
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I gave my brother in law hell for buying a 2080ti last summer and told him if he just waited a few months he could get a 3080 for almost half the price. I ate a big crow on that one.
Own a 2080 too


Got my 2080 back in 2019, too, so the value has worked out to be pretty insane. Not only because of the shortages, but the performance in games is still great especially when DLSS is used well.

It must be so damn frustrating right now for anyone who needs an upgrade. If my GPU died on me I'd probably just shelve PC gaming for a bit and just play on my Switch so I didn't have to deal with it.


Jun 15, 2018
The 1080ti is still a very good card for high framerate1440p gaming (I also have one). Aside from ray-tracing, which I personally don't feel is enough to get me to shell out on a new card yet, I honestly don't see the need to upgrade from one. Take a look at what used 1080ti's are going for and you'll see they're very much still in demand. Stick with it for another couple years.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
It's pretty hard to say. There are some signs that Ethereum will stop being viable and that may mean some GPUs will start going into the market by the end of the year. But that's a big IF. Crypto keeping up, would mean that the GPU shortage could stay well into 2022 and 2023, until demand has been better satisfied and new and bigger manufacturing facilities are built.

I also have a 1080Ti and want to upgrade, but at least there are far worse cards to be waiting in lol The 1080Ti still performs very well and it's not that much less performing that a 3060Ti even. Only lacks newer technology.


Nov 5, 2017
Best advice I can give is to sign up on EVGA's notification queue system. Even if you have have to wait months to get called, you'll at least have the peace of mind that you're actually in a queue and not have to play the Discord/Wario64 game. Sign up for the entire range of cards regardless of which one you actually want because even if you get a lower tier card first you can then get in a SECOND queue for the Step Up program once you receive it.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Best advice I can give is to sign up on EVGA's notification queue system. Even if you have have to wait months to get called, you'll at least have the peace of mind that you're actually in a queue and not have to play the Discord/Wario64 game. Sign up for the entire range of cards regardless of which one you actually want because even if you get a lower tier card first you can then get in a SECOND queue for the Step Up program once you receive it.
Is there an equilavent to this for amd cards?


Oct 29, 2017
The only viable option I see is buying a prebuilt PC (e.g., Alienware) that comes with one of the cards and reselling that PC and your old card. This is an expensive option, but prebuilt PCs have the MSRP of the cards baked in and cost around the same as a scalped 3080.

That would require a huge upfront investment and it's unclear how much money you'd make back reselling the prebuilt PC though. Anyone who tells you "just follow X person on Twitter" or "join Y Discord" is setting you up for disappointment.


Oct 28, 2017
think the best bet you can get anything is thru bestbuy drops.

i manage to get a 3090fe at msrp. i hesitated on my first drop on a 3090fe since i dont really need 3090 but a 3080 instead. but the 2nd time around, which have hard to get a 3080 and i want a fe for msrp too, i gave up and went with 3090 as its still harder for ppl to stomache that kind of money for a card.

bestbuy does do drops every 2 week. the key is to get a card in your cart and even if its sold out, hopefully you dont mess with the cart so that it stays in your for next time around to skip the que on adding the gpu to cart and go straight to checkout instead. thats how i got my 3090. almost did that for a 3080fe, but i ultimately gave up since i got a 3090 already and not sute how i can sell off a 3090 lol

now with even the price for 3080 going up the roof, the 3090fe msrp isnt that much more expensive lol

i helped 3 of my friends to spec their prebuilt and they manage to get a r5 5600x (~1500$)and r7 5800x (~1800$) with 3060ti system, 32gb ram for a fairly good price at ibuypower in march.
now the pricing for the same spec cost few hundred dollar more. they really pulled the trigger fast enough to get a sweet deal.


Oct 28, 2017
the crazy thing is that my 5700xt is worth more now than what I bought it for. makes it really hard to not consider selling

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
It's not going to end anytime soon. Crypto prices, chip manufacturing shortfalls due to demand, US will be ramping up it's chip manufacturing but that takes years and is contingent on Republicans in the senate coming along with Biden's infrastructure plan which ain't happening.


Jan 9, 2018
I was lucky to be able to step up my 2070 to a 3080 with EVGA. I think they have a purchase queue if you want to hop on line.

It did take six months for my step up to process though. That line may be longer


Aug 1, 2019
Can't believe I lucked into my 3070 late last year (upgraded from 1060). I almost didn't bite, as it wasn't really in the budget, but I had a bad feeling about waiting for this year...


