
Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Also - if you want to take a Grade A dick pic, you absolutely should use a cock ring.


Oct 27, 2017

edit: ok while I get that account set up lemme just say:

This story reminds me of my first gay encounter. I was 19, he was early 30s. I guess I put on the performance of a lifetime because despite being mostly uncomfortable and dizzy from hyperventilating the whole time, he was under the impression I was some nympho. I was just mimicking what I saw guys do in porn.

Not trying to kill your vibe but just take the reactions of early 20-somethings lightly, esp the nice people-pleasy kind hahaha.
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Oct 27, 2017
Also I took the virginity of someone and didn't even know until after we broke up :x not that long ago, either :x I'm not into it but I get the appeal; its almost like a kink? To be a fatherly, mentor-y guide for a gay youth and see his reaction, like how I watch reaction videos on YouTube lol.

Man I really gotta start worrying about my digital footprint...
Oct 22, 2020
On the subject of Sniffies - one of the most amusing/alarming things about Sniffies is the realization that places you never imagined would be cruising spots are, in fact, cruising spots.


Jun 7, 2019
Honestly some of my favorite times I've had sex were with woman who never had sex with other women before & either "wanted to try sex with a woman once", recently came out as lesbian and/or simply always were in relationships with men before.

I'm telling you, there's few things nicer to me as a lesbian (who's barely 25 & didn't have a hundred hook-ups yet) than making women actually cum for the first time & then multiple times during the same evening/night up until the morning hours & having them tell you that they never knew that that was what sex was supposed to feel like and swear to never touch a single straight man ever again lmao. It also has always helped me quite a bit in getting past my heaps of sexual trauma - I stay very far away from getting penetrated as it's the vast majority of the source of my trauma, so strapping & being in a dominant role in general is just very healing for me which is a nice side effect! :3

So many straight women are cursed with having such god awful sex that they just want to get over with as quickly as possible as they never get to actually cum & especially never get eaten out anyway, I feel so sorry for them sometimes ngl.

Also yeah, butt stuff can be absolutely fantastic if it's done well! And even though my experiences I mentioned were heavily focused on actually orgasming, I also agree that sex doesn't have to mean that both of you have to cum! Sometimes just fooling around heavily can feel even nicer than regular old sex, even more if there's a lot of sexual tension going on haha.

And happy pride y'all 🥺


Oct 27, 2017
Well yeah, a 21yo will not have experienced a lot of stuff yet. At that point in my life I had only had sex with one person which was my bf at the time.

One of the many reasons I almost always prefer older guys.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i like to think everyone learns at least a little sommit more about sex during every time they sex


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Okay so not the kind of thread I'd typically make, but I'm really trying to become more open about my sexuality and generally much more sex-positive than I have been in the past, and Era seems pretty receptive to sharing and discussing this kind of stuff, so here goes.

For whatever reason, I've had a growing number of younger guys (18-22) on Grindr and Sniffies pursue me. A couple of them - aged 21 and 22 - have succeeded, and we've fooled around. (I have not met with any 18-20-year-olds but have been pursued, at times aggressively, by them.) As a 35-year-old who hasn't really messed around much with guys of this age, it's kind of a strange experience. I've struggled with my weight throughout my life, but through diet and an intense lifting and running regimen, I've gotten to a point where I get frequently complimented on my looks and physical build. I still have some excess skin from my weight loss and a bit of a spare tire of fat to lose around my midsection that causes me a fair amount of anxiety about my appearance, but suffice it to say that I'm much more attractive and confident about my appearance than I ever have been. And perhaps because I'm both in better shape than I used to be and because I'm getting older, guys in their early 20s seem to be more into me than I've ever experienced.

