
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
It's not impossible to be Nigerian and white either. The point made sense. To me, it was a comment on reasonable expectations in a small village in a rural area.
Yeah, that has never been my argument. Nationality =/= race.

However, Nigeria was brought up as a counterpoint to the OP's discontent with living in a small white town under the presumption that all racially homogenous places just turn out the same, when that is just not true because different racial categorizations carry different sociopolitical weights in our current society, and thus, the cultures will develop differently from that fact alone.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Now imagine that, but you also experience racism in Ireland. Just imagine it. You can't experience it because it isn't your life, your reality. That "Paddy cunt" shite also happens to me. But I also got called "chink" growing up. They both existed for me. You're just trying to render my experience in your own one. Render my oppression through how you've experienced it. I'm telling you about a reality. I'm telling you that oppressed persons can also oppress, can also demean, can also see themselves as superior. I'm telling you that often when I would recall these things to Irish people I would get a response about "we were oppressed too!" I know! I'm Irish! I've experienced that! It doesn't negate my other experience as a brown person. And I told you that that was the response I often got, and you still responded like this. This is what I mean by privilege my guy. This is what you need to be aware of

Lord, I wish my fellow white Québécois got this through their thick heads whenever non-white Québécois bring up the racism they face and they just respond with "but the Engliiiiish".
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Yeah, that has never been my argument. Nationality =/= race.

However, Nigeria was brought up as a counterpoint to the OP's discontent with living in a small white town under the presumption that all racially homogenous places just turn out the same, when that is just not true because different racial categorizations carry different sociopolitical weights in our current society, and thus, the cultures will develop differently from that fact alone.
To address this point, the town also has a small but significant Eastern European population primarily Polish and Romanians, while they are white they get shit on by the locals for not being Scottish. Doubly so because they make up a good chunk of the workforce at the one factory in town which still serves as a big job provider around here.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
To address this point, the town also has a small but significant Eastern European population primarily Polish and Romanians, while they are white they get shit on by the locals for not being Scottish. Doubly so because they make up a good chunk of the workforce at the one factory in town which still serves as a big job provider around here.
This isn't surprising in the least. Bigotries are self-similar on multiple scales, so if you can't go after someone for their race, you can hone in on nationality or ethnicity instead. It's about exercising power at the end of the day.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not exclusive to small towns. I live in a large city with huge labour majorities and the amount of shit I had to hear on the run up to and post Brexit was insane.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
I feel you op. I grew up in a town that was similar, and it was dreadful. Of our graduating class of around 350 there was only 1 student that was black and 1 was Chinese. Confederate flags were on all the trucks at school, on belt buckles, stickers, etc. I went back somewhat recently to visit, and the town is dying because there is pretty much no industry or reason for young people to stay. They were disgustingly racist and I can't see that changing any time soon.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
It's not exclusive to small towns. I live in a large city with huge labour majorities and the amount of shit I had to hear on the run up to and post Brexit was insane.
Oh I know I lived in a couple of big cities for a while and even there it was quite common but the ethnic makeup of the cities was much more diverse.

But from my experience it's much worse in the smaller more insular towns with higher percentage white populations. Especially as they reliably vote Tory.
Jun 24, 2019
Good luck to leaving OP

Any place that is a tory haven spells bad news, you'd find better job prospects and social life in diverse cities.
Lightning Count
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off

That's the breakdown of my town. Only 0.7% non whites overall, damn even worse than I thought. After native born Scots, next biggest group of the population are English.

So yeah, it is on average really, really white, and even that's only the bigger towns small places like where I am are pretty much all white.