Aug 27, 2018
This happened to me at my apartment 2 nights ago. I tried to scrape my windows but it was too thick so I opted to just let defrost do the work. The whole time it was happening someone was waiting for my spot. I had to be sitting there/scraping for 15 minutes

Dokkaebi G0SU

Nov 2, 2017
Only time I do this is if I'm in a situation where there's pretty much no parking whatsoever and you're the Lucky Joe I spot getting into their car.
Yup. When the lot is full and you see someone about to leave. Ima sit my ass there and wait 1 minute there instead of circle the lot and miss this opportunity.
no rush given.

Big Baybee

Oct 27, 2017
Once I had a guy waiting on my spot and I sat there in my car just to spite him. Bullshitted around, made a call, played with the radio. And then when he finally drove a little bit past me, I pulled out and some random pulled right in. Fuck that guy thinking he deserved a spot.
How are there people like this? What's the fucking point? I don't know why this post makes me so angry lol


Oct 25, 2017
Once I had a guy waiting on my spot and I sat there in my car just to spite him. Bullshitted around, made a call, played with the radio. And then when he finally drove a little bit past me, I pulled out and some random pulled right in. Fuck that guy thinking he deserved a spot.

What in the world....

There are parking lots out there that are so busy this is really the only way to go about doing things. They're not 'deserving a spot'. They're seeing that a park is about to be vacated, and so they may as well be the ones to take it over someone who arrives 5 seconds later. Why should they be any more deserving than the person who arrived early who now has to go looking for another 15min for an arbitrarily empty park? It makes no sense.

If you're not leaving, just signal to the car that you're not ready to go like what the OP should be doing. That way no one's time is wasted and you don't feel like you're being hounded. It's not super difficult to create an agreeable atmosphere. But otherwise, if you are planning on leaving and if it's a super busy carpark, then yeah, do them a solid and promptly gtfo to free up space. Busy carparks are stressful for everyone including the the ones looking for a park.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see a problem with it as long as you're being courteous to other drivers, including the one parked. Like allow for enough space around you and don't be honking or giving the parked person dirty looks. On that same note, if you're parked in a busy lot, you should also be courteous to people looking for a spot and pull away when you're ready.
Once I had a guy waiting on my spot and I sat there in my car just to spite him. Bullshitted around, made a call, played with the radio. And then when he finally drove a little bit past me, I pulled out and some random pulled right in. Fuck that guy thinking he deserved a spot.
Why would you do this?


Oct 26, 2017
People don't signal because they want the person leaving to hurry up. They do it to try and prevent assholes from swooping in and stealing the spot they waited for. The parking at my university was miserable and often the only way to get a spot was to wait. Circling around forever wouldn't get you a spot. And many times I'd wait for someone to leave and someone that didn't have to wait at all would cut in from the oncoming lane and take it. Signaling at least prevents people like that from justifying taking the spot by thinking "well how was I supposed to know you were waiting for that spot?!"


Nov 18, 2017
OP, they're not trying to rush you. They're indicating to other drivers looking for parking spots that they claimed the spot (to eliminate confusion), so that other drivers can drive past the person waiting so they can look for other spots. If I see someone signaling ahead of me, I know they claimed that spot and thus I can drive past them as they're waiting to park. They're the ones being considerate. In fact, if you're not leaving, just tell them so they can try to find another space. This only happens in places where there is no parking. People have to circle the lot to find a spot that opens up. Often times, you have to ask people walking to their car if they're leaving. If they're not, it's perfectly fine. If you're leaving, you don't have to hurry. They'll be grateful that they've actually found a spot to park.


