
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. 1.0 is very different in terms of progression (though they reeled it back a bit from the way it was going to be initially) and there are a decent number of changes to the game. Prestiges don't get wiped though. I don't know specifically why everything needs to be wiped, but the game has a lot of major and minor changes if you try out the 1.0 Test Server.

Most weapons and equipment no longer get unlocked as you level, except the base versions of weapons. Now you need to earn a certain amount of XP while using a weapon to unlock each of its variants. Initially, rather than just earning XP, in 1.0 you were required to performed specific challenges (like kill x number of whatevers while holding this weapon), but no-one liked that.

So, the new system is better? Or will this make it harder?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Is the game any fun solo? Also does it require a huge time investment?

I want to get into it.... but it doesn't seem like a good fit for someone like me.... I basically have 30-45min of game time each day.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
So, the new system is better? Or will this make it harder?
Ehh, I think they needed a more interesting system than before, but the current one is just kinda tedious and annoying. Not terrible, but worse than before IMO.

Is it possible to tell how many players are on the servers/in your match on Xbox? Probably half my bounty matches and almost every quick match seem deserted.
You will be at a disadvantage if you play the main bounty hunt mode solo, but you absolutely can play it solo and still be successful.
There is also a solo-only quickplay mode that plays out a little bit like a battle royale crossed with king of the hill.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Cracking skulls with an axe will never get old.

Got the 1.0 update downloading while I'm at work because my internet is dogshit. Excited to give it a crack. My regular hunter buddy's wife bought a second computer and is hoping to join us for some trio rounds. Should be a lot of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I've lost two level 20+ hunters today because of game crashes. It's actually crashed three times, but the first time it said I got disconnected from the server and my character would be returned to pre-match form. These last two times though, just crashed out of nowhere and load back up and my guy died and is gone. I know that's not a terribly high level hunter and I only just unlocked Tier II, but I progressed them all day just to lose them to that bullsh?

Might ask for a refund. Game seems dead as fuck on Xbox.


Oct 25, 2017
How can it be dead when it's not released yet? Official release with the 1.0 update is next week (on Xbox)

Having such a poor playerbase already, even after it was on the summer sale, certainly doesn't bode well for the "real" release, which in the store I guess it just removes "Game Preview" from the box art.

A shame because when it clicks the game is amazing.


Dec 31, 2017
United Kingdom
I remember seeing trailers for this game before it was in early access/game preview, always kinda sparked my interest. There's a free trial on the Xbox store so I'm gonna give that a whirl and see what the general consensus is like next week when it releases as whether or not I'll bite the full release.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
They really fucked with the high graphic settings in 1.0. Shadows are hideously dithered and texture and asset LOD is aggressive and ugly. Same core visual identity but blatantly inferior on High on a technical level. No performance gains either. Really disappointed.


Oct 26, 2017
I need to play this, I own it since EA. It always seemed interesting, but the BR-esque features turned me off a bit :(


Oct 25, 2017
They really fucked with the high graphic settings in 1.0. Shadows are hideously dithered and texture and asset LOD is aggressive and ugly. Same core visual identity but blatantly inferior on High on a technical level. No performance gains either. Really disappointed.

they fucked with the lower settings as well, but the game does run insanely smooth now. I even scaled everything to high (i was stuck on low previously) and im still maintaining a locked 60fps. we should push them to introduce an ultra profile

the game does look much better at night than day.

played for a couple hours yesterday, and going up as an underdog against 3 squads is so satisfying. It does make the game more battle heavy, but the game handles it remarkably well - theres still plenty of downtime and being sneaky.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
New menus are shit.
Co op footsteps are obnoxiously loud.
I'm getting constant server errors.

This is ass.


Nov 14, 2017
how do you play as a squad of 3 (randoms)? I can only search for one random player even though the I clicked the option for 3

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
Uh Oh. I was waiting for 1.0 to jump in again, haven't played since early access launch.
Is it a bad time to start playing? Do they have to work out a few kinks?
It's not a terrible time to start playing, but maybe wait for the 27th, when official release is, they're still doing hotfixes at least until then.

I will agree the new menus are not good, which has been the consensus since the 1.0 Test servers came out. Haven't noticed the other two problems EatChildren mentioned really, though I know others have had issues with disconnects since release, unfortunately.
Played for about 10 hours since 1.0 went live and it's been fine for me outside of some server rubberbanding on occasion.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
The core game is the same as always, so it's still one of the best multiplayer shooters on the market. Had a fucking awesome tonight tonight with my mates hitting three round servers.

Did run into what we think was a hacker though. He seemed invulnerable and was just going mental with knife kills. Solo, too.

But yeah. They're obviously having pretty major server issues right now. Stats aren't tracking correctly, post match rewards aren't precise. I've managed to have a hunter that should have died twice still persist because of server issues. Couple of crashes. They're working on it though; just took them offline to deploy another hotfix.

