
Nov 28, 2023
It's a complete fucking nightmare.

I've played cod and cs on PC half my life so it's probably that, but I've been trying for a year to get used to aiming with a controller and I still feel like a toddler who's never picked up a controller before

How do you guys do it 🫠


May 25, 2023
It's what you're use to.

There's no way I can play fps games on PC without a controller.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't and can't imagine it on a PC. When I split with an ex many years ago I lost my PC in the escape and ended up on the 360. Everyone else using one, aim assist. I was tracer darting hellicopters in Battlefield BC2 and taking them down after in a week or so.

Gyro I don't get mind, moving hands in a 3D space on top of my brain. Glad it exists but it hurts.


Oct 25, 2017
I can, but I sure as fuck don't want to. Anything more than a CoD singleplayer campaign with copious autoaim and I will use mouse/keyboard.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
It depends on the games. Unknown game I am playing right now fucking slaps with a controller, very impressed, even though I play most games with m/kb.

On the other hand, some games are very difficult to play with a controller, Immortals of Aveum was rough. Same with Outriders. I felt like I was either dragging a stone or sliding on ice when aiming.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
It's a complete fucking nightmare.

I've played cod and cs on PC half my life so it's probably that, but I've been trying for a year to get used to aiming with a controller and I still feel like a toddler who's never picked up a controller before

How do you guys do it 🫠
I mean there are plenty of people who are the same with mouse and keyboard. Acquired skills take time and some people are just better with one versus the other. I grew up with mouse and keyboard but I'm a much better controller player by comparison skill wise.


Apr 26, 2018
Oh, come on -- the "Shooters HAVE to be played with a mouse and keyboard!" thing hasn't been true since all controllers got a second control stick. It's become even less true now that aim assist exists.
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Oct 27, 2017
I do out of pure laziness, familiarity, and comfort, but if it's something more demanding (like Ghostrunner or Neon White), M+KB is preferred. Still takes some time to get used to though... mostly for the off-mouse hand fumbling around my keyboard. 😅


Sep 29, 2018
And I'm totally backwards. Playing on keyboard and mouse on any game, my skills deteriorate ten-fold.


Feb 3, 2019
I used to be able to. But after so long with mouse it just doesn't make sense to me. Gaming is being held back by bad peripherals made for people who gamed as kids and everyone wonders why controller-based gaming hasn't grown in a decade.

Yeah let's stick someone new to games onto the concept of "you apply a force to the stick to apply a velocity to your reticle, accounting for the travel time and the built-in acceleration curve" and expect them to be immersed
May 15, 2019
You just learn, both ways. I used to be good on dual analog and terrible with a mouse, now I'm the opposite. Make me aim with a right stick and I'm like a person playing a video game for the first time.
Oct 25, 2017
I could never feel comfortable even with gyro and I started playing games on console

10+ years of controller FPS and it never felt quite right

The same way some rhythm games on a controller feel off

Sometimes some input methods just don't feel comfortable no matter how much time you put into them


Oct 25, 2017
While you can get better at it, the truth is also that it just isnt as good as mouse and keyboard. It only really works because games tend to be designed around in terms of enemy movement/really generous hitboxes /aim assists etc.


Oct 25, 2017
i cant really use keyboard because my fingers aren't nimble enough for fast-paced stuff


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I think it ultimately comes down to what you're comfortable with. I grew up primarily being a console gamer so that's why I feel very comfortable with Controller for FPS's although I do generally make the exception for certain games to go M+K like counterstrike.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I used to be able to. But after so long with mouse it just doesn't make sense to me. Gaming is being held back by bad peripherals made for people who gamed as kids and everyone wonders why controller-based gaming hasn't grown in a decade.

Yeah let's stick someone new to games onto the concept of "you apply a force to the stick to apply a velocity to your reticle" and expect them to be immersed

Or perhaps some people are simply comfortable with a controller versus other methods and it's gonna be that way for a very long time. So get used to being "held back". It's gonna be here.


Oct 26, 2017
They've raised the aim assist to such absurd levels in the recent years that even people who play controller are barely actually aiming themselves. They basically gave up on trying to improve controllers and just made the software do it for them and people eat it up.


