
Oct 25, 2017
Good lord, that last GoT episode did a number on some people

People with Dany avatars are taking it especially poorly

OP youre not one of the ones who named your daughter after her are you???
OP I'm genuinely sorry Dany didn't get the "Yaaassss QWEEEEN" moment your heart deserved and instead went down the path that had been foreshadowed and developed since Season 2

Let us all bow our heads and repeat
"D&D bad"
Yeah, I have to say the avatar made this not a surprise.

All the Dany stans going mad is actually making her transition into madness seen more realistic to me so at least they're helping.
Last episode of GoT killed a lot of posters' headcanons

You know how people get when their waifu is mistreated

So guess y'all just missed the part about how D&D's writing is hideously misogynistic and racist (and homophobic too, yay) and are instead going for the low hanging fruit of "doi hoi butthurt dany stans" because that's easier than critical thinking and admitting your fave tits and dragons TV show is, in fact, problematic garbage and offensive to everyone who isn't a cishet white man huh

I'm so fucking tired of me and other women on this site trying to point out sexism in GoT only to be met with hURR U MAD UR WAIFU DIDN'T WIN??? Please tell me where BDS said ANYTHING about wanting Dany to win. It's about their writing being offensive and hurtful on every level, and SHOCKINGLY, we don't believe that should be celebrated and rewarded. Such killjoys, us marginalised groups wanting to hold the biggest names in Hollywood to a bar slightly higher than "the ground".


Oct 26, 2017
What films are they making? Why are they mediocre? What else have they worked on? Some actual info in the op would be nice


Oct 27, 2017
I still very much doubt these movies will ever come out.

We know that there are six Star Wars films in development, yet the upcoming Disney slate only showed us three Star Wars movies. Either one of the trilogies is set for release 8-10 years from now or something happened with one of the trilogies behind the scenes.

If your a betting person would you bet on Rian's trilogy or this new one by.the GoT showrunners being the one that got delayed/cancelled? The recent schedule looks like a release slate for 1 new trilogy only.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
What films are they making? Why are they mediocre? What else have they worked on? Some actual info in the op would be nice

Benioff made xmen origins wolverine, but also kite runner. He can turn out a good script if he has source material to follow and a more talented writer to limit his shitty impulses.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't even follow GoT other than watching a couple of caps and thinking it was pure shit so I dunno about this Danny stuff but yeah rather have Ryan trilogy first atleast,.


Oct 25, 2017
If your a betting person would you bet on Rian's trilogy or this new one by.the GoT showrunners being the one that got delayed/cancelled? The recent schedule looks like a release slate for 1 new trilogy only.
Bet on Rian. Disney likes him and Kathleen Kennedy has no issue firing people if she thinks they aren't going to do a good job. She's already fired 3 directors from SW movies, 4 if you count Lord and Miller separately. If DnD turn in a script that she doesn't like she'll send them back to rewrite it and if the rewrite is bad she'll dump them on the street.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Rian Johnson made the best Star Wars film of all time. But if there is anyone that can top him, it's a duo, and not the GoT hacks. Give the Russo Brothers a call.

And disclaimer: I couldn't care less about Khaleesi or whatever you spell her name. They are still hacks.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
So guess y'all just missed the part about how D&D's writing is hideously misogynistic and racist (and homophobic too, yay) and are instead going for the low hanging fruit of "doi hoi butthurt dany stans" because that's easier than critical thinking and admitting your fave tits and dragons TV show is, in fact, problematic garbage and offensive to everyone who isn't a cishet white man huh

I'm so fucking tired of me and other women on this site trying to point out sexism in GoT only to be met with hURR U MAD UR WAIFU DIDN'T WIN??? Please tell me where BDS said ANYTHING about wanting Dany to win. It's about their writing being offensive and hurtful on every level, and SHOCKINGLY, we don't believe that should be celebrated and rewarded. Such killjoys, us marginalised groups wanting to hold the biggest names in Hollywood to a bar slightly higher than "the ground".

What I don't understand is, if you dislike the show so viscerally, why represent it in your avatar?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They suck. They should have left Game of Thrones if they didn't want to do it.

I'll still watch their Star Wars movie though. A simple, mindless, action spectacle might actually be more suited for them.


Oct 25, 2017
While I don't think D&D are great writers I do think they could probably do a serviceable job with a popcorn flick like Star Wars. I mean yeah Disney could do better but they could also do much worse.


Oct 25, 2017
lol everyone is like "It's the mad Dany stans" but like



Oct 25, 2017
So this is the new "Luke didn't do what I wanted" argument that people will insist is not actually what they're saying huh
Oct 29, 2017
So guess y'all just missed the part about how D&D's writing is hideously misogynistic and racist (and homophobic too, yay) and are instead going for the low hanging fruit of "doi hoi butthurt dany stans" because that's easier than critical thinking and admitting your fave tits and dragons TV show is, in fact, problematic garbage and offensive to everyone who isn't a cishet white man huh

I'm so fucking tired of me and other women on this site trying to point out sexism in GoT only to be met with hURR U MAD UR WAIFU DIDN'T WIN??? Please tell me where BDS said ANYTHING about wanting Dany to win. It's about their writing being offensive and hurtful on every level, and SHOCKINGLY, we don't believe that should be celebrated and rewarded. Such killjoys, us marginalised groups wanting to hold the biggest names in Hollywood to a bar slightly higher than "the ground".
I think you got a bit too upset by me poking a bit of fun.

I think the Daenerys issue isn't particularly sexist but what I find problematic is the way the people of colour and foreign armies have been treated. I think hideously is also hyperbolic though. The foreign armies turning savage and raping and killing alongside the northmen is a terrible look and I would have preferred them to kill Dany.

For Dany herself, this has been obvious and has been coming for years and years and when someone suddenly loses their shit about the behaviour of D&D to this level after that thing happens.

I don't like how Dany was essentially question consistently as to whether a woman can lead and is now fucking mad and justifies that whilst a man and woman need to save the world and kill her but it's also a weird jumping off point for that when it's been coming.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Stannis Stans have suffered more then anyone else

D&D butchered him


Oct 28, 2017
Have you seen 2 recent Avengers?

I have and i'm not keen on the idea of the Russo's doing Star Wars either. But that's because i want directors with actual character in their directing to work on Star Wars. The Russo's are fine but they don't take much risks in how they film and theirs shots ends up very often "bland" to me. They are more "makers" than "artists" with a noticeable "style" to me (not that "artists" are always better, look at Snyder).

As for Dumb & Dumber. Yeah. They're quite shit at writing judging from the latest GOT seasons so i'm not looking for their potential SW movies.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm completely skipping it too, OP

Also any person on here giving Confederate a chance when it starts up is immediately getting big side-eye and caution from me. Most of the usual suspects already on my ignore so it probably won't be much effort on my part, but I can always add


Oct 27, 2017
It's hard to make this call because I've seen awesome things from people with no noteworthy projects, awesome things from people with awful works in their past, and terrible things from people who've done awesome projects.


Oct 27, 2017
Rian Johnson gets a trilogy.

D&D gets a trilogy.

Rian made The Last Jedi (which I personally love).

D&D very likely hate TLJ for the same mysoginist and racist reasons a certain segment of society hate it judging by the way they've run GoT. That's enough reason right there for them to be dumped from the Star Wars franchise.