
Feb 7, 2019
User banned (1 day): platform wars, account in junior phase
It's a playstation exclusive so like the others you can just watch "the movie" on youtube and still be part of the conversation online.
Take your time there is no rush.


Nov 7, 2017
My daughter was born this year and I resorted to watching the cutscenes because I don't have much spare time nowadays and also I don't own a Ps4 (plan on playing Ps4 exclusives on Ps5 if it's BC) and I have to admit that as a father some of the cutscenes destroyed me and made me cry like a baby.

If I could afford it I would buy a Ps4 just to play this game and experience it as it deserves.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't say that. Those games aren't really focused on narrative in the way DS is.
They're similar in that reading a plot summary would not give you anything close to an understanding of what it's like to play through the game yourself. They aren't equivalent experiences in a general sense but I mean, there's not really a game that's exactly like DS.


Oct 28, 2017
The good thing about being older is that you have the perspective to understand that a game means so little. It's only a nice way to distract you from everything else. Don't feel bad op, just go for a shorter game.

Only gaming I get in these days is with my kids as they are a bit older now. Much harder to find any kind of time when they are smaller. It is awesome to game with the kids though, lots of couch coop and building/survival games.


Alt Account
Nov 14, 2018
If you were just going to look up more or less a wikipedia article summary of the plot then what was the point of even looking up the story? There's no satisfaction, enjoyment, or experience from it which negates the point of your interest in the first place

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
As somebody who genuinely enjoyed the game, you absolutely made the right decision. No game is as disrespectful to the player's time in recent memory than Death Stranding. It's a game that is very intentionally built around patience, yet simultaneously punishes any player who dare try to tackle it at their own pace. Mechanics like Timefall, weapon/package deterioration, and the high resource cost for roads & other community structures are there to make you slow down. The early hours are focused on balance, and prioritizing your loadout for the journey. It is slow, and considered.

But god forbid you play Death Stranding slowly. Timefall as a concept basically ensures your creations have a set expiration date, thus meaning your hard work (assuming you heavily contribute to group projects) has a set expiration date. If you walk away, you run the risk of coming back to a bleaker, more challenging game that is devoid of your efforts to improve it. Trying to get a new handle on the controls is also a big ask. Then you have the cutscenes. Full 90 minute films that could often be edited down into 20 minute highlight reels without losing an iota of meaning. Every plot point is explained to you countless times. Conversations drag on, and on - and then the same character will call you up a bit later to reiterate it.

All of this also gets far worse the deeper you get into the campaign. The ending itself is a nearly four hour spiel of madness with occasional breaks for the smallest doses of gameplay (if it can even be called such).

Again, great game. But holy hell, it feels like a personal attack on adults with full lives that just want to play the game.


Oct 28, 2017
You made the right decision OP.

A game like DS really needs a relax mind and some time to let it breathe. You would had a terrible experience if you feel like its on clock. Games more about taking in the visual like Journey than the story (which is frankly not good or atleast the execution of it).


Aug 20, 2018
ok but what is the main discussion crux that we are going to have here?

Is OP trying to

1) kickstart a discussion about the pros and cons of long games vs shorter experiences?
2) ask ERA to point OP where to read a synopsis or watch a video of the general plot outline including spoilers of Death stranding?
3) consolidate ERA opinions on whether should he bother to play/watch Death stranding?

I feel like the OP post doesn't seems to have a main direction of where this thread should be going.


Dec 6, 2018
I'm nearly 110hrs in and the story has me invested,the gameplay is fantastic too......so glad I jumped in at launch as the social elements are also great.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a little children too, but I'm playing it slowly... just got on chapter 7, 26h in. I think I am around half of the game probably, and it will take some more months to finish... :P


Oct 25, 2017
Now that I would like to read. Always liked your writing but don't agree with you a lot, curious to see something we do agree on.

I think I'll break 10k. I'm gonna turn it over to some friends first before publication.

I actually called the Major Reveal though, haha

I take it you'll shorten it and use it as your entry for your GotY vote?

I don't participate in our GOTY votes here, and Disco Elysium would be my #1 choice


Oct 28, 2017
To be honest, I feel like if you focus on main quests you can beat it in like 30-35 hours. That's not really super long.


Oct 28, 2017
I decided I'd never play it when I heard that items degrade with use.


Oct 27, 2017
I decided I'd never play it when I heard that items degrade with use.
It's barely a problem. Not until the last chapter of the game a ladder I placed in the first section of the game started degrading.

You have way too many resources to keep creating new items if you want or need them, it's not like they're too expensive or anything.


Jul 22, 2019
Isn't it extremely common for people to just read a synopsis or watch someone else play a game these days?

Same applies to movies actually. I hear a lot just read the plot on wikipedia and then discuss the movie with others.
May 24, 2019
To be honest, I feel like if you focus on main quests you can beat it in like 30-35 hours. That's not really super long.
Took me ~35hr40min, didn't rush too much but didn't do too many of the side missions.

I wasn't sure Death Stranding would be for me, and as it's a long game, I doubt I would play it, or at least, play much of it...but I needed to know. I needed to know what Kojima was up to, so I just read the plot. I would likely not have played the game but now there's no going back and I feel dirty.
Are you saying you wish you hadn't read it because you found the plot interesting? I would suggest just watching the gameplay 'movie' things on YouTube. Even if you know what's coming you'll (probably) still enjoy seeing the story play out, especially cos some of the performances are really good


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't it extremely common for people to just read a synopsis or watch someone else play a game these days?

