
Sep 2, 2018
link should never ever speak
and it works in three houses
if you played as one of the lords instead, it'd be a different story


Oct 27, 2017
It was especially stupid in astral chain. I don't give a fuck about my annoying brother, this is supposed to be my story and experience.


Oct 27, 2017
The assumption is that you are projecting your own reactions, voice, dialogue, whatever onto the character.

Like that, I'm supposed to speak at the screen or just imagine what I would say in that situation while the actual character on screen says nothing? Both of these, to me, do not seem to preserve immersion.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Man, this it just like that Gears OT.

Do we really need profanity in the Thread title?

Some people read this stuff at work.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
It's not just Nintendo games that have this- I'm playing DQXI right now and this is possibly the most 'egregious' example of this. But it's not an issue really, it's fine. The games are still fine. Great even.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Dragon Quest is basically a low budget indie game, you heard it here first folks.
Also Persona and Shin Megami Tensei and Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
Also Half-Life.
Also South Park: Stick of Truth.
Also Skyrim.

(I don't think "a few exceptions" is cutting it.)
There are thousands of RPGs out there. A handful of franchises you mention is literally just a few exceptions (Is Half-Life even a RPG?).

But yes, Bethesda games with their high budget used to not use VA, but with Fallout 4 and onwards, I believe they're fully onboard with full VA.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Same OP, it does nothing for me. I usually end up not caring at all about the silent protagonist because they have zero personality or charm, especially contrasted with other characters. Happened in Xenoblade X, now in 3H too. Haven't played Astral Chain but it's one part I'm not looking forward to.

Also sick of silent protagonists that receive heaps of praise from better characters in attempts to make the player feel good. Fuck off with that. Literally just played a chapter in 3H where Claude takes Byleth aside to gush about how they're only winning because everyone "worships them almost religiously" and their amazingness boosts morale. Cue Byleth responding with a creepy dead eyed smile.


Nov 30, 2018
FE Three Houses
Astral chain

wtf is the point? who actually likes this? why?!!!!!

how is it normal for someone to hold a full conversation with you while you just stare at them with no response? it completely and utterly break immersion

will it cost a fortune to hire some VA?

I 100 percent agree, though this isn't exclusively a Nintendo problem.
Yeah, DQ 11 should have had a voiced MC as well, and a name.
Don't count on a voiced MC happening anytime soon in Dragon Quest.

Q: Will there be a chance in the next Dragon Quest game to make the main hero not silent? I know it's a huge part of the series but I am just curious if they want to try that!

Yuji Horii: Dragon Quest is developed around the notion that the main character represents the player. So for example, if the player character ends up speaking left and right, I think players could be faced with a situation in which they feel "Wait what? I wouldn't say something like that!"

Moving forward, I'm still inclined to keep the silent protagonist. That said, players also gain control of some support characters, I wouldn't want to hold back on having them speak to add some variation.


Nov 16, 2017
I don't care about Fire Emblem or AC but I truly hope Link stays silent. Link is the most likeable and at the same time most inoffensive protagonist of any game series and the reason for that is that he never speaks.

Link is a listener only - I never thought that him actually speaking or responding would have added anything to any game in the series.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
They sure weren't cheap with Three Houses.
It was still non-union, but the ADR (Patrick Seitz) as well as the cast involved did a great job.

Back on-topic, someone described Byleth as an over-correction for Corrin, & I feel like that's accurate. I don't hate Byleth, but I wish they spoke more (but again, we would have had to wait longer for Male Byleth's recast).


Oct 29, 2017
I like it better than hearing battle chatter and the like. Most games don't need more talking.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Same OP, it does nothing for me. I usually end up not caring at all about the silent protagonist because they have zero personality or charm, especially contrasted with other characters. Happened in Xenoblade X, now in 3H too. Haven't played Astral Chain but it's one part I'm not looking forward to.

Also sick of silent protagonists that receive heaps of praise from better characters in attempts to make the player feel good. Fuck off with that. Literally just played a chapter in 3H where Claude takes Byleth aside to gush about how they're only winning because everyone "worships them almost religiously" and their amazingness boosts morale. Cue Byleth responding with a creepy dead eyed smile.

Exactly. The idea that a certain character drones on and on as they die about how Byleth was their "favorite teacher" is so confusing because Byleth has no personality. Unless that character just really likes emotionless mannequins.


Aug 29, 2019
The assumption is that you are projecting your own reactions, voice, dialogue, whatever onto the character.

But that's not possible in FE:3H. Byleth has fixed reactions, fixed dialogue (often time there's ONE dialogue choice, lol. Even when there's two, it's on the level of choice between 'yes' and 'of course'), etc.. The only thing missing is his/her voice.

