
Oct 27, 2017
That OP, man. LOL. This is pretty much why I quite playing online games. Life's too short to deal with that nonsense. Gaming is supposed to be fun and relaxing.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
This OP is amazing and also it's hilarious to see who didn't read the OP


Oct 30, 2017
So if I got this right, you have a rule where if someone makes too many mistakes, you decide to throw the match. If you make too many mistakes, you throw the match. If for some reason someone isn't fine with any of this, you throw the match.

And you're the one who complains about toxicity?



Oct 25, 2017
Not really unless it really infuriates me. If I'm playing overwatch and am a tank but have 4 gold medals well we're good sometimes you have bad games or I have amazing ones. Yet, when I have four golds and the genii starts bitching about are team then all just get on the mic and be like "how many golds you got" then they'll either shut up knowing they've been outed or they lie and squirm there way out of it. Either way it's funny as hell to see 😂😂

Edit: lol just read the thread and your the shitty teammate my friend. If someone make more then one mistake I think "o, there not there best right now better step up and try to carry the team" not "welp they made a mistake better not make another you little shit or I'll quit". It's a game man no need to get salty


Oct 25, 2017
Stick to single player games op. Give yourself the one mistake rule. See how that pans out.


Nov 22, 2018
I tend to disregard it and ignore them for the most part, unless it goes on to a point which makes it unbearable. That's when I mute or just leave.

However, I turn off the chat in Rocket League because it really serves no purpose at all.

People need to realize they'll always be paired with people who either have more or less experience than themselves. No need to make a thing out of it, just make the best out of it.
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Feb 20, 2019
For me it's pretty simple, I treat it the same way I treat most people acting shitty to others for attention in real life - by ignoring them and reporting their behaviour when possible. Life is way, way, way to short for shitty people online to take space in your brain for more than a second or two. Ignoring them is the only sane option, if you try and fight them more often than not you will fall into being toxic yourself whether intentionally or no. Nothing good will come of it, you won't change their mind or make them see the light by retaliating in an online game, you're rewarding them by giving them the attention and the fight they're trying to provoke. At least in real life you have a chance at making some people see what a tool they're being but I've never seen a positive outcome from engaging with it online.


May 17, 2018
People throwing games is actually the worst. I would rather have them ragequit, atleast that's not as much of a time waste. When people suck I can still try, or maybe experiment a little.

So yeah, you (OP) are worse than your teammates with their "mistakes".
Ya, there's is nothing you can do if somebody is using gameplay to be toxic, but mean words are solved with a key press and a click in most games.

I'd much rather have mean teammates then throwers and trolls. Mean words don't give you an excuse to troll.

E: I guess ff would be the way to deal with trolls,but op said he also abuses ff to troll so...
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Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
OP, stop throwing games and allow people to make mistakes. Don't be toxic.


Oct 26, 2017
OP you are pathetic if you "throw" games just because you or a teammate has made mistakes.

Probably why you are stuck in gold and plat with the rest of the trash RL players.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In a moba like Smite, I just play to the best of my ability and ignore em. Sometimes we manage to clutch it out but sometimes the toxic teammate goes afk or starts feeding. Regardless, I just report them after the match and ignore any hate mail that comes my way.


Jun 5, 2018
Lol, in Uncharted 4 if there was an assclown in our team I wouldn't even bother picking them up when they were down.


Apr 5, 2018
If they just repeatedly make mistakes and we're not playing well (down 3 goals) by the 3:30 mark, I usually call for a forfeit, because we're wasting each other's time.

I recommend you to reconsider why you are playing this game at all.

If you really love this game, then there will be something to gain for you out of any situation.

Try new things/tricks to improve your personal skill, in situations where your Teammates won't let you turn the tide.

But if literally only the endscreen of a match that says "[your Team] won!" fires your neurons, then playing the game is actually overall a waste of time for you.

If you are just numb during a match and only the win at the end grants you excitement, your performance will suffer from that.

(and your winrate will drop below 50%, your frustration will grow, your performance will suffer even more, etc. --> classic vicious cylce)

Of course i dont know for certain if any of this comes close to describing your problem, but if it does, you might need additional motivators for you to play the game and not having to suffer for most of the time.
Like playing with really close friends that you just enjoy being together with.


Oct 27, 2017
OP, I consider this thread your first mistake. Say Sorry! within 30 seconds or so or I will shitpost until this thread gets closed.

Your call.

Also you're toxic as fuck.


Oct 31, 2017
It's really funny to see the difference in replies, based on eho did and who didn't read the OP

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
When I see it in Rocket League, I report them for racist/hateful language or when they start trying to fuck us up intentionally. I also don't join in on quick requests for a forfeit when it's just the one person, but if both are requesting it, I'll abide it. I'll also throw in quick chat responses for what I can (Nooooo!, etc).

