
Oct 27, 2017
Stick with it. Lots of time to make great experiences/memories. It's not always easy, but life and the world around us is beautiful. There is beauty in the little things. I hope you can find happiness there. You are loved.
Mar 30, 2019
The anonymity of the internet works both ways. I hate to say this, but people have the ability to take their own lives, and it's not our faults.
I know it isn't. I just find it sad when the behaviour starts with a goodbye or apology.

If you are reading this RG, your absence will be missed. You don't need to take drastic action.


Oct 25, 2017
I would recommend you move yourself from your current space and look into the stars of a crisp night between two mountains in a place like Colorado. The difference in mental and physical state in such a place might offer new perspective. Don't take such a drastic action, please see more in this beautiful world.


Oct 27, 2017
Please don't do it. Call the hotline or chat it out with us. As corny as it sounds, when you've hit rock bottom then the only way is up.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
Don't do it. The fact that you joined a message board tells me you want to make a connection with people. You have a bunch of people in this thread who want to make a connection with you. Maybe you're lonely in real life but that can change at any moment. At least you're not alone on this forum. Talk to us.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
I do not mean to be OT, but there have been so many posts like this recently, and in a sense I almost feel like it can encourage others. Please OP stay with us. Death is extraordinarily permanent compared to our small impermanence. I am sure you have felt good times at some point, however fleeting. They are not gone forever.


Oct 25, 2017
nobody knows me im totally alone in the world
I remember feeling that way, many, many years ago. When I was maybe, 18, I had been kicked out of my parents' home, been evicted from my rental and was living in my car during a harsh Winter. I showered at a local hockey rink, sold vacuum cleaners door to door in the day and delivered pizzas in the evening. It was lonely, cold and the thought of things getting better wasn't even on my radar.

Fast forward 25 years and I have a beautiful family, a great career and everything I could have ever hoped for.

It happens. Life is a long highway and what you're going through is but a small speed bump along the way. Imagine a bump in the road so bad your car bottoms out and the muffler falls off. Might seem like a big deal at the time... but 50 years later you won't even remember it.

Though it doesn't feel like it right now, there's great stuff ahead for you, I promise. :)


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Whatever, fucking talk to me. That's a challenge. I want to talk to you. Here is my phone number: 206-679-6712. I care more about you than I do about my fucking phone number being public. Please use it before you make a decision you can never take back.
Ditto. 561 702 8339. I'll be up for the next couple hours.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
nobody knows me im totally alone in the world
You're not alone. And we need you. A lot of us have faced these feelings. Because you chose to post, you're helping people you'll never meet. Why? Because a lot of people are feeling this way. It helps knowing that. We can support each other. I want to support you in any way I can.

People around you will not be better with you gone, no matter what you tell yourself.

Anything you can hold on to right now, do it. I'm really fucking sorry you feel this way.


Oct 25, 2017
Join one of the communities on this forum. There are tons of great ones, and it genuinely just feels nice to be accepted and feel like part of a group. I am part of the comics OT community and it's an awesome group of people. Find a community in a subject you like and just talk with them. You're definitely not alone, especially not on here.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I remember feeling that way, many, many years ago. When I was maybe, 18, I had been kicked out of my parents' home, been evicted from my rental and was living in my car during a harsh Winter. I showered at a local hockey rink, sold vacuum cleaners door to door in the day and delivered pizzas in the evening. It was lonely, cold and the thought of things getting better wasn't even on my radar.

Fast forward 25 years and I have a beautiful family, a great career and everything I could have ever hoped for.

It happens. Life is a long highway and what you're going through is but a small speed bump along the way. Imagine a bump in the road so bad your car bottoms out and the muffler falls off. Might seem like a big deal at the time... but 50 years later you won't even remember it.

Though it doesn't feel like it right now, there's great stuff ahead for you, I promise. :)

This post is a great example of how much life can change. OP, you won't be lonely forever. How about joining some groups or clubs or something like that? Just talking to people can really help you feel better.


Nov 2, 2017
It would be a terrible mistake to make a permanent decision like that at a time when your brain is giving you a distorted and completely biased perspective on life.

Our brains are incredible machines, but they are deceiving liars that can make us think it's night when it's really day.

At the very least please give yourself another day to reevaluate. You've heard from the prosecution, but shouldn't the defense be allowed to make its case too?