Oct 26, 2017
depends on time, traffic and wait time

if the other car is already engaged in pull away to free up the parking space, I see no problem with people waiting 15 seconds for you the spot

But, if the person is not ready to leave and is setting up for over 2 minutes, then yeah after 60 seconds, you shouldn't block traffic
Oct 28, 2017
I never understood the people who circle around forever waiting to get a close spot. Just take a spot further away and walk the extra 30 seconds.
Yup. If you are able-bodied and not lugging kids along with you, there is no reason to wait around for a spot. Park a little further away and get in some steps. Also, your car will be safer away from all the traffic


Oct 29, 2017
People don't signal because they want the person leaving to hurry up. They do it to try and prevent assholes from swooping in and stealing the spot they waited for. The parking at my university was miserable and often the only way to get a spot was to wait. Circling around forever wouldn't get you a spot. And many times I'd wait for someone to leave and someone that didn't have to wait at all would cut in from the oncoming lane and take it. Signaling at least prevents people like that from justifying taking the spot by thinking "well how was I supposed to know you were waiting for that spot?!"
This this this this THIS. I hope you guys never have to park in a city or any crowded area, cause this is literally what you have to do to secure a spot.


Oct 25, 2017
What I hate the most about parking lots is when I park as far back as possible with no other vehicles around I always get two big ass trucks that park right next to me.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Don't be a dick. If it's a lot with very limited parking, then what's the harm? But if you're sitting in a car intentionally not moving because someone wants your spot, that's just being a jerk.


Oct 28, 2017
I disagree. Just wave someone off or ignore them or if I'm driving, I look for signs that they are actually leaving if I can't communicate with them, and if it becomes clear they aren't leaving soon, I simply move on. I don't think it's that big of a deal and I've been in enough places where finding any parking sucks and isn't about university kids wanting to not walk a bit farther or take naps in their cars instead of getting in their car to leave.


Oct 27, 2017
Laziest fucking people in the world. Drive motherfucker, you're being a total asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the only way to survive downtown or in University parking. Either you wait for the guy who's leaving or drive around for half an hour and walk extra blocks to your destination.


Oct 25, 2017
In certain situations I would say it's acceptable. Say it's a huge parking lot and it's really tough to find a spot. I know in this case I would feel guilty sitting in my car, and would move as quickly as possible to get out so that someone else could get my spot. And I wouldn't hold it against someone if they waited for me to vacate the spot.


Dec 14, 2017
You should use all that anger towards something else, like the fact that it is 2020 and you are not using the metric system


Oct 26, 2017
Just as bad are the assholes who drive the wrong way through a parking lot lane. They have the audacity to look at like you like you're crazy and YOU are the one who shouldn't be driving through there.


Oct 28, 2017
Once I had a guy waiting on my spot and I sat there in my car just to spite him. Bullshitted around, made a call, played with the radio. And then when he finally drove a little bit past me, I pulled out and some random pulled right in. Fuck that guy thinking he deserved a spot.

As a previous parking officer in Norway, the only worse people than your kind is the people taking up handicap spots and people hitting cars without leaving a note.


Oct 25, 2017
I have definitely never seen this happen outside of university parking lots
Happens all the time in bigger cities with limited parking. I dont mind walking, but sometimes the closest space is blocks away and I'm not going to walk a mile in the rain instead of just waiting. If there is plenty of parking, I'll park further, no big deal, but there has been tons of time that there isnt any.

And if you are just sitting in your car, just roll the window down and signal that you arent moving, wave them away. You wont feel pressured and they wont wait needlessly. You don't even have to say anything.


Oct 25, 2017
the fuck outta here. You live in a major city in a popular area, this is the only way to get a parking space some places - like the fuckin' midtown Trader Joe's lot in Atlanta. if you dont wanna leave your spot, then don't. Eventually the person who is signaling and waiting will move on. Or if you wanted to be really nice, you could just wave them through or otherwise indicate you aren't leaving. It's not that hard.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Parking in general is just stressful for me, especially in crowded and cramped parking areas.

I usually park in some distance and walk than scramble for a good spot with others.


Nov 1, 2017
People driving around for a spot in general is annoying to me. Just park in the first available spot and walk the extra 20 seconds instead of driving around for 5 minutes.

edit somehow miss your post
I never understood the people who circle around forever waiting to get a close spot. Just take a spot further away and walk the extra 30 seconds.
Thank you


Oct 29, 2017
If i'm sitting in my car and someone indicates for my spot then I just don't make eye contact until they fuck off but if I'm walking to my car with the intent to leave and I see someone looking for a spot I'll tell them to follow me if the park is full. In Sydney no one offers people a lift to their car, that's unheard of lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Completely agree OP. 95+% of the time I see this there's plenty of spaces farther away, they just don't want to walk, and instead block other people from getting through the parking lot.

