How does Xenoblade Chronicles 3 compare to other games in the series?

  • It's the best one

    Votes: 445 44.2%
  • It's the worst one

    Votes: 79 7.8%
  • Better than 1, worse than 2

    Votes: 148 14.7%
  • Better than 2, worse than 1

    Votes: 175 17.4%
  • X is the best I cry from the deepest, darkest hole

    Votes: 160 15.9%

  • Total voters


Jul 25, 2021
2 has a terrible first half and a really strong back half
3 has a good start, a great middle, and a thoroughly mediocre last stretch of the game.
1 probably still remains overall the most even game, even if the highs of 2 or 3 might be higher, it doesn't have any lows as bad as either of those games too.

Also you're not gonna get reasonable answers now. Need to wait a year or so and then ask the question.

3's music is...a choice. I don't really like. It's obviously technically very good, but prefer the prior titles.
3 also has with no exaggeration some of the worst villains in any JRPG. Literally I could see being game-ruining stuff for some people.
Game has very little emphasis on lore or backstory so that could be an issue if that's what you liked about 1 or 2.
Sidequests are finally good! Sort of in line with X but many more of them and not as much at the expense of the main story. Massive amount of side content, a lot of it which feels basically not optional.
Characters are finally all actually characters and generally likeable.

It was probably my favorite of the series until like 70% of the way through the game and up there with all the other JRPG classics, at which point it ended up being a good game with some compromises and caveats, like basically all the other titles Monolith has ever put out. Though the quantity of weaknesses is probably lower, a lot of the occur in the final stretch of the game and for me brought down the overall experience.


Oct 27, 2017
I am 40 hours in.
So far it's the worst.
Chapter two is so boring, I almost stopped playing.
Soundtrack is weak compared to the others, not a single memorable track.
Leveldesign feels too simple.
I also I miss such beautiful moments, like when at nightfall elements of the environment begin to glow.
Chapter 3 is where the game really gets going, the levels start being more open and complex etc. I'd give it at least another chapter.

/edit: I guess at 40 hours you're past it already.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda like...
if 2 is a 10/10 OST
and 1 is a 9.5/10
then 3 commits the sin of being....9/10
Yeh despite the issues I have with 2, its soundtrack is just incredible.

Tantal field music is a contender for best track in a JRPG of all time.

3 is less immediate, but as you say it's the difference between perfect and great.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Sep 17, 2020
2(+Torna) = 3 > 1 > X

Not a major difference between them for me, all are 10/10 games for me.


Oct 27, 2017
30 hours in. Cast is great. I'd say better or equal to XC1. Story is alright but I'm still fairly early in. Combat is massively better than either XC1 or 2. So far for me it is better than XC2 but not yet surpasses XC1 which I'd consider a masterpiece. Hopefully it continues to improve story-wise as I get further into the game because the gameplay is absolutely top notch.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
2 > 3 > 1

I haven't played X yet so it'll probs change the rankings. I think 1 is mediocre AF so it'll at least rank above that I'm sure.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I'm early on (11 hours in, nearly done with chapter 2 I think) but right now it feels like the worst one.

Environments so far are completely unremarkable, the story hasn't done anything interesting yet and the villains are terrible, controlling 1 party member out of 6 makes it feel like it may as well just auto battle, and the music may as well not exist.

Idk maybe it'll get better but it hasn't started strong at all.


Jan 6, 2018
For me personally

3 is the most polished game. Most everything with it makes sense. The fewest lows of any game in the series. If you like JRPGs it's a must play

As far as my series order

X > 2> 3 = Torna > 1

X is a divisive game that you either love or hate based on being in the world (XC3 is also like this to some extent) but X starts with its pedal hard to the floor and asks you to ride that momentum 200 hours of grinding and potato jokes. It has the same affinity character structure as 3 but done worse… it also has Skells and Elma.

2. I really connected with 2s characters more so than any others in the series, the pirate theme and different take on your "JRPG god" felt really fresh to me. There are some problematic things that justify skipping it. Mostly around the character Poppi

Torna. Has Lora and adds context to XC2. Liked Rex a whole lot more after having to suffer through Adam. Improved battle system
Never clicked with me but many swear by it.

1. Your classic JRPG straight A student. Can't go wrong. Knows what it is and does it well. Personally wasn't really feeling it as much as others were but it's still an 8/10 JRPG to me

Mad Gamer 64

Nov 6, 2017
I'm only on chapter 5 of XC3 so far but I would say better than 1 and not quite up there with 2 for me. Still plenty of game left for that to change though.


