
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I dont think its a bad thing but the execution wasnt perfect in mass effect 2 or 3? I have friends who put it away just because they didnt like how every guy hit on them as a male player.

I also didnt like the female writer that wanted to force her novolette fanfiction views on everybody and thought it was a good idea. If someone comes up with such ideas i can write better stories and do it myself. I already write sci-fiction fantasy and working on my concept game.

For me: The end of bioware was the mass effect 3 ending and the mmo single player dragon age. Andromeda was one big surprise for me but they already destroyed the mass effect franchise too much with 3.

Precisely *zero* guys hit on you in ME2.

*One* guy hits on you in Me3, if you bother to constantly speak to him and go clubbing with him. And you can tell him no.

As for the second comment - Jesus Christ. Speechless.

What I'm saying is - you are your "friends" are homophobic, sexist bigots. Fuck off.


Oct 27, 2017
Bioware- Bought by EA in 2007 after Mass Effect 1. DA: Origins was probably too far along to be affected but you can clearly see how ME 2 went in a dramatically more gears of war military shooty, hollywood action, popcorn movie direction rather than the retro future RPG space opera style of the first. Then I think the original founders of the company and a few other key people left after Mass Effect 3. Probably more of a EA company than past Bioware now.

Bethesda- Acquired like 4 new studios and were looking for something to have them do. Someone saw how survival games like Ark and Conan Exiles are popular so they tried to cram one into Fallout. I'm still optimistic for their next big mainline game be it Starfield or Elder scrolls.
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Oct 27, 2017
Or more so how did reviews standards fall so low? Mass Effect on its launch had a ton of issues, slow down, long loading, full of bugs and even a downgrade, so its not much different with Anthem and where I bet a sequel will fix most of the issues. I'm sure if the game was published by another software house it wouldn't be getting so much bashing. Anthem as a game is very good and a easy 8 out of 10

Fallout 76 is crap, but that can happen; Its seemed to me that game was a side project using a outdated engine. It wasn't like Fallout 4 was rubbish and anyone who's played Bethesda game, knows that, it will be full of bugs and not the best tech, but 9 times out of 10 The game world more than makes up for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Or more so how did reviews standards fall so low? Mass Effect on its launch had a ton of issues, slow down, long loading, full of bugs and even a downgrade, so its not much different with Anthem and where I bet a sequel will fix most of the issues. I'm sure if the game was published by another software house it wouldn't be getting so much bashing. Anthem as a game is very good and a easy 8 out of 10

Anthem has way more problems than "bugs" or "downgrades". Mission design, content, endgame, loot, etc. All of that doesn't work, in the only genre where those things are ESSENTIAL.


Nov 1, 2017
Precisely *zero* guys hit on you in ME2.

*One* guy hits on you in Me3, if you bother to constantly speak to him and go clubbing with him. And

As for the second comment - Jesus Christ. Speechless.

What I'm saying is - you are your "friends" are homophobic, sexist bigots. Fuck off.

Iam not sure anymore but even it is one guy. Only speaking to him doest mean iam interested in him. Same goes for girls. I hate this way of thinking already in real life. "Oh look this guy can talk to a girl they must have something going on.". At my last work people thought i hit on every girl just speakingto her in a normal way.

As long as you continued speaking to your crew mates all started hitting on you if they were romanceable in one way or the other. Sometimes in the way they acted or they talked. I remember declining like 3-4 people. Maybe it was Mass Effect 3 or 2... i dont know anymore.

Cant help my friends. They are a traditional Christian family.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Or more so how did reviews standards fall so low? Mass Effect on its launch had a ton of issues, slow down, long loading, full of bugs and even a downgrade, so its not much different with Anthem and where I bet a sequel will fix most of the issues. I'm sure if the game was published by another software house it wouldn't be getting so much bashing. Anthem as a game is very good and a easy 8 out of 10

Fallout 76 is crap, but that can happen; Its seemed to me that game was a side project using a outdated engine. It wasn't like Fallout 4 was rubbish and anyone who's played Bethesda game, knows that, it will be full of bugs and not the best tech, but 9 times out of 10 The game world more than makes up for it.
Anthens issues goes far deeper the ME's which are to do with its core mission design, enemy encounters and non-existent story. ME was loved by all gamers, Anthem on the other hand is a poor shell of a game and doesn't offer the basics.


