T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Hear me out:

DISCLAIMER: I do think REmake is pretty much a perfect RE game. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I don't think there's room to remake it again. REmake was made 6 years after the original. It's now 18+ years since that remake. I'm not opposed to another retelling.

Here are five reasons I want a remake of such an "untouchable" classic.

  1. Because I want a VR experience / "visual showcase" playing George Trevor in RE-Engine (you may as well put those assets to good use
  2. Because I want to play the intro of Resident Evil searching for the Bravo team in the first person and having to run away from the packs of Zombie-Dogs
  3. Because despite being perfect for us old school Resident Evil fans objectively there's a lot of room for improvement gameplay-wise
  4. There's also a lot of room for expansion, for example, the Barracks area would be great to see more labs, you get the Aqua Ring which represents water BOW environments, but I want a jungle area to see where Yawn and the Giant Spider escaped from and an area where Hunters are stored (and subsequently unleashed), also the pens where the keeper worked, oh and Spencer's "Master Bedroom" would be a nice touch to expand upon as well as other areas in the remake.
  5. A Remake of RE1 again could mean a remake of RE0 and perhaps we can make more sense if they were developed in tandem. RE0's story is convoluted and perhaps having an additional DLC with some parts of Umbrella Chronicles with Richard and Rebecca working together would be fantastic. Making Rebecca a little more badass and experienced in a REmake and making her timid and grow as a person in RE0 would be a nice touch, having Rebecca and Barry in both scenarios would be nice too.

I know I'm going to be labeled a heretic for wanting another Resident Evil Remake, I know you can't "top perfection" and I LOVE REmake, think it's arguably the best Resident Evil game of all time. However, I also realise there's a lot of "rose tinting" when I play the game getting endorphins from nostalgia and when I start thinking about it, the more I want an expanded story and expanded locations in the game.

I also think it would be nice for a "fixed camera" mode.

Here's some bonus footage of REmake areas remade in fixed camera and RE7 in a fixed camera perspective.



Nov 4, 2017
You're not crazy op, but I want it for different reasons.
I want it in the style of the RE2 and RE3 remake titles, so that we eventually will have RE1-RE4 in a similar format allowing fans to break into the series very easily.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
You're not crazy op, but I want it for different reasons.
I want it in the style of the RE2 and RE3 titles, so that we eventually will have RE1-RE4 in a similar format allowing fans to break into the series very easily.

Yup exactly I want it in the style of RE2 and 3 remake, although I would like an optional fixed camera mode. Not a deal-breaker but I'd just want it as a bonus mode.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I want one too just so I can see the rest of STARS in the RE Engine. Has to be RE2 remake style though.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand remake thirst, and I will never ever understand remake remake thirst

RE1 is a classic, and we already have 2 classic versions of it

We're also still getting 3rd and 1st person and VR Resi games

Is the story is RE1 so good we should just remake it over and over instead of making newer games that are not shackled to what has been seen and done before?

After Resi 4 remake I hope they return to making new 3rd person Resi games and let the mainline titles stay first person and in VR

That way we kept getting 2 brand new Resi games

I swear some people just want a new Resi game then 2 remakes before the next original title
Nov 18, 2017
i'd be down for a REmake REmake in the style of REmake 2

but can we also get a REmake 2 REmake in the style of REmake?
Oct 27, 2017
I want a REmake 3 remake. Not even joking.

Though REmake 1 remake could be great too. An fps view could work really well and would be a nice loop to the original ideas for 1. Imagine Yawn in fps!

Plus we would get more REmake 3 Jill and a potentially good Rebecca.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
i'd be down for a REmake REmake in the style of REmake 2

but can we also get a REmake 2 REmake in the style of REmake?

I would like to see a fixed camera version, modders have done something like that, but I'd like to see an official version, hell I'd pay extra as a DLC to get it so it's balanced for fixed camera angles.

