Oct 25, 2017
and its a shame because these extra games look very well produced with a lot of time and effort put into the story content but then they slap this button mashing snorefest as a gatekeep to it.

And i have a feeling its going to happen more as it seems like gameplay/mechanic wise its easy to make and most of the effort is made into presentation and writing.

Anyone actually enjoy the gameplay of these things? Or do you feel like me too?


Oct 27, 2017
In an ideal world, Strikers would have been a sequel to Royal, but my investment and love for the world/plot/characters is strong enough that I'm willing to slot through Musou combat for it in this particular example.

For all other cases, agree with OP.

Wii Tank

Oct 27, 2017
They just might not be for you. Plenty of people enjoy these kinds of games, which is why they have grown in popularity.
Oct 27, 2017
my only "complaint" about the musou combat is that I'd personally change a few of the button combinations to make easier to pull off specific moves consistently, but other than that I'm really enjoy P5S' take on the musou formula. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Oct 12, 2019
Strikers is barely a Musou
It's closer to an ARPG than a Musou, would definitely recommend if you have a switch to try out the Japanese demo but it's a lot more of a Persona game than people were expecting

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
I like them if they're in a franchise that interests me. I don't like the gameplay enough to play a Musou game in a franchise that doesn't interest me.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Really? Musou games from what i remember werent that popular before they slapped big franchise names on them to entice people to play them. Happy to be proven wrong though

Nah, there was hype for Dragon Warrior releases and I remember them getting decent gaming coverage. Arguably the problem has been that it's been the 'been there, done that' as a genre for years with no new innovation, where the licensing kind of remedies by giving it a new coat of paint. It's a solid gameplay loop, it's just the exact same gameplay loop over dozens of titles and years.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's weird to complain about this with Age of Calamity and Strikers which are the most unique, specialized musous out there, to the point that some think they stray too far from the musou format. The idea that either of them are cheap feels like a take from someone who hasn't actually looked closely at either game.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Really? Musou games from what i remember werent that popular before they slapped big franchise names on them to entice people to play them. Happy to be proven wrong though
Always been quite popular in Japan.

Million units of Dynasty Warriors 4 shipped in 9 Days in Japan - GameZone

DYNASTY WARRIORS 4 SHIPS ONE MILLION UNITS IN JAPAN Mega-Hit Tactical Action Game Sets Record as Fastest-Selling Title in KOEI History Burlingame, CA

Always been decently popular in NA and, to a lesser extent, Europe.
Sales of Koeis Dynasty Warriors 3 break the million mark! (wayback machine koei press release)

Anyone actually enjoy the gameplay of these things? Or do you feel like me too?
I've loved them since DW2 released (so the first game to come to NA). I took a break from them between 5 and the first Gundam release, but now I play most musou games that come out. Adore 'em. I've always loved beat 'em ups, so I think it's scratching that same itch.
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Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, don't want to spoil anything but I feel like you're not missing much with Age of Calamity, it's mostly repeats of scenes from the original game with the cheese dialed to 11 and some aspects are non-canon. But maybe that's fine with you.


Jan 6, 2018
while i have the same problem... i really dont think that "gatekeeping" is the right word here...


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
and its a shame because these extra games look very well produced with a lot of time and effort put into the story content but then they slap this button mashing snorefest as a gatekeep to it.

And i have a feeling its going to happen more as it seems like gameplay/mechanic wise its easy to make and most of the effort is made into presentation and writing.

Anyone actually enjoy the gameplay of these things? Or do you feel like me too?

I mean, there are good and bad musou games.