Nov 15, 2018
I'm on chapter 6 and it's easily better than the 1 and 2

Better cast of characters
Has better sidequests than 1 (were those even sidequests or just timewasters?) and 2

A gem crafting system that's easy to understand (looking at 1, what the fuck was even that?)

The soundtrack is completely subjective but it's not a bad ost, it's just very different tone than 1 and 2. It's less bombastic and adventurous, and more somber and mellow. These are characters that have a finite lifespan on a war torn world and have only known about war and battles since they were born. Soundtrack completely fits with the tone of the story.

The best battle system in the series.

If I were to rank them right now it'd be 3>2>1
Feb 15, 2019
2 > 3 > 1 to me so far.

3's combat is a big step down from 2 to me. Crit Mythra build is easily the most fun combat style of all 3. The fact that if you do even a little exploring and you're overleveled already even without using bonus exp and the class and heroes mechanic meaning that once you get overleveled which is incredibly easy to do, you can also barely level/learn those classes unless you decide to go looking for enemies of your lvl and then you get even more overleveled. Horribly contradictive systems if you even decide to engage with side content.

The characters are generally better and get more focus and Eunie is the best character in the entire franchise but the focus on character means the story kind of suffered to me at least from chapters 2-5.

The ost is also worse than 2. The battle theme is great but other than that I've not been wowed so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Better than 1, worse than 2, but doing some things better than both and some things worse than both


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see the poll being correct on this one!

I'm early on (11 hours in, nearly done with chapter 2 I think) but right now it feels like the worst one.

Environments so far are completely unremarkable, the story hasn't done anything interesting yet and the villains are terrible, controlling 1 party member out of 6 makes it feel like it may as well just auto battle, and the music may as well not exist.

Idk maybe it'll get better but it hasn't started strong at all.
You will soon be able to switch party members during battle, and the game will open up greatly.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Good to see the poll being correct on this one!

You will soon be able to switch party members during battle, and the game will open up greatly.
I can switch already but I don't see the point? It's just whack a mole pressing attacks as they come off cooldown. The AI does it for 5, I do it for 1. May as well just let the AI do it for all 6 and sit back and enjoy.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
For those saying 1 is really good, can you let me know when it gets interesting? I'm playing it for my first time (DE) and I just got to the part after you get out of the mine with the Xord and Dunban and the other guy (he's Dunban's friend?) joins for that one fight against all the mechon.

It hasn't been boring necessarily but it feels kinda mid so far, I've been playing with walk speed at 1.5 (mod) and have been focusing on the critical path and only doing side quests that happen to be on the way. I kept hearing great things about it so I'm trying to give it a fair shake.

This is my first XB game btw so nothing to compare it to


Oct 25, 2017
For those saying 1 is really good, can you let me know when it gets interesting? I'm playing it for my first time (DE) and I just got to the part after you get out of the mine with the Xord and Dunban and the other guy (he's Dunban's friend?) joins for that one fight against all the mechon.

It hasn't been boring necessarily but it feels kinda mid so far, I've been playing with walk speed at 1.5 (mod) and have been focusing on the critical path and only doing side quests that happen to be on the way. I kept hearing great things about it so I'm trying to give it a fair shake.

This is my first XB game btw so nothing to compare it to
Right where you're at is actually where I thought the game "picked up" the first time I played it.


Oct 25, 2017
I can switch already but I don't see the point? It's just whack a mole pressing attacks as they come off cooldown. The AI does it for 5, I do it for 1. May as well just let the AI do it for all 6 and sit back and enjoy.
That's a super reductive perspective that could be applied to so many games lol. Ai controlled parry members doesn't take away the fact direct control matters.

It's nothing like that, imo, maybe try playing on hard if you're finding it too easy?


Nov 12, 2017
I haven't beaten X3 yet (chapter 5) but the story and soundtrack are definitely weaker than 1 and 2. The story will likely get better by the end but so far I'm more fond of 2 and especially 1. Unfortunately I won't be going back to 3's OST much if at all compared to 1 and 2 which have legendary OSTs. I also think X has a much better OST.

That said X3 might be my favorite to actually play, next to 1, which I haven't touched in a long time so I don't remember enough to compare. I'm over 100 hours in X3 and I haven't gotten tired of playing it. I enjoy exploring the world, taking down UMs, flipping between classes, and the sidequests are my favorite of 1 and 2. All the sidequests in 2 put me to sleep. Around 100 hours I was getting tired of X2.

X1 might be the most well rounded. So probably 1 > 3 > 2.


Dec 30, 2017
2 > 3 > 1

1 is the game that started it all and that set the framework for the Xenoblade series. It has the best setting in the series, but everything else has been outdone in the following titles.

