• Yay

    Votes: 412 34.8%
  • Nah

    Votes: 260 22.0%
  • Meh

    Votes: 407 34.4%
  • ...

    Votes: 104 8.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
It starts games, it does what it is supposed to do. So yay.

I don't need any extra features like achievements or friend lists and stuff. If I could I wouöd get rid of all these launchers and storefronts and just start it from my own menu, the only programs I use when playing (and not streaming) are discord

Buy on GOG and Itch for DRM free games you can just launch from the start menu and forget about (until you need a patch).


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Voted Meh. It's not outright terrible, but it really isn't anything special either. It's pretty bare-bones and seems to only beat Bethesda Launcher compared to all of the other major launchers out there. Still unsure how things are gonna improve with what seems to be a skeleton crew running this.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried to buy Control on it. The EGS was sure that since my language options were set to english then I would want to pay in dollars. I had to use a browser to change that, it couldn't be done in the game client because reasons. It wasn't explained anywhere, I had to search online for people who had the same problem.
Then I tried to actually buy the game and it didn't quite like that. Wouldn't accept my credit card. A perfectly normal, regular card here in France, works everywhere, Steam accepts it, Gog, Origin, Humble, Itch accept it. But not EGS.
It tried some other payment options available but no, those didn't work either. I finally went to humble, bought the game there, linked both accounts, restarted the EGS client for the game to finally appear in my library.
I think it took me appoximately half an hour to 45 mn.


Jan 11, 2018
Meh. I haven't bought a game yet, but I played Fortnite before the store launched, got a free Control code from a kind soul on Reddit, and download the free games whenever I see them. The only one I have played thus far is Subnautica. Some issues I had when playing subnautica were lack of in client FPS counter and lack of cloud saves. Now I just use Nvidia's FPS counter when playing Control on EGS.

I probably wouldn't buy an actual game on there unless I had to. The store kind of sucks to navigate. The store tab reminds me of Twitter or Facebook when they have the "Curated for your tastes" timeline turned on, and that really drives me up a wall.

I understand that EGS have made their stance on user forums, user reviews and only hosting certain games. Can I at least get "Most Popular", "Best Selling", and "You may like" options at the top of the store tab?

I generally don't like Epic's strategy, but I want to point out Control is one of the most innovative and risk taking AAA games I have played in a long time, and I am very appreciative that Epic exclusivity could help that studio get the return on investment they deserved considering the game did not even make the top 20 best selling games in August NPD's. Remedy really nailed it with Control. I'm grateful to Epic for supporting them.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
My experience of refusing to buy anything from them or even installing the EGS client at all has been amazing! Its absence on my PC has provided me with an incredible experience.


Dec 12, 2017
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Everything I've used it for (buying, downloading and playing video games) has been just fine.

However the small feature set remains meh. I want to give somebody the gift of The Outer Wilds. I cannot do that.


Aug 17, 2019
They keep giving me free stuff. Odds are, when I finally get a decent PC setup, I'll keep using it. Because they keep giving me free stuff.

Steam doesn't give me free stuff.


Oct 29, 2017
Not sure what there is to experience really.. it's a launcher.

But I guess.. it's been swell for it's purpose? :> Never failed me in that regard at least.


Feb 13, 2018
Gave it a meh. It's a barebones launcher about as welcome and functional as the Bethesda launcher.

Most of the time I'm just taking the free games until they give me some compelling reasons to actually spend money there. Like the sale, that got me to pay for Hades, John Wick Hex and Observer. Since then I still haven't spent a dime. Exclusives haven't done anything so far, I'm content to wait it out and get it somewhere without artificially inflated prices.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I'm having a better time with it than I have with Origin, so I guess that's a positive experience in my book.


Jan 14, 2019
I haven't used it to shop, only for free games

I've had tons of issues with Steam so I don't see it as the ultimate storefront like lots of others

We'll see, The Outer Worlds will probably be my first purchase


Oct 27, 2017
It's worthless is the best I can say. It offers zero features which is fine if you never need anything. If I have a technical issue with a game, EGS offers zero help with that. If the developer decided not to support my gamepad, EGS doesn't help me with that. If I need VR features, EGS has none of that. If I need to limit my download speed, well, nope.

