
Oct 25, 2017
But usually with meetings, there is a list of actions at the end to be done before the next meeting. And if you're in meetings all day, you'll have many lists of actions to do. And not enough time to actually do them because you're in meetings all day everyday but the deadlines are approaching and you need to work at night to meet them and so on. Vicious cycle šŸ„²

This is my life. From 9-4 i'm in meetings, and from 7-9 and 4-whenever I do "actual" work.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
I love meetings where:
  1. I don't have to contribute anything
  2. I don't have to say anything
  3. I don't end up with any "todos" when it's finished
If I could sit in meetings like that all day, I would do it in a heartbeat
Oct 27, 2017
I was a project manager at a major utility company for a few years. I know a few things about meetings.

If a meeting is to set up the initial, vague outline of a project or to solve a problem that no one person could do without input from others (ie: a certain engineering problem might need a multidisciplinary team), then it's probably an okay meeting.

If you're training somebody on something new, then a meeting may be great assuming you already sent them very detailed training guides and just want to go through it step by step to see if any questions come to mind.

If you have a meeting to demonstrate a new prototype or a revision to some report, then it's probably not the best use of time unless something weird or complicated changed. Usually it's better to communicate iterative updates by email or Slack so you have written records you can easily reference.

Any meeting that is scheduled daily/weekly is useless and must be cut. In my experience, a lot of these types of meetings are scheduled by people who want to brown nose or be mini tyrants.

When it comes to pointless meetings, do not show mercy. Do not hear their cries. This is not a fight you can afford to lose.


Oct 25, 2017
I think like 75% of meetings I've been in could have just been a one or two line email. In a large company they just end up being a place for people to try and shout the loudest and get noticed.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
My favorite part is when at the end, the meeting lead says "looks like we're done early, I'm going to give you back 5 minutes" and they mean it.


Oct 25, 2017
The irony of this thread is that people who spend all day in meetings aren't able to put their two cents in because they're currently stuck in a meeting


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
my department director is on vacation this week and next week so i am saved from meetings. i usually have a few a day. i kind of miss them.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
No thank you. I get sick of the number of pointless meetings and things that could be a less than five minute email or IM suddenly turned into meetings. What's even worse is every once in a while we have an entire week of all day meetings, and that is the absolute worst, especially on my ADHD, but even to people that don't have ADHD I can't imagine it's great.
Oct 25, 2017
My job requires me to be in meetings all day because my team provides data services to internal customers. Many of the meetings are necessary because people are incapable of articulating what they want/need in writing. I wish I didn't have to be in so many meetings.


Oct 30, 2017
Meetings are a tool to accomplish certain tasks. Just having meetings for their own sake is the snake eating its own tail.


Apr 2, 2020
I do communications at a university and my job is basically 50% meetings, 40% writing emails that don't get answered, 10% actually making content.


Oct 28, 2017
This is my life. From 9-4 i'm in meetings, and from 7-9 and 4-whenever I do "actual" work.

I feel you. Exact same for me. 8+ hours of meetings a day. I'm typically double or triple booked for 25-50% of those meetings and I even try to double duty meetings when I can. The closed caption option is amazing for zoom and google meets. You can close caption one meeting and listen to another.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
- Programming
- Pretty much everything else (meetings, progress reports, managing other people, extensive manual testing, etc.).

I'll happily trade your meetings for more programming time.

Deleted member 10612

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm in meetings all day, every day. Yeah it rocks. Especially now when it's all at home.

Used to be a craftsman (working with my actual hands) - fuck that live. Going back to university was the best choice I made for myself.

Plus, I can actually mentally shut off from work, on the spot. Like it's not even an inconvenience doing it.

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a meeting right now and I could not disagree more.

I hate all meetings that keep me from working, but especially those kinds of meetings that are over after 15 minutes but everyone stays just to chat, and no one wants to be the first person to leave so it makes a 45 minutes meeting out of a 15 minutes one. I don't know if anyone else experiences this.. haha


Oct 25, 2017
Antwerp, Belgium
It's not the meetings that suck, it's the consequence of being in meetings all day. Regular work all gets pushed back because the meeting is deemed more important.


Oct 28, 2017
Become a Project Manager

One and done.

But OP, also don't create meetings that are pointless and don't be an in person only middle manager. My current manager is fantastic but also loves meetings, he'll schedule goals meetings and we'll interactively update and plan goals and he understands what's going on and isn't obsessed with work item velocity metrics.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it makes a big difference who is scheduling the meeting.

If its a meeting scheduled by people above you and you just have to listen to them talk for 30+ minutes that is always kind of boring and the less of those the better.

If its something where you get to participate in or are actually planning something yourself then I agree with the OP.
Oct 27, 2017
I've only had to do a handful of meetings and each one of them sucked. Just give me a handout or whatever and I'll read that shit in a few minutes instead of listening to someone prattle on and on, thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
Become a Project Manager
PMs who spend 100% of their time in meetings are not doing a good job planning their project(s). There are plenty of PMs who are plastering their calendars with meetings because they didn't manage to plan or consider their risks until things start exploding left and right.

People being in meetings constantly can also be a symptom of a poor organisational culture or difficult clients. Its not necessarily linked to a specific job type.


