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Mar 11, 2019
I know lots of people would disagree but I enjoy Reddit, but I follow specific subreddits for hobbies and interests I have that are well moderated. There are some awesome communities there, but you just need to avoid the toxic ones.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine how fucking great a website would have to be that I would find CP on it and still think it worth going to.
Time to re-evaluate your life. A place with a culture that includes posting sexual photos of children should NOT be a place you're compelled to visit.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
The judgiest people in this thread give the impression that they've never touched 4chan before, and therefore don't really understand just how addictive it can be.
The image of Mr Burns putting up the sign saying "Don't forget, you're here forever." tends to get peddled pretty often, and it's generally considered common knowledge within 4chan itself that leaving is difficult. Make a post declaring intent to leave, and you'll get a few responses saying see ya tomorrow anon.
I've seen posts from jaded users in their 30s who have been there for more than a decade and hate themselves for it. It's an easy place to get stuck in, particually if you are unemployed and/or don't have many friends.

Why not make VR threads here or on Reddit?
"Everywhere else moves horribly slow." Also no memes. Also I hate reddit's voting and karma system.


Oct 25, 2017
The judgiest people in this thread give the impression that they've never touched 4chan before, and therefore don't really understand just how addictive it can be.
The image of Mr Burns putting up the sign saying "Don't forget, you're here forever." tends to get peddled pretty often, and it's generally considered common knowledge within 4chan itself that leaving is difficult. Make a post declaring intent to leave, and you'll get a few responses saying see ya tomorrow anon.
I've seen posts from jaded users in their 30s who have been there for more than a decade and hate themselves for it. It's an easy place to get stuck in, particually if you are unemployed and/or don't have many friends.

"Everywhere else moves horribly slow." Also no memes. Also I hate reddit's voting and karma system.

I think it's fair to judge somebody who willingly visits a website where they were exposed to child pornography

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
I think it's fair to judge somebody who willingly visits a website where they were exposed to child pornography
5 years. 5 years of daily use and I saw it once for literally a split second. I went back a month ago, in a moment of weakness, because I honestly believed and told myself it was unlikely I would see it again. But that aside, 4chan is an addiction I really want to shake. 5 years of visiting a place is hard to shake.

Technically, not even normal porn is allowed on /v/, not that it stops people from posting it (And getting banned). NOBODY on 4chan wants to see CP.
Nobody goes there thinking they are gonna see it, except for people that have only heard about 4chan from others, and are convinced its a regular thing that happens. It's not. I saw anons in the same thread freaking out about the legal ramifications, because it's so rare they didn't know what to expect.

But... You do have a point. I did willingly go back. I pushed off going back for 2 months, I was proud of myself. And I was browsing TV tropes, reading the YMMV section for REmake 2, I just wanted to talk about it after finishing it, and it was about how there were Mr X memes on /v/, Maybe I am pathetic, but that's all it really took for me to tell myself "I just wanna take a look, I won't go back for good, I promise." But I did go back. It was a slippery slope back to daily browsing and posting.

(I've edited this post from the original)
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Oct 25, 2017
If you can't see why child porn is significantly worse than nun porn then I'm not really sure what to say to you, buddy.


Oct 25, 2017
Well then I don't really see what somebody posting nun porn here as an account suicide has to do with somebody posting child porn on 4chan.
It's not a 'safe environment' and you damn well know it.

Find something else to do with the time you're spending visiting that place. It isn't hard. Take up a hobby, volunteer, learn something. I can't believe you'd rationalise this.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
We can start by nuking "shitpost" from our vocabulary.

Reddit has its own problems but since it has come up on this page I have to stay the parent/child comment structure is still great.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
Well then I don't really see what somebody posting nun porn here as an account suicide has to do with somebody posting child porn on 4chan.
It's not a 'safe environment' and you damn well know it.

Find something else to do with the time you're spending visiting that place. It isn't hard. Take up a hobby, volunteer, learn something. I can't believe you'd rationalise this.
I apologise, I've edited my post to better defend myself. I made the point with the nun porn badly. The point I was trying to make with that was that technically, no area of the internet is safe. Era may be safer than others, but there's nothing really stopping anyone in most places from posting horrific things just for shits and giggles.

"I can't believe you'd rationalise this."
I honestly didn't realise that people would latch onto this, I thought people would read and think "Oh man, puffin saw a horrible thing, no wonder he left" and not "Puffin went back to a place that he saw CP"
I love era dude, I'm just afraid people have now become convinced I'm a pedo or somthing, and that's a pretty horrifying thought.
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Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people visited GAF for a decade before that site became a cess pool. They visited it every day, posted all the time, and had a sense of community for many. Then, overnight, people up and left.

I don't know the purpose of making a thread like this in the immediate aftermath of a shooting involving a forum that splintered from 4chan, an already terrible site, into something more foul and toxic. I know you keep saying it's addictive, and "memes", but people have given you many suggestions and alternatives. If you want to stop visiting the site, you should heed their advice.

But if the goal is to find some solace in continuing to visit a garbage place like them, that's not this community's responsibility. If you want forgiveness or absolution, talk to a priest, not a forum that sees that site for what it is.


Oct 28, 2017
I actually like the format of a popular image board for games and it does lead to some occasional good threads on /v/ or /vr/ but the amount of shitposting and porn hypnosis makes it easy to not really look at ever.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
A lot of people visited GAF for a decade before that site became a cess pool. They visited it every day, posted all the time, and had a sense of community for many. Then, overnight, people up and left.

I don't know the purpose of making a thread like this in the immediate aftermath of a shooting involving a forum that splintered from 4chan, an already terrible site, into something more foul and toxic. I know you keep saying it's addictive, and "memes", but people have given you many suggestions and alternatives. If you want to stop visiting the site, you should heed their advice.

But if the goal is to find some solace in continuing to visit a garbage place like them, that's not this community's responsibility. If you want forgiveness or absolution, talk to a priest, not a forum that sees that site for what it is.
I haven't opened 4chan since I created this thread, and I intend to continue not opening it for as long as I can manage. I don't want to be told it's fine to visit 4chan, that's not the point here.

Makes me wonder what my point was? Did I have a point?
Maybe I just wanted someone to tell me that these things happen and they can be fixed.

This thread feels like a promise I need to upkeep. A promise I intend on up-keeping.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Official Staff Communication
While we understand the intention behind the OP, we do not provide exposure or a platform to discuss this website.
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