2 can be pretty rough around the edges, but it has a lot of heart. It has the best main story, battle system, environments and the best music. Also the cast is excellent, even though I'm still debating whether I like it more or less that 3's cast. Chapter 10 is a peak that neither 1 and 3 have reached. If you add Torna into the mix then this is a knockout winner imho.

3 has excellent sidequests/world building and probably the best character interactions in a jrpg. The fact that the party is together since the very start of the game (well, almost) helps a lot.

All in all a fantastic trilogy, they are all excellent games and I would recommend everyone to play all of them.


Feb 21, 2022

Gameplay is king, so 1 falls behind.

I actually like 3's OST more than 2. They may not be as energetic or catchy in the moment, but I find it more pleasant to listen to in the background when I'm doing something else.

3 has the best technical chops, but 2's Uraya is still the most beautiful Xenoblade location.


Feb 6, 2019
I'm at Chapter 6 with 87 hours and I feel XC3 is the best one by far.

It has the best cast, best gameplay, best sidequests and it's the best "game" because of how polished it feels. Music is completely subjective, but I feel isn't inferior to XC1 or XC2 music. The only thing that I feel that atm isn't as good as XC2, is the villains. They're okay but I feel they're not going to be as good as Jin/Malos, which were the best thing about XC2.

My grades for the games are:

XC1: 9.0
XC2: 8.5 (It becomes 9.0 with Torna)
XC3: 9.8/10

No opinion on X, I haven't been able to play it :c
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Oct 25, 2017
I think this game is very much worth playing, OP. If I were not yet familiar with the Xenoblade series I would start with the Definitive Edition of the original on Switch but otherwise then Xenoblade 3 is a great game to get right now. I have yet to determine whether 3 is better than the sum of its parts (I think 3 is "objectively" better when picking it apart and comparing to the others) but it'll have to all come together in the end for me to see it as superior to the first game. Both are better than 2 and X imo.


Oct 26, 2017
I have yet to finish chapter 7, but for the most part I think I had a better experience with 2 even if there is no denying they made numerous improvement with 3 ( some of them with negative side effects imho ).

While I like the story I ended up disliking the setting ( even if I do understand that it serve the story ), the map feel too.. "boring" for a lack of better world, cities > colonies ( visualy speaking, at least colonies are better populated with interesting npc ), even the character/heroes end up too similar looking because most of them are limited to a 2 faction template.

OST doesn't seems to have anything I like as much as Counterattack or Drifting Soul.

While battles are better balanced than they were in XC2, it comes at the cost of lisibility and chain attacks while slightly less OP than blade combo ( or more like, you can achieve more outside of chain attack than you could outside of blade combo ) at least on Hard, but those lengthy chain attack really kill the rythm of battles much more than blade combo did.

I'm extremely happy I have an hacked switch which allowed me to unlock leveling down, because while the class system being based on quest is much better than the RNG of the blade system from XC2, both because it make those characters more interesting and we avoid the RNG; it also absolutely kill the game progression/difficulty by chapter 3-4 if you like any semblance of difficulty. I'd also say that the whole system is made in a way that lead to some FOMO where you are constantly switching class "just in case it might be usefull down the line", which ultimately mean I never got to be really invested in any of them.

So for me : 2 > 3 > 1 > X
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Oct 27, 2017
Xenoblade 1 will never be not impressive for how much it got right, especially considering Monolith's situation at the time, but Xenoblade 3 is overall the best for me.


Oct 19, 2018
Each game really are its own thing to me. While 3 this the most polished game of them bunch yet and did something better than previous entries, it also did something worse than previous entries at the same time (and some of this are pretty critical for Xenoblade experience, to me at least). A bit hard to place. Still pretty banger game series tho, No ill will toward it.

Now talk about the music tho, i do enjoy Xc2 take on somber song quite a bit more. That game set of soundtrack is so incredibly well-round.

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Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's weird, I like 3's soundtrack more than 2 but not quite as much as 1. 2's soundtrack kinda felt like a lot of the tracks were just "It's like that one track from 1, but different" and I just prefer 1's "version" for most of them, probably because I heard them first if we're begin honest. 3 in comparison feels much more like it's own thing, not just in the environmental music either, but even some of the battle music, there's nothing really comparable to Vs. Moebius in 1 or 2 for example.


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't beaten it yet, but it's easily better than 2 so far. doubt it will beat 1 in the 3end but that doesn't matter.

