
Oct 25, 2017
Now us people who will also be affected (older millennial) all need to take a stand and do the same thing with work. If the entire work force stops the economy stops.


Dec 3, 2018
As an adult this brings me joy and shame at the same time, so sorry for the future generations and i hope we can start correcting this awful and shitty situation were putting them into

Great that the numbers are so big and so many cities around the world are taking part


Oct 26, 2017
I'd go if I was certain not to see any anti-nuclear message. Too risky for me otherwise.

Annoying Old Party Man

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
This should happen everywhere in the world. Let students lead the revolution we need in how we tackle climate change.


Oct 25, 2017
Here in Portugal too:



(Porto and Lisbon respectively).

Though on a much smaller scale, unfortunately. At least for now... but I doubt it'll grow over the coming hours...


Oct 29, 2017
Too bad the people in power and their right wing propaganda machine just write it off as kids being brainwashed by their left wing, atheist, commie teachers using scare tactics to further their satanic agenda and another reason why we need charter schools or home school with the only book you ever need to read.


Oct 29, 2017
User Warned: Drive-by Whataboutism
They could also start by not buying a new phone ever year or two.


Oct 26, 2017
Why are you afraid of anti-nuclear protesters?
Because I keep reminding people that the IPCC calls for an increase in use of nuclear energy to fight climate change, and those who do that are more likely to be kicked out of the protest than those who mix anti-nuclear ideology with fight against CC. And yes, it can get heated because people assume you're here to cause trouble.

So, not going. It's not safe (and I'd feel like a hypocrite).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Too bad the people in power and their right wing propaganda machine just write it off as kids being brainwashed by their left wing, atheist, commie teachers using scare tactics to further their satanic agenda and another reason why we need charter schools or home school with the only book you ever need to read.

Pretty much. I'm here in little Beaumont, California and the post in the community FB page is a bunch of "Climate change isn't real!" Or "I'll kick my kid's ass if they participate."



Oct 28, 2017
Because I keep reminding people that the IPCC calls for an increase in use of nuclear energy to fight climate change, and those who do that are more likely to be kicked out of the protest than those who mix anti-nuclear ideology with fight against CC. And yes, it can get heated because people assume you're here to cause trouble.

So, not going. It's not safe (and I'd feel like a hypocrite).
I had no idea people would get violent in those protests.


Oct 29, 2017
No, what's lame is having people like Trump actively working to destroy the planet. This won't change his mind.

LEss about changing his mind and more about galvanizing others to the cause. The reason we're in this mess is because for decades no one pushed the issue. We sat on our asses like a bunch of idiots.

How are people supposed to pressure their leaders if they don't know there is a problem, or worse, don't care? Mass protests like these help fight against that malaise of inaction because face it, change starts from the bottom, not the top.


Oct 28, 2017
I've had two students just leave to join. Good for them!

No, what's lame is having people like Trump actively working to destroy the planet. This won't change his mind.

They're 18 or will be soon. Their vote is going to count here in coming elections. The more empowered they feel, the more progressive politicans will get into power.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm usually in the "students should attend school and not protest things they mostly don't understand". But in this case, bravo to all the kids in the streets today, our future might not be as grim as we thought!


Oct 25, 2017
They could also start by not buying a new phone ever year or two.

You know, people need to start somewhere.
Demos won't change something rapidly, but might change some thinking and raise awareness. We can't change the world in one day anyway, but I hope that the current and ongoing protests against right wing governments, the protests for more human rights and this one will have legs.
In the end it's us, the consumers, that need to change the most. Eating meat is the worst thing for climate. I hope we not only stand up but also act. Companies will have to follow suit.


Dec 18, 2018
Here in Belgium, the kids have decided to keep going until may, when we've got federal and European elections. They're trying to keep the message in the voter's mind. We've already had our climate minister getting sacked because she lied, saying these protests weren't real and a conspiracy from the left. It gives me hope for the future.

On the other hand, the amount of vitriol some people have been spewing is just baffling. I never realized Belgium had this many climate-deniers, cynical old dipshits and even people my age who just laugh it off, share some Greta Thunberg or Anuna De Wever-meme and say "nothing's going to change".