Oct 26, 2017
Hate most meetings. Fucking waste of time that puts me to sleep. Get to the point people and be a tad quicker or take my suggestion which you will take regardless. Let people rather take another break than tiring me out


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 25, 2017
Had many different managers over the years, some wanted several hours of meeting everyday, some wanted none and we would go for months without having one. Right now it is kinda a happy medium, just one hour with our team a week and one hour with development. I really can't stand them and even remote struggle to get anything done during them even if I'm listening.
Oct 27, 2017
PMs who spend 100% of their time in meetings are not doing a good job planning their project(s). There are plenty of PMs who are plastering their calendars with meetings because they didn't manage to plan or consider their risks until things start exploding left and right.

People being in meetings constantly can also be a symptom of a poor organisational culture or difficult clients. Its not necessarily linked to a specific job type.

This is true, the bad PMs I've worked with either try to spam meetings to hand off their work to others or because they spent a few months dicking around (probably in meetings) and now everything is coming due at the last second.


Oct 25, 2017
I love meetings where:
  1. I don't have to contribute anything
  2. I don't have to say anything
  3. I don't end up with any "todos" when it's finished
If I could sit in meetings like that all day, I would do it in a heartbeat
I think this kind of meeting might be nice now and then as a sort of break if I'm burned out, but I'd hate it if I was doing these meetings all day every day. After a certain point, I feel like my life is wasting away in them because of a combination of boredom and feeling useless.


Oct 27, 2017
I completely agree, OP. I like meetings, the problem solving, and trying to set a course for the organization. My long-term goal is to get into a position where I can do less of the daily grind work and more of the management.

(Who am I kidding, I'll probably end up hating that, too.)


Oct 28, 2017
I love meetings where:
  1. I don't have to contribute anything
  2. I don't have to say anything
  3. I don't end up with any "todos" when it's finished
If I could sit in meetings like that all day, I would do it in a heartbeat

I used to be like that when it was working in office, but then once I started working from home 6 years ago, I could intensely focus and get more done in 4-5 hours per day than I ever did in office and then use the remainder of the day to do house chores, cooking, and fitness.

The caveat before COVID is that knowledge sharing and working with colleagues was worse.

But now that there's tools like Microsoft Teams where everyone can instantaneously join a meeting without waiting for people to arrive, without figuring out conference room equipment, and people can immediately share their screen and show code or give links real time rather than (let me jot that down on paper and get back to you later today), and people can all reference the same contextual meeting notes, everyone is more efficient. It's a game changer, and companies that do not adapt will lose talent and operations will be cost prohibitive to compete with companies that adapt.

It's kind of hilarious how much things have changed. 10 years ago I remember meetings where the manager literally just had Microsoft word open on a PC connected to a projector and would go around and ask 20 people 1 by 1 what they're working on and then email out the word document. Took up to 1.5 hours. Every fucking week. Such a god damn waste of time. Now everyone just maintains their own tasks/stories on AzDo boards and if you want to see what people are working on just go to AzDo boards and filter by name.


Oct 26, 2017
This is the correct answer. But a good project manager makes those meetings worth the time.
A good project manager respect other people's time and don't schedule too many meetings.

There is an inverse correlation between how good a PM is and how many hours of meetings they schedule per week.
Like yeah, I suspect OP will enjoy being a PM, but I also suspect most of the people who work with him will hate this.


Alt Account
Jul 30, 2020
A good project manager respect other people's time and don't schedule too many meetings.

There is an inverse correlation between how good a PM is and how many hours of meetings they schedule per week.
Like yeah, I suspect OP will enjoy being a PM, but I also suspect most of the people who work with him will hate this.

I just don't get how denigrating an entire career like this thread is doing is at all reasonable, healthy or even a good discussion. It's also weird that mods are the ones partaking in it, tbh.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Become a Project Manager

Product Marketing Manager too.

It was so bad at my old company that I had to start convincing people that they did not need to meet with me about everything and I also started limiting meetings to 15 minutes unless important.

Nothing drives me crazier than a co-worker booking a meeting with me for an hour and then proceeding to make small talk for 30 minutes, have nothing prepared and then the meeting ends with me giving them a game plan of what they need to come back with for a future meeting.

Literal worst.


Oct 26, 2017
I just don't get how denigrating an entire career like this thread is doing is at all reasonable, healthy or even a good discussion. It's also weird that mods are the ones partaking in it, tbh.
I used to be a project manager, my job is still kinda involve those responsibilities.

I don't "denigrate an entire career", I am talking about tendencies that exist with bad PMs (and bad middle management).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hourly job: Fuck yeah, meetings, this is the best, I don't have to do my regular shit
Salary job: Ah fuck not another meeting, I got to get some shit done


Oct 26, 2017
It's actually a trap especially for technical leads. I had a mentor who had meetings all day but had to stay very late everyday to catch up on real work.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I just don't get how denigrating an entire career like this thread is doing is at all reasonable, healthy or even a good discussion. It's also weird that mods are the ones partaking in it, tbh.
I was a project manager and it was hell on earth. Literally 6 to 8 completely unnecessary meetings a day that ate into your schedule so badly you had no choice but to work extra hours just to get your actual projects done.

Just my personal experience.