I have a lot of reservations with hooking up with younger guys - a lot of them relating to the fact that I work at a university. I know the ways in which young adults in this age range are and are not emotionally mature, and the last thing I ever want to do is cause them pain or exploit any kind of power differential. I am extremely careful in this area, both morally and practically, as I have to make sure I am not violating any kind of policy if I hook up with a student at my university. (The policy is pretty straightforward; I need to strictly avoid sexual relationships with anyone that I advise/supervise or could advise/supervise in the future.) I never initiate contact with guys in this age range. If they reach out to me, I might respond, but I'm basically never going to be the one reaching out first. Honestly, even just talking about this makes me feel uncomfortable, but I do think I've established a pretty solid and ethical protocol for handling this kind of thing, and I've certainly not violated any kind of law or policy set by my employer. (Though if anyone here thinks any of this sounds ethically suspect, I can certainly see where you're coming from and I'm open to critique.)

Anyways, at this point in life, I've had plenty of sex. Not a brag - just a reality. Bad sex, great sex, and sex that falls somewhere in between. (Which is most of it.) And when you have sex, you realize that sex isn't porn. Sometimes you don't get off. Sometimes your partner doesn't get off. It's almost always awkward and messy in some fashion, but it can also be passionate and perfect. It really falls all over the map, and you learn to roll with it and not stress out when things aren't as magical as you'd hoped.

On to the main part of the story: I messed around with a 21-year-old guy this morning, and we had a lot of fun. This dude claimed to be a top and told me on Sniffies that he wanted to top me, but once he arrived and we had gotten started, I realized he had a nice ass and I offered to eat him out. And he loved it. Like, just really loved it. And he seemed really surprised by how much he enjoyed it - to the point where I'm not entirely sure if he'd ever had his ass eaten before. I fingered him as well, which he also seemed to like, though not as much as the rimming. He didn't say he was new to these things - it seems like guys never want to paint themselves as sexually inexperienced - but his reactions seemed to indicate that it was either his first time getting rimmed or that I was better at it than other guys who had done it to him. I didn't ask him, but I was curious if he had ever bottomed before, because I think he'd be less of a strict top than he thinks he is.

All that said, although he was able to get pretty hard, he was having problems staying hard, and in the end did not top me or ejaculate. And he was so apologetic about it. He said he was stressed about some personal things and was also in a bit of a hurry - and assured me that it wasn't because he didn't find me attractive. (It was pretty clear that he did - because we made out pretty passionately and aggressively throughout.) I reassured him that it was totally, completely fine. Sex is what it is, and as long as we both had fun, that's all that matters. (For what it's worth, I actually didn't get off, either, but it was still really fun.) Regarding his erection issues - I have a few silicone cock rings in my bedside drawer, which I have found very helpful for staying hard, and explained to him how to use them. I also pulled out some lube for when I was fingering him, and this also seemed somewhat novel to him. He made an admiring comment about how I seemed "pretty kinky," and I laughed, because cock rings and lube are about as vanilla as it gets when it comes to sex supplies and gear.

In the end, I got the sense that this was a unique experience for him - both because of his clear pleasure at experiencing annilingus, his anxiety over performance issues, and the fact that I had the opportunity to show him how to use some basic form of sexual enhancement. I've never felt like I'm all that great at any of this stuff, but both the realization that I seem to be becoming attractive to a set of guys who never really seemed interested in me - and the fact that apparently I have a level of sexual skill and wisdom that less experienced guys find compelling - is just kind of surreal.

Not sure if I'll ever hook up with this guy again. I told him that he's under absolutely no pressure to reach out to me again, but if he does, I'll respond. It was honestly one of the strangest (in a good way, I think) sexual experiences I've ever had.

Has anyone else experienced something like this, i.e., provided a sexual experience that might have been significant for someone else? How did you react to it?

