This is Knuckles, and I'm back! I've been away for a while

  • Knuckles is cool, I like him more than Sonic's other friends.

    Votes: 327 55.1%
  • He's aight. Not my favorite, but I like him well enough.

    Votes: 205 34.6%
  • I don't see what makes him so special.

    Votes: 61 10.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 31, 2017
Knuckles has a better backstory than most sonic characters.

He was born on an island in the heavens and wants to uphold his duty to save the flower from evil deterioration.


Jul 16, 2019
My favorite design in the Sonic series, best personality, and based on the hugely underrepresented echidna. Of course I love Knuckles.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
He is cool but sometimes they made him dumb as a brick to the point of annoyingness, Tails also but sometimes they make him this nerdy know it all Amy too sometimes they play her Sonic crush to ridiculous disturbing levels ALL of Sonic friends have been ruined one way or another depending on the game/TV series imo


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Always my favorite, and to me the decline in the franchise is marked by the decline in playable Knuckles, dropping to a sideshow in Sonic '06 and then never playable in a mainline game (Black Knight and Boom are spinoffs) ever since, until Mania at least.

There are as many takes on how to restore Sonic to former glory as there are leaves in the forest, but mine is to bring back Sonic 3 & Knuckles style of having a shorter game with slightly branching paths for all three characters in a 3D Sonic space more akin to the Adventure games, where there was a mix of speed and platforming that would better befit using Tails and Knuckles to find alternate paths (but then also have alternate bosses or something so that the replay doesn't get as dull as Sonic Heroes where too much was the same between the non-Chaotix lines). Either that or one longer game with Sonic Heroes style shift-on-the-fly but much more versatile and less obvious than Heroes' "okay, this is a Power setpiece. Okay, you need to Fly here."

Sky Walker

Oct 25, 2017
Knuckles ? He is alright.

Knuckles "Sonic Boom the show" ? He is treasure ! The real deal !

Just look:



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, MD
He's honestly my fave of the cast. Sonic Mania bringing back his old characterization, after so many years of dealing with an idiot in the games who existed only to punch a boulder (hello, Sonic Rush!) was positively refreshing.

Very accurate.

I loved him as a kid. Still enjoy the big comic fight between him and Sonic.
I've been following some blogs that revisit those early Archie issues.

Damn, did Penders and co. come up with some contrived reasons to have Sonic and Knuckles fight/ loathe each other.


Nov 4, 2017
Knuckles is just kinda there. He's dumb to a fault while also being the lame overly serious guy of the group. Like his levels in Adventure 1/2 though!


Oct 30, 2017
Obviously Knuckles is crucial to the series and I never want to see him go, but at the same time, I have to admit that I don't really care about him. This is largely because his entire reason for existing is gone - not only did he have his lunch eaten by Shadow, who became the de facto rival for Sonic (and is undoubtedly better at that role), he also lost his purpose as a protector of the Master Emerald, which was crucial to his debut and the Adventure games but hasn't been a relevant plot point since. That in particular was what really gave him his niche, since that sacred duty made him a little more stoic and serious in contrast to the rest of the carefree Sonic gang.

Instead of having him adapt to the new paradigm they instead chose to flanderize him much like they did Tails, so as the fox's intelligence increased to comical levels to make him "the tech guy", Knuckles' intelligence likewise dropped drastically to the point where he can now be summed up as "idiot who punches things". One might argue that this is simply an evolution of his original gullible nature, but let's not forget that he was gullible because he was a loner who lived on a secluded island all his life and didn't know a good guy from a bad guy, not because he was naturally a moron.

Personally I think they should go back to the drawing board with him and figure out how to make him interesting again, but unfortunately Sonic games these days treat story and character development as an afterthought, so I'm not counting on it.
This post nails it on the head for me.

His role really fell flat in Sonic Forces - he ended up contributing to nothing despite the introduction.

Despite the bad rep Sonic Chronicles has, at least that game got Knuckles right in my eyes. Very well in fact, was the most interesting he had been since Sonic Adventure.
If they give the Master Emerald a bigger role in the lore again, then this will be one of his best chances at a proper reboot of the character.