Nov 5, 2017
Is there an equilavent to this for amd cards?
Not that i'm aware of. EVGA has been making a lot of the right consumer-friendly moves during this whole affair that i think is going to earn them a lot of dedicated customers (I already preferred them over other AIBs, but this really sealed the deal for me)


Oct 30, 2017
Damn, I really didn't expect anything like this. I knew that when the 3080 came out it was gonna be scarce for a bit, but I genuinely thought that I was gonna be able to just walk into a Microcenter and buy one by now. My buddy managed to get one early this year for a price just above MSRP, I should have fought harder for one earlier, because damn do I want ray tracing and DLSS.


Oct 26, 2017
Fuck I didn't know it was expected to be so long. I have a ps5 so I'll live. Hope can get a good deal on a card before es6 , or 900p here I come. Maybe even starfeild I'd I like what I see .
Nov 1, 2017
I would recommend buying a 30XX series card if you can, particularly if you do other GPU-intensive tasks beyond gaming. I was certain I would regret my 3090, but the time I've saved on renders is immeasurable.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just riding my 1070 into the ground. No regrets.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember 4 years ago spending around $750 on an overclocked 1080ti was expensive. Now an overclocked 3090 goes for $2400 give or take. That's more then triple the price. It's absurd. I honestly wonder if these cards will start reaching "new car" prices someday. I feel like I've been priced out of PC gaming and therefore I went back to consoles for the time being. Even the budget cards or well over a grand now. Picked up an XSX and PS5 and I already had a nice LGC9 but man as nice as PC gaming can be, I just can't do it anymore. I really do hope that GPU prices come back down someday but the pricing trend over the years has always been UP UP UP so I'm not hopeful.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Not that i'm aware of. EVGA has been making a lot of the right consumer-friendly moves during this whole affair that i think is going to earn them a lot of dedicated customers (I already preferred them over other AIBs, but this really sealed the deal for me)
Is this wait list on their site?
Might sign up for the 3060.
Oct 12, 2020
Argh ... I can't play any PC games right now, because my 1080 Ti has some kind of hardware bug or mail function. Any game, which is the slightest demanding, will just crash ("nvlddmkm") and i can't find any solutions. So i was hopping, i could replace it without paying the ridicules prices ... but there is properly no way around it.


Oct 30, 2018
Most optimistics predictions: 2023.

Honestly, i think it will go for way longer.
Oct 28, 2017
Chip shortages will not end in the foreseeable future, as its not like the general usage of chips will decrease once production is back at the level 2 years ago.
Aug 31, 2019
the crazy thing is that my 5700xt is worth more now than what I bought it for. makes it really hard to not consider selling

Right!? I bought my 5700XT for ~ÂŁ400 nearly 2 years ago, they now sell on eBay for ~ÂŁ800+, and you can get the 6700XT on Amazon new for ~ÂŁ950. Were I a less cautious person I'd be tempted to try the old upgrade fliperu...


Nov 2, 2017
On the edge of paying 2.5x the price for a 3070. I can't get my brother's friend to sell me his used 1070 (which I was willing to buy AT ITS FUCKING COST 4 years ago) and that kid got already got a 3060 at 3x the price to upgrade his 1070.

I needed a new PC as my DDR3 mobo is starting to break down on me, can't even stick a new RAM in there. I waited for this year to finally upgrade and this happens.

I might just build that new PC and stick in my old RX 380. Paying at an overpriced level just seems impractical but I might break in the next few months.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
On the edge of paying 2.5x the price for a 3070. I can't get my brother's friend to sell me his used 1070 (which I was willing to buy AT ITS FUCKING COST 4 years ago) and that kid got already got a 3060 at 3x the price to upgrade his 1070.

I needed a new PC as my DDR3 mobo is starting to break down on me, can't even stick a new RAM in there. I waited for this year to finally upgrade and this happens.

I might just build that new PC and stick in my old RX 380. Paying at an overpriced level just seems impractical but I might break in the next few months.

Wow that sounds tough with those prices. Can you try to wait it out and just play some slightly older, less demanding games? Maybe some PS1 games that you never got around to play even?