I've been in that experience. I always thought I was a strict top because I was well endowed and inexperienced with bottoming. But like your story, I realized too that being ate out feels great. Then I realized I kinda liked being submissive with some guys. One thing led to another and I got topped - now I consider myself verse. But those first couple of times you are enjoying the new experience so much that it may be hard to focus on anything else. As he gets more comfortable he probably wouldn't have any trouble getting hard. If anything he probably wanted more of what you were doing but didn't know how to express it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm commenting because this thread is very educational and I want to reference it later but am also cruising some bars right now lol. 😅 And geez I really need to stop procrastinating and make some app profiles already, welp.

Hopefully I run into people in my future that share a similar perspective cause this thread is so wholesome.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Here's another post addressed generally that hopefully doesn't sound too preachy: it's not your job to fit into someone's perfect box or fulfill their fantasy. If you show up to a hookup and he's rolling his eyes at you or being impatient because your body isn't doing exactly what he wants it to do, that's a red flag and you have every right to leave on a dime and put him on block forever. Too many people stick with bad hookups and try to live up to the expectations of assholes. I've done it but not anymore and you never have to. Just go. Yall deserve sex partners who are in it to have a good time and ensure that you do too, by making you feel comfortable and safe enough to explore no matter how old they are. Those partners are out there and they're the only ones who deserve you.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly some of my favorite times I've had sex were with woman who never had sex with other women before & either "wanted to try sex with a woman once", recently came out as lesbian and/or simply always were in relationships with men before.

I'm telling you, there's few things nicer to me as a lesbian (who's barely 25 & didn't have a hundred hook-ups yet) than making women actually cum for the first time & then multiple times during the same evening/night up until the morning hours & having them tell you that they never knew that that was what sex was supposed to feel like and swear to never touch a single straight man ever again lmao. It also has always helped me quite a bit in getting past my heaps of sexual trauma - I stay very far away from getting penetrated as it's the vast majority of the source of my trauma, so strapping & being in a dominant role in general is just very healing for me which is a nice side effect! :3

So many straight women are cursed with having such god awful sex that they just want to get over with as quickly as possible as they never get to actually cum & especially never get eaten out anyway, I feel so sorry for them sometimes ngl.

Also yeah, butt stuff can be absolutely fantastic if it's done well! And even though my experiences I mentioned were heavily focused on actually orgasming, I also agree that sex doesn't have to mean that both of you have to cum! Sometimes just fooling around heavily can feel even nicer than regular old sex, even more if there's a lot of sexual tension going on haha.

And happy pride y'all 🥺

Yeah ngl, there's often a similar effect when a bi or closeted gay man has his first same sex experience with a man and they realize that it can be incredibly rewarding to pair up with someone of the same sex, because they intimately understand the sexual organ already.
Oct 28, 2017
I do relish the chance to play as guide for someone in a sexual encounter, because I know how fraught it can be with finding someone willing to take the time and be alright with "disappointment" in a journey to both have fun. I'm a straight guy so there's plenty of women who will encounter arsehole guys who just want to cum and end it there and then. Every time I see some survey on how few women end up orgasming during sex, or learn more about how women actually enjoy themselves during sex (majority don't really enjoy PiV, much to most mens surprise), its just a miracle we've gotten this far as a race when women so regularly endure joyless sex.

Personally I'm not so into cumming, mostly because I know that afterwards, all interest just drains out of me, no matter how much I want to deny it. I've experienced post-cum blues as well, so I don't really want that experience to ruin the time I'm with someone. My current girlfriend is a liiiittle annoyed by it, but we work around it in other ways. She admits she'd never been with a guy who has taken the time to make sure she's gotten off first, or attempted to get her off multiple times before things are over, or just takes it slow and relaxes, realising it isn't some stupid race to an endpoint.

There's just so much more to enjoy when you slow things down, take the time, communicate between one another and just figure each other out. Long may our kind persist, OP, and may we proliferate.


Oct 26, 2017
so did the cock ring actually work? has it worked in the past? never used one before and want to know if i should add it to my arsenal.
Just wanted to chime in here and remind people to be safe when using these. I once fell asleep wearing one. Drank too much. Woke up with my penis looking like a blueberry. Completely numb. Didn't work for nearly two weeks afterward. I thought I'd ruined myself and was seriously contemplating suicide.

