Oct 28, 2017
It's be hella funny is they brought in celldweller and atlas plugged for the dlc.
But the real answer is a hulshult reznor combo
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, after how Mick threw Chad under the bus, I wouldn't want to work with him anymore if I were id.
I don't really see how saying "I didn't do that and wouldn't of done that" throwing under the bus? No response would lead to most thinking mick mixed a bunch of songs badly when he didn't mix those. Honestly regardless of the answer people would of reacted the same.


Oct 25, 2017
Great post by Marty. It sucks that knowing the heat Chad was getting, Mick only sought to distance himself from Chad's work instead of being a team player and being up front about what had actually happened. Can understand id never working with Mick again, honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh. He made a mistake but it's easy to see how the situation put him between a rock and a hard place.

Either he overextends himself and says he'll take on a huge ordeal in a very short period of time, or he hands off his work to people who may not handle it with the care he feels it deserves and who would also be working within severe time constraints.

Mick is an experienced developer who is typically given top billing on projects such as this. The significant delay that Id accepted on the OST release, even considering the legal exposure in not delivering a promised piece of the product, is a demonstration of how much influence he has to negotiate contracts.

If he didn't get enough time/money to pay for him and his team to complete a contract that's totally on him.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
TBH Mick sounds kinda like a dick here. And given his handling of the matter publicly I can't say I'm all too surprised? If anyone knows any musicians they would know there is likely a lot of truth to this story. Source: I'm a musician lol.

Shame that iD gets shit on if they really tried being that accommodating to Mick.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really see how saying "I didn't do that and wouldn't of done that" throwing under the bus? No response would lead to most thinking mick mixed a bunch of songs badly when he didn't mix those. Honestly regardless of the answer people would of reacted the same.

Yet behind the scenes he feels bad about attacks Chad is target of now because what Mick said, but doesn't publicly tell people to cool it?

I would call it that throwing Chad under the bus.


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
Worst thing about this is the attacks on their Lead Audio Designer. I hate the internet sometimes.
Oct 27, 2017
He was only contractually obliged to 12 tracks, the rest were on a bonus.
But from what I was reading there was no bonus for extra tracks only a bonus for being on time. There was a 12 track minimum to deliver. The only part I think mick Gordon messed up on was saying that he needs more time and can deliver upwards to 30 tracks. Which seems that was a choice not about money but something to do out of quality.


Nov 17, 2017
Mick is an experienced developer who is typically given top billing on projects such as this. The significant delay that Id accepted on the OST release, even considering the legal exposure in not delivering a promised piece of the product, is a demonstration of how much influence he has to negotiate contracts.

If he didn't get enough time/money to pay for him and his team to complete a contract that's totally on him.

Sure? I acknowledged he made an error of judgment but that doesn't make it impossible for me to empathize with him.

With proper planning (on both ends) this could've been avoided entirely.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
It actually sounds to me like the main problem was trying to release the soundtrack at the same time as game launch caused a ton of extra work that Mick wasn't able to keep up with.

On the other hand, it does sound like he delivered all his tracks for the game itself.

I hope Mick does a remix album with all his tracks, and proper mixes of anything that wasn't mixed properly. It sounds like ID is open to the idea.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
Worst thing about this is the attacks on their Lead Audio Designer. I hate the internet sometimes.

Yeah it's one of those things where if you were in Mick's position and you made the og comment about not working with id again, and hordes of angry fans started shitting on someone else tasked with picking up your slack, the right thing to do would be to explain further. Not to throw a grenade into the online cesspool and sit back and watch other people get cannibalized because you couldn't uphold your end of the deal. Of course there's no obligation to do so, but a non asshole would probably have made an effort to patch the bleeding. I would not want to work with someone like that again either and I don't care how good their music is.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm stunned that id didn't have Mick under contract for the OST until only two months before launch. That's staggering.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't give [clearly] impossible deadlines then.

Mick was told what is needed and deadline on it.

He agreed to what was laid out and promised to deliver.

ID should have been on the move earlier with OST yes, but Mick also should have been able to gauge better if it's possible deliver what he is agreeing to. Then they gave him two extensions because he asked for them.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any tracks to listen to to compare against 2016 Doom? I want to hear what makes Eternal's music so different.


Oct 25, 2017
Contractors can be quite busy.
Right, but apparently it wasn't due to that. The post explains it by saying, with reference to E3 the previous year, that "we didn't have Mick under contract for the OST and because of ongoing issues receiving the music we needed for the game, did not want to add the distraction at that time."

Seems negligent to leave the OST contract so late, given that they'd already promised it as part of the CE. Either sort it out earlier or don't make that promise.


Oct 25, 2017
Right, but apparently it wasn't due to that. The post explains it by saying, with reference to E3 the previous year, that "we didn't have Mick under contract for the OST and because of ongoing issues receiving the music we needed for the game, did not want to add the distraction at that time."

Seems negligent to leave the OST contract so late, given that they'd already promised it as part of the CE. Either sort it out earlier or don't make that promise.
The CE promise definitely put them in a shitty position. They should have released it separately


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of people dunking on Id here, which is confusing.

They gave him a deadline, he agreed to it, and it's still somehow their fault, even though they gave him multiple extensions?

Come on now - it sounds like they were accommodating AF (because of who he is), and he still missed deadlines multiple times.

Relying on 3rd party contractors is stressful enough without deadlines being missed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Andrew Hulshult could probably do a wonderful job with the series. His Doom/Quake remakes are legendary and the DUSK soundtrack is pretty great from what I've heard with plenty of classic Doom inspiration.

