
Oct 27, 2017
There can only be two.. no more and no less.. a master and an apprentice.

Kind of makes sense for the original trilogy maybe but the expanded universe, prequels and sequels seemed to just throw it out the window yet they repeat the phrase and never retcon it.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
The thing is, there are a lot of force user cults and schools of thought. Though yeah I did feel like they painted themselves into a corner with that line.

Deleted member 29857

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
I thought there were always more, but the 'rule of two' only allowed for 2 to be active. The rest was just undercover.


Apr 27, 2018
Their desire for power means they'd betray and destroy each other. While the Sith remained hidden they had the rule to limit themselves till the time was right.
Oct 31, 2017
It was always a dumb idea. Especially the "no less" part. There *always* has to be someone else training in the wings in case one of the "actual" Sith are killed. Even the Clone Wars era had Dooku and Assaj Ventress and Savage Oppress, beyond Sidious and Maul.


Oct 30, 2017
The Sith are just one specific order of evil Force wielders who get the "Darth" title, there are still many others out there.

During Sheev's tenure the rule of two was something they used to stay hidden in the shadows after almost being wiped out.


Oct 31, 2017
KOTOR 1/2 into Darth bane I felt explained it best (and Darth bane was at least partly canonised).

If your entire cult is based on the ideology of your absolute control and thirst for power. Your biggest enemy stops being the Jedi. Your biggest enemy inevitably ends up just being other Sith running around. Basically like the Tory party.


Oct 25, 2017
Almost as if the Sith is a stupid idea in general. Notice how it's never brought up in the OT aka the best of the trilogies.


Oct 25, 2017
Not every Dark Side user is a Sith. Only a specific lineage of masters and apprentices are true Sith. Palpatine is the only Sith master we ever see in the movies and he only ever has one apprentice at a time.

Also, the Rule of Two is a relatively new innovation in the Star Wars timeline. Any media that depicts a bunch of Sith running around take place before it was implemented.


Oct 30, 2017
There are many Dark-side users but only 2 actual Sith Lords at any given time. Just to provide more context on the Rule of Two and why Darth Bane instituted it.:

By its very nature, the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order.

The constant battling of the Sith since the beginning of recorded history served a necessary purpose: it kept the power of the dark side concentrated in a few powerful individuals. The Brotherhood had changed all that. There were now a hundred or more Dark Lords following Kaan, but most were weak and inferior. The Sith numbers were greater than they had ever been, yet they were still losing the war against the Jedi.

The power of the dark side cannot be dispersed among the masses. It must be concentrated in the few who are worthy of the honor.

The strength of numbers was a trap . . . one that had snared all the great Sith Lords who had come before. Naga Sadow, Exar Kun, Darth Revan: each had been powerful. Each had drawn disciples in, teaching them the ways of the dark side. Each had assembled an army of followers and unleashed them against the Jedi. Yet in each and every case the servants of light had prevailed.

The Jedi would always remain united in their cause. The Sith would always be brought low by infighting and betrayals. The very traits that drove them to individual greatness and glory-the unrelenting ambition, the insatiable hunger for power-would ultimately doom them as a whole. This was the inescapable paradox of the Sith.

Kaan had tried to solve the problem by making everyone equal in the Brotherhood. But his solution was flawed. It showed no understanding of the real problem. No understanding of the true nature of the dark side.

The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the very embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. If all are equal, then none is strong. Yet whoever rose from the swollen and bloated ranks of the Sith to claim the mantle of Dark Lord would never be able to hold it. In time the apprentices will unite their strength and overthrow the Master. It is inevitable. Together the weak would overwhelm the strong in a gross perversion of the natural order.

. . . .

Minions and servants could be drawn in to the service of the dark side by the temptation of power. They could be given small tastes of what it offered, as an owner might share morsels from the table with his faithful curs. In the end, however, there could be only one true Sith Master. And to serve this Master, there could be only one true apprentice. Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power, the other to crave it. The Rule of Two

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (CH 23)


Mar 18, 2018
It's not a fault of the story, it's quite literally arbitrary in-universe.

