
Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
3 definitely plays better on PC than it used to, but 4 was fantastic out of the box so I'll always be biased towards it.

The biggest thing about 3 versus 4, aside from the map, is how the games are structured. 3 was the last game that gave any sort of shit about you finishing in the top 3 in your races and giving you an actual campaign of races, which you might appreciate more if you want a sense of progression. 4 replaces this with a GaaS-style long-support model, where races are things you check off a list once you've tried them once (there's no requirement to win anything besides the head-to-head showcase events, I think), and the real game is just running races over and over to gain XP, money and cars. There are technically end credits but there isn't really an "end" to the game like there is in previous Horizon games.

I spent over 100 hours in Horizon 4, so I'm not knocking the structure, but it is worth noting for someone wondering about 3.


Jun 14, 2019
Been played 3 recently and it is a very good game. 2 is also a great game and well worth playing too.

Wonderful settings in both games.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed all four of them. I have a sentimentality about 1 that is tough to overcome though, even though objectively I know it's been bested by later entries. However, each offers nicely varied locales and more of the same kind of fun and activities.

Like I said in my post above, I definitely agree in terms of features and size its been bested, but progression, investment, characters, etc. no. The others don't even come close to touching it.

3 has the better map, the first game has the best progression system which they ruined in the sequels.

Man and I was hoping they'd work on expanding that and the story into something a bit more meaty, although just leaving it this small, but solid thing to give you a reason to progress, and then fire you forward with that progression just like in 1 would have been fine too.

Man, FH1 was such a tight, polished experience.

R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
FH3 is the best one followed by FH1 so you should check that one out.



Oct 25, 2017
3's better in every way that matters. Australia's a more varied environment to drive around before even getting into the expansions, there's an actual sense of progression as you level up the different festival sites, there's less of that roulette nonsense and it was released before Toyota got that stick up their ass about racing games.
Also the music.
Like seriously, how am I the first one to mention the soundtrack? FH4's is almost bad in comparison to 3's tunes.


Oct 26, 2017
I love the world in 3, especially being Australian myself. But otherwise 4's live model makes it so much better than the other games.


Nov 14, 2017
White Plains, NY
If you're a frame rate snob like myself, and are playing on Xbox, the answer is no.

I only enjoy racing games at 60fps; at 30 they feel to me like slideshows. I feel no sense of speed regardless of how fast the car is moving. I haven't enjoyed a 30fps racing game since PS1; once Ridge Racer V came out and 60fps looked good at home, I never went back.

I tried enjoying FH2 before FH4 came out, but...slideshow. Back to Forza Motorsport I went. Finally, when FH4 came out, I upgraded to XB1X primarily for FH4 and Ori 2. It was totally worth it. I have sunk hundreds of hours into FH4 since.

I tried going back to FH2, thinking "well, now I enjoy FH so much!" It still feels like a slideshow and is not fun to me. By extension, I'm not going to bother with FH3 either. I really wish they'd patch a 60fps mode into the previous games, but at this point, I don't think it's ever coming.


Oct 25, 2017
Like the others said, the map in 3 is a lot better than 4 imo, so just for that it'd be good to play it


Oct 27, 2017
Like I said in my post above, I definitely agree in terms of features and size its been bested, but progression, investment, characters, etc. no. The others don't even come close to touching it.
Guess it's been quite a long time since I touched the first two games, and I only barely played the first one again when it got the 1X enhancement. I can't even remember if 1 and 2 had the slots/skill point systems. Did they? LOL

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
The first game has the best progression and soundtrack. There's a simplicity and focus to everything that is missing from the rest of the series as well as a genuine festival vibe. Graphically it still looks very good on the X but it's locked to 30fps and had no weather changes at all.
Oct 28, 2017
FH4 is one is maybe my favorite game this gen so far. Maybe even of all time. I think it was just a right time right place sort of thing with me. The music, Britain, the graphics, its all so damn perfect. I played a little of 3 and found it to be almost as infectious as 4, but the frame rate being locked to 30 on my 1X ending up being a real killer for me. If your on PC than i would say most definitely pick it up. But i wouldnt go any further back than that as it would be WAY too much Forza for one person lol.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm really surprised to see so much praise for FH3's map. I had nothing against it, per se, but the Italian countryside of FH2 was so sublime. I've yet to play 4, though.


