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Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
Isn't Western concept of Hell not from the Bible but from Dante's poem? I don't think the Bible ever went deep into what Hell would be like, but it is canon the Christian God is not a friendly chap.

Dante's poem is a big inspiration, but the popular image of Hell comes from the description of Gehenna in the Bible, a valley outside of Jerusalem. It was a literal garbage dump, and constantly burning since people set their garbage on fire. It was described as a lake of fire from which there was no return.

Hell itself is described as more of a state of being that is a total and complete separation from God.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
just curious, as children, what were your reactions when you found out that: oh wait, people are FUCKED UP?

posting again since y'all just read the title

My reaction?

"I don't want to be like them when I grow up."

I'm really not too focused on wondering why other people choose to believe in things that bring them peace or joy.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
Maybe a god is just an asshole that enjoys watching suffering?

edit: would be a better explanation as to what humans suck since we are suppose to be made in his image or something?

Nah. We suck because we choose to suck. Evil / Good is always there. Both come from God -- if God made us.

Animals, nature, it's brutal stuff. Humans are no exception. We can be self serving (survival) but also think in terms of the greater good (survival). We are complex that way. Higher thinking. So are actions, even the bad shit, is a lot more nuanced, more creative.

I think there's zero interference though, assuming God is real.

If this is the weekly god is dumb thread, I always wondered why he would send his son when he did. I mean if he really wanted to spread the word to everyone, why not wait 2000 years. If he had the internet be could have reached the whole world, not just a small corner of the Roman empire.

How many Christians are there on earth? How fast did it spread? What's the dominant religion? I don't think reach was ever a problem for Christianity.


Aug 27, 2018
I used to be super critical of religion as being a root cause for evil, but I've pulled back on that, and actually align more with Marx nowadays. Critical, but also sympathetic to those who believe and find some peace in religion. But ultimately, still remain critical of it.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun.


Dec 10, 2017
User banned (1 week): hostility, attacking other members + previous recent bans for inflammatory posting
No. it's madness that you all can't let people find cultural peace.

I see at least three different ads or people talking about how great God is, or how God saved them or it was a miracle when a hundred people died but God saved them specifically. The belief in a God that allows horrible things to happen to people for no reason matches up with being a horrible person, considering the track record of politicians way into the God stuff. It's offensive to me as a human being that in 2019 we're still entertaining this nonsense. Not to mention your 'cultural peace' still is negatively hurting and impacting untold numbers of people the world over and is directly responsible for millions of deaths thorughout history.

So yeah, you can deal with an occasional thread or two. You read the thread title and still came in. Don't like hearing about your phoney-baloney God? Fuck off to the Christianity off-topic group where you can enjoy your delusion with the rest of the sheep.
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 week): hostility with dismissive commentary towards the community
"millions of deaths" caused by religion lol this neckbeard fucking site

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
I see at least three different ads or people talking about how great God is, or how God saved them or it was a miracle when a hundred people died but God saved them specifically. The belief in a God that allows horrible things to happen to people for no reason matches up with being a horrible person, considering the track record of politicians way into the God stuff. It's offensive to me as a human being that in 2019 we're still entertaining this nonsense. Not to mention your 'cultural peace' still is negatively hurting and impacting untold numbers of people the world over and is directly responsible for millions of deaths thorughout history.

So yeah, you can deal with an occasional thread or two. You read the thread title and still came in. Don't like hearing about your phoney-baloney God? Fuck off to the Christianity off-topic group where you can enjoy your delusion with the rest of the sheep.

I would ask where you live and your age, but I guess it doesn't matter.

That would be the third by the way.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
I see at least three different ads or people talking about how great God is, or how God saved them or it was a miracle when a hundred people died but God saved them specifically. The belief in a God that allows horrible things to happen to people for no reason matches up with being a horrible person, considering the track record of politicians way into the God stuff. It's offensive to me as a human being that in 2019 we're still entertaining this nonsense. Not to mention your 'cultural peace' still is negatively hurting and impacting untold numbers of people the world over and is directly responsible for millions of deaths thorughout history.

So yeah, you can deal with an occasional thread or two. You read the thread title and still came in. Don't like hearing about your phoney-baloney God? Fuck off to the Christianity off-topic group where you can enjoy your delusion with the rest of the sheep.