Its often used as a trick to convince minions to do their dirty work for them "well kill the emperor together and take over" before throwing them away when no longer useful.

Theres a lot of story issues with star wars but this isn't one of them.


Oct 26, 2017
The Sith are essentially a fundamentalist religious order. Training an apprentice to become strong enough to kill the master is the whole point. The master dies, but the Sith (in theory) grow stronger with every iteration.
its also motivation for the master to not get lazy. Want to live? keep getting stronger so your apprentice takes longer to catch up.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure at this point it basically means there are only two high ranking officials/bosses. Basically think of it like a criminal syndicate which has a head honcho and their right hand man. That's my interpretation, anyway.

with the inquisitors and maul and who knows who else running around during the Palpatine/Vader years it's just a bit silly to pretend otherwise.


Oct 30, 2017
Well you see, it's super simple. As Rise of Skywalker showed us, you can have hundreds and hundreds of Sith followers, and to preserve the Rule of Two, all you gotta do is say the two bad guys with the fanciest outfits and/or the most screentime count as real Sith.

Actually RoS didn't provide any clarity at all regarding Sith hierarchy. But sheesh, there sure was an inexplicably huge crowd of robed dudes in the bleachers on Exegol.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
  • Its era dependent, so it doesnt always apply
  • being an official sith is more like a job title, doesnt mean you cant have a red lightsaber and do evil shit with the force (see: inquisitors)
  • its fiction, they can break the rule however and whenever the fuck they want


Oct 27, 2017
i think, in the gist, being a "sith" is ceremonial

you can be a dark force user and go around blowing up planets but upper management still has to grant you a golden star


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Almost as if the Sith is a stupid idea in general. Notice how it's never brought up in the OT aka the best of the trilogies.
Fun fact: the term Sith first appeared in the novelization of the first Star Wars that released almost half a year before the movie.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
Because it is made of a guy who also came up with the name Darth Icky.


Oct 26, 2017
I've always figured the rules of two was reserved for Sith Lords in particular. As others have mentioned, other practitioners in the dark side can exist.


Dec 10, 2017
Have you noticed a particular set of words that keep coming out of the mouth of Sith apprentices? Something about overthrowing their master and ruling the galaxy?

It's been a while but I believe the Sith were very numerous at one point and they nearly all died out because they were obsessed with gaining as much power as possible and that meant killing each other, so that rule was instituted. The apprentices were still all about killing their masters once they became strong enough.

Also the Sith follow a religion, "simply" fallen Jedi or dark side users in general are still assholes with the same aspirations to power and rule. They just don't follow the Sith religion.

Not surprised that EU work has completely ignored the rules.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
They clearly meant only two sith per movie


Oct 30, 2017
Should have just rectified "rule of two" to mean that every Sith must always be either a master or an apprentice. So always in pairs.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a laughable, overly-literal take on a throwaway Yoda line.

I'm sure he meant that there's got to be another Sith besides Maul because they have a master-apprentice system. But somehow that got taken as ONLY TWO IN THE ENTIRE GALAXY NO MORE NO LESS!!!!!!!!

Then writers, burdened by this utterly stupid idea, have struggled to make it make sense for decades. It never did.


Oct 28, 2017
As a casual viewer I always thought it meant that they just worked in pairs. That a Sith Master always has an apprentice. If the apprentice becomes the master, then they take on a new apprentice. And so on.


Oct 28, 2017
There is a difference between Sith in the line of Master-Apprentice succession and the individuals around them, who are generally seen as weaker or of lower potential. The first two are in an educational relationship. The rest merely serve.

The lore absolutely accounts for the fact that there are a ton of other people with red lightsabers out there.


Oct 25, 2017
I just alway took it as there being many masters and apprentices, they just work independently and even against each other sometimes; whereas the Jedi form a council and democratic institution.

The sith are just rouges.


