
Oct 25, 2017
brazil, unfortunately
I mean, I know no one should play a videogame just to have an achievement/throphy, but thats a cool feature and I miss them on my Switch.

Did Nintendo ever shared their view on why they wont implement this feature?
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Oct 28, 2017
It's a shame that's what gaming has become for a lot of people.

The product should speak for itself.
Oct 25, 2017
Watch out. The real gamers™️ on this board will be here soon to lecture you on how achievements are bad and you're not allowed to enjoy them.

I personally love achievements and would love to see Nintendo try them out some day. I don't buy non exclusives for my Switch because of this. id rather get them on PS4/PC when possible


Oct 26, 2017
Watch out. The real gamers™️ on this board will be here soon to lecture you on how achievements are bad and you're not allowed to enjoy them.

I personally love achievements and would love to see Nintendo try them out some day. I don't buy non exclusives for my Switch because of this. id rather get them on PS4/PC when possible


Oct 27, 2017
I like it when games have the achievements built in, like Hollow Knight, then it's platform agnostic.


May 20, 2018
Because they don't add anything to the experience. If anything they're a nuisance and their absence helps players highlight what games they're truly invested in playing. If 125G/1PlatTro is the only reason you're still playing a game perhaps it's not worth the continued investment. If anything I think seeing another player's play-time in a certain game on their profile speaks more for its quality or that individual's taste than it does their gamerscore or trophies. If a dev wants achievements in their game, there'll be a substitute of course, Disagaea 5 has its own achievement system, so there's no real reason to include them for everything. It's a game-by-game basis and games aren't better or worse for not having them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's a bummer. I love looking through my trophy list and seeing my gaming history. Nintendo don't even have the activity log anymore to provide me something similar to that. I love the Switch and its games but the console features are lacking so much.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I do really like them, they often create fun new ways of tackling levels for an additional challenge. It also creates a sort of 'scrap book' history of what games you played and how you played them.

I certainly miss them on my Switch.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't care as much personally but can see the appeal. Wish we would see Nintendo's take on achievements (like what they did with stickers for Miiverse in various games).

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
Uuh yeah I want to brag about the games I finished. Its fun to look trough other people's achievements and see which games they took apart and which games they didn't. I have hope that it will happen though. The NSI thing might finally push them towards that and with rhem being Nintendo it might actually end up being really fun too.


Oct 11, 2018
I don't like achievements, but I'd love to see them on the Switch just to make y'all happy and enjoy it even more. Options are always a good thing pals.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it would be nice. I know when graphics aren't a issue and it comes down to getting the PS4 version or the Switch version I'll almost always go with PS4 due to trophies.

Because they don't add anything to the experience.

You don't get to say what adds to the experience for other people.


Nov 11, 2017
As someone who never bothers to check what achievement or trophy I just earned, I don't understand the people rushing in here to lecture OP about how he shouldn't care about them. He even mentions in the OP that they're just nice little side things for him and not the main attraction.


Oct 27, 2017
Trophies are the main reason I still play 90% multiplat games on PS4. It's really a shame that something this simple isn't implemented in Nintendo system.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a shame that's what gaming has become for a lot of people.

The product should speak for itself.
OP: I don't play games for trophies or achievements, but I still think they're pretty cool. I like 'em.

You: - generic platitude about the state of gaming because a guy wants little milestones in his games, a beyond basic feature in 2019 that every platform but Nintendo's has -

Really man?
Watch out. The real gamers™️ on this board will be here soon to lecture you on how achievements are bad and you're not allowed to enjoy them.
They're terrified they might catch that completionist bug and not be able to get that sweet 100%.
Why are achievements cool though?
I'll give my take: they're cool because they serve as milestones, objectives, and miscellaneous tasks of generally the majority of the game's content. They can be interesting, fun, and challenging, and historically, they've even taken me out of my comfort zone in an aim to accomplish things I sometimes wouldn't have set out to do.

Everyone hates mindless and grindy bullshit trophies or achievements, but when they're good, they're good. I like having the timestamp of some cool thing I did in a game, for my own personal records and memories.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Thought the Stamps were going to be the achievement system for Nintendo going forward. Then they just faded away.

They've been Wishiwashi all over them. Super Mario Odyssey basically has Toadette act as an achievement girl (1 moon per acheivement). Then you have ARMS with it's badges. Smash has it's own challenge board to smack through. Then you have that overrated game that give you poop if you get all the little collectibles.

I know people say Nintendo doesn't do them, but their games seem to have them in some way. And considering most third parties have a list from other consoles that can just be copied, a system-wide one should be fine. They need to decide on what they system they want to use.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, alright I guess.