I don't want to hear my character say things I would never say. It breaks the link and disconnects me from the character.

So I don't mind, it's a way for me to engage more in the story. Instead of being spoon-fed dialogue, I immerse myself more by thinking how I would respond.

But Byleth says stuff. It's just not voiced.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah honestly I'd much rather have a good fleshed out protagonist as opposed to generic self-insert #672


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I like silent protagonists, but I don't demand developers to stop making voiced protagonists.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So few games have quality VA and animations I actually prefer it. In games with VA I generally just run subs and skip all the VA and just read it. It's painfully slow otherwise.

Games that force you to sit throw slow as hell VA with no skip/subs are the real culprit imo.


Oct 30, 2017
In all seriousness I showerthoughted this: E3 2020 BOTW2 trailer.. Lots of sick action showing new co-op Link and Zelda fighting n puzzling then.. last scene they're getting some downtime and Zelda is prattling away in her cut glass charming/annoying way and the last shot is Link saying "yes mlady" or somesuch... Gigaton right there.. All your suffering of silent protags worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
Mute MCs are an easy way out and vehicle for self-insert shit. I want good stories and protagonists, I don't need to self-insert myself.

Imagine how shit FFT would be with Ramza as a souless husk who blankly stares at everything.

I do excuse mute MCs in story light games and when it is plot related (like Drakengard where Caim loses his voice).


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with it in BotW. It's also largely fine in the persona series. But in Three Houses and Astral chain it actively bothered me.

I'm not exactly sure why it works in some cases but not in others.


Mar 13, 2018
We could have got Link writing on the diary like the japanese game, at least.

Anyways, in BotW it's not as noticeable as in Twilight Princess, since it's not that story-driven.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
It was still non-union, but the ADR (Patrick Seitz) as well as the cast involved did a great job.
Non-union != cheap

"Cheap" implies poor acting and directing without care for the final result. Chaos Wars was cheap enough to establish the bargain basement. Three Houses was only cheap in that they didn't go for unionized talent.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
I'm not.

Wasn't there a poll about silent protagonists recently, where it ended up being 50% liking them and 50% not?


Oct 30, 2017
I don't see anything wrong with it, it usually works well in games where it's used. I'm old-school though, I consider things like story and immersion as 'nice to haves', but I don't really care about them if the gameplay is good. In the case of Astral Chain I think it works well, it would be annoying if the your character was constantly expositing on the clues you find etc, instead of just letting you take it in for yourself. There's usually your twin around or that yellow drone if some exposition is really required.


Oct 25, 2017
The "Link should never speak" shit is bizarre to me. He barely ever feels like a character in most of the games. The exception being Windwaker. I feel like if you go silent, you need to add a LOT of personality in the look and animation. I think that's why WW gets away with this. Mario and Luigi RPGs also pull this off for similar reasons.

Are people just obsessed with tradition of something old? Like the Dragon Quest series?

Zelda should at the very least have full voice acting. And Link could speak if they actually bothered to make him a character. Nintendo localization is too good when they bring their A game for Zelda to be stuck on the past like this.


Oct 27, 2017
silent protags are good. I also like characterized protagonists, but I've never really felt like one was better or worse than the other.

sometimes it's fine to just exist in someone else's story.

The Grizz

Oct 27, 2017
I agree with OP on this one. In Astral Chain, it's super awkward when something dramatic is happening and your character is mute with no facial reaction. Like, come on man, have a reaction!


Oct 28, 2017
But Byleth says stuff. It's just not voiced.

I should have mentioned, I was mostly talking about my favourite silent protag, Link. I hope they never force dialogue on him, it would be too jarring for how I play LoZ games.

With someone like Byleth, I don't mind either way but I do agree Byleth could have been handled better, needed more options in dialogue. I think they should have done it like FE Awakening!


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think there is something wrong about silent protagonists. It is an artistic decision, there are people who like the self-insert aspect.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 10, 2019
Agreed, it's fucking boring. I'm a boring fucker, I don't want to play as myself. This applies to all media and self-insert characters. It isn't a deal breaker though, and it's totally understandable if it's for budgetary reasons.

I can understand the argument for western RPGs much more than JRPGs. WRPGs have you create your own backstories and customise yourself (most of the time) but in JRPGs you're normally a set character with their own stories, designs and traits.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'm not sure why the idea of Link having a voice is a bridge too far when his actions and emotions have been his own for several games now.

It at least made some sense pre-Wind Waker when you could argue that Link was largely still an empty vessel avatar for the player, but it's become similar to the uncanny valley effect for me when they have cutscenes showing the character having conversations with other NPCs but no dialogue.