And you absolutely matter. Look at all the replies you've caused in such a short amount of time! I don't know you, but I care about you and your well being. We're fellow humans in this together, and that counts for something, even if we've never met face to face.


Oct 25, 2017
You aren't alone, look at all this outpouring of support you have received here in your darkest hour. Please don't do what you are thinking of doing. Tomorrow might just be as shitty as today, but if you stick with it, things will improve. When they do you can look back on this and realize what a mistake it would have been if you went through with it tonight.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm also living proof that things can and do get much better. Please, give it some time. Take advantage of the people here who have offered to talk - feel free to PM me, I'm not especially interesting but I'm good for a listen - and just focus for now on getting your head in a better place and getting some help.


Oct 30, 2017
Hang in there man, you're just as deserving of a good life as other people are, don't believe otherwise.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
OP I recognize your avatar when I've seen you post in threads before!

People here know you in the sense that you're a part of this community. Stay with us


Aug 1, 2019
I know people have different perspectives and different things trigger those thoughts, but for me I was lucky enough to crawl out of that pit with the help of others, and even thoroughly depressed I made a deal with myself. I told myself if I ever got that low again I'd try to go get help because I figured if I was potentially going away I may as well give it a shot. Admittedly it was a dark way of convincing myself to survive, but letting even the dimmest light in helps.

Get help. There's no shame in it. The fact that you even posted means there's something keeping you here. Look at these replies. Talk to someone until you can see a professional. Give yourself a chance.

Edit: Also just to really hammer this point home: me in that dark moment gave myself an excuse to survive, but me as I live and breathe now would never wait for a "next time". People would be better off a lot of the time if they saw a professional even when they're not depressed. Talking to someone to work through things helps.
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May 5, 2018
Please hang in there. Definitely call one of the support lines offered by one of Era members here in this forum or talk to someone about what you're feeling. You're far more valuable than you are given credit for and please don't make the mistake to end your life. I may have never really communicated with you before on Era, but I'm here for you and hope you re-evaluate this decision.


Oct 27, 2017
nobody knows me im totally alone in the world
I know you like Twilight Princess and that you think it was the best Zelda game until BoTW. I LOVED that game too! I've been gaming since the Atari/NES days, but Twilight was the first Zelda game I actually ever finished. I liked it so much that I went back and finished Zelda 1, Zelda 2, and A Link to the Past. I'm so busy these days that I haven't had a chance to play Breath of the Wild. I don't even own a Switch yet, lol. I'm so jealous. I keep meaning to buy a Switch, but never had the time or money. There's so many games I want to play on it like BoTW, Fire Emblem, Octopath Traveler. I promised myself I'd get one before BoTW2 comes out, but looks like that's probably not happening lol. I still need to finish DQXI on PS4. I'm hoping Nintendo releases some more Zelda info at E3. I also see that you like A Tribe Called Quest and Pink Floyd too. Not bad. You sound pretty cool. I hope you stick around to give your opinions on stuff.
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Oct 25, 2017
Just talk to one of us on the phone or on the hotline, vent out all your feelings like you're doing here. Let it all come out of your brain. It will help.


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's cliche but think of all the things you will miss! Im sure you would have hobbies, interests, friends and family.

I wonder if there's some app where people can meet up with other people and just go for a beer and a chat when in need or lonely. Sitting having a beer by myself thinking I would be happy to try and cheer someone up, I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who feel the same.


Oct 25, 2017
Dont do it! Nobody wants you to do it! Its only depression telling you it's the right thing. Recognize depression and fight it like a monster that's attacking you!

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
nobody knows me im totally alone in the world
Lots of us have been there.

Lots of us have asked the question "why are we even here" and frankly when we ask ourselves that, we aren't going to get a good answer.

My mum was 15 when I was born. Through this and other things it brought a halt to her life as it stood and created a chain that led to her losing her life at 49. That still weighs heavily upon me bit still I know that throwing my own life away isn't going to change that. I now have 2 little lives depending on me, something like you I thought would never happen.

Things change in an instant. If you take the ultimate step, you will never have the potential to change it. Alas I'm in the UK so international phone calls are a no but please call the people local to you. You're crying for help which at least is a start. Please, please listen to the part of you that wants to take it.