The sentiment gets brought up from time to time and there's nothing to really say about it.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I wish for the same thing. I think achievements are a lot of fun. Imagine how creative some of them could be for BoTW.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah it is a shame that Nintendo doesn't have an achievement system. I don't care about them for most games but if there's a game I'm really enjoying and want to play more of, going for achievements is a good way to add some more meaningful play time.

If Switch had achievements I'd probably buy more games on it and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of people, so I don't get why Nintendo hasn't added them. Sure there's plenty of people that don't care for them, but surely you can just ignore them and it makes no difference to you whatsoever. Just seems to me like achievements are an inherently good thing for a system to have.


Oct 29, 2017
I am glad Nintendo never introduced a system-wise achievement system.

Their games are about fun and adding an achievement system - even if some might say it's "optional" - would inevitably push some people into this kind of mindset.

We have two other great consoles for that but in my opinion achievements don't add value in the Nintendo sense of creating joy and therefore I don't expect them to be implemented anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed, OP. It can be a fun way to get a little extra mileage out of a game you're enjoying.

We have two other great consoles for that but in my opinion achievements don't add value in the Nintendo sense of creating joy and therefore I don't expect them to be implemented anytime soon.

What does this even mean when the Switch has so many multiplat games?


May 31, 2018
I love achievements and think they're a purely positive thing that adds a little game-ification to the platform as a whole, and act as a fun talking point. But I also don't think they demand a presence either. If Nintendo never introduced universal achievements, I'd be fine with that. But if they do bring them, it'd be an appreciated addition.

It's a shame that's what gaming has become for a lot of people.

The product should speak for itself.
This seems like an odd complaint to me. Why is an interest in an optional feature something that "gaming has become for a lot of people" from your perspective? Would you make this same comment about the recording and screenshotting features of modern consoles? They're a system wide feature that most games use that are by no means necessary for the platform to provide good games, but they absolutely add something meaningful to the system for a lot of people. Does the enjoyment of that feature mean the product is not speaking for itself?


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, you're both free to think it does, but it doesn't so go off I guess. Like, this is Resetera, I don't expect intelligent conversation from anyone here.
And it's as though you aim to contribute to ResetEra's perceived lack of intelligent discourse, as you've raised no points at all in response to "Shouldn't the player be the one that determines whether trophies or achievements add to the experience for them?"


Oct 25, 2017
They literally aren't unless you're trying to make them up for yourself - and even then, there's no proof you did it unless you're recording everything you do.
Achievements are generally a personal thing, typically no one really cares about yours other than yourself. So you don't really need proof of doing anything, you're not going to court over it. You can do a thing just for the fun of it!
Oct 27, 2017
Because they don't add anything to the experience. If anything they're a nuisance and their absence helps players highlight what games they're truly invested in playing. If 125G/1PlatTro is the only reason you're still playing a game perhaps it's not worth the continued investment. If anything I think seeing another player's play-time in a certain game on their profile speaks more for its quality or that individual's taste than it does their gamerscore or trophies. If a dev wants achievements in their game, there'll be a substitute of course, Disagaea 5 has its own achievement system, so there's no real reason to include them for everything. It's a game-by-game basis and games aren't better or worse for not having them.
I mean, you're both free to think it does, but it doesn't so go off I guess. Like, this is Resetera, I don't expect intelligent conversation from anyone here.

You sound extremely condescending. Why do you even want to engage in this discussion? To tell everyone how wrong they are and how incredibly on point you are?


Oct 30, 2017
Resetera hates trophies and achievements because they make it too easy to see that you only played that game you love to bash for an hour, if at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't much care about achievements as rewards, but yes, clearly enough people do care about them that they'd be a good thing to add on a system level.

Where I do find myself using the trophy system is as a historical system. I can scroll through what is effectively my timeline of gaming for the past 12 years, which sometimes reminds me of games that I intended to finish and never got around to, games I had completely forgotten about playing, or games that I had played through and might enjoy re-playing. Every topic about achievements always has a few people pointing out that games can implement their own in-game system, but that function of having a historical timeline is something that can really only be provided at system level, and it's an area where Nintendo's competition have a big head-start.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I am glad Nintendo never introduced a system-wise achievement system.

Their games are about fun and adding an achievement system - even if some might say it's "optional" - would inevitably push some people into this kind of mindset.

We have two other great consoles for that but in my opinion achievements don't add value in the Nintendo sense of creating joy and therefore I don't expect them to be implemented anytime soon.
Achievements would bring even more joy for some people.