
Oct 31, 2017
And if there isn't an after life how would religious people/ society react to it. I mean if even the most hard core Christians can sent an evidence type level.


Oct 26, 2017
We have undeniable evidence that the Earth is not flat and that climate change is real and yet people deny those things. Stupid people will find ways to keep being stupid.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
What is the undeniable evidence you are talking about? Because most religious people wouldn't care even if it existed. And most of the Bible and other holy books have already been proven false by science and history, but that stopped no one.


Oct 25, 2017
lmao at undeniable evidence

What is this amateur hour?

Faith doesn't recognize evidence in the first place
Oct 25, 2017
People are always going to be stupid fucks so there would still be theists.

What you just described is a hypothetical that can't happen, so who knows.

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
Why does the existence of God necessitate an afterlife, and his nonexistence prove an afterlife also doesn't exist?

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how it's even theoretically possible to disprove the existence of a being that's supposed to be both infinitely immanent and transcendent, because then the supposed evidence that we might be talking about literally lies outside of the universe we all live in.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
No difference. God doesn't exist and yet the majority of people still believe in him. "Undeniable evidence" wouldn't change a thing.


Mar 23, 2018
Here it purely depends on what you mean by God.

Through science and many other avenues it is pretty much guaranteed (dare I say proven) that the literary characters of Jehovah, Allah, etc. are not real, in a material or spiritual sense.

If we're talking about an idea of an intelligent being which may or may not have influenced the creation of life on Earth (or the existence of the universe as a whole), that's a whole different story. Not even Dawkins could or would give you a definitive answer to that.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean the concept of being able to prove that God doesn't exist is so fucking stupid that I can't really imagine these circumstances


Oct 31, 2017
You don't have to provide evidence.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." – Christopher Hitchens

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
The afterlife is essentially all but disproven.

Yet, people believe. Smart, young people with access to the internet.

It's mindblowing honestly. The power of indoctrination


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If there was actually the possibility of evidence that god didn't exist, it would paradoxically be more likely that god did exist.

Falsifiability is a thing.


Oct 26, 2017
People are stupid, they will continue to be stupid. Nothing would change. You can't reason with unreasonable people.


Oct 27, 2017
Many gods can be essentially disproven. The more specific, the easier it is.

Possibly...but I'm not sure how it would be possible to disprove the existence of the Abrahamic god given that proof of his existence is supposedly anathema to faith in him, therefore there is none, therefore there is nothing to disprove.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Possibly...but I'm not sure how it would be possible to disprove the existence of the Abrahamic god given that proof of his existence is supposedly anathema to faith in him, therefore there is none, therefore there is nothing to disprove.

The abrahamic god is fairly easy to disprove or at least disregard as real. Many claims of his powers are falsifiable.

If you list alll the claims, traits, and alleged actions, many are disprovable. Hence that version of a god is disprovable. Of course, Christians each make up their own version of their favorite diety so that's why it becomes a vague shifting concept that becomes harder to disprove


Oct 27, 2017
It wouldn't change their mind. It will get twisted into something showing god actually does exist or it will just be denied over and over because of their "faith" that it does exist.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think God is seen as an object that can be proven or disproven in many religions.

If you wanted to go further, you'd probably get into a debate of what it even means to exist or not exist.


Oct 27, 2017
The abrahamic god is fairly easy to disprove or at least disregard as real. Many claims of his powers are falsifiable.

If you list alll the claims, traits, and alleged actions, many are disprovable. Hence that version of a god is disprovable. Of course, Christians each make up their own version of their favorite diety so that's why it becomes a vague shifting concept that becomes harder to disprove

I think it's a lot harder to disprove most of that stuff than you think. And even if you can disprove all of it, and I am certain that you cannot, that doesn't disprove the existence of the deity him/herself. It is maybe evidence against but it's not proof and it never will be.