Oct 27, 2017
Anthens issues goes far deeper the ME's which are to do with its core mission design, enemy encounters and non-existent story. ME was loved by all gamers, Anthem on the other hand is a poor shell of a game and doesn't offer the basics.

I hope you own the game for starters. Anthem got issues, but the game world is quite spectacular and when it works it ace fun with mates.
Mass Effect was good, but that game had a ton of issues, with most prob a frame rate even worse to that of Anthem and also a ton of bugs, but Bioware did hide the loading screens better, maybe Bio should have a put a lift in Anthem?.


Nov 3, 2017
F76 isn't entirely relevant but I do agree Bethesda have declined. Skyrim and especially F4 were a lot worse than what came before.


Oct 27, 2017
They changed genre?
I mean, Bioware was RPG focused even with the first ME, ME2 was still good balanced between action and RPG... then the downfall. DA:Inquisition was a sparkle of hope at least.
Bethesda was great with Morrowind, then Skyrim was a sparkle of hope, but after that... only New Vegas was a great game but developed actually by Obsidian.

I feel they just changed too much the actual genre of their games, they were great dev. of a specific game genre... now they are going for GaaS and MP focused titles... and that is the result (not obvious but that it was the risk)

Bethesda is still releasing great titles as Doom, Dishonored, Evil Within though. (not developed directly by them, ok, but that is something...)


Nov 2, 2017
Bethesda made one bad game that was chasing the GaaS trend. They'll surely release traditional single player Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, and they'll be great.
Bioware have flailed around chasing open-world and now GaaS trends for years (basically whatever trend was in vogue at the time) rather than doing what they do best.

Not the same.

Deleted member 8166

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Oct 26, 2017
I've to say there are a lot of moments in anthem where you can see the old bioware touch. especially when talking to other people in tarsis, when you can help others by talking to them, how they tell you their stories


Dec 15, 2018
I never felt any love for the Dragon Age games but I sure as hell could give at least the first a 2nd chance maybe. For me the last was Mass Effect 2.


Oct 25, 2017
How many times does it have to be said that 76 was a side project created in large part by a an acquired studio while everyone else was working on Starfield? Perhaps wait till that project comes out to judge their output.


Jun 29, 2018
It's important for studios to experiment so they don't become stagnant. However, I can't help but think of Amy Hennig's interview where she states that she's nervous about trying new things because she might fall behind in what she's good at. It seems like this might have happened to Bethesda and BioWare. They got away from what made them great in hopes of searching for some goldmine that they'd get a piece of.

I hope it's not too late for them to get back up to standard with games like Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk, and Dying Light 2 looking to raise the bar.


Nov 3, 2017
How many times does it have to be said that 76 was a side project created in large part by a an acquired studio while everyone else was working on Starfield? Perhaps wait till that project comes out to judge their output.
They made the decision to put the game under the "Bethesda Game Studios" name. Everywhere you look, be it Wikipedia, the back of the box, promotional material, anywhere, that is the name you will find.

A studio does not get to stamp their name on a game and then not take credit for developing it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Bethesda have only had one game get panned, haven't they (I'm not remotely a fan of Fallout 4, but plenty of people outside ERA love it)? iirc F76 wasn't done by the main studio and it is in a genre the company have never tackled before.


Oct 25, 2017
They made the decision to put the game under the "Bethesda Game Studios" name. Everywhere you look, be it Wikipedia, the back of the box, promotional material, anywhere, that is the name you will find.

A studio does not get to stamp their name on a game and then not take credit for developing it.
Bethesda Austin Formerly Battlecry. Sure Bethesda takes heat for it but to say to use that one game to signal their downfall when most of the studio is working on their next mainline series is premature.

Mind you I haven't "loved" a Bethesda game since Morrowind and really dislike Skyrim and feel they have been losing it for years but I know 76 won't be any indication of how Starfield will end up.