Oct 25, 2017
I used to be able to. But after so long with mouse it just doesn't make sense to me. Gaming is being held back by bad peripherals made for people who gamed as kids and everyone wonders why controller-based gaming hasn't grown in a decade.
This is the dumbest thing I've read in months.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's a complete fucking nightmare.

I've played cod and cs on PC half my life so it's probably that, but I've been trying for a year to get used to aiming with a controller and I still feel like a toddler who's never picked up a controller before

How do you guys do it 🫠

This is how I feel with a mouse and keyboard. Lmao. "What how am I supposed to hit that key over there with my pinky and the space bar at the same time?!"


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
I used to be able to. But after so long with mouse it just doesn't make sense to me. Gaming is being held back by bad peripherals made for people who gamed as kids and everyone wonders why controller-based gaming hasn't grown in a decade.

Yeah let's stick someone new to games onto the concept of "you apply a force to the stick to apply a velocity to your reticle, accounting for the travel time and the built-in acceleration curve" and expect them to be immersed

That's usually not the hardware itself, but how a game interact with the hardware. There is a SEVERE lack of expertise in handling input models and devices in this industry, even though we have been making games for 40 flipping years. Some people are flipping geniuses, though, and their impact is immediately felt.


Oct 25, 2017
It just takes time! I remember being so frustrated by gamepad controls when the first Halo came out, and I just never felt super precise for a year or two. These days, however, it's just second nature, and I've actually started to prefer gamepad in games with good gyro aiming support. Play enough and you'll be able to switch back and forth without issue for sure!


May 3, 2021
I don't like playing competitive shooters with a controller, but for single player or co-op it's totally fine for me.


Oct 25, 2017
The only ones I could ever play with a gamepad were all Bungie games. They felt designed very specifically around playing with a pad and just felt 'right'. That said, I always felt at a huge disadvantage against all the folks who grew up playing Halo. Instead of me who barely touched console FPSes and had been using WASD/mouselook since Half Life.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel you OP, and there doesn't seem to be an easy solution.

It sucks too cause any time I play with my BIL, who games exclusively on consoles, I end up being a baddie cause half the time I am figuring out the controls.

Jan 1, 2024
RE4 Remake demo on controller was awful for me, pushed me towards the PC version. That game might have been particularly badly optimised on controller or I just can't tolerate the lack of precise aiming.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
well first thing that helps is that i dont play competitive games, so nobody to get ultra angry at me not playing optimally/bringing the team down if i sucked

second i always turned off autoaim when possible so i just got "used". not saying i'm 100% headshot acc mlg star or anything, but i have my moments


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017


Feb 17, 2018
Same, FPS means KB + M to me, although if my entry into the genre hadn't been on the PC, maybe I'd think different.


Oct 27, 2017
Just stick with it. Try to position your thumb on the analog stick in other ways to see if something makes more sense. But I think you can get good with it and it will just take time to build the muscle memory.

I was a PC CS player in high school and college, and it took me years to get decent at playing any FPS on controller. But after a few years I got to a point where I'd say I was very good.

TL:DR: Give it more time, you'll get better.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm the opposite, m/k just frustrates me at this point if I try anything competitive, I feel at home on a controller.


Oct 27, 2017
Laker Nation
The fact that competitive online FPS games on consoles usually have pre-programmed cheat assists enabled for aiming says it all. I stick to PC for official "honest" action for that reason in multiplayer FPS games.


Oct 26, 2017
I prefer controller to m&kb, but I kinda don't think either are ideal for the most part. Mouse is obviously better than stick for aiming, but I've always found stick way better than wasd for movement in basically everything that doesn't have Quake 1 bhopping.


Nov 7, 2017
Playing anything with a crosshair on a pad feels about as efficient as navigating an Excel document with one. So utterly hamstrung. Back paddles help a bit, at least you can turn/jump/shoot at the same time, but it's nowhere near as good.

Having said that I've played countless shooters on console because that's where they are. And for every game that really needs a mouse and keyboard, there's another game which really needs the analogue controls of a pad.

Bonfires Down

Nov 2, 2017
It seems to depend a lot on how the particular game handles analog stick input. Some are godawful. Others are perfectly acceptable. Warframe is the one I like, though I don't have a lot of controller aiming experience.