What do you think?

  • I've liked this new schedule

    Votes: 227 20.6%
  • I haven't liked it. Bring back E3 week.

    Votes: 874 79.4%

  • Total voters


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
It will take time, it's messy and shows how bad it can get without set deadlines. However, I think it is a strong start. There is far too much filler, everyone and their mothers had the same idea "maybe indies can have their time to shine now". But I think now, more than ever, is a terrible time to showcase smaller games in shows like Future Game Show, PC Gaming Show, etc. Sadly, AAA will now stand out more, indies will drown


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It sucks the only thing that was good was Sony's PS5 event because it sorta felt like an E3 event minus alot of the talking.


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda funny how last year it was all "E3 is dead" "publishers will realize they no longer need E3 and can make their own conferences" E3 is now irelevant"

AndNow people are crawlin back begging for E3 again.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of this. We're the enthusiasts, and we can't even keep up with this stuff or muster excitement for it. The only thing that is getting eyes is the big stuff like the PS5 reveal, all these small indie streams are getting record lows for views. Things that would've gotten people to see them if they were sandwiched with the bigger stuff are now just falling through the grates.


Nov 20, 2018
I was initially looking forward to it, but honestly Sony was the only good thing so far and that itself was basically a Sony E3 conference. The IGN shows have been nothing but paid-for cringy garbage so far with nothing noteworthy shown. Smaller, indy projects have a place at E3, but when almost everything (aside from parts of Sony's) is in that same grouping nothing stands out among the crowd.


Oct 18, 2019
Not feeling it, stuff is spread too much and honestly, apart from the PS5 presentation the rest was quite sub-par, in my opinion.


Nov 20, 2018
Also, it is important to note the sheer amount of bullshit advertising going on with these things. Countless 2+ hour long streams that really don't show much and are just filled with a shit ton of ads.

Criticize E3 all you want, and there are things to criticize, but at the very least the streamlined nature of it doesn't leave much room for the industry vultures to swoop in.


Nov 17, 2017
E3 was focused, and you knew what to expect. While this new format might be good for indie devs, 90% of it feels like filler.

It's funny because everyone kept saying E3 was dead, and aging. I think this summer is just gonna prove how much we're gonna miss it.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how anyone could possibly prefer this. If we had E3 like normal we'd have had all this information all released last week and easy to find/sift through, instead of this slow trickle of randomly announced conferences and presentations


Nov 8, 2017
The circumstances that have driven the current reveals are awful, but the content delivery schedule is superior to a traditional conference. E3 is such an overblown event for reveals that the very very few great moments are the ones that people will prop up to make it seem like it's always worth it. Fact is, most companies have no idea how to fill out an hour of stage time unless they're swimming in game reveals.

I am convinced that an all-online E3 type of deal, where everything is scheduled like a normal E3 but done in Nintendo Direct-esque video presentations, could potentially be superior to the event itself. Especially if it's supplemented with online demos for the games, which probably wouldn't happen but would be at least more feasible if it didn't happen to occur right before next-gen. The problem is just that this isn't that.

Mr X

Oct 25, 2017
Virginia / US
Not a fan at all honestly. But I was sad when I heard e3 was cancelled (for good reason with everyone pulling out even before the pandemic). Hope it makes a return. Not enjoying how spread out everything is now. Will catch the major shows, but haven't even paid attention to much else. Hopefully I will catch games I am interested in passing.


Nov 20, 2018
I am convinced that an all-online E3 type of deal, where everything is scheduled like a normal E3 but done in Nintendo Direct-esque video presentations, could potentially be superior to the event itself. Especially if it's supplemented with online demos for the games, which probably wouldn't happen but would be at least more feasible if it didn't happen to occur right before next-gen. The problem is just that this isn't that.

It doesn't help that IGN seemed to swoop in, partition, and sell show spots before the ESA ever got its shit together; which has led to this disorganized ad-filled mess.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Tbh I was paying more attention to smaller games due to the Sony show. These tiny announcements that no one's watching is probably giving smaller games less visibility than being on a large show like Sony's or Microsofts.


Sep 7, 2019
I definitely prefer this new schedule of events. Now I can avoid watching tons of filler investor talk, and watch conferences/events that I'm interested in, and get any tidbits I missed through social media


Oct 25, 2017
It's really annoying. I can't keep up with what streams are going on because none of them individually are as high profile, I don't know what's getting announced or who's going to announce what where and the fact that all of this is being stretched out across three months makes it so the announcements are stretched thin so the most I've really felt from hearing about any piece of news has mostly been "oh cool".

I wouldn't mind if they stretched this makeshift replacement E3 to across one month instead of three (especially so some smaller games could get more attention) and had some better organization, but as it is it's not doing it for me.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
It has been absolutely horrible for how I like to consume this content. I hate it so much. If any execs are watching this thread. Please go back to a one-week blowout. If it has to be something not called E3 idgaf. Just please put it all back together again.


Jun 6, 2020
I thought E3 was already getting too spread out in it's later years, no way I can keep up with a daily trickle of events. Now there's no point in keeping tabs unless I happen to know something I'm interested in is coming up, and the best part of E3 is the spectacle of surprises.


Oct 25, 2017
so happy to see most people agree with me that this e3 replacement abomination that we have currently is really....NOT good. (especially after the last e3 thread where lots of people were celebrating e3's death)

one of the biggest arguments the anti-e3 crowd made was that by not having a weeklong event, this made it easier for video games to get exposure. yet, i've been finding it difficult to keep track of most of the big games that have come out so far. with the exception of the biggest games, i'm missing out FAR more than i ever did at a traditional e3.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Never again, please. E3 needs to be back.


