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Nov 9, 2017
I promise, you're not a waste of time and space. Unless you support fascism, in which case, okay. Then you're a waste of time and space. But that's the exception.

Do you want to be happy in someone else's life, or do you feel like you're supposed to be? Is this a matter of expectations coming from yourself or from others?
Oct 27, 2017
I promise, you're not a waste of time and space. Unless you support fascism, in which case, okay. Then you're a waste of time and space. But that's the exception.

Do you want to be happy in someone else's life, or do you feel like you're supposed to be? Is this a matter of expectations coming from yourself or from others?
i feel like i'm supposed to be, i just haven't been happy since my ex left me over 2 years ago


Aug 13, 2019
Don't let other people define your self worth OP.

Live for yourself, not for someone else.


Oct 27, 2017
not at all trying to be a dick, but this is the wrong place for this.

talk. to. a. professional.

if you have the ability to do so, you are doing yourself a massive disservice by not. mental health is health. you wouldn't walk around with a bone sticking out of your leg because "you'll get to the doctor eventually".

you arent the only person going through this, you arent the first, you wont be the last. support is available. there is nothing "wrong" with you. you arent broken by any means


Nov 9, 2017
i think i have bipolar
Dick or not, Jackdog is right in that you should talk to a professional about this. Especially if you think that you might have a diagnosis waiting for you.

But I also want to reiterate what T0M said. Other people don't define you as a person or your self worth. You are valid as a person, whatever you are is good enough, and you deserve to feel happy and safe. Which brings us back to the first point, that you should try to get professional help to make sure that you can be both happy and safe.

How's the prospects of finding a professional around where you live?


Oct 27, 2017
right there with you op

Then just as I told OP, IF, and its a GIANT if, you have the ability to talk to someone, do it.

The upside to all this corona mess is the availability of telemedicine has skyrocketed.

Sometimes just getting shit out there really helps and you'll feel better. but if this is something thats affected you long term, do yourself a giant favor and get help with it. Theres zero shame to it. To use the stupid leg metaphor again, you break your leg you still have someone else helping you through physical therapy.

mental health is not a joke
Mar 29, 2018
not at all trying to be a dick, but this is the wrong place for this.

talk. to. a. professional.

if you have the ability to do so, you are doing yourself a massive disservice by not. mental health is health. you wouldn't walk around with a bone sticking out of your leg because "you'll get to the doctor eventually".

you arent the only person going through this, you arent the first, you wont be the last. support is available. there is nothing "wrong" with you. you arent broken by any means
Borderline harsh but 100% legit post. Especially this:

mental health is health. you wouldn't walk around with a bone sticking out of your leg because "you'll get to the doctor eventually".

you arent the only person going through this, you arent the first, you wont be the last. support is available. there is nothing "wrong" with you. you arent broken by any means


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
OP, I've been exactly where you are. In all honesty, I'm in the same boat right now. Thanks to the Rona, all my support workers have had to cancel on me. It's not their fault, but it's left me in a vulnerable position and I've relapsed into alcohol abuse really bad because of the loneliness. (I've been drinking twelve pints of beer a day, minimum.)

However, I'm not drunk at this moment in time, and I want to reassure you that you are important. Every living person can change the world for the better, and I think the world is better off or having you in it. Maybe when the pandemic is done you can sign up to do some volunteer work? I did it once upon a time, and it really helped me reconnect with what matters in life, and see the value I give to others.
Mar 30, 2019
It would at least give some possibilities to work of at minimum. Emotionally, I think we underestimate as a group the value of our own motivations. It is important to care about things. It keeps you motivated and in turn a healthy zest for life.

This is why defeatist and nihilistic attitudes always rub me the wrong way whenever I see them. Even if they are correct at some level, you are robbing yourself of possibility, of new dreams, of new adventures.

The past is to be learned from and built upon, not to be mired within and unchanged. Life is energy and movement. And it goes at a whole host of different paces. Sometimes you just need to dream anew and find your pace again.

Wow, went on a tangent there. I hope that helps.
Oct 25, 2017
I spent a long time trying to prove I was a worthwhile person to other people. It took a long time to realise that I didn't need to prove it to them, but to myself. That I wasn't seeing how other people loved me (or how I was worthy of their love) because I didn't truly love myself. Once you learn to love yourself, you'll find your prospects and worldview vastly improve.

Of coruse, lack of self-love could be a symptom of any number of issues, including as you say bipolar disorder, but a lot of other things too and I wouldn't recommend self-diagnosing. A professional will guide you on the right path.


Oct 27, 2017
Borderline harsh but 100% legit post. Especially this:

having gone through similar shit, I know its harsh, but I know the help someone really needs wont be found here. Something nice about here is it can be a good place to let it out and vent, for sure. but the harsh reality of it is that nobody is gonna find the help they need just posting here.

The massive, huge upside is that getting the right help is totally possible. but I also know it can be EXTREMELY hard to take the first step.

its also not gonna be one session and a pill and suddenly life is rainbows. this shit is like exercising and diet. you need to work at it every day, and provide yourself the resources to let you work at it every day. there will be bad days, and worse than bad days. but then there are less bad days. and less day days. and less bad days.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
i feel like i'm a waste of time and space

i can't see myself being happy in anyone else's life

i see myself dying alone

There's times I've felt like that and then out of fucking NOWHERE and suddenly something so unpredictable happens to me that it throws my life in a completely new direction. Such as five years homelessness, suicidal thoughts, a mother with Alzheimer's and suddenly boom I'm working in multimedia with a 5 figure salary, all because the employer wanted cheap labour so hired inexperienced people that they could train up into an employee they wanted.

My first job in 5 years put me on a completely different path including a wife and a house with a mortgage.

What I'm trying to say is your life can change for the better and there's plenty of potential life ahead of you for those events to happen.

If you ever want to just vent or chat I'll try and lend an ear.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Irresponsible advice given in a sensitive thread; numerous accumulated infractions including severe bans for inflammatory behavior.
Take some ketamine. That will make you come to terms with who you are, for better of worse. (better in my case)


Nov 9, 2017
Take some ketamine. That will make you come to terms with who you are, for better of worse. (better in my case)
How about they fucking don't take some ketamine. Under no circumstances should anyone struggling with mental health issues - especially when they're not entirely sure what's up - just take any substance without it being suggested or monitored by a medical professional.
Mar 29, 2018
Lol of all substances to recommend - ketamine? Substances aren't a good solution to begin with but you pick literally the worst one? What on earth.
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