When I go to costco I go straight to the back of the lot so I never have to deal with this. I see people that entered the lot in front of me and they're circling around or sitting in their car waiting for a spot to open up, usually blocking traffic trying to get through.


Oct 27, 2017
If you feel pressured, then it's you who has the problem. Just leave your spot when you want, it's completely normal to do so.

I understand being frustrated being stuck behind a car just blocking traffic waiting though. It's usually enough space to get around them, but sometimes you just have to to beep to wisen them up


Oct 28, 2017
If it's a crowded lot with no open spaces, it totally makes sense

When it gets stupid is at some place like the supermarket when people will do it to get a spot 20 feet closer to the entrance than the big cluster of open spots nearby. You're probably going to be walking 100x that distance inside the store, so what does it matter if you park slightly closer or not?


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
Yeah not cool on OP's opinion on this
Going to University Id park in a parking lot to take the train
If you wasn't there at least at 6am you was shit out of luck and would have to look for a parking spot and wait if needed
Plus if they see you in their car and wait well that's on them if you're not leaving lol and they will lose on a spot.

I still remember this white girl calling me The N word with an hard R because she was tight that I took a spot and her reasoning was that she was there before me for like 30 mins(I didn't steal a spot I just happened to see one guy get in a car and leave) like she literally came near me and said she waited for 30 mins looking around and told me she had an exam( In September first day of university) I told her I'm sorry but I got school too(I didn't believe her) so she yelled it and drove super fast and hit a car tried to back up and rammed into a moving car in the parking lot.
I just casually sat on my car and observed her dealing with the person who she rammed into and I was laughing at her dumb ass the entire time. She left without leaving a note on the parked car she hit so I left my number for the person and sent her a picture of her car and license plate.
That was like 4 yrs ago hopefully she got jail time 😂

Well played lol
Oct 29, 2017
What's fun is when you have two young kids that you are trying to get set in their car seats and some guy feels the need to wait and honk over and over again. I guess he expects me to throw them in the trunk and hope they are ok when I get home. I usually smile and give a wave when I'm done.
Oct 25, 2017
Just do what I do and walk down the adjacent lane. Feel the car slowly following you. Then, at the last moment, smile, cross over to the other lane, and get into your car.


May 16, 2018
Because parking is full and sometimes youd have to park it at the next block or its just impossible to find.


Oct 25, 2017
Geez there are some petty ass people in here.

When there's no parking and you're lucky enough to find someone pulling out why wouldn't you signal to claim it?


Oct 25, 2017
Not everything is about you. The signaling is to let other drivers know its ok to pass you or to let other drivers know you got dibs. Take as much time as you need.

Horned Reaper

Nov 7, 2017
That's on you OP. Most people eventually notice that you're not preparing to leave and haven't turned on your engine and look elsewhere after maybe half a minute or so.
Oct 28, 2017
Stop giving a shit. They wanna indicate and wait let them. Feel pressured? I finished a phone conversation in my car when someone was waiting for me to leave my spot. Fuck em. I don't exist for them. Most times I'll go normal pace and leave the spot but never rush. If they don't like it they'll move on.
Why not just think "oh that person could use this spot and I no longer need it. I'll be on my way"? It's not hard to be a litttle considerate and it's not like they're doing anything to you that should make you upset.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
That's on you OP. I'm not gonna fucking keep circling the parking lot and pray that I catch an empty spot when there are 20 other motherfuckers around me trying to get a spot. You don't like it, tough. Not everything is about you. You in your car and ready to leave? Get the fuck out so I can park. I got places to be, shit.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Yup, should be illegal. Puts unnecessary pressure on the person in the parking space as well who now needs to leave as quick as possible.

Yeah, no.

This perceived pressure is your own choice. You have no obligation to speed up. It's nice to be courteous, yes, but you have no reason to 'rush' in an uncomfortable way.