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah you can try with the EVGA queue.. but fyi - I've not yet recieved a response. I submitted late at - 10/8/2020 7:31:53 AM PT


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Prices for 3060ti/3070/3080/3090 only seem to be going up. I remember late last year when scalper prices were already very high people kept saying "just wait til next year, supply will get better." Now prices have gone up about 30% since then. A scalped 3060ti today is going for about what a scalped 3080 went for last October.

If you get an opportunity to buy one of these at MSRP or near MSRP (stores like newegg do some scalping of their own), then buy it. Best case scenario the scalped prices stay the same for the rest of the year, worst case scenario they go up even more. Maybe you can try for a 3070ti or 3080ti when they launch in a month or so. Or maybe during the frenzy for those new cards you'll be able to sneak in and get one of the previous ones.

I got an opportunity to get a 3090 at MSRP and took it, and am glad I did. I'm not even going to look at what's on the market for at least 3 years, maybe longer once this all calms down. It's EVGA so I even upgraded the warranty to 5 years because ideally it'd be nice if I could use it for that long.

One thing I'll say is the easiest to acquire by a mile is the 3070 and 3060. 3060ti is harder to find. 3080 is an endangered species. 3090 probably has similar stock levels of a 3080 but due to the price it's less popular and easier to get (relatively).

If you can buy a 6000 series card direct from AMD they are a good value too (despite poorer RT performance), but AIB Radeons aren't the best value (not that you can be picky right now).


Nov 2, 2017
Wow that sounds tough with those prices. Can you try to wait it out and just play some slightly older, less demanding games? Maybe some PS1 games that you never got around to play even?

This is the retail pricing here right now, even the official NVIDIA store. PC looks like my PC is gonna stay in early PS4 gen for now. good thing I managed to get a PS5 at normal cost or else I might be one with the more desperate ones on here. I wanted to bring my PC to at least 1440p and maybe 4k or higher refresh rates since I already have the monitor and TV but I might just explore that for old games for now.

Since you mentioned it, PS1 is my favorite gen. I use a Vita as my PS1 machine lol

Prices for 3060ti/3070/3080/3090 only seem to be going up. I remember late last year when scalper prices were already very high people kept saying "just wait til next year, supply will get better." Now prices have gone up about 30% since then. A scalped 3060ti today is going for about what a scalped 3080 went for last October.

If I can buy the 3080 at its scalped price 5-6 months ago. I would jump on it now as fast as I could. Prices here now is more than double that original "gray market" price.


Nov 16, 2017
Super weird how people are squealing about being stuck on high end 10 series cards, even seeing people whine about being on 20 series cards

meanwhile I'm still on a 1050Ti..... straight up stuck

some games I only get 40 FPS on High GFX

I def need an upgrade but I've been making due

can't even lie tho, people on 2080s and supers complaining about upgrades.... it's like eh?


Oct 27, 2017
CaptainKashup just stick with your 1080ti for a while, the jump in performance from a 1080ti isn't that big

unless you're ultra rich and money isn't an issue for you, I would recommend waiting
I feel like the jump is even bigger than usual when you take into account RT and DLSS support with the newer GPUs. The stress of trying to get one and the current prices though will never be worth it. Hopefully my 1080 Ti doesn't just randomly fail


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
This is the retail pricing here right now, even the official NVIDIA store. PC looks like my PC is gonna stay in early PS4 gen for now. good thing I managed to get a PS5 at normal cost or else I might be one with the more desperate ones on here. I wanted to bring my PC to at least 1440p and maybe 4k or higher refresh rates since I already have the monitor and TV but I might just explore that for old games for now.

Since you mentioned it, PS1 is my favorite gen. I use a Vita as my PS1 machine lol

If I can buy the 3080 at its scalped price 5-6 months ago. I would jump on it now as fast as I could. Prices here now is more than double that original "gray market" price.
Buy a pre-built vs building a new PC if you need the whole update. That will get you a decent box for a price of a scalped video card.

I am probably going to give up and do that toward year's end. My 1080Ti is showing a bit older in new games. I want those RT/DLSS sweet visuals.
Oct 25, 2017
I hate my RX580 more than anything and wish I had just kept that 5700XT I bought then returned in January 2020.

tempted to just sell my PC and start fresh in 2022/3.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
I feel like the jump is even bigger than usual when you take into account RT and DLSS support with the newer GPUs. The stress of trying to get one and the current prices though will never be worth it. Hopefully my 1080 Ti doesn't just randomly fail

I just think I wouldn't personally be satisified with 4K60 with RT+DLSS if I'm forking over almost a thousand bucks for upgrading a 1080ti. If I'm shelling out that much cash, I would expect to get 4K120 with RT and DLSS on some of the most demanding current games.

