Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Here is what I dont get is. Why do people want a studio to cast a lead for a movie before they even film the next one?

Bond 25 hasnt started filming yet and you want casting announcements for Bond 26?


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Here is what I dont get is. Why do people want a studio to cast a lead for a movie before they even film the next one?

Bond 25 hasnt started filming yet and you want casting announcements for Bond 26?
People are probably excited to move past the Daniel Craig era at this point


Oct 25, 2017

Dude was 45 when he debuted as Bond and made seven movies
Old people aren't as appealing today. You realize Bond has to appeal to a relatively young demographic now, right? But keep on thinking they're going to cast a 50 year old next.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still of the opinion that they will end up picking Caville. As much as I would have love it to be Idris, the age thing was always going to kill his chances because they will want him for multiple films (as I foresee some kind of reboot after Craig is done).

So they either go With Caville, and he uses it as a chance to help himself after D.C. woes & /man from UNCLE not doing so great — or they go all out on casting someone relatively unknown and start everything fresh.


Oct 25, 2017
Sean Connery, arguably the best Bond, was 53.
Roger Moore was 57 in his final film.

It's not that odd.

Also, Tom Cruise.

Being old isn't the point. As rude said, the last two movies have already been about Bond being old and and out of touch. Casting a nigh on 50-year-old would be boring IMO. It needs some young blood. Maybe even an actor in their early 30s.
Oct 26, 2017
I'd love Idris to shake shit up, but I also don't want to see one of my favorite actors stuck making shit Bond films for the next 10 years.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Cavill is gonna be like 40 by the time they hit production for Bond 26 at this rate :/, if it's gonna happen it needs to happen now. And it won't because for some reason Craig (And I love Craig) needs yet another movie despite already having his "I'm old and out of shape" film with Skyfall. And Craig's Bond even hit the "I've found a way to love again" with Lea Seydoux's character in Spectre.

I really don't know what the creative inspiration is to continue that particular Bond's story. "Let Craig go out on a good note" is strange. Everyone knows Craig is good. He doesn't need a grand send off.


Oct 25, 2017
So in this scenario, Tom Cruise would leave the wildly successful Mission Impossible franchise and James Bond would now be an American agent?

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes hate me all you want but I find all of his bond movies to go boring as fuck can't do it he got the personality of plank without Johnny
Wanting to move past doesnt change the the fact the Craig era isnt over yet and there is still one more film to go. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to even begin speculating about this.

Thats what I dont get. People are expecting casting for a film that is at least a half a decade away with another film in between?


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017

Dude was 45 when he debuted as Bond and made seven movies

Probably the biggest black mark against his era is that by around For Your Eyes Only he's starting to look knackered and rough around the edges, and in his last two films he just looks ridiculous. Also, the franchise needs to make a choice when the actors are older anyway: if they're going to do that, they need to be comfortable casting older women as the primary love interest. Obviously they did this a bit with Belluci in Spectre, but they cut half her scenes and of course she was a secondary interest. There's those scenes in For Your Eyes Only where Moore's Bond is with an 18-20 year old and it's just nuts.

Anyway, the main point is this, I think - I don't think they'd ever let a Bond actor age to Moore levels again. Even then they knew it was wrong - Moore was leaving, then the whole McClory produced Never Say Never Again Connery film came about and the producers got nervous and decided recasting would be too risky while the franchise had a direct off-brand rival, so we got Octopussy and View to a Kill. Moore was 57/58 during AVTAK filming which is just crazy. They're not gonna get to that again, and they're going to want to try to cast somebody who can be in the role safely for around a decade... so Mid 40s is the absolute maximum they'd go to, I think.

Hardy's a great candidate, I think, because we know Nolan wants to do it, we know Nolan would cast him, and presumably when Craig goes he'll be 42 or 43, so he's basically right in the sweet spot. Cavill is also in the exact sweet spot and will be for about the next ten years, though I wonder with him - he's done so many Bond-like roles (MI, UNCLE, etc) I wonder if they would now view him less favorably?