Hyrule Warriors DE is probably the best musou game because it stresses strategic management over just hacking and slashing our way through things. Each level is a puzzle and you have to figure out where to be in order to meaningfully manage enemy attacks and stop bases from falling. Age of Calamity is a worse game because it abandoned that aspect of gameplay.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jan 2, 2018
I have a hard time calling P5S a musou, to me it is more akin to an ARPG.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed I got caught up in Persona Strikers hype. I know I don't like musou games. I'm about 5 hours in, and I keep falling asleep on the couch playing. Just a waste of 70 bucks since I bought the extra to play a few days earlier.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Really? Musou games from what i remember werent that popular before they slapped big franchise names on them to entice people to play them. Happy to be proven wrong though

I mean they wouldn't have made 9 dynasty warriors games and 5 samurai warriors games if the genre wasn't popular.

But some games are better than others.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I kind of agree. I love BotW and Persona 5, and would love extra content from those games, but the musou gameplay loop just isnt attractive, id be slugging through gameplay I dont like just for more Persona/BotW vibes.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Yeah, I'm with you OP. BOTW is one of my top games ever, and Persona 5 Royal is in my Top 10 for 2020. Strikers and Age of Calamity mean absolutely nothing to me, though, and I've hard passed on both games. I love the universes for each, but at the end of the day I'm going to be playing a game. Musuo games, sadly, are net negative experience for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Even though I'm not a huge fan of musou combat, I don't think we would have gotten a Breath of the Wild prequel or a Persona 5 sequel if it weren't in this format, so I'm fine with it because the stories are great. The nice thing is that the games are also relatively short, so I'm finished with them before the combat becomes truly monotonous (P5S is on the longer side, but that's mostly due to the non-combat sections).

I think they also do a pretty good job incorporating elements from the series into the musou gameplay, which helps freshen it up too.


Aug 22, 2020
Absolutely love Musou games and the best of them like Hyrule Warriors, Pirate Warriors 3 and Dragon Quest Heroes 2 are some of my favorite games. On the proper difficulty they aren't mindless action and require a good amount of strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel you, OP. My first Musou was on the original Xbox, I forget which one, and I quickly grew bored of it. Then when everyone was saying how great Hyrule Warriors was compared to other Musou games, I borrowed it from my brother, and the same thing happened again. I did end up finishing HW, but I definitely felt like I was forcing myself to play it sometimes. If it was a game I had actually owned myself, it would've taken me longer to do that, too.

I'm kinda interested to see what HW2 adds to BotW's story, but I just don't think I can get through another one of those games. I might just watch someone else's playthrough of it or view the cutscenes on YouTube.


Jan 28, 2019
Strikers is not a musou and Age of Calamity is one of the best games I've played in the past couple years. Hyrule Warriors and Pirate Warriors are fun also. I don't get musou hate at all.


Feb 6, 2018
I don't get the argument that "P5S is barely a musou." When your combo is Square .Square ,Square, Square, Triangle and you're fighting numerous enemies at a time in a game developed by Omega Force it's a musou game. Just because the battles are a smaller scale and are started like RPG encounters doesn't mean they don't still play out like a musou battle. Obviously people disagree, but this is just how I feel about it.

Recent non Dynasty Warriors musou games have been incorporating more elements from the series they're crossing over with. I think this really started in Dragon Quest Warriors and has only gotten more extreme over time. P5S and Age of Calamity are perfect examples of that.

To answer the OPs question, I do like musou gameplay. However, these spinoff games have become much more specialized. If you haven't tried one in a long time I would recommend giving P5S, or AOC a shot.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
Strikers isn't a musou, where did that assumption even come from. It's more like a condensed sequel to P5 with action combat.

I understand what you mean with AOC though. I loved it but I do enjoy playing Musou titles; it feels like almost like a modded BOTW in just how similar it is but it's very much a musou title in gameplay

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I find playing these in co-op is a lot more fun than doing them solo. I played through both Hyrule games in co-op (yeah the framerate takes a big hit in both) and it's a lot of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Strikers isn't really a musou game. It plays a lot closer to how the dungeons in P5 did, except instead of being turn based its real time action, with the option to pause the action to choose which spells to use.