With the new console gen starting up too, the current gen will be much more demanding 1-2 years from now, I expect, and then the 3080 is already outdated.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
So glad I bought my 2070 super when I did. I don't need the extra power of the 30xx cards, so that's why I didn't wait. I do feel sorry for my friend who's using my old 1060 though. He's going to be stuck using it for a while.


Oct 27, 2017
The new GPU chip has sailed a long time ago. In addition game releases are expected to slow down this year because of lingering effects of COVID disruption making the latest and greatest even more pointless. I am content with my Geforce 1070 and PS5. Not worth the hassle for some nonessential features.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I just signed up for one of those Newegg Shuffles, where you can win the chance of buying a Graphics Card bundle.

They had 2 3060 bundles I wouldn't mind getting, one that comes with 2 sticks of RAM, and one that comes with a new mATX motherboard (kinda want to upgrade my CPU too).

They're both about $600 bundles which isn't great, but with the other stuff it's good enough for me to try.

I've still got a 1070 and while my PC gaming has slowed down a lot this last year or so, I still want to be able to play newer games, and I kinda want to get into VR eventually too, and the 1070 is about the minimum you need to run older VR games to my knowledge.


Nov 2, 2017
Buy a pre-built vs building a new PC if you need the whole update. That will get you a decent box for a price of a scalped video card.

I am probably going to give up and do that toward year's end. My 1080Ti is showing a bit older in new games. I want those RT/DLSS sweet visuals.

There are some boutique shops selling prebuilt ones but I find their choice of parts and aestethic really awful. I haven't worked out pricing for each component but it doesn't seem like I would be saving much too.

I planned out my build and I already bought the case that I really wanted cause it suddenly came on stock and seemed hard to find at the time. Everything except a GPU would be easy so I might just build it with

There's actually a currently running promo in one of the retailers here that cuts down the GPU price by 20% if bought with a whole build. I am looking into that though the total price is really spooking me a bit haha

I'd settle for anything from at least a 1070 at this point just to hold me over for a bit but even older stuff is priced more that how much it was at launch so I am kinda relying on my connections for now if anyone is selling.

I just think I wouldn't personally be satisified with 4K60 with RT+DLSS if I'm forking over almost a thousand bucks for upgrading a 1080ti. If I'm shelling out that much cash, I would expect to get 4K120 with RT and DLSS on some of the most demanding current games.

With the new console gen starting up too, the current gen will be much more demanding 1-2 years from now, I expect, and then the 3080 is already outdated.

That's also my worry right now. 3xxx series seems good for 4k+RT right now but I am not sure for how long. 4k performance on the 3070 is not really solid 60fps and that is with "late previous gen" games. This is why I was initially aiming for a 3080 as it seemed more likely to reach 4k60 throughout. Native 4k might not be relevant though and DLSS will keep it alive and RT tech might be more cost efficient soon enough.

Good thing I aint got any plans for 4k120 but you raise a good point that if you're spending this much, its reasonable to think that there are not much compromises.


Oct 30, 2018
I just think I wouldn't personally be satisified with 4K60 with RT+DLSS if I'm forking over almost a thousand bucks for upgrading a 1080ti. If I'm shelling out that much cash, I would expect to get 4K120 with RT and DLSS on some of the most demanding current games.

With the new console gen starting up too, the current gen will be much more demanding 1-2 years from now, I expect, and then the 3080 is already outdated.
I'm curious about what is your concept of outdated, because i really don't think this will be the case. Specially in this environment where as soon as a new tech is released, they already announce another technology in the works.


Oct 31, 2017
To think I was able to get a RTX 3070 at MSRP

Now I tremble at the thought of it breaking :S


Feb 20, 2019
I was due for a new rig last year since I was still on an ancient GTX 770 2GB and postponed it because i got late in the party and prices were already very high.
Then my GTX 770 decided to die on me, but luckily enough i was able to get a lenovo legion 5 with the Ryzen 4800H & GTX 1660TI which should get me through this crazy time we're living in. Really don't understand people who have 1080TI and stuff and express worry...I wish I had a frigging 1080. Card is still a beast even for upcoming games..