How long are your gaming sessions?

  • 0 - 1 hour

    Votes: 174 17.9%
  • 1 - 3 hours

    Votes: 649 66.9%
  • 3 - 5

    Votes: 187 19.3%
  • 5 - 10

    Votes: 72 7.4%
  • 10 - 15

    Votes: 11 1.1%
  • 15 - 24 is this a hardcore gaming forum or not?

    Votes: 4 0.4%

  • Total voters


Mar 20, 2020
3/5 usually but if it's a game I really want to play I tend to binge 7+


Oct 28, 2017
Weekend 3-5
Weekday 1-3

I think your poll should have had more realistic options.
~30 mins
~1 hour
~2-3 hours
~3-5 hours


Oct 25, 2017
30min to 2 hours.

If I've gone past 2, then it's not healthy because I'm neglecting my physical health. Forgetting to eat, to take a break, avoiding my tasks.
Oct 30, 2017
I usually play a few hours over the course of a day. I take very regular breaks though.
I'll take a 10 minute break every 40 minutes or so. Go make a cuppa, have a pee or just walk around for a bit.


Nov 4, 2017
Obviously depend on the game, but I find that a session rarely exceeds 3 hours anymore. Gone are the days of playing 8 hour sessions...Perhaps for the best


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I can get 3-4 hours every night pretty much. During the day is a mixed bag between an hour and like 3 depending on what's going on.


Oct 25, 2017
Usually about 1-1.5 hrs, just kinda depends on when I wake up for the day. I wake up between 5-6:30 and I play til about 7. I play almost every morning.

If I wake up after 6:30 I usually don't bother. Although with my new console I have started fitting in smaller sessions since I don't spend so much time watching loading screens.

I feel like the poll could use a 1-2 hr option, that's probably where most people lie. 0-1 or 1-3 is a pretty significant difference.
Oct 27, 2017
Usually 30 mins to 1 hour at a time. Every so often I'll get a free day with nothing going on and can fit in a 2-3 hour session, but those days are few and far between lol


Oct 29, 2017
On an ordinary work week: Usually between 1-2 hours on weekdays, sometimes less. Weekends range wildly between 2 and 5-ish would be my guess.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Usually 1-3.

Lately with new-gen consoles, been dumping 4-6 hours at a time. But this isn't my usual behavior, it's just me honeymooning with the new consoles.
Jan 9, 2018
Somewhere between 0-2 hours. I just don't have the mental stamina for it anymore. On the weekends I'll take breaks for a few hours then try again though.


Oct 27, 2017
Usually 1-3 hours is all I can fit in the evenings or weekends, but I may have made some questionable life choices lately due to Hades. Ahem. Who needs sleep?

(I presume we're taking into account stopping for bathroom breaks, food, showers, etc! I think the longest I've played a game without taking a break is about 2 hours, 2 1/2 hours on the rare occasion.)


Jan 15, 2019
How long is rope?

There's a pandemic so there's not much going on in the world right now which I previously did or attended so I'm usually sat at home. Also due to said pandemic I don't have my job since I was working in events and the economy shit the bed.
Oct 25, 2017
It depends. Generally like 2-3 hours a day, but on my day off it can be more. If a game really grabs me it can be my entire day off.

Like, yesterday I spent like 10 hours straight finishing Trails of Cold Steel IV.


Feb 10, 2019
I don't play the game 24/7 but if I am it's not gonna be for 30 minutes usually. Not the get a quick match in type of guy, I'll destroy noobs online when I got the free time to do so 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Nov 26, 2017
It all depends. I can't game 2-3 nights a week. I rarely pick up a game for less than an hour. I guess I kinda shoot for 4 hours.

Lately, I've been spending all my time making myself comfortable to play the game rather than playing them.


Oct 27, 2017
It really depends on the game.

I play Final Fantasy XIV a lot, and so whenever my statics (raid groups) have a session, we're usually there for three hours. That's a couple times a week.

Then you have other games I generally play anywhere between ten minutes and two hours. For example, an easily digestible game like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 I can pick up for ten to twenty minutes, then there are JRPGs like Persona 5 I can sink 2+ hours into. I definitely feel like I put a lot less time into a single session than ever before, though.


Oct 28, 2017
Kids in bed at seven. Usually I do some coding or studying until my wife is done with her studies or other activities. We watch something together or just sit and talk, when she heads off to bed I usually get an hour or two with the controller. Then I join her. I don't even think it's possible anymore for me to spend a day infront of a game.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Lately I've been playing pretty much exclusively MP games that have relatively short rounds and thus don't require a big time commitment, so my gaming sessions last about an hour.


Nov 13, 2017
Shorter than I would like to, but being a father and a husband is so time consuming. Probably less than an hour, unless I cheat and play late at night or early in the morning


Oct 27, 2017
Washington State
Typically a couple hours before I start to get tired and gotta take a break. Occasionally I'll play longer sessions if a game grips me and I got nothing else to do that day.


