
Oct 25, 2017
I'm about to beat it for the second time, then I'm going for the platinum. I feel very comfortable putting it on the same pedestal as Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
It's a really beautiful game but the repetitive level geometry and messy layouts kill it for me.

Glad I'm not the only one. What bothered me the most (on top of being repetitive) is how simple the terrain geometry is. There are never any slopes or curves. If you were to strip out the art and see only the terrain collision, all you'd see is rectangles with 90 degree angles. Even Super Metroid had plenty of slopes and curves.


Oct 30, 2017
Glad I'm not the only one. What bothered me the most (on top of being repetitive) is how simple the terrain geometry is. There are never any slopes or curves. If you were to strip out the art and see only the terrain collision, all you'd see is rectangles with 90 degree angles. Even Super Metroid had plenty of slopes and curves.
This is one of those criticisms that always lacked teeth to me. It's like someone simply noticed that there are a lot of right angles in Hallownest and called it a flaw simply because they noticed it. I think one would have a tough time displaying how the areas in the game are repetitive simply because there isn't a hill. Joseph Anderson tried in his review and ultimately wasn't convincing.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of those criticisms that always lacked teeth to me. It's like someone simply noticed that there are a lot of right angles in Hallownest and called it a flaw simply because they noticed it. I think one would have a tough time displaying how the areas in the game are repetitive simply because there isn't a hill. Joseph Anderson tried in his review and ultimately wasn't convincing.
Yeah I have to agree. Curves would add variety to the platform shapes I suppose, but there is already such a vast variety of diversity to engage with, I don't really see how adding a slope would be the deciding factor to take an environment from boring to interesting.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
How can someone listed as a "Game Designer" have such terrible opinions regarding game design?


Oct 25, 2017
Google how to get all the map items, make that your priority, use them.

Personally, I LOVE how it makes you wander through uncharted territory before you find the map of the region. It heavily adds to the atmosphere.
Oct 27, 2017
I just picked up Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I had to put the game down after 5 mins because it wasn't clear which direction I should go.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't try to force yourself to like something you don't like.

This is great advice. No matter how great or well reviewed a game is, how much hype it has or positive posts about it, or how many other games you like that share the same genre - not every game is for everyone, and it's ok to not enjoy or like a game others find great.

The biggest reason by large to dislike this game is the length and map system. But as crazy as it sounds, that's also one of the reasons why people do really like the game - for every few complaints about the length or confusing map system there's someone saying how they loved it.

And that's true of every game ever made. There's no perfect or "best" game, a game someone doesn't hate or can't get in to or find enjoyable.


Nov 20, 2017
Glad I'm not the only one. What bothered me the most (on top of being repetitive) is how simple the terrain geometry is. There are never any slopes or curves. If you were to strip out the art and see only the terrain collision, all you'd see is rectangles with 90 degree angles. Even Super Metroid had plenty of slopes and curves.
I don't feel like this detracts from the game much given the degree to which those flat surfaces are used to facilitate wall jumps and dashing and super dashing. There's a pretty robust traversal system built around the simple and predictable geometry, which makes it possible to experiment with exploiting those systems to enhance exploration and combat.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
Don't try to force yourself to like something you don't like.
I research a lot of games in order to better understand their appeal. This is a mix of playing them, watching videos about them, and listening to podcast coverage.

It's not about forcing myself to like something, but trying to appreciate the best aspects of the game.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

I was one of those people who bought Hollow Knight when it first came out on Switch and bounced right off of it
over and over and over

well after posting in this thread and noticing Hollow Knight was on GamePass, I thought I'd just give it one last go
to see if it'd click, against all odds.


yeah, uh, it clicked. (yeah, that says nine hours, don't judge me. first time I binged on a game so hard in nearly a decade.) The more I play, the more HK inches closer to Super Metroid's throne. I don't know how my approach or mindset changed that I suddenly found myself in love with a game that I had tried so hard but ultimately failed to even enjoy before. It just happened.
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Oct 27, 2017
Such a great game. I really would suggest using a map (like the one posted) and consulting a wiki to figure out the more cryptic items and things in the game. I did that and think it's one of the best games ever made. It really didn't spoil it much for me. Exploration was still fun and beating the bosses is so satisfying.


Oct 25, 2017
This game.....I love it

I hate it...

everything about this game is designed to subvert all of my bad gamer tendencies and ingrained overdone habits.

I thought I was in a safe place, a nice place but no...the game says you shall have no reprieve....I thought I could trust some NPCs.....but no the game says fuck you when you need their trust the most...I thought some characters would be safe from the sadness...but no....the game is a pit of despair and sadness....

I will destroy this game and all that it has done to me....