Oct 31, 2017

I totally get wanting presentation upgrades (obviously to a certain extent).

I totally get wanting remastering so that you don't have to play your favorite games in 30p on an old TV or use an old console that only turns on if you press the power button 5 times in quick succession.

I totally get wanting QoL features added.

But wanting to have a company use up a shitload of resources and use up a lot of their talent to spend years remaking an old game over using that towards a new experience???

I feel like this is almost getting to Hollywood-level retreading.

With Resident Evil, we've had RE2 and now we have RE3 coming up. Would be understandable to also have the other graphically similar game, Code Veronica, to receive a remake. However, people are also asking for remakes of Resident Evil 4, a game that arguably isn't dated at all and has been ported at least 18 million times, along with a remake of Resident Evil 1, a game that already has a remake, and I've even seen people suggest a remake of Resident Evil 5!!

With Final Fantasy, we have the first part of the VII Remake coming up. SE "joked" many years ago that a VII remake would take 10 years; clearly, it's a monumental task. I've seen people asking for VII-style remakes of every single FF except maybe the MMO's and XII, which means people have been asking for VII style remakes of games that have already been remade or remastered. Y'all seriously want SE to spend another decade with another remake?

With Zelda, we had Link's Awakening, which was not exactly ambitious, but it clearly had a decent amount of effort put into updating it for modern times. Expecting the Oracle games to receive this treatment is fair, but people have asked for remakes of Zeldas 1 and 2, LTTP and ALBW, and remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (though these are clearly people asking for more effort than what they put into for LA).


This leads me to believe that people see their non-favorite entry in a franchise getting remade, and then demand the same treatment or better for their favorite entry. Or maybe not even necessarily their favorite; they just want to see all the games they like in the franchise now getting this same treatment.

Obviously there's always a fear that the new entry in a franchise won't be your favorite one, but I cannot understand just wanting the devs to retread old ground over and over and over again instead of wanting the devs to try creating amazing new experiences.

Thank u for reading✌️


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm with you. I'd rather have new games over remakes any day of the week. Too many people on Era seem to be clamoring for completely transformative remakes that take classics and turn them into stock-standard modern games and I just don't see the point in it.

Just let old games rest - if they're good enough, people will find them. There's no need to waste resources, time and money digging them up and transforming them into yet another modern mass-market-acceptable action game, you know?


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny because "remakes and reboots" is what Hollywood gets shit on for doing all the time. "Hollywood is out of ideas!"
Jan 21, 2019
I completely agree. I wanna see new things, not old stuff but shiney. I get the appeal but it always feel like we missed out on something cooler.

I am the same with most sequels. I'd rather have something new. I love FromSoft for that. Excluding all souls that were into production before Miyazaki became president, with him it was ds1, Bloodborne, sekiro, Elden ring. I would love the same variety from naughty dog. I hope insomniac doesn't become Sony's spiderman dev.


Oct 25, 2017
Because people don't trust their new ideas, usually because they have been disappointed by them. So they'd rather have something that is a known to work from as a basis.


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny because "remakes and reboots" is what Hollywood gets shit on for doing all the time. "Hollywood is out of ideas!"
old movies don't have QOL to worry about

I have no problem with things that are either or both transformative (RE2/3) and don't take up a mainline team (bluepoint is *probably* not going to start cranking out original IP.) ppl are always going to ask for things like this and they'll usually be a safe bet. the only way to not support it is to not buy them. but if the games are good...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Its not like there is a lack of new IP out there. Wanting remakes of games from a time where visuals and sound were primitive makes sense. And if its good its good. Don't want it? Don't buy. Im sure the developers working on these remakes are enjoying there time making them.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I bet publisher prefer remakes over new ip because consumers are more willing to drop money on something they are familiar with rather than take a risk on something new.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean Square is pretty big I wouldn't be opposed to them creating a division for remakes depending on FF7 success it might actually be beneficial for them. We know they are working on 16 still.

I generally like new IPs but FF7R feels new enough to me. But I don't think it's something every studio should be doing. I think capcom should stop with RE3, i think a reboot of Dino Crisis would be dope but that's pretty much a remake, or see what Deep Down might have turned into. Obviously everyone has different tastes and everyone wants different things. Some times that might mean their turn on the remake hype train.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
A lot of people are turned off from playing outdated games. The only way they can experience that story is through the remakes.

I do agree with remaking modern games like re5 is ridiculous (a port with some minor graphical / qol upgrades is just fine)

But for the most part, ps1/ps2 era games have not aged well.

Also just because something is new, doesn't mean it's good.

I rather bioware remade Kotor instead of making Andromeda AND anthem


Oct 25, 2017
The industry is young and a lot of these older games don't live up to the medium's potential.


Oct 27, 2017
Nostalgia's a hell of a drug and a huge chunk of the video game industry is built on it.

I don't mind remakes if they bring something new to the table but honestly, I mostly prefer straight ports of old games that take fewer resources.