I never thought Idris stood a chance of getting cast because he is too old now, I think (he could play a very convincing Bond now, but the producers will want to think five to ten years ahead), but I think the producers joking and teasing and saying he'd be a great Bond is their way of signalling to the public and fans that the next time they cast they're going to be open on race. There are other Black British actors who could do an excellent job, and there are even people in their twenties (even Boyega comes to mind, tbh) who in another ten to fifteen years when they're the 'right age' for Bond could really do it justice.

Henry Cavill or RIOT


A really, really important note about Cavill is he was second for Casino Royale. Director Martin Campbell actually even preferred him over Craig, but given his age the producers declared he was too young and so they went with Craig. During Craig's era Cavill has matured right into the look/feel of Bond, and at 35 he's now exactly in the age bracket the producers like and will be, like I said above, for about the next ten years. We also know he wants to do it - he said in an interview he'd love to replace Craig just last month, even.


Dec 31, 2017
Actors: Chiwetel Ejiofor, James McAvoy, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, Tom Hiddleston

Directors: Nolan, Tarantino, Fincher, Boyle, (new) Blade Runner man

Make self contained standalone Bond films and watch the money role in over the next 10 years


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly...I don't even get the point of making these movies as long as the Broccolis are in charge. It almost seems like they're devoted to making sure the franchise never comes close to being 1/10th as good as Casino Royale ever again. You know you've fucked up when nearly every Mission Impossible sequel is more entertaining and better crafted than the modern entries of THE premiere spy franchise.

That helicopter scene in Spectre might be the worst action scene I've ever witnessed outside of all the shit in Suicide Squad.
Nov 15, 2017
If Tom Cruise did his own stunts, flied a helicopter, skydived and portrayed an agent at the age of 56. Idris Elba (45) can portray bond.

This age thing , seems to me, nonsensical.
And if its' that rigid, it's no wonder why the franchise feels like a thing from the past.


Mar 18, 2018
Oof, you can tell he's a bit irritated with constantly being asked to play Bond in that video. Just walked off and saying "No." over his shoulder.

Honestly...I don't even get the point of making these movies as long as the Broccolis are in charge. It almost seems like they're devoted to making sure the franchise never comes close to being 1/10th as good as Casino Royale ever again. You know you've fucked up when nearly every Mission Impossible sequel is more entertaining and better crafted than the modern entries of THE premiere spy franchise.

That helicopter scene in Spectre might be the worst action scene I've ever witnessed outside of all the shit in Suicide Squad.

It's amazing how much the franchise has regressed since Casino Royale.

Spectre was such a shit attempt to mix nostalgia for outdated films with modern "fun" and purposefully anti-climactic story arcs. It wasn't even trying to be a story.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
If Tom Cruise did his own stunts, flied a helicopter, skydived and portrayed an agent at the age of 56. Idris Elba (45) can portray bond.

This age thing , seems to me, nonsensical.
And if its' that rigid, it's no wonder why the franchise feels like a thing from the past.

The thing is Cruise has assumed absolute control of the MI franchise as a producer etc, and those films are tailor-built as vehicles for him. Bond isn't like that - Craig has a greater degree of control than any of his predecessors, but EON is asking an actor to give them ten years of their life and their career - this, for instance, was why Ewan McGregor decided not to audition for Casino Royale even though they asked him to. He decided he didn't want to spend ten years of his career on Bond, because as a franchise it does take over your life and preclude you from doing other things. Which is fair enough. Then there's the factor of how many films to make - when they cast Craig, they wanted to hit a film every two years regularly, but Craig pushed back against that hard and reduced the cadence. In the modern cinematic universe climate I can see them pushing for a film every 2 years again, which is just grueling for an actor, I think - whereas Cruise leisurely puts out an MI film every 4 years or so and entertains other projects at the same time - something his large degree of control allows.

So I don't think it's just about the age of the character - I think it's about where an actor is in their life and career, and a younger actor is more likely to commit to a franchise in that way.

But also - not many 56 year olds are as fit or as convincingly young looking as Cruise, either.
Oct 25, 2017
The Cyclone State
Being old isn't the point. As rude said, the last two movies have already been about Bond being old and and out of touch. Casting a nigh on 50-year-old would be boring IMO. It needs some young blood. Maybe even an actor in their early 30s.

