How would you prefer to consume games going forward?

  • Physical media

    Votes: 468 56.0%
  • Digital downloads

    Votes: 571 68.4%
  • Subscription services (GamePass, for example)

    Votes: 197 23.6%
  • Streaming services (Google Stadia, for example)

    Votes: 68 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 27, 2017
I still like physical media. I'm too cheap to have digital because I might want to sell the game afterwards.

Actually, I'd like to subscribe to gamefly or soemthing so I didn't regret most of my purchases or something.


Apr 5, 2018
Digital as the norm
Physical for my all-time favourite games (to be put on the shelf)
Subscription if it's as good as Game Pass, then hell yes! It's good to try out new games with a low entry barrier
Streaming just for when I'm away and travelling


Oct 25, 2017
I like having my own hardware for now. In a future where ISPs aren't completely fucking us in the US, streaming.


Oct 25, 2017
Give me those sweet, sweet subscription services since physical and disc is still just buying the license and not the game itself.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Why would I not want a subscription/streaming service that allows me to play any game I want, for lower than the cost of buying a digital/physical game a month? Sorry to break it to you Physical/Digital guys, but there is only one way this is going. So you better start making your peace with it now. It's going the same way as Music & Film.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
Why would I not want a subscription/streaming service that allows me to play any game I want, for lower than the cost of buying a digital/physical game a month? Sorry to break it to you Physical/Digital guys, but there is only one way this is going. So you better start making your peace with it now. It's going the same way as Music & Film.


Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Physical and Digital downloads.

My biggest issue with GP is with its nature (akin to Netflix) - There is a window of opportunity as the games on it are on rotation. And so, as someone with a huge backlog, that is not for me as a primary way. It is a complementary feature but never a primary one for me.


Jun 5, 2019
Physical or Digital. Doesn't really matter as long as it's not subscription or streaming.

Deleted member 20941

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Oct 28, 2017
Streaming if it's as good as the GeForce Now beta on my connection. Literally no reason for me to get a gaming pc. The quality and response time is seriously impressive and would make a gaming pc investment a huge waste.


Not changing this tag
May 1, 2019
I will cling to physical media as long as I can, eventually being dragged kicking and screaming into the digital future.


Oct 29, 2017
With physical, I can play the games I bought in 20 years. Digital services end and consoles die. The Wii eshop just closed recently. How do I play those digital games now if something happens to my Wii?

Deleted member 8861

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Oct 26, 2017
Physical/digital are both fine, although subscription is also good.

Streaming would be cool for exclusives, which I'm only saying because I can play Bloodborne's base game on PC through PS Now, even though it's pretty heckin' expensive
Oct 25, 2017
I've been digital only since the end of last gen, there's no benefit to physical games for me.

I don't see myself streaming either, for the same reason i prefer physical for movies. The Apple TV can't even do lossless 7.1/Dolby Atmos for a movie, I don't want Stadia's lossy 5.1.


Jan 21, 2018
Streaming for me would be an option for:
- Exclusives from other platforms, I'd play God of War in a heartbeat when it comes to PS Now.
- When on the road or when it's really nice weather and I want to play games outside (which would mean having a laptop or a phone with me)

Most games I play come from subscription services or Steam sales these days. Haven't bought a physical copy in years.
Jan 9, 2018
Preferably physical, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

I'll do the mix with all digital on PC and some digital on console. I Prefer not to clutter my hard drive on the latter though. I have no interest in paying a monthly fee for streams or subs. I like to at least live in the illusion that what I paid for is mine.


Nov 5, 2017
I'm fine with physical and downloads, but I don't like the subscription services. I tend to play games years after release, whenever I feel like (last week I was playing Kane & Lynch). A subscription service is like "play what we want, when we want" and that's not how I like to play.

Deleted member 37739

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Jan 8, 2018
Physical is really really bad for environment. Earth is fuckin dying wake up people.

Not strictly speaking true - data centres have massive carbon footprints. There was research carried out on this in the PS3 generation that suggested digital is only more sustainable up to the sizes of 1.3GB. After this, you're better going physical. If however, you can power your data-servers from green, sustainable sources, which I think many are moving towards, this becomes better.

There's a lot of different variables, but I'm 100% with you: whichever way is best for the planet.


Oct 29, 2017
Why would I not want a subscription/streaming service that allows me to play any game I want, for lower than the cost of buying a digital/physical game a month? Sorry to break it to you Physical/Digital guys, but there is only one way this is going. So you better start making your peace with it now. It's going the same way as Music & Film.
Sorry, but this is bullshit. 'Any game I want'? Cool, I want to play the latest AAA 3rd party games, which subscription/streaming service gives me that for lower than the cost of buying a physical/digital game a month?
Also, there is no guarantee that streaming service will run well, and many people want to own their games so they can resell, lend or do whatever with them.

dead souls

Oct 25, 2017
Physical. I only go digital when it's the only available version of something. I don't game enough to be interested in a subscription service and don't want to waste my bandwidth on a streaming service so those two are out.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
How I have been doing for years: A mix of physical and digital depending on release, format, platform, preference. Choice is good.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I still prefer physical, but I don't utterly detest digital. It's just that digital isn't my first option if given the chance to go physical.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm mostly digital. I really don't care anymore about having a disc.

Also love game pass and would love a service for every game on a console for $20 a month. (pipe dream I know)


Nov 1, 2017
I will go full digital as soon as iam able to resell my digital ownership. I wont trust any company that doesnt hand me the digital ownership of my game. Period.

Iam still waiting for to go live. They will sell you digital ownerships of games through Blockchain and you will be able to resell the games.

Thanks to the immutable blockchain you can just switch "Ownership" to another person after selling it. They already claim to have like 1000 Games for the launch.

If they finally launch i will go with digital downloads.

I love blockchain :D


Nov 25, 2017
Disc in a brioche bun with some pickles and a side of carts.

If one could assume that digital would stay playable forever, I'd go digital, but it's too risky. I know discs might not last forever either, but they would still be in circulation if the market was there initially.
Last edited:


Mar 13, 2019
Basically the PS Now model. Pay a subscription, stream the platform provider's whole library, download the ones you want to run locally - with an extra charge or premium tier subscription if the business model requires it.

I do think the days of having to buy a specific piece of hardware to play a specific game are numbered. After all, it's in Sony's interest for as many people as possible to play God of War 2 or whatever it's going to be called - and they certainly have in-house data that's telling them whether or not they can offset the fall in console sales with added volume in game sales / subscription fees for people who'll play it on non-Sony hardware.

Will I want to run God of War 2 in native 4K? Absolutely. So I'll buy a PS5 to do that.

Will everyone? Probably not. So at some point it's going to make sense to let them stream it on whatever platform they already have.

Deleted member 40102

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Feb 19, 2018
There's a lot of different variables, but I'm 100% with you: whichever way is best for the planet.
Not sure when I say this ,but I think carbon on air is easier to reverse than plastic ever will. There have been many ways people discovered how to convert it into clean energy. And as you said a lot now turning into clean energy , so really I don't think its as big as actually making plastic which can cause pollution from factories AND plastic that is hard to discard....


Oct 27, 2017
one of these things is not like the others

srsly, subscription is a purchase method
physical, download, and streaming are all delivery mechanisms

we have subscription products for all three categories

physical = gamefly
download = gamepass
download + streaming = ps now

confusing streaming and subscription is going to make you sad and confused, probably already did reading the stadia threads


Oct 27, 2017
Digital download for online-only GaaS things since the game is unplayable without its servers and playerbase anyway, physical for everything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Anything but streaming. The games I play simply don't work well streamed.