The millenial generation's basically been a massive failure. These kids, though... Like I said, I'm very proud.
I wouldnt say Millenials were a failure, we got pessimistic from having no one supporting us and being ignored and ridiculed for speaking out. The test of the Millennials will be if our generation can get back up and support the Gen Xers. Together the two generations are not far age wise and numbers wise from being able to change the direction the worlds politics finally.

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
My 9 year old daughter saw a video about it and decided to take part. She may be then only one at her school participating but she doesn't seem to care. She just finished making a sign for her self and packing a bag of kettle corn, lol.
Sounds like you're kicking ass at being a dad. Major props.


Jan 2, 2019
In a way this is admirable, but I don't know if it's the right way. Sure, it gets attention, but the people who could REALLY do something don't give a shit. And missing school isn't good.

It's a powerful visual that grabs the attention of the media and the public, and makes climate change more central in the mind of the public, which leads to more pressure on elected officials.

Sure if this was the only thing being done it wouldn't be that useful, but this in conjunction with a lot of other steps activists are doing makes a big difference.

Deleted member 14459

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a pretty jaded old cynic socialist who sneers at most postpolitical action such as marching 'for' climate - but fuck me if scrolling through these images and feeds does not gives me enough hope to continue the struggle for a bit longer...


Oct 27, 2017
Here in Portugal too:



(Porto and Lisbon respectively).

Though on a much smaller scale, unfortunately. At least for now... but I doubt it'll grow over the coming hours...

No worries Lisboa - the kids got you covered:

Thank you for posting this. I was in downtown Porto today doing college work and I, unfortunately, could not participate.

Hearing my classmates making fun of this event and joking around about going just to skip class made me worried, lots of young people still don't take this seriously.

Deleted member 8166

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
it is so sad to see that some politicians in germany say or try to imply the children are used by their teachers and parents :/


Oct 29, 2017
it is so sad to see that some politicians in germany say or try to imply the children are used by their teachers and parents :/

That's the goto argument for anyone who hates seeing kids getting involved and making the adults squirm for their complete inaction and laziness in ensuring a planet for these kids.

See also: the kids who confronted Feinstein and the thread we had on that...

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Trump and his ilk are not a resurgence nor the future, but the last dying breath of a withering ideology gasping for one last moment before it's swept away by the future generations rising tides.


Oct 27, 2017
I participated in our town's protest. Well, one of them. We had three different events, one in the morning in front of the city hall (which was aimed for high school students), one in the marketplace (with higher elementary school students) at around noon and one in the town square after 3PM (a more general one). I think the largest protest (in front of city hall) gathered 300+ people, mostly students. An ok amount but nothing even remotely comparable to some of the protests I've seen with huge seas of people, even relative to the populace of my city. The one I was at (the last one at) had maybe 40-50, if even that. For a city with well over 100 000 inhabitants, that's not a whole lot.

Kind of sad how apathetic the adults of our town are. Of course the weather was kinda bad (it was sleeting), but it wasn't so bad that you couldn't spend an hour standing around for good cause.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
letting children skip school smdh a tragedy that people are willing to squander the futures of so many children

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I figured I didn't need the "/s" this time

Round 2: But they need to be in school so they can learn how to swim! How else will they handle the rising sea levels?


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico

An estimated 1 million young people in 128 countries skipped school Friday to demand stronger climate policies in what may be one of the largest environmental protests in history.

"This movement had to happen, we didn't have a choice," wrote the Swedish activist and strike leader Greta Thunberg with other young climate activists in the Guardian Friday. "We knew there was a climate crisis ... We knew, because everything we read and watched screamed out to us that something was very wrong."






And this one because is very true, and I sure someone will unironically say 'they shouldn't skip school':



Oct 27, 2017
Damn this makes me happy. I just wonder how much longer the boomers will cling to power and try to take everyone to the grave with them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Don't Walk out,
Walk in....to the voting both.

The Youth have so much power, they just refuse to use it because they cant see that each vote adds up...
By the time they figure it out, its too late, they are old and lose thier ideals and concede to the humdrum of life.

You want change? encourage every young person to feel passionate about voting.