Oct 27, 2017
As an avid Musou hater (and I mean it), it saddens me to say that Age of Calamity is very good and I can't believe I actually found a musou game I like.
I'll give back my Musou Hater Card.

It's probably the least Musou-like however. You don't have to worry about your keeps at all. The combat has a lot of options for every character. The music is extremely well done. I was completely taken back by how good and well made it is, when the rest of the games I played were absolute garbage fires.

I heard Persona 5 Strikers is very similar in how not-musou it is. Maybe give a try to the one you are more interested in story-wise? Who knows, you might end up liking it.


Mar 13, 2018
I had the same fear but I honestly ended up loving age of calamity. They made sure to have enough characters that played very differently and the story content was well distributed. Botw itself had story DLC but I disliked how it was basically "get one memory every 4 shrines", unlike AoC where the cutscenes happen to set you in motion for the next mission or as a reward for clearing it. In the end, it felt the more story-heavy game of the two, since botw played more with the discovery of the world itself.


Oct 25, 2017
I love Persona 5 but every spin off of Persona I've ever played is a massive step down in the writing department so I'm not too fussed about missing P5S
Oct 25, 2017
And here I am and would rather play the Hyrule Warriors games over BoTW and literally any game based off P5 that isn't the actual P5 because both of the main games in this situation bored me to tears.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
P5: Strikers actually looks really cool for a Musou. I never got into P5, but reckon if I had I'd quite enjoy Strikers.


Dec 12, 2019
I tried to get into Breath of the Wild three separate times and couldn't stick with it.
I played the hell out of Age of Calamity.
Probably not the experience of the majority, but I can't be the only one.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Strikers is more just an action oriented Persona game than a Musou game. You do almost all the other stuff you do in a persona game except the battles are action-rpg instead of turn based rpg.


Nov 17, 2017
Persona 5 Strikers is not a musou at all. The gameplay structure is exactly the same as Persona 5 except the battles are action-based instead of turn-based.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I thought I wouldn't like AoC because I've never liked musou combat but the variety in the different characters and the rune powers were really fun, and there's enough bigger enemies that require more strategy that you aren't just mashing. I haven't played P5S yet but that seems very different from a normal musou game and closer to a traditional action game but in Persona clothes.


Oct 3, 2019
Persona 5 Strikers is basically a Persona 5-2 and it is barely a musou game, it's just a slightly more crowded Action RPG

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
You should have done some basic research. Every scramble thread is basically about how it's not a mosou and clearly an action rpg.

If you don't want to play them, go to YouTube save yourself money and 40 hours


May 17, 2018
I don't get the argument that "P5S is barely a musou." When your combo is Square .Square ,Square, Square, Triangle and you're fighting numerous enemies at a time in a game developed by Omega Force it's a musou game. Just because the battles are a smaller scale and are started like RPG encounters doesn't mean they don't still play out like a musou battle. Obviously people disagree, but this is just how I feel about it.
They don't still play out like a musou battle. Like, literally the only resemblance to musous I feel while playing Strikers is the basic combo structure and the hordes you fight during the Futaba hacking segments. Everything else feels very different.
Oct 25, 2017
They don't still play out like a musou battle. Like, literally the only resemblance to musous I feel while playing Strikers is the basic combo structure and the hordes you fight during the Futaba hacking segments. Everything else feels very different.

Regardless if the game is good or not (subjective), this looks musou AF to me tbh.


Oct 26, 2017

Regardless if the game is good or not (subjective), this looks musou AF to me tbh.

It's real time Persona 5 with lots of enemies and some boss sponges that are fun. It's not a Musou, because Musou is not only about lots of enemies on screen (which you can also approach differently here), but also the tower defense or objective system. There are some few "protect area for a few seconds" moments, but that's it. Other than that you have Persona skills you can use (time stands still or else you would get wrecked) and you can combo with weapons and guns. Not a Musou, but an action RPG.


Oct 25, 2017
mousou is honestly one of the best genres around, I almost feel bad for people who can't enjoy them.