He's even already worked with id via Quake Champions with the track Corrupted Keep (which is unlockable in Doom Eternal as the track Goroth).



Oct 25, 2017
Right, but apparently it wasn't due to that. The post explains it by saying, with reference to E3 the previous year, that "we didn't have Mick under contract for the OST and because of ongoing issues receiving the music we needed for the game, did not want to add the distraction at that time."

Seems negligent to leave the OST contract so late, given that they'd already promised it as part of the CE. Either sort it out earlier or don't make that promise.

If you read quote you just posted it sounds like Mick was barely keeping schedule to deliver tracks for the game so they didn't want to put OST on him too as they prioritized in-game music over OST tracks.

Should they have moved on OST earlier and just contracted 3rd party? Maybe, but I imagine Mick would have raised hell over such move.


Nov 15, 2017
It's dumb to root for multi-million dollar companies when they're seemingly down, but this really stings. nuDOOM was definitely a massive part of Bethesda's resurgence plan going forward and this has really just thrown that all away. If you're Bethesda, you makes sure what ever needs to be smoothed out, is smoothed out - Mick was a massive part of nuDOOM. It was basically synonymous with it. All you ever see about DOOM really is the soundtrack. Of course someone else can do the soundtrack, but this muddy's that water. People will jab-in with "it's not Mick" etc. It hits the developers who had no part in this, the most.


Oct 27, 2017
After reading the entire thing, all I can really surmise is that, once again, the real villains are the "gamers," whose insane speculations and sleuthing make all of the real, complex people involved into caricatures of themselves.


Mar 30, 2019
Pretty shitty situation overall, The post seems a little harsh on Mick but to be fair he threw them under the bus in the first place, that audio guy at Id didn't deserve to be called "someone from marketing" or whatever it was Mick said for trying to salvage this mess.


Oct 25, 2017
If you read quote you just posted it sounds like Mick was barely keeping schedule to deliver tracks for the game so they didn't want to put OST on him too as they prioritized in-game music over OST tracks.

Should they have moved on OST earlier and just contracted 3rd party? Maybe, but I imagine Mick would have raised hell over such move.
I agree that they delayed the OST contract likely because of Mick not sticking to schedule on the in-game music. But they should have come up with a different solution. They clearly already had scheduling issues with him, so they shouldn't have doubled down.

Would Mick have been pissed? Maybe, but look how things have turned out. Relationship ruined and the remarkable sight of the producer publicly explaining the minutiae of the problems.

Deleted member 34714

User requested account closure
Nov 28, 2017
Mick only has like 8 tracks that he mixed in the official OST. They're basically saying he can only do that much in 3 months? IDK...


Jan 20, 2019
I'm suprised people are seeing this as Marty being unprofessional. It is hard to really say who's fully at fault here as these online arguments almost every single time follow the same pattern of:
  1. Outrage at person A from something person B has said
  2. Person A defends themselves, suddenly people realise theres another side to the story and the outrage then turns back onto Person B
and then this repeats often over and over again as each side reveals more of their side of the argument.

Regardless of who is right/wrong, when you're working on something that has deadlines with as many ramifications as this stuff can have, its highly unprofessional to miss those deadlines WHEN they're agreed to by both parties. I'm really happy Marty defended his employees. No-one should be harassed like this, especially when NONE of it is their fault.


Oct 25, 2017
How about we don't blindly take the side of a corporation here? To me it sounds like Mick refused to compromise his art in the face of unrealistic time constraints.
He didn't meet his contractual deadlines. That's got nothing to do with artistic integrity. It's still a commercial arrangement.

If one of my creative contractors failed to meet deadlines, we have a grown up conversation about what that means, and try to find a way forward.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
That's not cool. Come on, now. This is on him. Not id.
The outcome is the same. A Doom game with no Mick Gordon. And the music was half of my love for the series at this point.

I was never a huge Doom fan in the first place. But the soundtrack was always amazing. by taking that away I am left with a game that I only kind of sort of enjoy. and that's not enough for me to continue supporting the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Well there doesn't seem to be any villains in this situation.

id announced an included OST without a plan for producing it in place. I'm assuming Mick had the game music ready for the initial release date of November (perhaps not - that could be a factor in the delay), but if they only contacted him in January about the OST it seems like that was poorly managed by them for months.

Then you get the sense that Mick had a 'perfect is the enemy of good' experience and tried to apply a quality level to too large a project in too short a timeframe, misleading id about the possibility of doing so.

It doesn't seem like inreconcilable differences, just mutual frustrations.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
How about we don't blindly take the side of a corporation here? To me it sounds like Mick refused to compromise his art in the face of unrealistic time constraints.
You don't have the whole story and, also, what of all the other artists working on this project?

That's all I'll say for now but it bothers me a lot. The attitude in here.


Oct 25, 2017
sounds like both parties fucked up here. the real solution would have to release a ost sampler of those 12 tracks with the CE, then the entire ost when it was ready.


Oct 25, 2017
How about we don't blindly take the side of a corporation here? To me it sounds like Mick refused to compromise his art in the face of unrealistic time constraints.
These are time constraints that he contractually agreed to.

And even then they were lenient and allowed an extension.

Work is work and a contract is a contract. People online are upset whenever spec work leads to corporations profiting off of people working without a contract. It's only fair that corporations allowing artists to create with a contract that's agreeable to both sides to be given what they ask for.

Or at least have respectful acknowledgment of a compromised decision due to the artist's inability to adhere to agreed upon deadlines.

This is Marty sticking to his co-workers' side and not letting them get thrown under the bus and I respect that.