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Dec 19, 2017
I think it's fair to prefer bosses from previous GOW games if you're taking an average of boss quality. The Stranger is certainly a high point in the series, though.
Fair enough. But for me, The Stranger boss is so far ahead of any other boss fight in the series that it would have compensated for any mediocre bosses later in the game (which, there were none in my opinion).


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't really care for God of War 3 as much as most seemed to. I never really played them specifically for the story at all, but they just went over the top in the ridiculousness in the third game. It basically became a parody. The main problem though was that coming off of the second game, the weapon variety was extremely lacking and it felt like you just had three versions of a similar weapon and some fists to choose from.

The other issue, is that they seemingly front-loaded the best part of the game with the opening Poseidon fight. It was truly one of the most memorable openings in video games up to that point, and still one of the most memorable boss fights of all time. It was fucking "epic", and to me the game was just all downhill from there. GOW 2018 does some things better, but it doesn't actually feel like a continuation of the series at all in terms of gameplay.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
GoW 3 is the most epic game ever made.

Dont get me wrong here,gow 2018 is awesome and all, but it only have 3 bosses in the main story ( they are all fucking awesome mainly the first and last one, but it doesnt reach the highs of Gow 3), so that hurt it a little bit.
Still, i love both games and often replay them just to see some parts (poseidon, the stranger...)

Edit: hmmm giving second thoughts, maybe the first boss and the last one is on par with gow 3 in terms of spetacle.


Oct 27, 2017
Fair enough. But for me, The Stranger boss is so far ahead of any other boss fight in the series that it would have compensated for any mediocre bosses later in the game (which, there were none in my opinion).

Eh, I love Jeremy Davies as much as the next person, and instantly recognized him (while somehow not seeing his name in the opening credits) by his voice and mannerisms, but from a spectacle standpoint, it's still not Poseidon and from a gameplay standpoint...not really. There's not much to it. It's just very AAA cinematic stuff. He stood out so much in that game, because
there were barely any real bosses in the first place.


Oct 24, 2017
It most assuredly is. The quotes they say are randomly pulled from a pool of lines that they can say. That one is in there although I think it has a rarer chance of being used over some of the other lines.
...I've played through the game 4 or 5 times and it's the exact same sequence of lines every time. It's a linear game with a single script, are you sure you're not thinking of something else?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
I played God of War 3 Remastered right after I finished God of War 2018 and found that I still really enjoyed it. The newer game is better but 3 still holds up well.


Oct 29, 2017
Prepare yourself for a downgrade. I mean I loved the new gameplay (and other obvious improvements) but overall the latest one is nowhere near as epic or fun.


Oct 31, 2018
I just realised GoW Ascension is the only GOW I've yet to platinum. Done all the rest. I heard they patched the end level too so it shouldn't be as hard anymore.
...I've played through the game 4 or 5 times and it's the exact same sequence of lines every time. It's a linear game with a single script, are you sure you're not thinking of something else?
I've definitely heard it before. Maybe it's not on every version. I'm in Europe.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The first boss invalidates this statement entirely.
Nah as a cinematic experience it was the best in the series by far. It's one of the most looking epic parts of a game ever.
But from the gameplay side it was extremely simple and wasn't really any different in comparison to most of the other bosses.

The only bosses I thought were actual good fights from a gameplay perspective were the Valks.

But either way I can't say that 1 or 2 epic bosses invalidate the other bosses. Since I'm comparing the full games.


May 14, 2018
Was a pretty big fan of GoW (even Ascension) and went back to play 3 Remastered recently after finishing GoW 2018. IMO it doesn't hold up at all.

I feel like GoW 2018 pushed games to another level entirely. Graphics, story, mechanics, characters I cared about, camera, soundtrack etc just seem so much more mature the old GoW games are ruined for me. Even the character of Kratos is elevated from anything in the previous games.

Maybe I feel this way because I'm older now and I realize that in previous titles Kratos is an awful character, who does aweful things and we're probably awful players thinking how crazy it was with all the ultra violence, the infamous sex mini game etc. Knowing the history there somehow makes his character and story in the 2018 game feel that much more genuine.

Somehow they took the older "M" rated games and made them look like child's play and something completely immature.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy.

Unmarked Spoilers ahead!

That was a heck of a ride. I'll admit the game really took some warming up. At first I didn't think much of it. It was just a little after the section in Alfheim that I think I started to gain interest. Once I fought the dragon though it was a lock from there on. Without going over the entire story I'll say that I was very pleasantly surprised.

They leaned juuuuuust enough into referencing Krato's past without really using his past exploits as a crutch. The story was also genuinely funny without sacrificing the serious tone of the game. Kratos was shockingly likable for the first time ever. The minutia of the writing really showed its strength with small details that the voice actors really gave life to. I was really skeptical going in to be frank but I think this might be the most impressive AAA game I've played in quite some time. It doesn't really sacrifice story or gameplay.

Great stuff. I could write a longer thing here but its 1:30 am and I have to be up for work in oh.... 4 hours so I'm going to just wrap it up by saying that I'm really signed on for the sequel here. Santa Monica really put their heart and soul into this thing. The GOTY awards are much deserved.


Oct 25, 2017
That's exactly what I've been doing, although I'm not even halfway through GoW '18.

Honestly? Not sure if it's because I never played it when it originally released, but GoW 3 felt pretty lame.
The story is downright terrible, the cutscenes are mostly low effort with awful animations, dialogue and voice acting.

The game can sometimes look pretty good, but to get to a nice looking place you go through a lot of boring corridors and rooms, filled with annoying puzzles that aren't even stimulating your brain and just waste your time. Out of all the boss fights, I probably liked just the first one because the sense of scale on Gaia was great, likewise with Cronus.

All in all, seems kind of mind boggling how this was such a critically acclaimed game when it gives you a completely average 8-10 hour experience with almost nothing going for it. I'd probably rank it 6/10 at best, but again, not sure how I'd think of it had I actually played it in 2009. I just know that if I compare it to other big titles at the time, like Gears of War 2 / Resident Evil 5 / RDR it's way worse in every way and I don't think it's because of rose tinted glasses.
Oh well, luckily GoW '18 is correcting that and I'm enjoying it a lot more.
Coming from the "gameplay is number 1" camp, I can say I stringly agree with most of your points, but I still love the game itself and the gameplay.

Although I'm glad Stig didn't get another game. GoW 2 is still my favourite, by a mile, in the original series in almost every. That game is nigh-on perfect IMO.