Some of the things the OP's talking about seem extremely tame for what I consider toxic in Rocket League, so I'd just keep playing and hope the other players get things straight. I'm a Gold level player in 3v3, so maybe I'm toxic based on the OP's thinking since I occasionally make mistakes like accidentally bumping into people or missing a save or shot. I'd just chalk that up to a lack of great skills, but I'm getting better as I play more of it. I'd call the OP one of the toxic shitheads I see that call for a forfeit two minute or less in a game if we're down by 1-3 goals when there's plenty of time with some determination to get back into it and potentially win. Plus, with the way Rocket Pass challenges and things like the 80s event going on, no game is really useless unless people just quit and leave either team at a handicap.
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Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Nope it's basically impossible to play Siege now because of this. Same with OW.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't respond, I just wait for the match to be over, because I already know it's a loss.

When they're too busy yelling on the mic to actually play the game anymore, that match is just over. It's not worth putting any more effort into it, and especially not worth the effort to actually reply.

All you can do is hope the teammate coinflip is better next round or just uninstall.


Nov 3, 2017
Hate to tell you this, but you're a toxic player, throwing matches is about as scummy as it gets.


Oct 30, 2017
I play a lot of Rocket League, OP, and you're the exact type of person I hate being teamed with.


Oct 25, 2017
It honestly depends. If they're making mistakes then it happens. If they're making mistakes and being angry then I'll leave. If they're being sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobia/general asshole then fuck it we're all losing points


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
I don't play Rocket League and have no opinion to offer on that game, I'm just sticking around to see if the OP responds and acknowledges he's complicit in this behavior.

In general, I mute people. If someone is team killing or being an asshole, I'll either quit the game or try to team kill them back. If it's something like Left 4 Dead or WWZ and some idiot decides to keep being a lone wolf and getting pinned, I just won't go out of my way to save them if doing so puts the team at risk.

I don't consider being not great at a game "toxic".
Aug 29, 2018
Not gonna lie if someone sasses me I just throw the game in whatever way I think would irritate whomever it is the most, because at that point observing a manchild loose his shit is more fun then trying to play with them


Oct 27, 2017
OP throws games but is complaining about people being toxic... like as if that isn't gutter-tier 12yo antics.

The correct answer is to just mute or find a different team. If you're that incompatible with randoms, maybe don't be so damned awkward and make some friends to play with who can stand your bs.


Oct 25, 2017
Usually just get all sarcastic about how my life is over now that I messed up. That I cant believe I let everyone down and we are going to lose this video game. How ever will I tell my family I let this happen. After a while they usually stop when they know I dont care. But if not there is always the god like mute/report button.


Oct 27, 2017
Usually just get all sarcastic about how my life is over now that I messed up. That I cant believe I let everyone down and we are going to lose this video game. How ever will I tell my family I let this happen. After a while they usually stop when they know I dont care. But if not there is always the god like mute/report button.

Lmao I should try this.

A co-tank in FFXIV gave me shit that really annoyed me the other day. He died and then we all died because I had to quickly aggro all enemies during a boss. I forgot to go into tank stance so that went badly. Upon restart I told the group that I don't really remember the fight and this piece of shit says "did you forgot how to tank too?" I wanted to give him shit for dying in the first place but I didn't wanna waste the group's time so I just said "maybe" to which he replied "figured." The guy who fucked up and died in the first place. Every now and then you get a group with one or two of these assholes and it gets my blood boiling.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Lmao I should try this.

A co-tank in FFXIV gave me shit that really annoyed me the other day. He died and then we all died because I had to quickly aggro all enemies during a boss. I forgot to go into tank stance so that went badly. Upon restart I told the group that I don't really remember the fight and this piece of shit says "did you forgot how to tank too?" I wanted to give him shit for dying in the first place but I didn't wanna waste the group's time so I just said "maybe" to which he replied "figured." The guy who fucked up and died in the first place. Every now and then you get a group with one or two of these assholes and it gets my blood boiling.

Yeah, I feel like some of the people most willing to throw shade are the same people who are oblivious to their own fuck ups.

When their team wins, it was because of them. When their team loses, it was someone else's fault.


Oct 26, 2017
lol @ OP being a gold in Rocket League thinking he's good enough to criticize others.

If you are so good, why don't you have a squad or people who want to play with you?


Oct 25, 2017
I mute them, report them, usually report them on the website as well (siege anyway).

EDIT: To be clear, it has to be like racism or other bullshit for this, if they're just being annoying and think they're god and trying to boss people around, I just mute them. Usually HYPER toxic people turn games into TK fests.


Oct 25, 2017
So if I got this right, you have a rule where if someone makes too many mistakes, you decide to throw the match. If you make too many mistakes, you throw the match. If for some reason someone isn't fine with any of this, you throw the match.

And you're the one who complains about toxicity?

For real. The projection is amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll normally mute people if they cross the line (hurling abuse or being racist), but not before I call them out for their actions.