Shadow plays the better rival for Sonic. It should remain this way. Their recent interactions in TSR summed it up quite well actually. So did Sonic '06 in fact. And I liked his portrayal in Forces.

The only characters in my mind that really need fixed are Tails and especially Knuckles. Maybe Amy too.
(Blaze deserves some redemption too.)

They've got a lot of the crew sorted in recent games. Especially Sonic, Eggman and Shadow

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
I sold my Mega Drive before Sonic 2 came out so I have no nostalgia for the Sonic games after the first one. Having played Sonic 3 over the years I've always found it to be the worst of the 3 and Knuckles even more pointless than Tails.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles, CA.
Somewhere between the first and second options. I love Knuckles (unlike Sonic, he doesn't chuckle) and would rank him well above most of Sonic's other friends, but certainly not Tails.

Tails is best bud and best sidekick who eventually grows into becoming a hero in his own right, facing down Eggman alone to save Station Square in Sonic Adventure.

Then he somehow forgets he did all that and much more by the time Sonic Forces happens, when he suddenly can't even take on Chaos 0 without cowering and crying for Sonic, but we don't talk about that or Forces.


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously Knuckles is crucial to the series and I never want to see him go, but at the same time, I have to admit that I don't really care about him. This is largely because his entire reason for existing is gone - not only did he have his lunch eaten by Shadow, who became the de facto rival for Sonic (and is undoubtedly better at that role), he also lost his purpose as a protector of the Master Emerald, which was crucial to his debut and the Adventure games but hasn't been a relevant plot point since. That in particular was what really gave him his niche, since that sacred duty made him a little more stoic and serious in contrast to the rest of the carefree Sonic gang.

Instead of having him adapt to the new paradigm they instead chose to flanderize him much like they did Tails, so as the fox's intelligence increased to comical levels to make him "the tech guy", Knuckles' intelligence likewise dropped drastically to the point where he can now be summed up as "idiot who punches things". One might argue that this is simply an evolution of his original gullible nature, but let's not forget that he was gullible because he was a loner who lived on a secluded island all his life and didn't know a good guy from a bad guy, not because he was naturally a moron.

Personally I think they should go back to the drawing board with him and figure out how to make him interesting again, but unfortunately Sonic games these days treat story and character development as an afterthought, so I'm not counting on it.

This post nails it on the head for me.

His role really fell flat in Sonic Forces - he ended up contributing to nothing despite the introduction.

Despite the bad rep Sonic Chronicles has, at least that game got Knuckles right in my eyes. Very well in fact, was the most interesting he had been since Sonic Adventure.
If they give the Master Emerald a bigger role in the lore again, then this will be one of his best chances at a proper reboot of the character.

Shadow plays the better rival for Sonic. It should remain this way. Their recent interactions in TSR summed it up quite well actually. So did Sonic '06 in fact. And I liked his portrayal in Forces.

The only characters in my mind that really need fixed are Tails and especially Knuckles. Maybe Amy too.
(Blaze deserves some redemption too.)

They've got a lot of the crew sorted in recent games. Especially Sonic, Eggman and Shadow
Well that's complicated, and arguable. Before I get to Knuckles and tails which to me seem like...very dire situations, shadow's interesting. TSR is a spin off game and how is portrayed in that game is...whatever. And to be quite honest, shadow isn't portrayed much in that game at all. HIs character is weird and kinda lacks the aggression everyone has in that game. Forces is pretty good, however if we are talking about recent media shadow's appearance in the comic has drawn a lot of disdain from fans. Particularly because sega is forcing them to boil him down to an aggressive rival character... and he isn't interesting in that regard. To the degree in which the community manger had to comment on it. Even the guy Ian Flynn , who wrote the comic, who it would be in his best interest as an employed party to not say anything. Agreed with the criticism has been lodged against this character for... what his been going on 2 months now.

Shadow is being critcized for being a rival character and it turns out a lot of shadow's fanbase never saw him as or never wanted him to be that. His whole arc where he grows and becomes a better person is what sticks in a lot of peoples minds and is largely isolated from sonic and they kind of want him to stay that way.