Nov 22, 2018
I don't think it's much of a problem when there are like two notable remakes in any given year. Many of them could be considered new games in their own right and I think it's a beautiful way to get a new generation to experience something that simply isn't up to a modern standard.

I mean, we have enough games as it is -- both existing and upcoming -- so I'm not really seeing a problem here.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Make newer games more in line with the older ones in various ways and I'd stop wishing for more remakes.

Why would a <insert old game here> remake be awesome? Because no one is making games like <insert old game here> anymore.

At least at the rate remakes are coming out, it is not like, say hollywood movies. They are fairly in the minority.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Hey, the main one I've been wanting is MGS.

If they don't remake those games I don't expect them to do anything else with the series anyway.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I totally get where you're coming from.

They really do need to remake VIII though. Squall deserves it. After that all remakes can stop. Agreed?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see the big deal. Most "new experiences" are just same experiences as before with different skins.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree in general, but a lot of times it's a different team doing the remakes. I love Grezzo, but I don't think they'd put out a better original game than a Link to the Past or Oracle remake.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there is. I think you're confusing certain posts on a hardcore gaming forum for genuine demand.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's room for both, studios that exist pretty much to purely serve that purpose and its not unreasonable to want to keep playing or have access to something you loved even if you dont have the original copy or system it launched on anymore.


Nov 11, 2017
Links awakening is justified because genius puzzle design is very rare and people need to experience that gameplay, the narrative doesn't matter. FF7 remake is boring because you already know the story and the game is very narrative driven.


Oct 30, 2017
Not like every new game is bringing something new to the table. So, if you are not really creating something new, isn't better to work on something that is already beloved?

I'm sorry, but there is already too many games coming out, but too little if those are worth playing.


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny because "remakes and reboots" is what Hollywood gets shit on for doing all the time. "Hollywood is out of ideas!"

yeah it is amusing

though, despite agreeing with the sentiment, games "age" pretty rapidly with regard to hardware compatibility, general industry QoL features and (obvs) gfx. so as whiny and annoying as folks can be about it it's not an outlandish ask
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI

I totally get wanting presentation upgrades (obviously to a certain extent).

I totally get wanting remastering so that you don't have to play your favorite games in 30p on an old TV or use an old console that only turns on if you press the power button 5 times in quick succession.

I totally get wanting QoL features added.

But wanting to have a company use up a shitload of resources and use up a lot of their talent to spend years remaking an old game over using that towards a new experience???

I feel like this is almost getting to Hollywood-level retreading.

With Resident Evil, we've had RE2 and now we have RE3 coming up. Would be understandable to also have the other graphically similar game, Code Veronica, to receive a remake. However, people are also asking for remakes of Resident Evil 4, a game that arguably isn't dated at all and has been ported at least 18 million times, along with a remake of Resident Evil 1, a game that already has a remake, and I've even seen people suggest a remake of Resident Evil 5!!

With Final Fantasy, we have the first part of the VII Remake coming up. SE "joked" many years ago that a VII remake would take 10 years; clearly, it's a monumental task. I've seen people asking for VII-style remakes of every single FF except maybe the MMO's and XII, which means people have been asking for VII style remakes of games that have already been remade or remastered. Y'all seriously want SE to spend another decade with another remake?

With Zelda, we had Link's Awakening, which was not exactly ambitious, but it clearly had a decent amount of effort put into updating it for modern times. Expecting the Oracle games to receive this treatment is fair, but people have asked for remakes of Zeldas 1 and 2, LTTP and ALBW, and remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (though these are clearly people asking for more effort than what they put into for LA).


This leads me to believe that people see their non-favorite entry in a franchise getting remade, and then demand the same treatment or better for their favorite entry. Or maybe not even necessarily their favorite; they just want to see all the games they like in the franchise now getting this same treatment.

Obviously there's always a fear that the new entry in a franchise won't be your favorite one, but I cannot understand just wanting the devs to retread old ground over and over and over again instead of wanting the devs to try creating amazing new experiences.

Thank u for reading✌

I agree. But the industry is big enough for both. As in, some people are very good at making things work, creating amazing technology solutions, but aren't very inventive when it comes to gameplay and mechanics. These people are very talented in a specific way! And their work can bring in lots of money! So where do they belong? Working on remakes.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
People want things they already know they like vs. something new that they might not

it's really not more complicated than that


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather have a KOTOR remake/remaster any day over a third game. I dont give a shit about having a sequel sometimes. The original is just so good, you can't top it kind of thing, you know?


Oct 25, 2017
the industry doesnt need remakes, what it needs is games that are as interesting as the games that were made during the industries infancy. the industry takes less and less risks every gen. so many of the games that are beloved would never get made under todays industry.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
the industry doesnt need remakes, what it needs is games that are as interesting as the games that were made during the industries infancy. the industry takes less and less risks every gen. so many of the games that are beloved would never get made under todays industry.

they would get made and they do

they are just indie games now


Oct 27, 2017
The craziest part of remakes is wanting to have the original devs involved, but then wanting those people to do the exact same thing again with zero changes. Like, why would anyone give up years of their life to such a creatively stifling prospect?
old movies don't have QOL to worry about
I mean, they absolutely do (editing rhythms, pacing preferences, acting styles, blah blah), but it's obviously not to the same level as say early PC game keybinds and UIs (or it almost is when you're dealing with early silent films, but w/e).
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2017
But we dont get anything new anymore. Or if we do its just a cluster of tired ideas in a new setting (jedi fallen order)

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
not like Bioware is doing anything that excites me too much recently, why not give me a remaster/remake of one of their golden day games like Jade Empire or Kotor?