Oct 25, 2017
The craziest thing to have happen in all of this is the one company that had no plans to have an event at E3 (Sony), ends up being the only one to have an event during E3 week


Oct 29, 2017
I initially was thinking I liked it too. But now that the dust has settled, it just feels like it is taking forever.

We are going to have to wait until at least August to see all the game announcements. I guess I too impatient.


Mar 14, 2019
Generally, it's not bad; this week (and weekend) was a bit much though.

-I like the idea of "indie expos", but too much all in the same week is... too much, lol


Oct 28, 2017
I hate it way more than I expected. Things are spread out way too much, we never seem to know when events are happening (Microsoft's conference still isn't dated)...ugh.


Oct 26, 2017
I kiiinda like it, but it could stand to be over a period of one or two months rather than three or four...


Oct 25, 2017
i'm hoping that given how much of a shitshow it's been so far, all the major (and non-major) publishers/developers decide to do an about face, kind of like what happened the last time they tried an e3 alternative back in 2007. sure, maybe make some improvements where possible, but still attempt to get things back to normal by next year (assuming the pandemic dies down by then).


Oct 26, 2017
Generally, it's not bad; this week (and weekend) was a bit much though.

-I like the idea of "indie expos", but too much all in the same week is... too much, lol

We heard you like indies so we put indie conference inside indie conference so you can watch indie conference while you are watching indie conference XD


Sep 19, 2018
On one hand, E3 isn't worth the cost of running or attending for most people. It's heavily valued despite being a commercial montage with demos for the public to wait in very long lines for. And I personally don't care about most of the games that show up.

On the other hand, it's nice that there's a week with set expectations. I like these fucking toy commercials as much as everyone else on this forum does, and I like how everyone presents something at around the same time and that they bring their best.

I'm split on this, but in the end, I just want Nintendo to show more BOTW2 and Smash DLC.


Nov 4, 2019
It's definitely been a boring mess. The PS5 event has been the only interesting part of the last two months. I'm guessing we won't see anything as interesting until August with the Xbox presentation & the stuff Sony held over.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it sucks. Especially in the context of generational shift.

E3 basically forced console manufacturers to reveal everything all at once (price, features, backwards compatibility, etc). Instead we're getting a very tiresome drip-feed of information spread across months. Thursday was supposed to be the PS5 blowout, but we still don't really know how much it will cost, what the OS is like, what its primary features/apps are, or when it will be released.


Dec 11, 2018
Perfect for this year as it gives me a reason to wake up and look forward to something. Any other year, E3 is much better.


May 2, 2018
I like it and think it's super apt for the current climate as it gives something to look forward to, but I would prefer if things were more compressed with concrete dates. Would have been way better if everything ran through June, rather than this bizarre May-June-July-August spread.

Some of the shows have been a bit lacklustre, but that's likely more a symptom of corona impacting development, rather than the scheduling itself.


Oct 25, 2017
I absolutely hate it. In fact this entire next Gen roll out has been slooowwww. Some due to unforseen circumstances, some not so much. I'm past the point where I just want them to tell me everything, enough with the teases.


Oct 28, 2017
Unfortunately, I don't like this at all... I highly prefer to have everything condensed to one week in June and one in August with some smaller stuff throughout the year. It's just so hard to keep track of everything because everybody is doing their own thing ... and we got a lot of more "real" gameplay from E3 (this might be due to COVID-19).

I get that this might be better for smaller titles and their visibility though.


Mar 14, 2019
We heard you like indies so we put indie conference inside indie conference so you can watch indie conference while you are watching indie conference XD
I mean, I say that I'm over-loaded.

But I also watch these things with my phone next to me, with the steam app running, and everything cool that I see just gets chucked in the wishlist.

Then later I can scroll to the very bottom of the list and refresh myself on whatever I saw that I liked. So I guess they're kinda getting the job done? Lol

Idk. If this was a regular year, I'd probably hate this format with a passion, cuz it's so bloody time-consuming; Since I'm stuck working from home anyways wit nothing much to do, having these long streams, deep dives and cavalcades of trailers is... fine. It suits the circumstances.

I really like how the Escapist did their thing: a 2-hour stream of games, followed by 3 days of in-depth looks at most of them. See what you like, tune in when you want to get more info.

Yesterday's Guerilla Collective, PC Gaming Show + then Future Games Show nearly back-to-back was just waaay to much tho. Got about a titles out of it all for the wishlist, but it's hard on the brain to keep up, lol.


Dec 31, 2019
The only thing really worthy of note was Sony's show and even that was pretty lackluster without the audience and ambience that E3 brings. The only thing else to look forward too is MS's blowout show in July. It sucks compared to the regular E3 week.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
The only thing I've paid attention to is the PS5 reveal.
I couldn't even tell you what other events there have been.

E3 is much better.
Oct 28, 2017
Didn't watch the MS's 3rd party video. Watched Sony's video and it was boring. Empty. Needs to be live, needs a stage, needs an audience, needs the ups and lows, needs the nervous and sometimes peculiar people. Needs post-shows and the hype. Sony's video was too edited like a commercial. Ofc E3 is nothing but a commercial but you know what I mean.

Also always loved the E3 crunch.