Aug 1, 2019
It's a rule that has nothing in universe actually keeping it from being broken. It's more like the sort of oath you take after finishing University that you'll only use your knowledge for good or whatever. Sure, you swore it and it can maybe be used against you in court, but practically speaking nobody can stop you from breaking it.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
It's some fuckin bullshit tell you what. Different potential Sith would do better with different teachers. Since there is only one teacher, some of them who would be perfectly good Sith never reach that point because they don't have a good teacher who would take them there. Why don't they deserve a change?


Nov 2, 2017
Lol, I always thought it meant a master could only have one apprentice and an apprentice can only have one master 🤷‍♂️


Oct 29, 2017
Do they always have to travel in different ships? What if it crashes and the sith are gone forever.


Oct 25, 2017
I just alway took it as there being many masters and apprentices, they just work independently and even against each other sometimes; whereas the Jedi form a council and democratic institution.

The sith are just rouges.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Read the Darth Bane trilogy, it's so good.

It's not that there are only two dark force users out there or anything, it's that only two can be part of the grand plan (to destroy the Jedi). It was brought on by Darth Bane seeing the Sith lose over and over due to infighting and power struggles, so he devised a system where the Sith master (him) takes on one apprentice, and it's expected that the apprentice should grow stronger and overtake him. That way, the line is continuously getting stronger - which is why Sidious is so damn powerful and scheming - he was the last of a 1000-year line of this Rule.

Those finer details are no longer canon though :(

But yeah. The first Bane book has a ton of Sith and by the end - there's only Bane and a young apprentice - won't spoil how it happens in case you read. Everyone raves about the heir to the empire trilogy but the Bane trilogy was IMO even better.


Oct 25, 2017
There's only the master and the apprentice sith. Then there's the help, who aren't sith, but one of them may become the apprentice if one of the proper sith is found wanting.


Apr 29, 2019
It was always a dumb idea. Especially the "no less" part. There *always* has to be someone else training in the wings in case one of the "actual" Sith are killed. Even the Clone Wars era had Dooku and Assaj Ventress and Savage Oppress, beyond Sidious and Maul.

Ventress was never officially a Sith apprentice, though. She was taught in the dark side, but probably not a lot of in-depth Sith teachings. But it's why Sidious orders Dooku to kill her eventually, since she's skirting the line too much, and becoming more than the simple assassin Dooku would claim her to be.

Opress was even less of a Sith, as his power came from Night Sister magicks, and Dooku barely had the chance to teach him anything. Maul took him under his wing, for sure, but he was never a master, and he seemed like he didn't teach Opress much about the Sith anyhow.

It's a gray area, for sure, but it seems like the rule isn't officially broken in those instances. Just because you're apprenticed to a Sith, that doesn't make you a Sith apprentice, basically.
Sep 12, 2018
Nah there are always 3, Master, apprentice and a secret one that furthers their agenda and who stays mostly under the radar.

Jar Jar Binks


Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
KOTOR 1/2 into Darth bane I felt explained it best (and Darth bane was at least partly canonised).

If your entire cult is based on the ideology of your absolute control and thirst for power. Your biggest enemy stops being the Jedi. Your biggest enemy inevitably ends up just being other Sith running around. Basically like the Tory party.


Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
It's a laughable, overly-literal take on a throwaway Yoda line.

I'm sure he meant that there's got to be another Sith besides Maul because they have a master-apprentice system. But somehow that got taken as ONLY TWO IN THE ENTIRE GALAXY NO MORE NO LESS!!!!!!!!

Then writers, burdened by this utterly stupid idea, have struggled to make it make sense for decades. It never did.
This exactly. The "rule of two" might be one of the all-time best examples of Star Wars fiction hanging reams of dumb lore off of nothing, up there with Boba Fett and the Clone War.


Nov 15, 2017
The way I understood it is that can only be 2 acknowledged Sith plotting/ruling, where-as other Sith still exist in the shadows if they need to take their place. Ultimately though, those other Sith are not necessarily aligned with the "2" and just want power for themselves or are pawns that do their bidding. Mara Jade, for example, was a pawn of Palpatine and brainwashed at that.


Oct 30, 2017
I like to think the "rule of two" is just a Sith lie to get gullible Jedi to not take them seriously.