Same applies to movies actually. I hear a lot just read the plot on wikipedia and then discuss the movie with others.
I have wasted hours and hours watching MGS videos to know the story and I have not played a single game. Didn't own a console.

Screw people who does this with movies though.


Oct 30, 2017
I have children now. I am busy. I used to play and complete a lot of big releases. Rarely googled when I got stuck. This was only 6 years ago. These days sometimes I have to. My time is limited.

I wasn't sure Death Stranding would be for me, and as it's a long game, I doubt I would play it, or at least, play much of it...but I needed to know. I needed to know what Kojima was up to, so I just read the plot. I would likely not have played the game but now there's no going back and I feel dirty.

Also..... Games are time consuming, short games FTW.
I feel exactly the same, OP, sounds like the same timeline too. Midway through the decade, I couldn't keep up with all the big, bad games I wanted to play as much anymore; while I made time for Assassin's Creed, Dishonored 1/2, Yakuza and Hitman, along with P5, BOTW, the first 2 Cold Steel games (basically I average about a big meaty JRPG once a year), I've mostly been playing evergreen games like NBA 2K or Forza Horizon (though again, add a few 10-hour-or-less games in there).

I remember completing GTAV single player, Dragon Age 2, and NI No Kuni in a 2 month period in 2013, along with my addiction for NBA 2K14 and even WWE 2K14. Nowadays, those 5 games can keep me occupied all year.

I've got quite a few gaps this gen especially, such as MGSV, God of War, Days Gone, TLG, all of the Switch, which I would never let have happened 5 or 6 years ago.

I too read the wikipedia entry for DS to find the story and whilst I actually think I might enjoy the tedium of doing deliveries, I...I just can't anymore.

A bit sad, but I'm able to do so much more other stuff now! haha


Oct 26, 2017
DS has made me appreciate stick games more, I know that's ironic. I will beat it but I won't play it 100% as recommended by Kojima. That means I will ignore some optional stuff but will engage with players in building bridges. That aspect is cool.


Oct 28, 2017
The thing with having family/kids and gaming is not so much the length. It's more if you can play in short bursts. I've had 200+ hours in botw with 2 boys. Obviously being on the switch helps, but some games require more time per session than others. Not sure where Death Stranding falls, haven't played it yet.
Oct 30, 2017
I have children now. I am busy. I used to play and complete a lot of big releases. Rarely googled when I got stuck. This was only 6 years ago. These days sometimes I have to. My time is limited.

I wasn't sure Death Stranding would be for me, and as it's a long game, I doubt I would play it, or at least, play much of it...but I needed to know. I needed to know what Kojima was up to, so I just read the plot. I would likely not have played the game but now there's no going back and I feel dirty.

Also..... Games are time consuming, short games FTW.
Even if you had all the time in the world... don't play it.

I love Kojima and I have no regrets buying and finishing Death Stranding...

But, honestly I will not recommend it to anyone.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
I've only ever read the plot for one game, and that was Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories because the 3D remake was so boring and bad that I just wanted it to be done so I could get to Kingdom Hearts 2.

For everything else, I've just abandoned that FOMO feeling.


Nov 1, 2017
I have children now. I am busy. I used to play and complete a lot of big releases. Rarely googled when I got stuck. This was only 6 years ago. These days sometimes I have to. My time is limited.

I wasn't sure Death Stranding would be for me, and as it's a long game, I doubt I would play it, or at least, play much of it...but I needed to know. I needed to know what Kojima was up to, so I just read the plot. I would likely not have played the game but now there's no going back and I feel dirty.

Also..... Games are time consuming, short games FTW.

I prefer a 100 hour single player game that i can pick up and play whenever i have time. Short games are ok too. I even finished Witcher 3 while having "no time".

The only problem i see with less time to play are competitive online games or MMOs. Thats the only thing i never touch when i dont have much time to play.
Apr 9, 2018
I never quite understand this, you might get the time some day to experience it so why spoil yourself now? What does knowing the plot give you, it's not like you can add anything meaningful to the discussion without experiencing it yourself.

I too appreciate shorter games as my time is limited, but I would never spoil something for myself because of it.

Your loss!


Jan 22, 2019
I don't mean this to sound harsh or anything but the sheer amount of times I've heard a parent here and irl complain about not having the time for something, or being strapped for cash because being a parent is so expensive, makes me immensely happy to be a stereotypical dual-income-no-children gay guy. My husband and I rarely have to worry about not having the time for something we want to do - I cannot imagine how frustrating it would be to suddenly have no control over most of my life. But then again, I guess I just don't have a parenting brain that makes having a kid feel worth it somehow.


Oct 29, 2017
You do what you do really, no need to feel dirty or anything. There are so many amazing things in this world and most people won't even experience 5% of it.

Having say that, I think having a new born(or being a parent in general) is probably the best timing to play this game. That ending hit super hard for me personally.


Sep 18, 2018
I just watched the cutscenes on Youtube. The gameplay didn't interest me whatsoever but I was intrigued by the story.
Oct 28, 2017
Reading plot or only watching cinematic videos may not be enough for the entire experience, because as you slowly sludge through the game on foot you also think about the events in the game which happened prior and giving you time to think/theorize about them until you reach the milestone for the next segment of plot point or cinematic.

Its not mandatory to have gap between story plot points, but it can feel great to think about it until the next one.


Oct 31, 2017
I have actually found the opposite since I have had kids. They go bed early and then my wife normally doesn't go bed to late so I normally have a few hours at the end of an evening to myself.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Reading the plot for DS is not recommended. DS is not about the Destiny, it is about the journey.

It is a very intriguing game OP. I have kids as Well, but I def took my time with it.