justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
25 minutes in this is kind of awful. It's also kind of strange to see the mature talk, and wonder if we will see that in a marvel movie again but I haven't seen end game yet.

The thing I noticed about rewatching infinity war was every scene looked like a comic panel, while this movie is nothing like the big marvel movies, yet it's still iron man,

I hope it improves, excited to see end game Sunday night, I've avoided spoilers and I give credit to the internet for that, people seem to have gained a new spoiler etiquette online

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
It's all downhill after this

Oct 26, 2017
I love Iron Man 3. You have to watch it as if it were an alternate universe Kiss Kiss Bang Bang where the main character is now Tony Stark.


Oct 27, 2017
It's low-tier MCU elevated by RDJ. It's therefore more fun to watch than its lowly peers.

But man, the worst thing about it is that Age Of Ultron just completely ignores that it ever happened. It really confuses Tony's arc at that point in the MCU.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I rewatched it recently in preparation for Endgame. As someone that enjoyed it a lot the first time, I liked it a lot less this time around. I was a little surprised at that tbh


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
It's low-tier MCU elevated by RDJ. It's therefore more fun to watch than its lowly peers.

But man, the worst thing about it is that Age Of Ultron just completely ignores that it ever happened. It really confuses Tony's arc at that point in the MCU.

Tony's arc is anything but ignored in AoU

AoU reinforces just how shook Tony is. And that's a theme that pays off in Endgame


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Ben Kingsley served up some wonderful ham, but other than that, the movie was pretty bad.

Also, The Mark XLII was really ugly.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I like it but I'm always so disappointed because with a few script changes it could have been great. Like, I get what they were doing with the Mandarin actor and I'm sure there are people that genuinely like that twist, but it just bums me out. I would have preferred if he really was the mandarin or if the mandarin was using him as a puppet. Didn't help that the real villain wasn't interesting.

It's been a few years since I've seen it so maybe I'm misremembering, but I also think the scene after Pepper seemingly dies felt really unconvincing. I didn't get nearly as much rage from Tony as I would have expected and doesn't he make a joke or two before it's revealed that Pepper is alive?

I love the concept of a Shane Black dark comedy iron man, and I found it to be funny. I just didn't think the rest of the film worked particularly well.


Actually knows the TOS
Oct 25, 2017
At the end he "retires" and dumps all his suits in the ocean.
He doesn't retire, he learns that he doesn't need all of the ridiculous suits and chest battery to be a hero. I guess you could say that character arc is a little disjointed?

Side note: I like how the post I quoted was from HotHamBoy and your avatar is Hot Pie

Granted the character thread got more developed since then, but Tony still going nuts on making more suits before the beginning of the move -- albeit, unmanned ones -- was kinda bullshit at the time.
I'm not sure I understand.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to rewatch most of the older films at some point, I've only seen Iron Man 2 and 3 once. Phase 2 was really scattershot. GotG, Ant Man, and Winter Soldier are all fantastic but Iron Man 3, Age of Ultron, and Dark World. Yeesh.
justin haines

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
I'd like to rewatch most of the older films at some point, I've only seen Iron Man 2 and 3 once. Phase 2 was really scattershot. GotG, Ant Man, and Winter Soldier are all fantastic but Iron Man 3, Age of Ultron, and Dark World. Yeesh.

Antman sucks. Age of ultron is good enough.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
The first 20 minutes suck but it's one of the best MCU films from there on. Tony's actually interesting and good to spend time with.

Hulk, IM3 and Winter Soldier are the only ones I'll rewatch at this point. The rest are too boring.
Apr 19, 2018
Another big fan of IM3 here. Watching Tony's resourcefulness without his suits for much of the film was awesome.



Oct 22, 2018
I'm actually watching through all the MCU for the first time ever right now , and found Iron Man 3 (Along with majority of MCU movies from 2008-2013) to be mediocre.

I just don't know why I found it mediocre. I liked a lot of things:
- As someone who has never read a comic in my life, I loved that twist
- All the combat scenes I really liked, whether it's the first scene with the helis attacking his house, the scene in Tennessee, Tony Infiltrating the mansion, and then the final scene with Tony jumping i
- Loved the new suit design
- Loved the fact that it was more of "Tony Stark" movie more than "Iron Man". Like his character arc throughout the movie.

Though somehow, I still found it a slog, especially in the middle, also the villain just didn't intrigue me in any way. It felt so long for some reason.
Nov 8, 2017
I watched Iron Man 3 on an 18 hour flight and it was just pure sensory overload during the climactic fights and I wanted it to stop.


Nov 4, 2017
Funny how Tony gave up the suits in Iron Man 3, and this is even referenced in Civil War when he says that Pepper dumped him because he kept on heroing. Yet they get back together off screen leaving the whole arc pointless.


Jan 22, 2018
Funny how Tony gave up the suits in Iron Man 3, and this is even referenced in Civil War when he says that Pepper dumped him because he kept on heroing. Yet they get back together off screen leaving the whole arc pointless.
I think that was because paltrow was potentially leaving the series, then she didn't so they undid it.


Oct 26, 2017
Tony's character trajectory is my favorite part of the MCU. Iron Man 3 is central to that arc. It's also one of the best movies in the MCU, perhaps top five (I would say it was a definite top five before the last couple of avengers flicks).

It's also telling how often it gets shit on but most of the criticisms amount to nothing more than fanboy drivel.
Nov 30, 2017
Funny how Tony gave up the suits in Iron Man 3, and this is even referenced in Civil War when he says that Pepper dumped him because he kept on heroing. Yet they get back together off screen leaving the whole arc pointless.

Nah their break up served a purpose in Civil War (albeit it's because Paltrow was done with the MCU at this point). He's always relied on her to set his thought process straight among many other things. She's not there anymore to reel him in, so it's another reason he looks to more oversight.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
For some reason Era really likes this film but it's mediocre as hell.

It's also one of the least important MCU films, even Thor 2 has more relevance now.
Nov 30, 2017
For some reason Era really likes this film but it's mediocre as hell.

It's also one of the least important MCU films, even Thor 2 has more relevance now.

Because 2 or three people praise this movie, all of a sudden it's all of ERA. No the more likely thing is you glance over the majority posts that hate it, and the few that like it stick out to you. Run a poll and you will see a majority hate or think it's mediocre at best.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
I have enjoyed it a lot every time I've treated it.

Side note: I watched Iron Man 1 again today. That movie is a total classic. If the MCU really is our generations Star Wars then IM is definitely ANH. It just can't be as singularly popular because there are 21 other movies.

RDJ is awesome, as is the supporting cast. And the suit (and suit-up scenes) have aged great.


Mar 20, 2019
Was always disappointed by what they did with the iron man material until kill thanos 1 and 2. I know it's picking up steam but I'd like to see everything rebooted again someday soon, so many epic plot lines used in such weak ways.
Can we has a real mandarin this time round. Iron mad didn't get a good enemy til thanos that's a bummer. It'd be nice for civil war to happen more proper than the weak display we got as well >.< we just need the x men in the fray.....


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA.
My biggest issue with Iron Man 3 was always the Extremis plotline. Just the main bad guys being walking suicide bombers, with realistic terrorist attacks really rubbed me the wrong way and was way too "real world" for a Marvel movie. I hated it in Batman v Superman too, so I'm not going to give an MCU movie a pass because its intent was to be more "fun".

Stuff like Tony blowing a hole in a guy and saying "Walk that off you son of a bitch" felt waaay out of character. And the big plane scene only works the first time you see it before you know Tony's not in the armor, re-watches make that scene feel pointless.

Also, yeah, the featured armor is really ugly with that weird cream-colored gold being more prominent than the hotrod red. Kind of encapsulates the issues with the movie.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Never understood the dislike for the movie. Critic scores put it in the same neighborhood as Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, and Deadpool....which I think I'd agree with.


Oct 27, 2017
I knew it was going to be bad as soon as Eiffel 65 started playing.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only watched it once, but I quite liked it back when it first came out. I really don't understand the hate it gets.
Oct 26, 2017
Wow, I am watching the MCU in order and literally just finished watching IM3 for the first time about fifteen minutes before I saw this thread. Nice timing.

Don't really get why people hate on the movie so much. I found quite a bit of it engaging on a surface level... although they could have dug deeper into a number of their ideas to bring out more dramatic tension. I'd say some of the quips felt a bit out of place in scenes where I would expect Tony to be in serious mode. And (as with a lot of the MCU I've seen) the camera work doesn't do much for me. Too many directors don't utilize their cameras to enhance the emotion of a scene and it kills me lol. MUCH better use of dutch angles than Thor though!

Oddly has a number of similarities to The Dark Knight. While I don't think I like it as much as IM2 because the character beats didn't hit me as hard, I might like what they were going for villain-wise more? Whiplash was a cool character but by the end of it he was another guy in a suit who got dispatched very quickly.

I related a lot to what they showed of Tony's anxiety, even though it's also something I wish they'd developed more. His obsession with keeping Pepper safe and one of the times he breaks down got to me in a really personal way due to my own experiences.

Tony throwing the arc reactor into the ocean was kind of weird because he's already dealt with people trying to steal that tech for nefarious reasons? 🤷


Oct 27, 2017
Another big fan of IM3 here. Watching Tony's resourcefulness without his suits for much of the film was awesome.

Yep. Plus they have a balls out suit-fest at the end for those who missed the suits throughout the movie. It's great. Tony is a little annoying and weird in the beginning (the bunny stuff is just odd), and maybe a bit too abrasive with the kid, but overall it's one of my favorite MCU movies.