That said I am disappointed in the graphics. 1 was a masterpiece considering the platform it released on. X was arguably better looking game than BoTW and it pushed the system. 2 and 3 might have better character designs, but the world and environments are downgrades coming form X. Really not sure why.

There isn't even one moment where the environment made me say wow in my 90 hours of play which is a shame because that was a big factor in 1 and X.


Oct 25, 2017
3 > X > 1 >= 2

I think 3 is far and away the best Xenoblade, when taking everything into consideration.

X was my first entry into the series and 3 scratches a lot of those itches, while improving everything else considerably. They addressed almost all of the shortcomings of previous titles and delivered a real masterpiece with 3. I enjoyed the main story but the side content is where this game truly shines. Best characters and NPCs out of all of them too.

That said, every game in the Xenoblade series have been bangers and I have a deep fondness for every entry, especially 2. Monoliths output is absolutely insane and the way they deliver such ambitious games every few years is nothing short of a miracle. I appreciate them trying new things in every game and hope they continue that tradition.

Cant wait to see where they take the series next. Hopefully back to Mira!


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
1 > 2 > 3

I'm in the middle of the huge chapter 5 at the moment and I don't really see my opinion changing. Xeno 3 is still a good game, but it's just less good than 1 and 2. (I never played X).

I just don't enjoy the story and characters in 3, so far, as much as the other games.

Exploration was also much more rewarding in 1 and 2 in terms of atmosphere and discovery. The repetition of monsters from previous titles also hurts 3 quite a bit in my opinion, there's so much less creativity with all the recycled monsters and only in chapter 5 did new aquatic life start to pop up.

The music in 3, while good, is nowhere near as ear-catching as in the other two titles.

I can't help but be slightly disappointed in 3 overall.

3 is also the most broken-ass games I've ever played in terms of balance. They didn't even try this time and it's far worse than the other games, especially because you can't level down during a first run. If you even look at side content you'll steam roll the main plot. Hard mode is not a good fix, because everything is just the most boring damage sponge shit imaginable = pure tedium, in which case I'd just choose to steam roll the game on normal mode, ungratifying as it may be.
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Jan 16, 2020
Xenoblade 1 will never be not impressive for how much it got right, especially considering Monolith's situation at the time, but Xenoblade 3 is overall the best for me.

Even though I do think Xeno 3 is the strongest one of the bunch, I can't get over how incredible it was to play a game as gigantic and ambitious as XB1 on the freaking Wii

I can only assume this is how people felt when they played X on the Wii U


Apr 28, 2021

Probably should wait to ask people after the recency bias has worn off imo.

But anyway, XC3, like all the Xenoblade games has a lot of problems, but what it excels in overshadows a lot of those issues, but they're still issues, especially for me. I honestly think XC3 has the weakest start of the series, mainly due to the horrible tutorials. Even after the game opens up the environments in XC3 never really wowed me like in the previous games. The soundtrack is really good but still a step down from XC1 and especially XC2. And the story peaks at the end of chapter 5/beginning of chapter 6, and while nothing after that is bad the story began to drag for me. Also the villains (outside of a single character) just plain suck. Even the main villain. But XC3 also has a fantastic cast, a great battle system, the best side quests in the series and a great story (to a point) so even with all my complaints it's still the second favorite Xenoblade game.

But Xenoblade 2 is still my favorite. Yes it has it's fair share of problems, probably more than any other Xenoblade game, but what it excels in for me more than makes up it's faults and is one of my all time favorite games. The environments, the battle system, the story, my favorite Xenoblade cast, the fucking music, the side content, and the Torna dlc? Peak shit. After finishing XC3 I went back to XC2 and it was like wrapping myself in a warm blanket.


Oct 25, 2017

Probably should wait to ask people after the recency bias has worn off imo.

But anyway, XC3, like all the Xenoblade games has a lot of problems, but what it excels in overshadows a lot of those issues, but they're still issues, especially for me. I honestly think XC3 has the weakest start of the series, mainly due to the horrible tutorials. Even after the game opens up the environments in XC3 never really wowed me like in the previous games. The soundtrack is really good but still a step down from XC1 and especially XC2. And the story peaks at the end of chapter 5/beginning of chapter 6, and while nothing after that is bad the story began to drag for me. Also the villains (outside of a single character) just plain suck. Even the main villain. But XC3 also has a fantastic cast, a great battle system, the best side quests in the series and a great story (to a point) so even with all my complaints it's still the second favorite Xenoblade game.