I'm mostly just disappointed with a handful of quality-of-life and presentation issues. The shadow and LoD downgrade probably steered general performance to be more consistent for all players. It doesn't look dramatically worse, but being so conditioned to standard High settings made the LoD and shadow changes immediately evident. The menu is just maddeningly awful in design; too many menus in menus and not in the least bit user friend or intuitive. I've played enough Hunt to get a grip on it, but it still requires way too much clicking through shit to get to what you want. Need some more efficient UI designers to take a look there. Sound is better now I've reduced the volume, but there's no denying my companion footsteps were tons louder than normal. I could barely hear my mates over mic.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
I need to play this, I own it since EA. It always seemed interesting, but the BR-esque features turned me off a bit :(
Only the quickplay mode is similar to a BR.

The primary bounty hunt mode is not really a battle royale in any capacity. There's 12 players, you don't need to be the last survivor, you can leave at any time, and there's not really any looting except for you can taked dead hunters' weapons if you want (if they're not burned). The primary goal is getting the bounty and get out, and have fun either sneaking around and/or fighting. It's mostly its own unique thing.


Oct 26, 2017
Thanks! I just played the tutorial, seems fun. If you can really play how you want then that's cool. Death seems punishing tho and I expect there to already exist a lot of high level players/characters. Not sure how the matchmaking works tho.


Oct 31, 2017
It is a really good game. Got one bounty on my first game.

It's way too stressful for me, though. Requested a refund because I just don't like how tense it made me. Obviously that is what it's going for, but it is not what I'm looking for right now. Might jump back in once my real life calms down a bit.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Jeez fighting that Spider solo is an exercise in terror. They animated it so well with such great sound design!

access tv

Oct 25, 2017
I've had this in my library (and even installed!) for months. Finally jumped into the tutorial—that spider boss is TERRIFYING—and yeah, the menus are ass. I'm not 100% sure what's going on.

Hoping these devs are supported enough to improve the game. LOVE the setting and atmosphere.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
My regular trio are having a lot of server issues. Almost all our three man bounties don't extract properly on the score screen. Hunter livelihood is also widely inconsistent, perma dying and living on at total random. Hopefully Crytek can crunch out what are obviously pretty major server issues.

Thanks! I just played the tutorial, seems fun. If you can really play how you want then that's cool. Death seems punishing tho and I expect there to already exist a lot of high level players/characters. Not sure how the matchmaking works tho.

It's a little bit Souls-like in mentality where once you condition yourself to death it's not that bad when you die. Individual hunters level up so quickly that losing them, while disappointing, isn't the end of the world. Perks vary in usefulness and some absolutely make for better hunters, but not so much that it breaks the balance of the game. Same goes for a lot of the weapons; some are absolutely super useful but generally almost all guns in the game are deadly due to the high damage model.


Oct 28, 2017
Still with the server issues huh? Man, I played this for about 75 hours but had to uninstall due to all the constant lags and disconnects. I feel like 1.0 might actually kill this game what with all the odd design choices and lack of polish.

It's weird, they've had months of player feedback which they seemingly have thrown out the window in favour of an obtuse UI and straight up convoluted weapon rank up and prestige mechanics. Whyyyyyyyyyy.


Oct 26, 2017
After playing a bit in MP, man das concept is really great.
But not sure I like the idea of the randomness and what seems like very difference in player level/progression. Pretty sure we met a group of hunters who had high level perks and stuff, they just played with us like prey and then one-shotted the boss monster with ease.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Still with the server issues huh? Man, I played this for about 75 hours but had to uninstall due to all the constant lags and disconnects. I feel like 1.0 might actually kill this game what with all the odd design choices and lack of polish.

It's weird, they've had months of player feedback which they seemingly have thrown out the window in favour of an obtuse UI and straight up convoluted weapon rank up and prestige mechanics. Whyyyyyyyyyy.

Funnily enough I had few server issues on 0.6. Now it seems super busted. Could be the increased load shifting to 1.0, but none of our three man squad extractions are tracking correctly, nor is hunter XP and mortality. It's very oddly inconsistent and buggy. Also appears there's a bug where if a teammate tries to spectate you immediately as you die, and you were the last person in the squad alive, they'll get a black screen and get stuck in the match until they alt-tab and close the game.

The menus are the dumbest though, because I'm not sure who the fuck was tasked with this mess. It's like...101 of how not to design a UI. Menus in menus in menus in menus. It's not hard to navigate once you get your head around it, but it's completely unnecessarily clicky and cumbersome. I think the team felt people wanted more weirdly precise filtering of lists and organised menus in menus than we actually care about. The end result isn't intuitive at all.

After playing a bit in MP, man das concept is really great.
But not sure I like the idea of the randomness and what seems like very difference in player level/progression. Pretty sure we met a group of hunters who had high level perks and stuff, they just played with us like prey and then one-shotted the boss monster with ease.

