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Oct 27, 2017
This really mirrors the old days of looking at crazies online (like 2012 and before shift were in today) as the loons and neo-nazis would say the exact same thing of the jews in relation to american politics. Can I get sources on these nazi saboteurs, and I would stress that they cant be people who have shifted into extreme right political stances because the divisive nature of politics today is going to mold your typical sellout politician into what the what their party wants.

This is a weird issue from my perspective, obviously a racist or nazi getting punched for running their mouth is just cause and effect, but the calls for preemptive strikes and the feeling of doom that nazis are already in positions of great power is absurd, wouldn't a real solution be to improve the quality of life of all people to deter extremist thinking. (not an easy task but more realistic then the kill em all approach)

Its also weird that I fear I will be labeled something because of my perspective on this

But what will that solve tho.

The German nazi party used the violent attacks of early nazi party members before they had any real political power as a call to action and propaganda for their cause against the German communist party.
I look at it like that Silence episode of Dr. Who where the Doctor plays a subliminal message letting everyone know who the Silence are and what they look like so humanity can wipe them out because the silence is evil and a threat to life on Earth.

Nazi's and their philosophies are the same and have no business in our world. People that advocate it and participate should be removed.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh not gonna condone it but won't cry about it either. It is what is, if someone is calling for your forced expulsion from your home or killing you because of your race then I can't really blame people for snapping.

I'd rather they didn't but not because of the nazi, but because any sort of record can fuck your life chances.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't support it. I have a hard time thinking of a robust ethical justification for it either.
A hard time?

Welcome to Hellworld where we forget how ideologies like Nazism came to be.


Nov 10, 2018
Absolutely against.
I can break my hand with a punch, better a kick in the nuts or some hits in the legs with this


Jun 6, 2019
I don't live in the U.S. so i don't follow politics there that closely but that statement seems very silly. Surely there can be some nuance to it. Rarely is there anything that is so black and white (no pun intended)
How are PoC who voted for trump white supremacists?! Cant they just be ill informed and they voted for him thinking it was the "right" choice?

You say that it's rare that anything is black and white, yet express surprise at the idea that a person of color could be a white supremacist. White supremacy is an institution that is global, insinuating itself in every corner of society, affecting everyone on this planet in some measure. There are Asians, Latinos and black people who are white supremacists. They believe in the superiority of Western society and have resigned to the idea that they are lesser than white people.. White culture is supreme, in their eyes, the cultures from which they came seen as inferior. That explains the motivation behind anyone of color supporting Trump.


Mar 18, 2019
You say that it's rare that anything is black and white, yet express surprise at the idea that a person of color could be a white supremacist. White supremacy is an institution that is global, insinuating itself in every corner of society, affecting everyone on this planet in some measure. There are Asians, Latinos and black people who are white supremacists. They believe in the superiority of Western society and have resigned to the idea that they are lesser than white people.. White culture is supreme, in their eyes, the cultures from which they came seen as inferior. That explains the motivation behind anyone of color supporting Trump.

I can see them supporting western culture but not white supremacy.
White supremacy =/= Western culture (i'm not saying you said this, just pointing it out)
If a person thinks that Western culture is "superior" is that a Bad thing? Places like Scandinavia are considered Western culture and i see them as very positive. Would you agree?


Mar 4, 2019
I can see them supporting western culture but not white supremacy.
White supremacy =/= Western culture (i'm not saying you said this, just pointing it out)
If a person thinks that Western culture is "superior" is that a Bad thing? Places like Scandinavia are considered Western culture and i see them as very positive. Would you agree?



Jun 6, 2019
I can see them supporting western culture but not white supremacy.

When people speak of "Western culture," it's a euphemism for white culture. There's no difference, the two terms interchangeable in discussions of racial superiority by the likes of Richard Spencer and other white supremacists.

If a person thinks that Western culture is "superior" is that a Bad thing?

Depends on what we're talking about when mentioning "Western culture," I suppose. Most of the what the west exports, culturally, is derived from contributions by African Americans. Fashion, music and dance are all heavily informed by black Americans. It's why the term "culture vulture" has become so popular, because there isn't a country where adoption of the African American cultural aesthetic isn't occurring.

But that's not the "Western culture" white supremacists like Trump are referencing. What they mean is "white society," where white people are dominant, controlling all of the wealth and power. That's the "Western culture" they're speaking of, the "browning" of which they wish to guard against.


Mar 18, 2019
When people speak of "Western culture," it's a euphemism for white culture. There's no difference, the two terms interchangeable in discussions of cultural superiority by the likes of Richard Spencer and other white supremacists.

Depends on what we're talking about when mentioning "Western culture," I suppose. Most of the what the west exports, culturally, is derived from contributions by African Americans. Fashion, music and dance are all heavily informed by black Americans. It's why the term "culture vulture" has become so popular, because there isn't a country where adoption of the African American cultural aesthetic isn't occurring.

But that's not the "Western culture" white supremacists like Trump are referencing. What they mean is "white society," where white people are dominant, controlling all of the wealth and power. That's the "Western culture" they're speaking of, the "browning" of which they wish to guard against.

OK. Thought it obvious which type i was reffering to, especially when i mentioned Scandinavia (specifically sweden with is very pro multiculturalism) :P

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't do it myself but I certainly don't mind when it happens. They can get a lot worse than that for all I care.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm Jewish. The Nazi ideology specifically calls for my and my people's eradication. That threat is existential and cannot be reasoned with; it must be struck down, by all or any means necessary, to prevent its further spread, lest those aims become reality once again.

It's not hard.

Nah bro, you gotta wait for them to kill you first or else you're the real asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
All Nazis should be punched in the face, and everyone who says you shouldn't punch Nazis in the face should be kicked in the balls.

It should be law


Feb 11, 2019
So basically "i'm not racist. I have a black friend"
Dude, the Proud Boys are literally about "The West is the Best" while having minorities with them.

Proud Boys

Subscribe to the Sounds Like Hate podcast to learn more about hate groups like the Proud Boys. Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the...


Dec 3, 2018
I'm a prison guard and we get a lot of nazis. My belief is that punching them will absolutely not work. It will only strengthen their beliefs. Very few people learn the right lesson from getting the shit kicked out of them. They didn't learn it when their dad did it to them, and they wont learn it when you do it.
They are almost without exception very unintelligent people that does not know any better. They need to adhere to a group, because they feel society has thrown them out, so they join the other outcasts.
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