Don't wear them any longer than you need to.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yesterday i had a rewarding experience like this. I learned a lot and started to relax more during intercourse. Still got lots to learn but i'm feeling more comfortable with my body each time.


Sep 16, 2020
My friend was telling me about Sniffies. Lord, am I gonna try it now?

I can't remember if I've been anyone's formative experience, but I've gotten good marks on my dick game. Most of my playmates are my age (30s or near-30s).

I had an incredible bottom over last night who told me my dick was "magic" and the best he'd ever had because I gave him two or three "ass-gasms." He hit me up again tonight but I've got no juice leftover. Sadly he moves to California next week. 😕

I've also been hooking up with a muscle bottom gaymer who's invited me over 5 or 6 times in the last month. He's by far the hottest guy I've ever been with, yet I've never had someone request so many repeat sessions in such a short period of time. Not sure how long it will continue, but thankfully I haven't psyched myself out yet or had any performance anxiety.


Nov 11, 2017
Just looked at Sniffies for the first time, and even this small red town I'm in has a bunch of dicks and asses displayed. Wow. I was also glad to see that when I zoomed in all the way, my location was marked as being in the wrong sub-division, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Sniffles def put me on my slutty era especially with the discovery of cruising spots near me heh
Jun 17, 2019
It's really quite fun. The main caution I would give you is that the GPS-based nature of it - you're literally shown on a map with your precise(ish) location fully shown - could definitely be abused in some stalker-ish ways. So just be mindful of that kind of thing.

Thank you - I really appreciate this. There is a truly, truly dark history of abuse of power dynamics in higher education for sexual purposes because in most cases the relationships in question are not illegal. But they can still be extremely unethical. These days, most universities seem to be doing a better job policing this kind of thing and informing staff and faculty of these policies, though you definitely do hear unsettling stories pop up.

You are quite welcome. And what you say is very true. I think part of the issue is the normalization of the "Sexy teacher and Student" dynamic that comes off as taboo. And media likes to use it as a way to give viewers titillation, when it's really not a great thing at all. Yup I'm so glad that more students and staff and teachers are learning and listening to why in college this is some of the trickiest things. Too many unethical people take advantage of younger students, and in the cases of same -sex situations you have the added issue of one or both possibly being in the closet so it makes it even messier. That was why I was so happy when you addressed this in your Op.


Feb 12, 2021
Straight cis male here and I applaud your kindness and empathy, OP.

I only really got into dating and one night stands after I got divorced (speaks volumes in itself, that does) and I encountered a great number of ladies who were in a similar situation to your bed partner but were lot older.

At least anecdotally, people need to have a comfortable environment and understanding to where they can be able to express themselves sexually and open to what they want to do, not what they are expected to do.


Nov 11, 2017
When I first read the name, I really thought Sniffies was gonna be a very specific app for people into body odors. Like armpits or musky jockstraps.

Cosmic Bus

Oct 27, 2017
Figured I would at least look at what Sniffies even was since this is my first time hearing of it. Only two other people within a 30 mile radius of me and they're both in their 60s. 😒


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Ummm, bumping this thread because a) it's a long weekend; and b) lord knows I don't give a shit about the associated holiday.

So, I signed up for this Sniffies app, and upon initial review...

This app is very...potent. I'll never look at my neighborhood the same way again.

Down boys. Sit.


Oct 27, 2017
Been trying to register but i never receive any co verification code email, no matter what I do, ugh.
But even when using the anonymous view, I've been able to "see" some live action in a known nearby cruising spot :3
Looking forward to getting an actual account going lol


The Mushroom Kingdom Knight
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I'm so fascinated by this sniffies site now

I mean parks are popular, but it's so weird learning the one right next to my job hosts hookups in the bathroom near the kids section haha
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