Oct 29, 2017
Imagine in 10 years Naughty Dog as a 6/10 studio.
It's hard to always deliver on very high expectations. A stumble here and there is bound to happen.


Nov 3, 2017
Bethesda Austin Formerly Battlecry. Sure Bethesda takes heat for it but to say to use that one game to signal their downfall when most of the studio is working on their next mainline series is premature.

Mind you I haven't "loved" a Bethesda game since Morrowind and really dislike Skyrim and feel they have been losing it for years but I know 76 won't be any indication of how Starfield will end up.
People aren't just using 76 though. Many people see 76 as a straight continuation of the trend that Fallout 4 had set. Whilst 4 was a critical and commercial success, no one can claim that it didn't also face a significant backlash, and much of the issues people took with 4 are precursors to the issues they take with 76.

76 isn't an outlier. To many it's the natural end point of Bethesda's path through this generation, and most people aren't willing to just assume that their next games will completely reverse in direction and instead build off the things they liked about Skyrim/Fallout3/Morrowind/*Insert the subjective last good game here*.


Oct 27, 2017
That is me, talking as a person that crawled to the endgame only to laugh at its emptiness.

Fair enough. I'm amazed that you never highlighted the games biggest flaw and issue and that's the stupid and annoying respawn screen you get when split up from the group. I'm amazed that is in this game; that's meant to be about exploring this wonderful world Bioware created


Oct 27, 2017
Fair enough. I'm amazed that you never highlighted the games biggest flaw and issue and that's the stupid and annoying respawn screen you get when split up from the group. I'm amazed that is in this game; that's meant to be about exploring this wonderful world Bioware created
I mean, for me that's just another drop of water in a cascade of baffling things.

I kinda understand why that system is in place though, the idiotic thing is that the "bubble" of proximity must be, I don't know, like 10 meters or something like that, really really narrow (like the "outside of the mission zone" boundaries).


Feb 23, 2019
Clearly, this is EA's fault. After the acquisiton, BioWare has started to go steep down the slope.


Oct 25, 2017
People aren't just using 76 though. Many people see 76 as a straight continuation of the trend that Fallout 4 had set. Whilst 4 was a critical and commercial success, no one can claim that it didn't also face a significant backlash, and much of the issues people took with 4 are precursors to the issues they take with 76.

76 isn't an outlier. To many it's the natural end point of Bethesda's path through this generation, and most people aren't willing to just assume that their next games will completely reverse in direction and instead build off the things they liked about Skyrim/Fallout3/Morrowind/*Insert the subjective last good game here*.
If you ask me their downfalll started with oblivion but critically and commercially speaking it did not and I just see 76 as a (so far)failed experiment/side project by a Sister studio(who had their game canceled) and not something signaling their doom. 76 had a great world to explore and tons of interesting stories it was just delivered in a mess of a package that seemed held back by focus on always online shared open world. Something Starfield won't be held back by.


Oct 26, 2017
There're dozens of factors imo,the companies' focus change,the consumers change,new bussiness models arise etc.
The staff changes through the years too, old people leave and new enter, for better or worse.
The only thing that remains unchanged is the studio's name.
Maybe in the next 20 years CD Project Red will be like EA is today, you never know.


Oct 27, 2017
How many times does it have to be said that 76 was a side project created in large part by a an acquired studio while everyone else was working on Starfield? Perhaps wait till that project comes out to judge their output.
Kinda how Andromeda was a "side project" while Anthem was the real deal.

That argument works with Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne, I don't think it applies in this case.


Oct 27, 2017
They chased that GaaS-money and rejected their strengths (the actual RPG part) while simultaneously concentrating on their weaknesses (combat).


Oct 25, 2017
Corporate greed happened.

This industry have issues with budgets planning and understanding that not every game needs to be a 50M+ seller to be successful. Chasing trends is never a good idea unless you can budget properly and execute on time.


Oct 25, 2017
Bethesda is still releasing great titles as Doom, Dishonored, Evil Within though. (not developed directly by them, ok, but that is something...)

Bethesda the publisher is all killer, no filler. Bethesda the game developer, on the other hand, is a lot of ambition followed by consistently weak follow through. In my opinion, they have never made a truly great game.