
Apr 27, 2018
People saying seek medical advice if you have a single nose bleed are you serious. As if Doctors aren't busy enough.


Oct 25, 2017
I can count the number of nosebleeds I've had in my life on one hand. Ten a month sounds like you indeed need to visit a doctor.


Feb 20, 2020
Lmao you amateurs. I usually get one a day in the winter months, sometimes multiple a day

I go in for one nosepick and it's a cascade of blood


Oct 26, 2017
Ya'll nose bleeders need to see a doc, it is not normal. It's dry af here in the winter and I don't know anyone with regular nosebleeds.
It's normal, just not common. I was the only person in my entire high school that had the issue. I went to the doctor and I don't remember what the exact diagnosis/cause of them were but he said something along the lines of, they could cauterize it IF they weren't stopping when treated normally after a few minutes, which mine were, so I just lived with them for about 5-10 years or so and then they went away. It's a minor inconvenience and embarrassment to have to stuff a square of TP up your nose for a few minutes a few times a week, but it wasn't a serious medical issue


Oct 27, 2017
10 a month?! I've probably had 10ish in my life all due to very direct blunt trauma. See a doctor.
I get them due to either getting excessively hot in the summer (despite being hydrated and wearing loose clothing) or when my nose is extremely dry (usually in the fall/winter) after blowing my nose a ton.

They've lessened over the years but even after telling my doctors, they told me that there wasn't much to do since they were infrequent enough for the most part.

Funny enough, I was already anemic despite the nosebleeds (my body really just doesn't make enough) & I'm iron-deficient.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was young I'd get nosebleeds like every week. Haven't had one in probably over a decade now. Not sure what happened.


Oct 29, 2017
In the world of differential diagnoses for frequent nose bleeds, a graphics, gaming and animation forum is likely to offer little in the way of diagnostic utility beyond personal experiences, friendly advice and educated guesses. It's good you're seeing a GP/physician because that's the best line of call for physical examination, any potentail referrals and piece of mind. Good luck.

Jason Frost

Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to make you afraid, but it could be really serious, something like leukemia.

Don't waste time and go see a doctor if you can.


Oct 27, 2017
I would get them when I was younger because of allergies. Haven't gotten one since the third grade though. Even then it was maybe 1 every year. Maybe. You should get that looked at.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's normal-ish, OP. I suffered from frequent nosebleeds (1-2 a week) in my teens and early 20s and then they randomly just stopped. Nothing caused them, they would just happen out of nowhere and I'd have to race for a tissue or some TP to stuff up there to stop them, then I'd pull a giant rope of clotted blood out of there 10 minutes later. Saw a doctor about it and they told me there was nothing I could do about it. It's definitely not a super common thing tho, so I get why everybody else in this thread is freaking out about it.

Same exact situation. Started randomly when I was about 17 and stopped altogether a couple years later.

Had one go off in the middle of a Calculus test once... that was unfortunate.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 26 and cannot remember the last time I had a nose bleed. Probably when I was a kid and got hurt playing or something.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
My bro-in-law is on acne medicine and in the winter he's getting constant nose bleeds. The acne meds dry his skin out to the max, and combined with weather like we have now it's rough for nose bleeds.


Oct 28, 2017
Depends on context. For example, I was splattered by a camper can was I was wee and smashed my nose to fuck and suffered from frequent nose bleeds for ages afterwards.

10 nose bleeds a month for no apparent reason is definitely something you should go to a doctor about, even if it sounds like it's probably a blood vessel.


Feb 22, 2019
I used to always get nosebleeds as a kid. I also watched the X-files.
So when scullys nose bleeds were related to brain cancer it really freaked me out. I believe its what started my mild hypochondria.


Oct 26, 2017
If it's a regular thing and you don't know why they happen you should see a doctor.

With the cold and dry air it's probably just a weak blood vessel but if it's not it's something you want to have looked at.

Arctic Chris

Dec 5, 2017
Ottawa Canada
I have watched a lot of super hero movies so I am a bit of an expert here. Nose bleeds are are a sign that you are pushing yourself too hard and you should only continue if you are saving the world.

The Omega Man

Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Both of my kids are nose bleeders, usually for a couple weeks, 2 o 3 times a week twice a year, like a clock when it gets super hot or in winter.
They have been seen by their pediatrician multiple times and she was never worried or concerned about it, she said many kids are like that, also the bleed usually stops in 10 minutes or less, only if it becomes too frequent and more than once a day or it takes more than 10 minutes to stop then those blood vessels should be cauterized.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
My 6 year old gets frequent nosebleeds and docs say its normal. Frequent as in, at least once every month or so. I dont know what to think.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My little bro used to get like 1 every other day, ended up getting his blood vessels cauterized which still didn't help. Eventually it just stopped as he got older, it was weird.

Anyways, is it 10ish every month or just more recently?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 17, 2017
I used to get them a lot as a result of having naturally very dry nasal passages.
Oct 31, 2017
Try sleeping with a humidifier and see if that makes a difference.

For some odd reason I have the most sensitive nose on Earth and the second that the humidity is a tad low my nostrils will be dry as fuck and I'll get a nose bleed

just yesterday my nose was bleeding for like 10 mins (def not longest one I've had)


Nov 4, 2017
Depends. I used to have them once a day for a couple years, then they slowed down and have picked back up recently after I moved to a much drier climate. I fuck with my nose all the time sadly so that is one reason why too. I essentially don't let my nose repair itself enough and it's an almost daily battle.

I haven't gone to a doc specifically for it in awhile but I can breathe fine and my blood counts are all normal. It's annoying but I don't see a cause for concern OP unless there are new symptoms present that are persistent as well.


Oct 25, 2017
My problem is I have a very dry house, so I go all day with a scabbed up nose that ends up coming loose.

Feels bad man.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I don't think they are normal.
If you haven't been told why that is happening, then it could anything from an infection, to high blood pressure to Liver Problems.
Get it checked out and make sure you are healthy.


Oct 28, 2017
My son gets them in winter/cold weather overnight if we don't have his humidifier on. I've heard it's a thing for modern houses to get really low humidity sometimes.


Oct 10, 2018
I used to get one every other day in high school. Tested positive with tuberculosis. Took medicine for 9 months til it went away.

I mean that's how it was for me, but I understand other people just have different nasal passages built differently and get them when it's too dry or whatever.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I wouldn't worry so much about the frequency but rather if they don't stop.

I had one that lasted 3 hours as a kid, passing blood clots the size of my fist.. I ended up having to have my nose cauterized to stop the bleeding.

I've got allergies and a deviated septum. I'm contemplating fixing it, but y'know Covid and elective surgeries.


Oct 30, 2017
Ya'll nose bleeders need to see a doc, it is not normal. It's dry af here in the winter and I don't know anyone with regular nosebleeds.
It's pretty normal, but as others have said it's just not super common. Some people have conditions that make it happen more frequently, and they can be as boing as thinner nasal passage walls.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Having that much in a month is not normal at all. Go see your doctor. The last time I had a nosebleed was when I was like 10 or 12.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One. I've never had a nosebleed in my life, so if I had one I'd be pretty alarmed


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017


But in serious, 10 is way too many in a month. You should get the checked out.

Poor choice:
