
Oct 26, 2017
At this point, I'm starting to feel like the dlc won't be the same leap in quality as was Frozen Wilds. They dropping half-assed blogs despite the game releasing in 2 weeks. Not sure the point of these blog posts.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
The clouds are pretty but don't really feel like a big leap from Red Dead Redemption 2 in my memory.

I'll see how substantial the DLC is before paying. Felt satisfied after Forbidden West but also felt the same after Zero Dawn. Frozen Wilds felt pretty important to fully grasping the story of the game and I worry Burning Shores will follow suit.

I think its weird that CYAN was barely a factor in Forbidden West. Honestly, I hope Burning Shores IS crucial to the next game's story and not just a side mission.


Oct 30, 2017
At this point, I'm starting to feel like the dlc won't be the same leap in quality as was Frozen Wilds. They dropping half-assed blogs despite the game releasing in 2 weeks. Not sure the point of these blog posts.

Huh they're talking about how they upgraded the cloud tech? Which reminded me of how they upgraded the snow tech in Frozen Wilds haha

I don't know if Frozen Wilds was making a huge deal about itself with trailers, it could have been blog posts as well.

I wouldn't really expect a Frozen Wilds leap anyway. Frozen Wilds big improvements were with the facial animations and made cutscenes/conversations more dynamic, problems base Forbidden West doesn't have.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point, I'm starting to feel like the dlc won't be the same leap in quality as was Frozen Wilds. They dropping half-assed blogs despite the game releasing in 2 weeks. Not sure the point of these blog posts.
My biggest issue is we haven't seen anything and still don't know the scope. We should not be guessing if this is going to be similar to Frozen Wilds or if it's more or less ambitious than that DLC when we are only three weeks away from release. The marketing for this has been truly awful.


Oct 27, 2017
Huh they're talking about how they upgraded the cloud tech? Which reminded me of how they upgraded the snow tech in Frozen Wilds haha

I don't know if Frozen Wilds was making a huge deal about itself with trailers, it could have been blog posts as well.

I wouldn't really expect a Frozen Wilds leap anyway. Frozen Wilds big improvements were with the facial animations and made cutscenes/conversations more dynamic, problems base Forbidden West doesn't have.

Yeah, most of the things that made Frozen Wilds great are things that Forbidden West already have so, it won't be a big leap in comparison.

That being said, the game focusing much more on flying is new, you barely use it in the base game so, we could see something quite different after all.


Oct 28, 2017
Ok, literal clouds.
I came in thinking Sony went all MS and is talking about integration with the cloud.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Looking good for sure.
i can't help remembering the grassgate drama we had a few years back haha..

future titles may involve be cloudgate :-p j/k
Never heard of grass gate but I remember puddlegate with Spidey.

I remember playing the 1st game and thinking it was gorgeous and the scale got bigger and it's looking even better now. Can't wait to check it out.


Jul 21, 2018
Hopefully Aloy finds an old world cloud making device (a vape) so we can start blowing fat clouds around the map


Oct 28, 2017
Getting the flying mount in FB was an incredible moment for me, even though i knew it was coming.
FB is amazing, you can go from a deep dive to the sky within a few seconds.

I will spent hours flying through this gorgeous clouds.


Jul 26, 2018
That's a new flying machine in the first gif.

They have to include a boost feature or a machine which is capable of flying at a higher speed.


Oct 25, 2018
Does anyone know if I can buy the expac if I have the Plus version of the game? Or do I have to get the game plus the expac? Thank you


Mar 10, 2019
Getting the flying mount in FB was an incredible moment for me, even though i knew it was coming.
FB is amazing, you can go from a deep dive to the sky within a few seconds.

I will spent hours flying through this gorgeous clouds.

Definitely. It's a shame you can only mount flying machines at the very end of the game. I'm replaying it right now and I'm enjoying it much more now, flying literally transforms the experience imo. Now, we need to be able to fly much higher, a bit faster with a wider fov and while I'm at it, we need to be able to mount underwater machines and go deep.


Oct 28, 2017
Forbidden West left me burnt out on this franchise. And ZD was my favorite new ip from the ps4 Era. It was such a bloated game with meaningless and obstructive subsystems. I won't be buying this at launch.

It took me exactly 1 year to finish the game. For some reason, I really had to force myself to play it, so yeah, I'm in no rush to play any DLC
Oct 30, 2017
Really would love to see in Horizon 3 huge sky battles battles happening.

Aloy able to grapple from bird to bird. You're moving miles across the map. Enhanced flight options, attacks, and actions she can do.

Give me my mech dragon Lair game segments.
Oct 25, 2017
Silicon Valley
My biggest issue is we haven't seen anything and still don't know the scope. We should not be guessing if this is going to be similar to Frozen Wilds or if it's more or less ambitious than that DLC when we are only three weeks away from release. The marketing for this has been truly awful.
Don't worry, we're getting some meaty stuff soon. Alongside other games.


Oct 31, 2017
Very impressive given how expensive resources wise voxels and volumes are in general. Can't wait to experience it.


Oct 5, 2020
I skipped most of the side quests near the end of HZFW, I just kinda was done...
But I came back just recently to finish up loose ends and maybe get the platinum before the DLC.
Worth coming back.


Oct 27, 2017
Beautiful Province of Quebec.

I see this and I dream of a Panzer Dragoon Saga Remake...and then I wake up.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Got the Platinum just today. I will keep the game until the reviews drop for the dlc. If it's like frozen wild without any real stake to the story, might skip the dlc and delete the game. There's always YouTube


Oct 27, 2017
Really would love to see in Horizon 3 huge sky battles battles happening.

Aloy able to grapple from bird to bird. You're moving miles across the map. Enhanced flight options, attacks, and actions she can do.

Give me my mech dragon Lair game segments.

Took me a second to get your reference, I thought you were talking about Dragon's Lair and felt weird 🧑‍🦳


Oct 28, 2017
Much prefered Forbidden West to Zero Dawn overall. I have quite a few issues with the story the game told about the old world, and also its 'Fuck yeah science' message - even though I am a scientist. I like the amazing presentation that Forbidden West has, and the world is much more varied and beautiful than the first game. I also thought the side characters were more developed and there is a better sense of exploration, partly because the world is very beautiful. But yeah, overall the improved presentation makes a big difference for me.

I am hoping we finally get more attack options with mounts in this, including the flying ones. That is one way they can really push things further in the DLC, and more so in the next game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I ever felt like the mount was too slow in the og honestly, I was just mostly mesmerized by how beautiful everything was when I was flyin around. I guess when I obsessively tried to fly over every single inch of the ocean map to reveal it all (before I learned it auto-revealed if I found all the points of interest :\) I coulda stood to have to go faster. Either way I'm psyched to fly a lot more in Burning Shores.


Oct 4, 2018
I'm excited for more HFW. The story was just okay for me. "Future people" is just not what I wanted. I loved all the stuff with the new tribes and the ways they interpret cultures. So, I hope the DLC focuses on that kinda stuff


Oct 27, 2017
I think its weird that CYAN was barely a factor in Forbidden West. Honestly, I hope Burning Shores IS crucial to the next game's story and not just a side mission.
Yeah. Aloy mentioned CYAN to Gaia at one point, asking if she might be able to help. But I think they kind of hand waved it away by saying CYAN was probably hesitant to respond to any attempts at communication, given what happened with Hephestus in Frozen Wilds.

I do wonder if CYAN might make an appearance in Burning Shores though (considering all the volcanic activity in the teaser, which directly relates to CYAN's function).

Really would love to see in Horizon 3 huge sky battles battles happening.

Aloy able to grapple from bird to bird. You're moving miles across the map. Enhanced flight options, attacks, and actions she can do.

Give me my mech dragon Lair game segments.
Yeah, that'd be awesome. Improving the usefulness of machines/mounts in combat in general would be a great area to focus on.

Regarding dragons, now that Hephestus has been exposed to the Apollo database via the Far Zenith base, I wonder if it might pull some inspiration from fictional legendary creatures for some new machines in the future...

They also haven't done any bug inspired machines yet. I'm thinking of a giant spider mech as a new big bad on par with Thunderjaw and Tremortusk. Or a dragonfly machine to mount that could control more like a helicopter.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Yeah. Aloy mentioned CYAN to Gaia at one point, asking if she might be able to help. But I think they kind of hand waved it away by saying CYAN was probably hesitant to respond to any attempts at communication, given what happened with Hephestus in Frozen Wilds.

I do wonder if CYAN might make an appearance in Burning Shores though (considering all the volcanic activity in the teaser, which directly relates to CYAN's function).

yeah it would be cool if they picked up again with CYAN specifically in the DLC as like a "semi-sequel" to Frozen Wilds