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Oct 26, 2017
The executive producer of Doom Eternal has revealed that the team behind the first-person shooter spent months in crunch before deciding to push back the game's release.

In an interview with VG247, Marty Stratton said the studio attempted to balance the extra hours so that some members of staff were given a break, but admits the working schedule was intense.

"We were crunching pretty hard most of last year," he said. "It goes in phases... We'll have one group of people crunching so the next group of people are teed up properly. As they get done, they may need to crunch a little bit.

"We really truly do try and be very respectful of peoples' time and lives. We have very dedicated people that just choose to work a lot in many cases. It was nice because we want the game to be perfect. We want it to live up to our expectations and consumer expectations."

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Hopefully they will rewarded with good sales and reviews, but this sucks man.


Oct 26, 2017
No bonuses or residuals, right?

Just a shitty work environment where a lot of these people could be earning more in other fields. Except they're there for their passion that gets exploited by their execs.
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