I'm not against someone young, but looking at MI: Fallout, casting Elba wouldn't automatically make the movie about an old Bond being out of touch, that's the writing. Cruise in MI is doing shit Pierce never did as Bond and is 10+ years older than he was. You can cast Elba and make it a normal Bond flick.

Either way, I just hope we get a better movie than the last one. More Casino Royale and Skyfall, less everything else.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The age of a Bond actor has very little to do with the quality of the movie, a good movie is a good movie. Craig's movies have been mostly shit since Casino Royale despite getting the prime Craig years. Brosnan's movies were all shit after Goldeneye and he wasn't that old yet. Connery and Moore had good movies in their older eras.

Plus it's not like we don't live in an era where you can be over 40 or over 50 and still be convincing doing action shit.




Lets also not ignore that Daniel Craig will be 51 by the time Bond 25 happens.

Mr. Fantastic

Apr 27, 2018
everyone saying "bu bu but Tom Cruise" are you fucking aware he PRODUCES AND STARTED the damn things, right? They can do whatever the fuck they want.



Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
The age of a Bond actor has very little to do with the quality of the movie, a good movie is a good movie. Craig's movies have been mostly shit since Casino Royale despite getting the prime Craig years. Brosnan's movies were all shit after Goldeneye and he wasn't that old yet. Connery and Moore had good movies in their older eras.

Plus it's not like we don't live in an era where you can be over 40 or over 50 and still be convincing doing action shit.

Lets also not ignore that Daniel Craig will be 51 by the time Bond 25 happens.

I don't think anyone with their head screwed on right is suggesting that a young Bond would solve the franchise's current problems, the suggestion is just that when they cast the role after Craig leaves they will factor in age in order to try to ensure they get a good return on their casting investment (IE a decade's worth of movies - probably five being their target). That balancing act is about more than the guy looking like he can convincingly do Bond stuff without putting his back out though - it's about where an actor is in their career, their expectations etc. I've always had the impression the producers feel like they got a bit burned with Craig in this sense, as they've said they very much would've liked to have released more Bond movies and more quickly than they have.

You are right though, a bad film is a bad film, and every Craig film post Casino Royale is progressively more laden with problems than the last imo.


Oct 28, 2017
Tom Hiddleston (Loki) should be the next Bond IMO. I think Idris is too old for being the next Bond as he will be 50+ but wouldn't mind him being a supporting character in the next film.


Oct 27, 2017
Cavill comes off as a tryhard and would be a boring choice. They should get someone who is a bit more rough around the edges and not as well known.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Tom Hiddleston (Loki) should be the next Bond IMO. I think Idris is too old for being the next Bond as he will be 50+ but wouldn't mind him being a supporting character in the next film.
Hiddleston is probably the next guy I want to get the role after Idris, to be honest.


Oct 27, 2017
EON is asking an actor to give them ten years of their life and their career - this, for instance, was why Ewan McGregor decided not to audition for Casino Royale even though they asked him to. He decided he didn't want to spend ten years of his career on Bond, because as a franchise it does take over your life and preclude you from doing other things.

And I'm sure it was an emphatic "no" since McGregor was also coming off of such a commitment with the Star Wars prequel trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
People seemed idiotic thinking they'd start a new era of Bond with someone that old

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
Wanting to move past doesnt change the the fact the Craig era isnt over yet and there is still one more film to go. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to even begin speculating about this.

Thats what I dont get. People are expecting casting for a film that is at least a half a decade away with another film in between?
Oh I'm not talking about that I just mean I find his bond to be boring whether or not its him or the movies idc it's all boring to me


Oct 25, 2017
The age of a Bond actor has very little to do with the quality of the movie, a good movie is a good movie. Craig's movies have been mostly shit since Casino Royale despite getting the prime Craig years. Brosnan's movies were all shit after Goldeneye and he wasn't that old yet. Connery and Moore had good movies in their older eras.

Plus it's not like we don't live in an era where you can be over 40 or over 50 and still be convincing doing action shit.
The age argument has nothing to do with quality.