So it's worthless, nothing more, nothing less. They sell games with zero value add and that's that. I guess it's "meh" out of those options. If there's any other option besides EGS, I'll go with that other option.
Oct 27, 2017
• No universal cloud saves
• Search bar/wishlist (for price alerts)
• Stepped mousewheel scrolling
• Library organization lacking

• Free shit
• Smooth downloads
• DRM free games
• I like large artwork minimalistic design
• Not a single Chinese trying to access my account triggering the email authentification every month


Powered by Friendship™
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I use it for the free games, everything about the store is fucking trash.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I bought one game, Outer Wilds, got a free code for Phoenix Point, and have picked 4 free games (Shadow Complex, Subnautica, Mutant: Yero Zero and Celeste).

1. They still dont show installation sizes, other then with the workaround (start installing a game, pause the installation, go uninstall, and there you can see the full installation sizes).
2. It doesn't seem to consistently display info about which games that comes with the Denuvo DRM or not.
3. I'm still not sure if Outer Wilds has cloud saves or not.
4. For some reason, the Subnautica devs patched in a requirement to run the game through the client, after release. So now I have to use a workaround with launch parameters to run it without. Whey they did so, I have no idea, since the client offers nothing for the game.
5. I have no friends that are using the store, so I have not tried the friend list and the functions around it at all.
6. The layout and display options in the client are non-existent. I would like a compact mode at least, and I want it to default to my library. But of course the client doesn't have such basic features.


Oct 25, 2017
Literally the only game that interests me enough to consider EGS is BL3, and I've not given into that temptation yet.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Tried it only for one game (Dauntless). Not going back for maybe a couple of years It's like going bak 10 years in terms of features.

And when I downloaded any content, it hogs my entire connection, not allowing me to even use my browser. 150Mbit connection.
Nov 28, 2017
Launchers are all just bloatware to me. EGS may lack basic features but at least it makes it a lighter bloat than Steam.
About that...

Both open in fullscreen at home page. Not entirely accurate since there are more Steam processes. Adding them all up they're about even on memory, but Epic is still far ahead on GPU by seemingly rendering at 60 Hz no matter whether anything has updated or not.

Epic is better at reducing memory usage when minimized, though. On the other hand it means it takes several seconds to open it up again whereas Steam is instant.

Playtime tracking is in actually. Click on the gear icon next to play button.
Thanks. I had no idea. Shame it only works on installed games. But I assume it's stored regardless so if I uninstall a game and then install it again I still keep the tracked playtime?


Nov 24, 2018
I like the UI but it kinda chugs a big even on my decent pc. The Origin store is cool too but it always says I'm low on hard drive space when I'm not. It's annoying


Oct 28, 2017
The only problem I've ever had with it was during the sale when it stopped me from buying shit for a short period of time because it doesn't have a cart. So yeah, the basic functionality and their priorities in which they choose to address them are wack, but outside of that the store is a total non issue for me. It's a launcher... I click three times and I'm playing a game, the end.

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
As it stands now, it's decent enough. They're going to (or already have, depending on your threshold for it) a pretty serious content creep problem coming for the store - their layout is such that if they keep adding games on the level they are now (which is still manually curated), it's gonna be hard to find things pretty soon. Searches/filters/tags and such would help for that.

Feature set wise, I'd like a wishlist/cart, though I can get by without them for now. Downloading and running the games is pretty painless.


Dec 10, 2017
It's fine other than being a bit bare bones. I like how there's a quick launch option on the front page (something that Steam does not seem to have). So far I have only purchased one game on it (BL3) and it runs like a champ. Okay, technically two games I guess - I bought Phoenix Point from the dev, but it launches via EGS.