But Xenoblade 2 is still my favorite. Yes it has it's fair share of problems, probably more than any other Xenoblade game, but what it excels in for me more than makes up it's faults and is one of my all time favorite games. The environments, the battle system, the story, my favorite Xenoblade cast, the fucking music, the side content, and the Torna dlc? Peak shit. After finishing XC3 I went back to XC2 and it was like wrapping myself in a warm blanket.
It really don't think recency bias is the primary driver here. 3 vastly improves upon so much that they've taken a pretty massive step forward with this game in so many ways.

I don't think opinions are going to change much at all over time.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I do think Xeno 3 is the strongest one of the bunch, I can't get over how incredible it was to play a game as gigantic and ambitious as XB1 on the freaking Wii

I can only assume this is how people felt when they played X on the Wii U

It honestly boggles my mind how they pulled off X. Complete wizardry.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think it's the weakest one of the numbered trilogy but even the weakest Xenoblade game still has a ton of merit and is worth playing.

Now with that said as an overall package it's probably the best one but the story and soundtrack let it down a lot for me and tbh as someone who's played XC2 a lot over the past few years the strides XC3 takes in improving the gameplay is appreciated and makes playing the game fun overall I don't find it as fun or easy to overlook the problems it does have like XC2 was for me. The way it handles CP and the Class ranking system is where the big problems of its gameplay lies for me.

With that said it easily has the best side content in the series and unlike XC2 it won't leave you hanging in figuring out its systems with its tutorials so you'll be more likely to resonate with it compared to XC2 and the characters are still really good plus while the story and soundtrack didn't quite land for me they're still pretty good overall. It's a game worth playing but not one I really fell in love with the same way I did XC1 and XC2


Oct 28, 2017
It's the best Xenoblade game and my favorite JRPG. It's not perfect but I enjoyed story, characters and gameplay so much and couldn't stop playing for 160h.


Oct 27, 2017
Minas Gerais, Brazil
They're equivalent. I prefer the characters from 2, and Torna could have been the best game of the series if wasn't a DLC.

Technically, 3 is the best one, while narratively 1 has a special place on my heart. X is freedom fun and has the best landscapes on the series.

Xenoblade games will never be a consensus, it seems.

So, it's like:

1: Story
2: Characters
3: Combat, systems and overall menus
X: Worldbuilding

Torna: A mix of everything above.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think it's going to be pretty widely considered the best one, it's similar to BotW where the people that didn't like it are talking much more in the discussion threads whereas the people that liked are popping in to say as much then not really going back.

It doesn't really do anything to overhaul the xenoblade series significantly so I struggle to see it ending up anywhere near as clear cut as BOTW.

So far, partway through chapter 4 my single sentence opinion is "yep, this sure is a xenoblade game". I'm pretty lukewarm (only in comparison to the previous 2 numbered Games, still enjoying it) on it so far in comparison to the others because it seems as paint by numbers as it could possibly be. 4 games in, 5 if you would count torna, with 4/5 of those playable on the switch, I wish it had done more to shake things up.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I do think Xeno 3 is the strongest one of the bunch, I can't get over how incredible it was to play a game as gigantic and ambitious as XB1 on the freaking Wii

I can only assume this is how people felt when they played X on the Wii U
Considering that X still has the best open world of all time, yes wizardry is not enough to describe the feeling of experiencing Mira for the first time.


Oct 25, 2017
X is the best video game.

3 is walking for 100+ hours. But it has the best cast, so it will win. That's fine.


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't really do anything to overhaul the xenoblade series significantly so I struggle to see it ending up anywhere near as clear cut as BOTW.

So far, partway through chapter 4 my single sentence opinion is "yep, this sure is a xenoblade game". I'm pretty lukewarm (only in comparison to the previous 2 numbered Games, still enjoying it) on it so far in comparison to the others because it seems as paint by numbers as it could possibly be. 4 games in, 5 if you would count torna, with 4/5 of those playable on the switch, I wish it had done more to shake things up.
I personally think it overhauls exploration and rewards significantly enough to feel like that much of a jump for some people. It did to me.

In general though, I agree, it's not a BoTW jump overall even if a few aspects do feel like massive improvements.
Oct 26, 2017
3 is the best of the three imo.

Still can't watch certain scenes without tearing up.

And the class system is great, I enjoyed reconfiguring my party every so often to maximize class learning and being able to mix and match the Master arts and skills was good too.


Jun 26, 2022
Yeh despite the issues I have with 2, its soundtrack is just incredible.

Tantal field music is a contender for best track in a JRPG of all time.

3 is less immediate, but as you say it's the difference between perfect and great.
Tantal field is amazing


Next Level Seer
May 15, 2020
2 > 3 = X > 1 for me so far, if the DLC can address the grievances I have with the story of 3 i'll rank it up