Having said that, if a potential Mass Effect series remake is made, it'd be done by someone else anyways.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
you shouldnt have to rely on the indies to do it when the big companies were doing it fine in the beginning.

There are more than enough high-quality indies nowadays that the "who" at this point is pretty irrelevant. I don't care that EA or Ubisoft didn't make Stardew Valley. Nor do I care that Blizzard didn't make PoE or Wolcen.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
I like the remakes that are essentially all new experiences - a la Resident Evil 2. It's cool to see what's a reimagination of an original work. Resident Evil 4 doesn't need to be remade - it's perfect as is. But who knows what amazing things they could do in a remake? RE1make is one of the best games ever made.

Link's Awakening overall I don't think is a good example of a remake in spite of the amazing art style. It's essentially 1-to-1 exactly the same game when they could have done quite a bit to update the game or maybe at least make the combat not so mindless.

I think saying people just want "things they already know" is pretty reductive.


Oct 25, 2017

We've had a few good originals, but so many remasters or reboots or ports or just resolution makeovers.

It all feels like a lazy moneygrab.


Oct 25, 2017
big companies have to care about sales, mass market appeal and marketability. Indies don't
there's plenty of room for risks from these big companies with how much money they make. there's no reason to defend them behind the guise of sales and the mass market. if anything its the indies that should be taking the least risks.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Spiritual Successors

That's what I want to see. Take the concept of what I love, whether it's in a new IP, spin-off, or outright sequel, and expand upon it. Retain what worked, hone it to improve any flaws, add new options of gameplay, etc. That's what I want to see.

There's never going to be a Metal Gear Rising 2, but I'd honestly say that the combat found in Sekiro to have hit just about every note of what I wanted from that game's mechanics. It's become my de facto favorite game in the genre, and I'd love to see Platinum or From Soft take another swing at it. Hell, I'd kill to see a collaboration between the two in some form of technical, action game with an emphasis on swordplay and parrying.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
there's plenty of room for risks from these big companies with how much money they make. there's no reason to defend them behind the guise of sales and the mass market. if anything its the indies that should be taking the least risks.
That sounds great on paper but it's not how the real world works. It's not about "defending" them, its a simple fact of reality. Especially when it comes to publicly traded companies. Investors want to see a return on their investments and growth year over year. That happens by appealing to the widest audiences possible and giving them what they already know they like, focus testing, etc. Which is why there's a lack of innovation.

Indies can afford to take risks because they're not banking on multi million dollar returns on their games, are usually staffed by smaller teams and don't cost dozens of millions of dollars to make. It's common sense.


Jul 27, 2018
But we are getting new experiences from the franchises you listed? RE8 has been in development since 2017, new Crash & Spyro games are very likely in the works after the successes of recent remake trilogies, Nintendo is developing BOTW2, and Square is definitely making a FF16.

Also, the only reason Capcom is entertaining the idea of even more RE remakes is because of how successful previous remakes have been. If fans want it and the other remakes were hits then why not?


Oct 27, 2017
No company is basing their business decisions off Era posts, so I don't see anything wrong with people writing about things they want, be they remasters or new games.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
the industry doesnt need remakes, what it needs is games that are as interesting as the games that were made during the industries infancy. the industry takes less and less risks every gen. so many of the games that are beloved would never get made under todays industry.

I see this as just nostalgia. Before we only had many platformers, turn based JRPG's and shoot 'em ups (that are still being made)


Oct 27, 2017
Most remasters are made by development houses that specialise in remasters, or smaller teams within a major developer. Bluepoint, QLOC, Hexadrive, etc. Sometimes devs use them as a quick project to come to grips with new hardware, ala TLOU Remastered as Naughty Dog's first PS4 project. I don't think the time and money that goes towards remasters is the same time and money that could be put towards new games.


Jan 24, 2020
I think it's fine for those generations that're almost unplayable these days - NES, GB and prior. But mostly remakes are an issue because backwards compatibility is an issue. There's often no easy way to play some of these games without spending fortunes hunting down retro copies, if you don't want to go the emulation route.

The video game industry is pretty stagnant though tbh. Says a lot when most of the best games of the decade are from indie devs.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, though we;ll be lucky to see it by 2030 thanks to the FFVII remake.
You're aware that Square Enix has many teams right? Which is why in the past decade we've gotten FF13 to FF13-3, FF14 it's 3 expansions, FF15 and now FF7RE. FF7RE existing is not stopping Square from working on FF16 or other projects.