Deleted member 2652

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Second person to say that, what being is forcing you to use the trope so willingly?
I get that this is your anti religion place, but the subject is religion. If you have nothing to say then don't deny those that do.
Question is why you here?
what were you attempting to say besides "why do these threads exist?"
Oct 25, 2017
easy, you don't.

We have to learn to be anti-religion but not anti-religious. There are always going to be religious people and you can't hate them for being who they are. But you can cite religion as a reason for a lot of really bad things, a poison to the mind, and a hurdle for the advancement of modern society.
Blue Skies

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
I wish y'all could just answer, even you still religious folk, how did you react when you found out about some of humanities many inhumanities?
Did it not make you doubt this god you so much believe in?


Oct 25, 2017
I grew up religious (very progressive Christian) and started to question things as I got older. These days, I like to believe that a higher power exists, but history does make anyone with an inquiring mind second guess the teachings of modern Christianity.

I legit would love to have a long discussion with a religious scholar about things like this to see the real justification. I know the idea revolves around free will and the devil and shit like that, but that doesn't really make some of these terrible acts "make sense" with regards to the teachings in the Bible.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
I wish y'all could just answer, even you still religious folk, how did you react when you found out about some of humanities many inhumanities?
Did it not make you doubt this god you so much believe in?

It did not. It made me doubt my fellow man, because they were the bad ones.

Do I still have times where I question how a God could let bad things happen to people? Absolutely yes, I do. But I believe in balance, and there can't be good without evil.

I will add that I don't necessarily believe in the Christian God, because I see no evidence that their idea is any more correct than any of the other thousands of Gods out there from various and sundry other religions throughout history. I think there's something out there, but I'll be damned if I know what it is.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
There's a multitude of reasons why a god may not care or not be willing to intervene. They may merely be observant, may be testing us, or any other wide range of possibilities. Would it even be a significant event to a god? To them we might as well just be a giant ant farm. The holocaust happening with no interference wouldn't be proof enough.

Now what really proves that gods don't exist is that there is no physical evidence. If a god really wanted us to know they existed, they would have the means to make it well known. Considering that they don't, I find it cheap to make up excuse after excuse on why a god can't do this or that and why a god hasn't shown up yet. If they're so powerful and omnipotent, why do they have so many convenient restrictions? A "god" is just a series of guidelines to follow through life. Don't get me wrong though, I don't care what people do with their own lives and if they find a religion that helps them out without imposing it on others, then good on them and I hope it makes them happier in life.

just curious, as children, what were your reactions when you found out that: oh wait, people are FUCKED UP?

posting again since y'all just read the title

I was bullied my entire childhood for my autism, so it has been apparent my entire life that people are fucked up, have zero compassion for others, and will be assholes over things that do not affect them in literally any way. Learning about the holocaust was just me realizing adults take it farther than kids do, I really never had a reaction. I honestly don't react to many things because if it's out of scope of what's affected around me and those I care about, it's very hard for me to have much of a reaction in the first place. The holocaust was something in the past so it was hard for me to really understand the gravity of it all, and even now it's just another event of human history in my eyes, albeit one of the most fucked up ones.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish y'all could just answer, even you still religious folk, how did you react when you found out about some of humanities many inhumanities?
Did it not make you doubt this god you so much believe in?
I don't believe in God now, but I suppose I did back when I learned about slavery and the Holocaust and it didn't really have any affect on my beliefs. I always understood it as those people did something evil rather than God allowing something evil.


Aug 17, 2019
I think a point that coincides with this is, if God is real, is God all powerful (able to stop this stuff) or just a jerk. Sure, it's a tired old thought exercise, but so is the OP. I mean, God could exist and just not be able to be involved for whatever reason, so God is not all powerful. Or, the other option is that God is a dick who gives cancer to children. People have thought about this for centuries, and we'll never know.

Also leads to one of my favorite movie quotes, Kingdom of Heaven
'God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn't, then he is not God and we need not worry.'

If pure evil can exist than so can pure love
Even as an atheist, I like this line of thinking. Doesn't even necessarily have to apply to God. It's a nice thing to think about when you are disappointed with the world.


