PvP would still be fundamentally broken and you'd still be going up against quite a few of those players you might suspect of cheating.

I never said PvP would be good without cheaters, but they are at the forefront because they're plaguing the pinnacle PvP mode right now. Cheaters were around before Trials even came back but discussion regarding them wasn't nearly as prevalant and they weren't nearly as abundant because PvP was on the back burner at that point. Comp was a joke and you'd have to be a real piece of shit to cheat in quickplay. With Trials back and new rewards to earn the cheaters are everywhere and PvP players aren't happy because said cheaters are killing their pinnacle mode.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, I just prefer Destiny on PC at this point. My PC will always be more powerful than consoles, but it isn't that. I just prefer the windows environment for the game. I like to alt tab a lot and look stuff up. It's easier than picking up my phone to look something up if I am on a console.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
No, I couldn't imagine playing without mouse/keyboard and at low framerate. Having played about 100 hours of Destiny 2 on PC I haven't really noticed a 'crazy amount of cheating'.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
No, OP. I'd prefer Bungie get their shit together.

With games like Titanfall 2, Apex Legends, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Halo 5, the newer Call Of Duty games and so on, Destiny's core movement and shooting feels outdated to me, not to mention how grindy and repetitive it is. I'm only ever coming back to Destiny if they produce a truly exciting new sequel that stop doing what I already did a lot in 2014.

Of those, only Titanfall has faster, more fluid movement than Destiny 2. Your post is absolutely ridiculous.

This is what I am talking about though, how many times have you seen cheating this blatant? I have hundreds of hours in crucible and I've seen something this blatant three times, one of those being weekend 2 of trials. It is by far the exception, not the norm, in my experience.

It's possible to use an aimbot without looking like they're blatantly cheating but it's also not easy to do that since they will be doing aim movement that doesn't seem possible. Destiny also enables a lot of things to happen that might make one call cheats when in reality the garbage networking and incredibly forgiving head hitboxes/bullet magnetism are to blame.

I'm not saying cheating isn't a problem, it is a huge one, but there is so much wrong with Destiny 2 PvP and I don't think that it is the predominant one. If you eliminated cheating by putting this game on a theoretical console that could do 60+fps with good FoV and M+K support but with everything else the same, the PvP would still be fundamentally broken and you'd still be going up against quite a few of those players you might suspect of cheating.
In my Trials matches this weekend, roughly 25% of the matches were against cheaters, with odds increasing with each win past the 4th win.

They were obvious when checking their reports to find them on low level accounts with 85%+ sniper headshot rates, 40%+ Hardlight precision kills rates.

It was *frequent* and ruined several cards.
Last edited:
Ivory Samoan

Ivory Samoan

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
Of course, the only reason why I've been playing on PC lately is because I've been playing a shit ton of COD lately on console and just can't go back to Destiny and the 30fps mess it is(in my mind). So I have to play it on PC for a sense of what I consider normalcy.

But pvp on PC is a hot mess. I suck with keyboard and mouse and I don't want to play against people with a keyboard and mouse.

So absolutely yes I would play again on consoles.

But right now the game is in such a shit state content wise I don't think I'll be returning until that new console / 60 fps option is available anyway. Bungie only does worthwhile content updates in September anyway.
I'm hoping the Fall update is great also, I'm so hoping that leak is right, sounds bloody amazing tbh.

Deleted member 5457

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
For me, Destiny is one of those fps games that play better on a controller, so i can't wait to play it on ps5.


Dec 4, 2019
PC version of Destiny is the worst version for me. Hacks and low playerbase are too big of a things for a game like that.

If Ps5 has 60fps on it, there just isn't any kind of way on which I'd say "man, I wish I played on PC"


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
Stadia D2 has zero cheating, mouse aim, and near instant loading. You are all welcome.
I would move to 30fps 720p and cheating before I would load up stadia :P

but top OP, offering the same perks as pc on a console wont make destiny players move to console. you need to offer something on console that you cant get on PC. since all I read now is the same and still a bit shittier than pc. Its not really enticing PC players who already have that and more.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would I downgrade ?
I already play at 144fps, 1440p and 105 FOV.

if the ps5 or Xbox can provide that then...maybe... naw Iprobably ever can't go back to consoles. The controller is too restricting for mr with any fps now.


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
Compared to Ps4 is too low. My friends played on PC for two months when it launched. Heck, PvP was always against the same people.
I think it has more to do with the fact that nobody wants to play Destiny 2 PVP on PC since there are greater offerings in the Multiplayer space for PC players, and less with total userbase. For a console destiny PVP is pretty solid, but not for PC.

but Destiny 2 as a whole is a pretty unique experience that PC players are happy to have added to the family. just not PVP on its own.


Oct 25, 2017
With the CRAZY amount of hacks and straight gross cheating in the PC arena right now, would you come back to the relatively safe waters of PSN/XBL if you had left for PC when it came out?
In case OP doesn't know that: there are also cheaters on consoles. That's not some kind of magic PC exclusive feature.
Compared to Ps4 is too low. My friends played on PC for two months when it launched. Heck, PvP was always against the same people.
Pretty sure the PC population is the largest player base since the game moved over to Steam.
Oct 25, 2017
Acting like the PC version is "just" 60 fps is underselling it lol. The shorter load times on maps and inventory, mouse controls, and the higher graphic fidelity make it feel a generation ahead.
May 25, 2019
The framerate and loading times are a huge problem on current consoles, but my bigger issues with the game right now is how they are structuring and designing it. Grinding out public events and other stuff to fill up bounties is not why I got into Destiny

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Destiny has much much bigger problems than frame rate. It'll take a lot more than that to ever get me back playing the game.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Acting like the PC version is "just" 60 fps is underselling it lol. The shorter load times on maps and inventory, mouse controls, and the higher graphic fidelity make it feel a generation ahead.
I can't speak to mouse controls, but the Series X will be as powerful if not more powerful than majority of the PCs out right now and the PS5 with its cocaine SSD will surely cut down on loading equally if not more.

If the new consoles launch this Autumn, we're in for a reckoning.


Oct 27, 2017
Pretty sure Bungie will get their shit together with cheating on PC by then, right?


Alt Account
Mar 18, 2020
Not in a million years. In my view there's zero reason to play a game on anything but a pc if possible.


Oct 25, 2017
They'd have to change and update far more than that for me to give a shit about Destiny 2 any time soon. The entire design of the game turned me off of it so hard and I enjoy my small amount of time with the first game even if I wasn't a giant fan. Destiny 2 isn't terrible mind you but a lot of the design issues basically keep me from coming back even if it was a smooth 4K at 120 fps on the consoles. I'm hoping an eventual Destiny 3 or whatever the follow up has a more thought out and well handled content roll out and design philosophy.

Deleted member 8784

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
No, it isn't and your second-hand accounts mean very little. PC is the largest population, by far.

But go ahead, tell us another joke.

Why are you people so damn passive aggressive at the most trivial shit?

The person you're quoting even tells you that it was at launch when their friend played. Destiny 2 was a very different game at that point. Sure, the metrics have changed now, but it ain't worth being rude about.