Feral Gingy

Oct 30, 2017
I don't know how far ahead the leak revealed their plans, but I have a gut feeling they do this as their next remake in this series after RE4 Remake.

I think they could even tell the whole mansion incident story better by including some of the events of RE0 in the game.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I want Code Veronica first... it's long overdue for a facelift, and it'd make me wanna play it again.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I don't know how far ahead the leak revealed their plans, but I have a gut feeling they do this as their next remake in this series after RE4 Remake.

I think they could even tell the whole mansion incident story better by including some of the events of RE0 in the game.

I mean with RE8's castle they have assets they could use for Code Veronica, RE1 and RE4. I'd like Code: Veronica remake next (I wanted it before RE4).


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
As long as remakes continue to be money makers for Capcom, they will eventually get to it. Although, am worried about RE4 especially after RE3 lower than expected sales. They NEED to nail it!


Dec 5, 2017
I'm currently playing REmake 1 and it holds up really well, at least on PC. The quality of the assets is really high in general, some blurry stuff here and there but they don't damage the overall quality.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Make it first-person with VR support and I'll gladly eat it up.

The mansion is a very fitting setting for an FPS horror game IMO

Like I said you could totally do a "visual showcase" demo / VR experience as a dehydrated, possibly infected George Trevor trying to escape the mansion and hallucinating stuff eventually meeting his fate.

Oh, absolutely. I love Code Veronica, but I'm not sure capcom is feeling it deserves a remake unfortunately. Especially with the revealed sales data in that other thread.

You could do Resident Evil Revelations: Code Veronica. Perhaps try and save the budget by reusing assets.


Oct 25, 2017
I totally agree. There's no way Capcom will make a reREmake with the intent to replace REmake. Unlike the original three games, they will continue to sell REmake and probably keep improving upon it.

Same goes for REm4ke which is for sure coming. Like you'd be crazy to think Capcom will suddenly forget about the original RE4. It will just be another interpretation.

I just really, really, really want to explore the Spencer Mansion in 3D. In a good game.
Oct 30, 2017
REmake in RE2R and RE3R style.... I get chills just thinking about it.

Spencer Mansion is still and forever will be the best atmospheric location in gaming history.
Oct 26, 2017
It's already one of, if not the best Resident Evil game as it is, on top of being probably the best remake of all time. I'm not sure they'd be able to top it really, and the RE3 Remake has put a dampener on my appetite for more REmakes if it means development being outsourced.


Jan 21, 2018
I just worry Capcom would ruin it by shoving in some stalker mechanic - maybe lisa trevor or something. I love RE2 remake (currently playing through it again), but Mr X just gets annoying
Oct 25, 2017
I want a REremake for

1. The actual canon scenario
2. Turn Barry, Rebecca and Wesker into their own scenarios
3. new style gameplay
4. Imagine Raid Mode or Mercenaries in Spencer Mansion with potentially every STARS member playable


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
The Resident Evil remake came out in the technological dark age of "before digital distribution" and you could justify remaking an older title, especially one that's as big a pile of failed implementation of good ideas as the first Resident Evil.

Remaking games is stinky.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd rather they remake RE4. RE1 Remake plays just fine with modern consoles. RE4 hasn't aged well and the "HD" version is a lazy ass port.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree with OP's idea. But REmake it's so perfect as it is that im not sure you can really match the quality of it. I'm replaying it again since 4-5 years ago and i'm having a blast. It's brilliant

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
You're not crazy for wanting it, OP, but all of that stuff you're listing is very unrealistic to come in 1 package.


Oct 25, 2017

Hey, I'm the creator of this concept vid (Enveloping Sounds). Glad you enjoyed it!! The overall reception has been incredibly positive, moreso than any fixed angle concept vid I've put together. Incredible love and support. Fixed angle ain't dead!