Jun 20, 2018
Before the ps5 and série x , 1 hour haha now since in november i didn't work....i play like 5 hours ? It's my first time in my life playing this much !
I m going to begin work wednesday so it's going to be again one or two x)


Oct 27, 2017
Like 40-90 minutes, unless it's a new From game or some JRPG I've been waiting years for. Then it can get to disgusting levels.


Oct 30, 2017
Being a parent to two children, 3 and 5 years old, I seldom find the time to play anything except in the evenings when they are sleeping. And during that time, especially during working days, I am too tired to play more than 30-60 minutes. If I even get the time for that as there are stuff that needs to be done before I can sit down and relax.

Weekends though the sessions can be 1-2 hours. So for me it takes quite some time to play through the games I want to play making it hard to play more than the usual Sony exclusives or a couple of other games I want(ed) to play. And since I haven't got a PS5 yet I now have the time to finally catch up to SW: Jedi Fallen Order.

It's not like 10+ years ago when I could play a couple of hours a day if I wanted. I both miss and don't miss those times... :P


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
1-3 hours most of the time.
But sometimes (when my wife is at work on Saturday) I game 8 hours with my buddies.


Apr 19, 2020
I typically only play games when I stream and I like to stream from 3-5 hours most days.

This is typically how I feel as well. Most of my gaming time is saved for streaming, as I'm able to at least share the experience with my viewers. When I was younger I could play on my own, but nowadays being able to share moments is a lot more satisfying than celebrating solo.


Dec 1, 2017
With less overall free time these days, I usually go overboard when I find the time to game, which is mostly on weekends. So I could go for 3-5 hours, maybe (hopefully!) more too.

It's true what they say, when you're a kid you have so much time but so little money to buy games, but it's the opposite when you're older (just turned 30! fuck me). Back then I'd put in like at least the same amount probably EVERY SINGLE DAY. I still remember when seeing the sun come up was the signal that it's time to sleep. And back then I could function with like 3 hours of sleep no problem. Fuck getting old, man.


Oct 27, 2017
I mainly play at weekends doing 5-10 hour sessions, during the week I mostly don't feel like gaming after work. I usually don't bother booting up a game if I don't have at least 3 hours at hand.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
If I average everything, probably 1-3. But my World of WarCraft sessions can be all fucking day when the conditions are just right.


Oct 27, 2017
I aim for 1 hour occasionally stretching to 2 if I'm really into it. Any longer and I really want to get up and move. It's been that way all my life, never been into marathon sessions and it bothers me if I lose track of time.


Oct 25, 2017
5-10 nowadays during quarantine. Was 1-3 during weeknights when I had to commute for work.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
It all depends from a game I'm playing, but in a last few months it's been usually 1-2 hours per session for me.


The Fallen
Nov 10, 2017
Depends on the game tbh, If its a Story driven game like any ND ones then prolly like 8-10 hrs. If its a grinder like Destiny then probably more or less depending on the day of the week. If its Cod then prolly 4-5 hrs cuz my eyes start to water when I play it for longer than 4-5 hrs(yeah i know it doesnt happen in other games). If its a From Software then I limit myself to 2 hrs cuz if I get stuck on a boss then ill frustrate my self and ill come to hate the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Before quarantine? 1-2 hours. During? Depends on how busy I am. Usually 2-3 hours before I go read, exercise, or start looking for employment.

Deleted member 50374

alt account
Dec 4, 2018
With less overall free time these days, I usually go overboard when I find the time to game, which is mostly on weekends. So I could go for 3-5 hours, maybe (hopefully!) more too.

It's true what they say, when you're a kid you have so much time but so little money to buy games, but it's the opposite when you're older (just turned 30! fuck me). Back then I'd put in like at least the same amount probably EVERY SINGLE DAY. I still remember when seeing the sun come up was the signal that it's time to sleep. And back then I could function with like 3 hours of sleep no problem. Fuck getting old, man.
Kids today with Gamepass and PSNow and shit are gonna have the time of their lives every single day, ffs


Dec 6, 2018
Was 5 or more 10 years ago, then I got a little burn out of playing in general.

Then started being 0-1 in 2018

Stabilized 1-3 at recent times

And I wish I could go much more, I'm married now and I'm working like a horse my "free" time isn't because I either have to study or do some activity she wants (not inherit a bad thing).
I immerse fast into games because I want to decompress, if I could I would play over 5h again a session.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Generally 3-5 hours.

I mostly play online multiplayer games. It's hard to just 'come off' when your friends keep rotating in and out of the party. Just when I think I'm out for the night another friend will hop on and I feel like I should stay a while since they've just arrived. Just a couple more games...


Oct 25, 2017
Usually 1-3 hours, if the game is really good and I get sucked in then 5-10 hours.