Oct 25, 2017
It would make no difference. You can show evidence to people that goes against their belief and it just makes them believe harder. Humans need to believe in things that can't be proven that makes us special as otherwise our intelligence would see what a whole bunch of nothing it is and there would be mass depression, more than there is already I mean.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why a time machine can never be invented, someone would travel to the eras described in religion and record whether events as described in religious texts are true or not, causing a massive spike of ego boost amongst the religions that are verified true (that can easily turn violent) and a massive crisis of faith among the religions who got exposed

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Ignoring faith.

I do wonder the societal impact at large if religion was completely disproven. How many norms and laws are rooted (or justified) by religion? Do they suddenly become meaningless? How many people base level of restraint is tied to a subconscious fear of eternal damnation? How does that change the notion of good and evil?

Took a class in anthropology where we examined religion (or lack thereof) in isolated societies (unburdened by modernization) and I remember it was pretty wild and we talked about how it shapes societies. It was like 10 years ago, but I wish I kept some of those readings.


Oct 28, 2017
Ok, everyone here is missing the point. The hypothetical is something that is literally undeniable. Stop just saying "people would still deny it". It's something that would FORCE everyone to lose their faith. e.g. Thanos snaps his fingers and suddenly nobody believes in god or afterlife anymore.


Jan 3, 2018
Ok, everyone here is missing the point. The hypothetical is something that is literally undeniable. Stop just saying "people would still deny it". It's something that would FORCE everyone to lose their faith. e.g. Thanos snaps his fingers and suddenly nobody believes in god or afterlife anymore.

There is no point because there is nothing that is literally undeniable. The hypothetical is not only useless but impossible to fathom.

In your example, people are being brainwashed, which is not evidence at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Evidence of a negative of that type is beyond newton's razor, ie. literally improvable with science.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of religions don't have an afterlife. Judaism has you "asleep with the fathers" which is kinda how I think about it, only without the dreaming.

I feel like I have sufficient evidence that god isn't an elderly white man with a raging hatred of self-diddling.

Obviously I can't prove there isn't an omnipotent wheeling force of omniscient deity underlying every quark - but every time religion makes a claim about nature, it's proven false and the goalposts move further and further towards useless sophistry. And if there is an old testament god for real, then I'm toast because I think about three quarters of the shit he says in both testaments is incredibly evil - from original sin to entire books of cruel and barbaric laws - the encouragement of genocide, slavery and even rape. Incest as a cure for population loss, genital mutilation, environmentally destructive proscriptions. And yet all the things we think of as moral and good, emerge from both rival religions and secular societies based on the simple premise of the golden rule and its compatibility with a working society.

Atheists can't make any special claim to moral authority, but they can't be accused of harm as a direct outcropping of secular "beliefs" - as much as the odd bishop tries to claim communist dictatorships are somehow a secular outcome.

And I don't for a minute think religious people are less moral - only some of their rulesets - frankly most of which are roundly ignored, thank god, by decent, moral, ethical religious practitioners.

I don't want religion banned or stopped or oppressed, but I do want it examined and modernised, as has happened millions of times over centuries. We no longer stone witches. The Cathloic church believes that the big bang is an aspect of god, all of that. Keep doing that stuff guys - and stop asking me to subsidize private jets for scam artists like Creflo, by giving absurd tax breaks to nakedly evil fraud.


Apr 16, 2018
And if there isn't an after life how would religious people/ society react to it. I mean if even the most hard core Christians can sent an evidence type level.
There is no evidence that God exists in the first place. All the information we have is by word of mouth and the bible (regarding Christianity). I have discussed this with a lot of family and friends who are Christians, and every time the conversation ended with them not really caring that there is no concrete evidence.

Stop trying to make me think differently, atheists.
Oct 25, 2017
Every time someone asks a question along the lines of "what if religion didn't exist" or "what if something happened to prove religion is fake" or "what if we could prove there's no afterlife" don't seem to understand that religion/belief in afterlife is a feature of humanity and not a consequence.
To answer your question, they would just keep on believing or go to another religion. You can't just remove most of people's inborn need for that.