Last edited:

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just worry Capcom would ruin it by shoving in some stalker mechanic - maybe lisa trevor or something. I love RE2 remake (currently playing through it again), but Mr X just gets annoying

They'd probably first use the Super Crimsonhead, then after you kill him (need to find some petrol and a lighter first) it'd be Lisa following you around everywhere. Which would be pretty lame.
Oct 30, 2017
I just worry Capcom would ruin it by shoving in some stalker mechanic - maybe lisa trevor or something. I love RE2 remake (currently playing through it again), but Mr X just gets annoying
Totally agrees.

Love the Stalker concept but it can be annoying as hell if you like me love to take your sweet time exploring and admiring the environment.

Mr X annoyed me even when I was trying to solve puzzles, I had to run around RPD like crazy from one room to another and from one hallway to another and up and down the floors to shake him off, and then when I try again to continue solving the puzzle he finds me again!!


I don't want to hear Liza's chains sounds approaching whenever I explore the Spencer Mansion and ruins it for me -_-"

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
I don't, they'll probably cut a ton of content again, and as much as I love 2 remake I won't like them cutting like half of REmake


Nov 2, 2017
I want someone to create a remake machine-gun that issues remakes and remasters at a rate of 600 per minute.


Oct 26, 2017
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Director's Cut
Resident Evil Director's Cut Dual Shock Vers
Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil Remake Wii Edition
Resident Evil Remake HD
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Hey, I'm the creator of this concept vid (Enveloping Sounds). Glad you enjoyed it!! The impressions have been incredibly positive, moreso than any fixed angle concept vid I've put together. Incredible love and support. Fixed angle ain't dead!


It's brilliant, all what's needed now is a composer to create some spine tingling music.

First person doesn't really require a soundtrack if the aim is to be immersive like RE7. But something cinematic like fixed camera definitely needs a creepy soundtrack.

Your work is nothing short of fantastic. Just wish there was someone at Capcom thinking "hmmm maybe we should release official fixed camera DLC called "Classic Mode" for our RE Engine games with added soundtrack, rebalanced gameplay and limited ink ribbons.
T002 Tyrant

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
They'd probably first use the Super Crimsonhead, then after you kill him (need to find some petrol and a lighter first) it'd be Lisa following you around everywhere. Which would be pretty lame.

If I were forces to add a stalker mechanic I'd lean more on Nemesis' more cinematic stalker where they're added only occasionally rather than RE2.

I think people who complain that Nemesis wasn't more like RE2 are sadistic because having Nemesis constantly would be impossible and unenjoyable. But if Lisa occasionally popped up to give the player a shock and an injection of adrenaline during very limited occasions before Lisa "gave up" or was "knocked out" I wouldn't mind it as much.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Yes please. I'd be all in for RE-REmake.

I will never understand remake thirst, and I will never ever understand remake remake thirst

It's about re-experiencing a game you love in a completely new way, Capcom's remakes take creative liberty with building on top of the foundation of original game (with both REmake and RE2make).

A RE-REMake would be super interesting in the style of the current third person games, and if they added on top of that foundation again with stuff like this:

I want a REremake for

1. The actual canon scenario
2. Turn Barry, Rebecca and Wesker into their own scenarios
3. new style gameplay
4. Imagine Raid Mode or Mercenaries in Spencer Mansion with potentially every STARS member playable

You release a product that could surpass the originals for many fans. And for those that don't like remakes, the originals are always there.


Oct 25, 2017
Make it first-person with VR support and I'll gladly eat it up.

The mansion is a very fitting setting for an FPS horror game IMO
This is basically the only reason I'd want yet another RE1 remake personally. I already love how REmake 1 plays, is basically the perfect remake in my eyes. VR could have this amazing sense of atmosphere much like what I felt with RE7's opening couple of areas (basically everything before Lucas). I'd totally be down for that.
A remake in the style of 2 and 3 wouldn't be nearly as interesting in my eyes, sure it'd play a bit different but it'd be nowhere near as exciting as a VR RE1.