A lot of the features others seem to use on Steam that are not present on EGS do not affect me, so maybe I'd feel differently if I did, but so far, positive experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks. I had no idea. Shame it only works on installed games. But I assume it's stored regardless so if I uninstall a game and then install it again I still keep the tracked playtime?
The only problem I've ever had with it was during the sale when it stopped me from buying shit for a short period of time because it doesn't have a cart. So yeah, the basic functionality and their priorities in which they choose to address them are wack, but outside of that the store is a total non issue for me. It's a launcher... I click three times and I'm playing a game, the end.
I have the game shortcut on my desktop so it's one click to launch. Same with every launcher.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I like it. The layout is nice. Its missing features but I like what they are doing with it so far

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
OH before I forget

While I do appreciate the creative/design aspect of letting devs/pubs pick their branding colors for a storefront page, it fucks me up when I go from dark grey homepage to Control's store page, which is BLA L MVLMVASDLAS BLAM WHITE N RED


Oct 25, 2017
It downloads quick, it cloud saves, the interface is simple and does what it needs to do, I don't even need to have it running to play all the games I've tried on it thus far, and it actually minimizes automatically when launching a game which is something Steam still hasn't implemented after 15 years.

I don't use it often but I'm fine with it.


Oct 25, 2017
It's ok. I just use it to play Fortnite and Control.

At the very least I hope we get pre-loading and regional unlock times for pre-orders.


Nov 1, 2017
I've only used it to get free games and play Dauntless, and it's meh. With GOG Galaxy 2.0 I don't even need to deal with it. Their two factor is still broken. You have to request your code like two or three times before it shows up. Before I realized you have to request multiple times, it would take like 6 hours for the code to show up.
Oct 25, 2017
It works, I guess.

It could be worse, but hard to give praise when I need a txt file to know how many hours I've played, and I need to ask console users how many collectibles they have after the Platinum because there are no achievements and the devs signing exclusivity deals don't care enough to put internal trackers for that stuff inside the games.

This is my experience with Control.

The game is superb, but it's always great to be reminded that the people behind these deals don't care too much about me, makes me feel vindicated in not caring about them in return. "Supporting the poor devs" will never factor in my purchasing decisions for EGS games.


Oct 25, 2017
I've bought two games from EGS, Journey and The Walking Dead Final Season. Grabbed them when there was that -10€ from every game over 15€. I was relieved that I was able to use Steam controller by adding them to Steam as non-Steam games. I would have much rather had them in Steam, but I'm afraid TWD isn't ever coming back and it's one of my favorite game franchises, so I couldn't skip it. So I've been using it rather unwillingly, but the games worked. With Journey it was disappointing that were no other players at all, I think I didn't get to experience biggest part of the appeal because of that. Finishing the game left me wondering why was it so praised, reading up on it made it seem that the multiplayer/connecting with people was maybe the highpoint (besides the gorgeous audio/visual experience).
Oct 27, 2017
I bought one game, Outer Wilds, got a free code for Phoenix Point, and have picked 4 free games (Shadow Complex, Subnautica, Mutant: Yero Zero and Celeste).

1. They still dont show installation sizes, other then with the workaround (start installing a game, pause the installation, go uninstall, and there you can see the full installation sizes).
2. It doesn't seem to consistently display info about which games that comes with the Denuvo DRM or not.
3. I'm still not sure if Outer Wilds has cloud saves or not.
4. For some reason, the Subnautica devs patched in a requirement to run the game through the client, after release. So now I have to use a workaround with launch parameters to run it without. Whey they did so, I have no idea, since the client offers nothing for the game.
5. I have no friends that are using the store, so I have not tried the friend list and the functions around it at all.
6. The layout and display options in the client are non-existent. I would like a compact mode at least, and I want it to default to my library. But of course the client doesn't have such basic features.

1. You can see game size in the game's page in the requirements.
2. Denuvo isn't DRM, although I agree that every game should list protection features (DRM, Denuvo, requiring specific accounts)
3. No (Not yet?)
5. I think unless you need invites, the friend's list is useless and will always be useless since everyone is on Discord. Better discord integration would be much better than better social features for me.
6. I think the list-view is in the closest section of the road map.