Super Mario Galaxy isn't the first game to include
- gravity based gameplay
- OR planetoid platforming
- OR aiming a floating pointer
- OR shooting mechanics
- OR orchestrated music
- OR dynamic music shifting
- OR one-off gimmick levels
- OR perspective-shifting from 3d to 2d during gameplay
- OR triple jumps and wall kicks
- OR 120 stars
- OR Super Mario
X platformer developer over here is pointing to Galaxy as the inspiration for their game's space-themed planetoid gameplay, dynamic music implementation, triple jump/wall kick movement options, gravity mechanics, and mustached main character.
Forum user notes the stark similarity to Galaxy, reflected later by the developer's own statement on the matter, noted above.
And so my question is this...why does Galaxy get credit? And not Sonic Adventure, Ratchet and Clank, Yoshi's Island, Red Steel, Banjo Kazooie, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Clash at Demonhead, Battletoads, Klonoa, Crash Bandicoot, or even Super Mario Sunshine? Galaxy wasn't the first game in which any of these individual features or ideas were invented, after all.