Dec 20, 2017
Seventh grade was hardcore.
it wasn't the first time we learned about slavery or the holocaust, but it's when I had a FANTASTIC civics teacher and he didn't hold back in his lectures.
saw the holocaust pictures, the Atlantic slave trade ship diagrams, andjust enough stuff to really blow away this idea that my mom has raised me to believe, that god loves us all and that this is a just world under his rule.

like, wtf humanity. We also looked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and little 13 year old me wrote an essay about how the US was evil for having dropped those bombs and how the Iraq war was unjustified.

How can god be real when we do things like this to each other?
When we enslave, exterminate, and evaporate, each other?

whats the point?
What's the game?

if you say: all part of gods plan, then what shitty plan is that?

just curious, as children, what were your reactions when you found out that: oh wait, people are FUCKED UP
You made up a conclusion under the subconscious assumption that your moral judgement is the objective pinnacle judgement of all time, and that your logic is flawless.

You did not study anything about it, hearing from hearsay, and immediately makes a conclusion about the topic of God, thinking you must be right.

"How can God be real when we do these to each other?" -- this is so logically flawed that i won't even bother to describe.

In short, there is a segment on Christian Apologetics, probably called "atheist moral dilemma", that debunks all your points using logic. It's the one thing atheism have never succeeded in answering, and probably will never try, and pretend it doesn't exist if they knew it, because one of the best argument for it actually comes from an atheist, and breaks down all atheist's logic about morality.
Blue Skies

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
What has religion to do with your argument against the evil that people do?
Religion, most of them, propose that an ultimate being created us, and also a majority of those religions believe that a messenger of that being walked among us, so it stands to reason that the ultimate being didn't "forget us", they obviously still care about their creation, so why would they allow their creatures to suffer? To be enslaved, to be killed, to be confused?


Nov 8, 2017
I was listening to an NPR talk last week and a speaker brought up how the Bible never says what Mary and Joseph did with all that gold they were given, I thought that was pretty entertaining. I kinda wanna re-read the Bible through a skeptical adult's lens and see how many other times plot threads get dropped.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Religion, most of them, propose that an ultimate being created us, and also a majority of those religions believe that a messenger of that being walked among us, so it stands to reason that the ultimate being didn't "forget us", they obviously still care about their creation, so why would they allow their creatures to suffer? To be enslaved, to be killed, to be confused?

You're not very aware of any religions that you are slamming are you?
Blue Skies

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
You made up a conclusion under the subconscious assumption that your moral judgement is the objective pinnacle judgement of all time, and that your logic is flawless.

You did not study anything about it, hearing from hearsay, and immediately makes a conclusion about the topic of God, thinking you must be right.

"How can God be real when we do these to each other?" -- this is so logically flawed that i won't even bother to describe.

In short, there is a segment on Christian Apologetics, probably called "atheist moral dilemma", that debunks all your points using logic. It's the one thing atheism have never succeeded in answering, and probably will never try, and pretend it doesn't exist if they knew it, because one of the best argument for it actually comes from an atheist, and breaks down all atheist's logic about morality.
I am perfectly fine in making the moral judgement that: Slavery/Holocaust are objectively bad.

the thread is literally about a seventh grader first hearing about the holocaust and slavery, events that have definite proof, vs god/belief, things that have no proof.

Ok don't bother describing it
Oct 31, 2017
To answer this thread, religious people will come up with literally any excuse so it's not worth arguing. Again, all their arguments will boil down to "God works in mysterious ways." How the fuck are you supposed to argue that?
Oct 27, 2017
I wish y'all could just answer, even you still religious folk, how did you react when you found out about some of humanities many inhumanities?
Did it not make you doubt this god you so much believe in?
I don't see how it should make you doubt God.

God gave people freewill. If people use this freedom to do bad things then that's their choice and they will be punished. If people do good things they will be rewarded.

I am not sure why this will make you doubt God if you believe in the concept of choice and free will.

Like seriously, if God prevented people from doing things then would that still be freedom and free will? No, it would not.


Oct 30, 2017
Your average religious person doesn't even know what's in their own books.

if i thought my eternal soul was contingent on a the contents of a book, you bet your ass i'd have that shit memorized forward and back

most religious people literally couldn't give a shit less by comparison

forget god, people work in some mysterious ass ways
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