I love the randomness, but just keep trying. The abstract nature of matches is what keeps me hooked. Turn off trios if you want them out of the server (the game was originally designed without them).

And dont forget, you can always extract with no bounty if you want to keep your hunter alive and take the full XP from monster kills.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly prefer duos to trios, theres just too much combat happening. It's funny how one person to the team totally changes the dynamic.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
Has there been any news about a patch for X? I find it crazy that the game isn't enhanced for X at all, this is Crytek we're talking about. Those people love visuals =)

access tv

Oct 25, 2017
True. I need to get my footings first, maybe I should try sneaking around solo and extracting a bit first.
Good call. That's what I started doing after posting in the thread. Easing into it has been nice, and very different from my usual early-game shooter experience.

Might even push me to try Tarkov.


Oct 25, 2017
When you get revived a couple times and are stuck at only one bar of health, is there supposed to be a dark red bloody tint permanently on the screen or did the game just glitch on me last night?

I was with a random and got taken down by a dude with a fucking sword (after I shot him with a rifle and shotgun) and then when I got revived a hive lady was right there and I died again. When I got revived my screen looked like I was playing MW2 and was about to die but it never went away, the map was kind of dark and it made it impossible to see shit. I ran into a room to reload and got killed by some dude just sitting there, couldn't even see him because of the blood on the screen.

My random was John fucking Rambo though. I got one kill but he got five and he got them by stalking and flanking groups and splitting them up and then killing them. Was breathtaking to see. He had a pump shotgun that I must have, looked amazing.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
When you get revived a couple times and are stuck at only one bar of health, is there supposed to be a dark red bloody tint permanently on the screen or did the game just glitch on me last night?

I was with a random and got taken down by a dude with a fucking sword (after I shot him with a rifle and shotgun) and then when I got revived a hive lady was right there and I died again. When I got revived my screen looked like I was playing MW2 and was about to die but it never went away, the map was kind of dark and it made it impossible to see shit. I ran into a room to reload and got killed by some dude just sitting there, couldn't even see him because of the blood on the screen.

My random was John fucking Rambo though. I got one kill but he got five and he got them by stalking and flanking groups and splitting them up and then killing them. Was breathtaking to see. He had a pump shotgun that I must have, looked amazing.
Sounds like a visual bug, that sucks. Sounds like you had an awesome dude carrying you though! The Specter is indeed a fun gun, but I have come to prefer the full length Romero and Caldwell Rival, since the Specter's firerate kind of sucks, and the Romero has absolutely ridiculous range for a shotgun.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
It might have some technical problems, awful menus, and other oddities, but man Hunt just provide climatic and tense moments unlike any multiplayer game out there. I adore PUBG, but the cleverly passive, yet baited allure of bringing players together is just remarkably exciting. Ultimately everyone is going for bounties, so that's likely where shit is going to get hairy. But it's hard to get tired of cleaning up a boss, being so sure you and your buddy are alone, grabbing the bounty, using darksight and seeing a bunch of glowing orange orbs in your immediate surroundings.

Noticed the really, really good players have a sneaky tactic of confidently wiping out one boss and coming for your team while you clean up the second, using the leeway banishing time and thus lack of bounties to avoid being marked on the map.


Oct 29, 2017
Watched it on Game Two and was intrigued. Then a buddy said it's all about camping especially after the boss is slain (and banished) but he hasn't played for long.

I will check it out myself at some point, though.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Watched it on Game Two and was intrigued. Then a buddy said it's all about camping especially after the boss is slain (and banished) but he hasn't played for long.

I will check it out myself at some point, though.

Mmm camping is...kinda a thing I guess, but it's more ambushing, and trying to play stalemate mind games with your opponent. The mans are so open and visually cluttered (in a good way) that players can't just camp an area for points, and even if another player gets the bounty and you dont want to engage them you can extract yourself, keep your hunter, and still net XP from all your monster kills.

If you've got a nasty stalemate of hunters camping a boss kill, those with the bounty cant just wait there forever, as the match timer will pressure them to move. And buildings have multiple exits. Also, given the player count, I find at least half the time hunters trying to ambush your kill can just as easily get caught up in another set of hunters showing up to do the same thing.

That open, unpredictable dynamic is exactly what makes it so much fun.


Oct 28, 2017
Having such a poor playerbase already, even after it was on the summer sale, certainly doesn't bode well for the "real" release, which in the store I guess it just removes "Game Preview" from the box art.

A shame because when it clicks the game is amazing.

3,3k average player count isn't bad at all for game like this where you need only 10 people for a match.


Oct 25, 2017
3,3k average player count isn't bad at all for game like this where you need only 10 people for a match.

Well I'm talking Xbox, and the player base is clearly not that great if I'm in empty matches a lot.

But I'm not trying to be negative, the game is fun. I hope the official release brings a lot more players.


Senior Concept Artist
Oct 27, 2017
game is out of EA on PC. steam has a nice top spread for it