Oct 27, 2017
3 has the more memorable map, but I don't think it's reason enough to play it vs. 4 as the car selection is superior.

2 IMO is the best but again, car selection is where it really counts.

I would check out 3 for the Hot Wheels DLC though, it's amazing.


Dec 8, 2017
I still feel that I need to give 4 a chance, but I thought 3 was the high point of the series.
From what I played of 4, I felt like my hand was getting held the whole time.


Oct 22, 2018
I'm really surprised to see so much praise for FH3's map. I had nothing against it, per se, but the Italian countryside of FH2 was so sublime. I've yet to play 4, though.
I dont get it either. 3 has more environmental variety, but zero elevation changes is what really makes it boring after a while. Most roads are straight and wide, with all corners being wide and sweeping. In these respects, FH4 does way better (especially in fortune island DLC).


Oct 25, 2017
Side note .. they just added it seems 2 free achievement packs. One for the Lego DLC and one basic one. Scroll to the bottom 2..

Forza Horizon 4 Achievements

Full list of all 178 Forza Horizon 4 achievements worth 3,610 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.

Manic Bydo

Oct 28, 2017
FH2 is the best in the series IMHO because of it's structure. I still feel it's peak FH. I live on the Gold Coast in Oz and, whilst it's cool to drive around something that's quite familiar in FH3 I just didn't have much fun in the game. I think FH4 is a step in the right direction though.

Controversially; FH2 > FH4 > FH1 > FH3

Tortillo VI

May 27, 2018
It´s a series where each game has its charm. Each previous entry has the downsides of fewer, older cars and dated graphics (and two of them can´t be played on PC). However, each game of the series has it´s own atmosphere, varied expansions and soundtrack thought to fit the setting. The car selection for barn finds and showcase events adds to that distinction. I really like how they managed to make each game feel close and coherent with the setting musically, aesthetically and regarding car selection.

If they ever make a FH in Japan, for example, I can get excited for it anticipating the vistas and cars they´ll focus on. Just like they did with brands and types of cars exclusive to Australia in FH3.


Dec 13, 2017
Shout out to the Fast and Furious Forza Horizon 2 standalone demo game tie in thingy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
3 is really great. I think 4 has some nice improvements in certain areas (for example, I think the road layout/"tracks" of 4 are better) but 3's map overall is just nicer and more diverse to explore. Seasons are a neat idea but they don't really make up for the general blandness of the map compared to 3. Better DLCs too. Hot Wheels with its loops and jumps and outlandish tracks is tons of fun and Blizzard Mountain is the best content they've ever put out. And don't get me wrong, I still love 4 too, but in terms of the question 3 at least is *definitely* worth checking out.


Oct 25, 2017
Guess it's been quite a long time since I touched the first two games, and I only barely played the first one again when it got the 1X enhancement. I can't even remember if 1 and 2 had the slots/skill point systems. Did they? LOL

Yes. 1 just handled it a bit differently. I can't remember exactly. But it wasn't like 3, 4, and I think 2(?) where you buy stuff when you go up in popularity. It was more core to the progression of the game if I remember right. Edit, I completely misread. No FH1 didn't have the points and skills thing. It just had skills for popularity. I can't remember exactly. The whole menu where you select perks was new in 2 iirc.

You go back and play it and man just, everything is there. It's such a complete experience, and so cohesive. It's such a strong first entry. You can tell Playground seriously knew who they were looking for. They got developers from all kinds of great racing devs, alive or defunct. So you had Burnout devs, Dirt Devs, GRID devs, Project Gotham devs. A bunch from all over.


Oct 25, 2017
Shout out to the Fast and Furious Forza Horizon 2 standalone demo game tie in thingy.

with a full 1000 gamerscore for some bizarro reason lmao.

Turns out I had the 360 version claimed as well as the xbox one version when it was free. So I just recently went through it again. It literally plays like a huge demo. Such a weird entry.

Oh well, now I can legitimately say I'm on track to get every single achievement in the horizon series. That's pretty cool. Great games.