And I would make the argument that way to fix knuckles, is to just roll back knuckles. Because his replacement isn't liked for being his replacement and was never seen that way by.. most of his fanbase it seems. Now I could make a whole argument that most sonic rival characters are actually terrible rival characters and that's why people like them. However given how knuckles has kind been directionless, rolling him back into a sort of more agressive proud of himself hard headed headed dude I think hurts no one. And basically gives knuckles his place back and shadow's character progression doesn't have to be sacrificed at the alter. Everyone wins...excpet they don't.

Knuckles , and tails IMO are lost causes . Knuckles and tails are classic characters and unfortunately sega, sonic team...whoever feel it would be in the best interest at all times to be trying to appeal to that older fanbase even in the 3d games. So those characters in particular are often stripped of any type of character progression they may receive along with amy, and eggman and sonic himself.For the other 3 that works and tails on occasion due to what's being written it can work. But with knuckles it often does , while they wish to make him like old knuckles they don't care about the M.E they don't care about his linage ...history or anything they just want him to be around. But now they sort of have to make his previous gullibility sort of make sense with out all that context. So he's just an incompetent idiot, this is how they try to fuse both interpretations of the character and its always kind of sucked. And occasion because the character fusion tails just gets written as someone who needs sonic to save him, but is competent enough to build a machine. Which

This doesn't itself mean that the characterization fusion is inherently bad. While I have mixed feelings about sonic . Amy has turned out to be a pretty competent and independent person. ( oh hey that's weird that the girl gets to be cool when sonic team isn't writing the girl, oh man we are gonna get to that in a second ) . And eggman has become this both hilarious and sinister guy that Mike Pollock plays with a style and grace that continues to win people over. It doesn't work for everyone but it works for some. There's... nuance. And the issue is, sonic team handles nuance like sonic handles water , not well at all. When cuts need alcohol and a band aid they tend to call for full on amputation. And the reverse of that scenario.

Because you mention blaze, and blaze is also seems like kind of a lost cause. Blaze is already operating at a disadvantage by being a girl. And sonic team has shown time and again that if you are a girl, they don't care about you as much as the boy characters despite how popular you maybe. Blaze will never get that redemption you seek, she's silvers side kick or partner now. like all the former independent sonic ladies, she has been shackled to a hedgehog never to be seen with out her assigned hedgehog. Along with that, unfortunately people like that. As grim as this may seem, sonic 06 and sonic rivals were a lot of peoples first foray into sonic... so blaze and silver being together is all they know. So sega appeals to those and she's a girl so they don't care to actually remember she was cool by herself for at least two games. Good thing Ian flynn tends to remember though.

And shadow, there's an attempt to simplify him he's been apart of the " main charcters " crew for quite sometime an dthere seems to be an effort from sega internal , to simplify him to fit .But people aren't fond of it, so what I suggest is that knuckles returns to his rival role. Shadow gets to be his own person. And everyone wins. Now , will sega ... do the thing that everyone seems to want? I don't know, which is why the situation seems...dire.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
I always liked Tails but I hated when they made him huge 😂 why.
Oct 25, 2017
I want him to return to the stoic, short tempered guardian he was in Adventure. He doesn't have time for any of Sonic's bullshit and just wants to fulfill his duty as guardian of the master emerald. No more of this meathead moron.

In the echelon of anime, he's definitely the Piccillo/Zoro of the group.

Man how I wish someone who gave a damn about the lore of the franchise could be put in charge of the next game, and just delete Forces out of existence.


Oct 25, 2017
He's alright. I think he's utilized the best in the 2D games, especially the Genesis ones and character-wise he was used best in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Adventure. Everything past that has been a downward spiral. He's not fun to play as in any of the 3D games sans SA1 and it's become obvious that Sonic Team don't know what to do with his character and/or forgotten he's the Guardian of the Master Emerald. Though they could be purposely ignoring that that last aspect of that since that would limit his appearance in games because of him being directly tied to a specific rock. It also seems absurd that one of the least people person in the series is a competent commander for a squad of rebels. Sonic Forces was full of goofy stuff.

I do like Sonic Boom!Knuckles since he's really funny. I can give him a pass with his meathead personality with him being in a completely different universe than the main one. I don't think he's a ME guardian at all there.