Oct 30, 2017
It is all about the locales.

As old as it is, I still love the Colorado setting from the first game.


Dec 13, 2017
with a full 1000 gamerscore for some bizarro reason lmao.

Turns out I had the 360 version claimed as well as the xbox one version when it was free. So I just recently went through it again. It literally plays like a huge demo. Such a weird entry.

Oh well, now I can legitimately say I'm on track to get every single achievement in the horizon series. That's pretty cool. Great games.

But such a neat artifact of marketing.

Different (and larger) area than the demo.
New cars specific to this release (later added to full release as DLC).
Dedicated voice acting.
Dedicated missions.
Free for months, later sold for $10.

For someone who had never experienced Forza before it was a great taste of the series.


Oct 25, 2017
But such a neat artifact of marketing.

Different (and larger) area than the demo.
New cars specific to this release (later added to full release as DLC).
Dedicated voice acting.
Dedicated missions.
Free for months, later sold for $10.

For someone who had never experienced Forza before it was a great taste of the series.

Yeah it was a really cute little game. I don't know if it would have onboarded me if I wasn't already like FH1 did, but it was fun.

I think the main problem with it was it REALLY should have unlocked those cars in the main game. The 360 version of FH2 never got any DLC whatsoever. And the xbox one version had like...two? different car packs for the F&F series, but I guess I didn't get it before it was too late. Really lame. It would have been so cool.

They've had games check your achievements list before I think, even if it is a bit rare. They should have had FH2 get an update to check your profile for FH2:F&F achievements and then just given you those cars. They literally have an achievement specific to each one. It seems so simple. Almost like they planned on it. I mean, the whole game was all about just going and collecting these cars right. It would have made so much sense to then say hey, look at all these awesome cars you got, now if you go buy FH2, you get to start that game already with a nice selection of exclusive cars. Or if you already have it, here's a reason to check out the Fast and Furious series.

Like, they were almost there. And then...nope.

Ah well I guess :/


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed all of them in their own way, so I would say that it's worth exploring 2 and 3, especially if you found any enjoyment in FH4 (I thought FH4 was so fun I didn't give a shit about the progression system; it was one of those seemingly crazy circumstances where I played a game mostly because it was super fun to play).


Aug 10, 2018
There's nothing in 4 to match my favorite parts of 3:
- blueprint championships, allowing you to pick and choose a set of events to race
- blueprint bucket list events, which let you create challenges on the map: beat this speed trap score, race to this destination within a given time.

I really loved these creative aspects and I was sorely disappointed by their absence in 4, though I do enjoy the latter game on the whole.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. 1 just handled it a bit differently. I can't remember exactly. But it wasn't like 3, 4, and I think 2(?) where you buy stuff when you go up in popularity. It was more core to the progression of the game if I remember right. Edit, I completely misread. No FH1 didn't have the points and skills thing. It just had skills for popularity. I can't remember exactly. The whole menu where you select perks was new in 2 iirc.

You go back and play it and man just, everything is there. It's such a complete experience, and so cohesive. It's such a strong first entry. You can tell Playground seriously knew who they were looking for. They got developers from all kinds of great racing devs, alive or defunct. So you had Burnout devs, Dirt Devs, GRID devs, Project Gotham devs. A bunch from all over.
Thanks for the response. You're making me want to go back and replay 1, which I have absolutely no time to do... but might anyway. LOL


Oct 28, 2017
3 has the best map I feel, the seasons are cool as hell but you can't beat the variety in 3.


Dec 13, 2017
They all got worse after the 1st one, so yeah they are worth playing. Some are better than others in some aspects, but all of them are good, and worth playing still. If you like FH4 you will like the rest as well.


UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Also preferred 3. Enjoyed 4 but not nearly as much and I spent far less time with it.


Forza Photographer
Nov 9, 2017
3 has the better map, the first game has the best progression system which they ruined in the sequels.

Unfortunately this.

FH3 is the best overall but the visuals in FH4 are amazing and make it hard to go back to 3.

The base map and the expansions of FH3 are also the best ones .

FH4 is the first Horizon game where i didn't had any interest in the expansions.